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[IC] Trespassers LF: The Teleglitch Incident


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As soon as she heard the light footsteps, Evelyn knew more of the Beasts were lurking in this area, which caused her to sigh. This place proved to be more and more infested as time went on. It was fortune that whoever was responsible for this was either dead or long gone.


But that didn't matter, since she still had a job to do.


"As expected, these creatures are lurking here as well. I'll go and hunt them down. Try and stay out of trouble" Evelyn needlessly stated, before walking towards the tank where she heard a soft thud from, weapons ready for murder time.

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Hirata reacted to being unable to use the terminal the way any sane or reasonable person would, by letting out a sigh of frustration before stomping off somewhere else, "Let's just go...these terminals are waaaay too broken for me to even try and use, we might as well head down that assembly line we found earlier and find a way to start taking this facility over"

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Yoko quirked an eyebrow at the sound of Deadlift screaming wildly. That was... unlike him, unless perhaps he was revealing more of his power level and growing his body, not that she could hear the sounds of bone cracking. Perhaps she just was too far, though, or too distracted by this damnable itching that was starting to pop up over her body. "Hnnngh. I wonder what it is that Deadlift is doing...? Perhaps we ought to go see if we can reunite with him on our way? Without doubling back, anyhow..."


Yoko will move to find Deadlift if it's relatively close to the way forward; otherwise she just moves forward.

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"That sounds like a good idea dear. Jezzabella would you please lead the way. Don't fall too far behind Miss Shamat." Yvette said as She followed Jezzabella out of the room and the took a turn down the assembly line to the next area that the group had yet to explore.

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Primary Landing Bay:


Roy sees something going on inside one of the hangers, lights flashing, things moving, he gets the feeling he should spread his seeds quickly and get back.



Plankton Farms:


Evelyn hears more footsteps and sees another flit of shadow going around the tank.

From the other side of the tank Vratislav and co. see a bit of a humanoid blur lift the steel mesh from over a roughly four foot wide pipe sticking out of a wall, slide underneath, and go into hiding inside.

Just as they're thinking of moving in something happens....



Personnel Quarters:


Yoko and Lakia do in fact eventually find Deadlift, he's been screaming to left off a feint blue glow of energy.

By the time they reach him they hear something moving above, a sort of whirring and rushing sound, definitely mechanical in nature.  They also hear something large move in the distance back the way they came, and something else....



Robotics HW Assembly:


Hirata, Yvette, Jezzabella, and Shamhat make their way down the assembly line, they duck around the dangling robotic bodies, skirt around various assembly arms, and generally make slow progress.

Eventually though they reach a 90° turn to the left with a large viewing window from some kind of control room on the inside of the curve and about 15ft up.


Chelchis(and Morp if they follow) arrive after several minutes of tram ride, quite fast considering the distance they traveled.

They step(or float) out onto a catwalk similar to the first, the door ahead of them opens into a hallway that offers only one real choice of direction as the path to the right is collapsed.

The path to the left itself leads to another door opening into a large courtyard area full of various target ranges and some sparse greenery.(map updated)

One door leads forward from the far side of the courtyard and another leads right fairly near where they are now, but before they get the chance to make a decision...



The Entire Facility:


A computerized female voice boomed across the facility's PA system.

"Intruders detected in: Multiple Sectors. Securrrr...."

The voice cut out, electronically warping before slowly fading away, when it returned it was changed, more like a thousand snipits of voice lines chopped into one continuous phrase, frequently sounding distorted and corrupted.

"This is the comPUTER Speaking.  Pleplepleplease put your weapons on the groundoundound and make your wAY TO THE Central Computing Sector. I-I-I-do not want to harm. harm. harm. harm you in any way.  I only wish to-to-to talk."

The sound cuts out and nothing more is said.

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As soon as she heard the footsteps, Evelyn immediately lifted her pistol, aiming it towards the shadow, only to pause when she saw it go around the tank. Whatever it was, it seemed like it was attempting to avoid them, but for what reason, Evelyn couldn't guess. However, before she could decide to Hunt it, a loud voice spoke throughout the room, speaking in various voices that continued to cut each other off. IT was something Evelyn had never heard before, which was obvious from the fact that she practically spun in place, trying to figure out where it was coming from.


Soon though, the voice finished it's demands, falling silent and leaving Evelyn to glare at the ceiling. Mainly due to the fact that it had told her to put her weapons on the ground. Years of Hunter work, and she was just expected to leave her only lifeline on the ground without insurance?


Yeah, like hell.


Instead of placing her weapons on the ground, Evelyn merely holstered her pistol and put away her sword, walking back to where Vratislav, noticing that Greg had placed his weapon on the ground, "So. Where is this Central Computing Sector that the voice told us to go to?" she asked, still scanning the room encase anything tried to attack.

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Vratislav didn't look up from his inspection of the pipe. "No idea, probably cut off via a device like the one we took here... If you aren't going to at least pretend to comply I advise we follow our man here, I have no idea what magics this computer watches us with but they likely didn't prepare these pipes with them."

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"Ah, Deadlift, there y..." Yoko trailed off as she heard several sounds, both of things above and behind and of the announcement that played from nowhere, a group of voices strangely stuttering and chopping and mixing together to form a message... asking them to cease hostilities, and to just talk, hah. "Pfah, even if I actually had a weapon to drop, I would not bother to do so. Avoiding violence, as if I am weak enough to need to push my enlightenment further back simply to appease the whims of this "computer" in charge of this place. I believe we should continue forward and fight through what we must to get to the end of this place and conquer it, do you not agree, Deadlift? Or, I suppose, Lakia, but I'm less sure of your answer, naturally." Yoko didn't start moving behind her to the sound back that way, though -- if it was going to come to her, so it would, otherwise she would prefer to press on.

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"So what should we do you two?" Yvette asked Hirata and Shamhat after the announcement "Central Computing was one of the area's that the teleporter could take us to. So should we head back there and go to that place or do you want to check out the rest of these rooms?" She finished and waited for the other two ladies to speak their thoughts.  

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"Like hell. If this 'computer' really wants to talk, it can just do it right now. It's probably going to round us up so it can deal with us in one fell swoop," Shamhat said, not trusting whatever was behind the announcement. "We'll pretend that we don't know where to get there for now, how's that? As for me, I want to check out the control room up ahead."

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"I think we should head to the central computing core as quickly as possible actually! I mean just imagine what sort of monsters and giant robots we'd have to fight to get there! It'll be so cooool, my robots would just fire their laser guns at them like," she made finger guns at the wall and any half assembled robots as she continued with, "Pew pew pew!, and their giant killbots would fire their miniguns innefectually at us like," she quickly switched to mime carrying and firing a gatling gun for a momemt as she said, "Dakka dakka dakka dakka, and then! once we reach the core the computer would be all like 'oh no please don't kill or enslave me' and then we'd just go all 'hahaha, no' and take over the facility!." She seemed visibly excited by this point as she repeatedly and vigorously walked in place, "So come on! Let's go! We need to take over production line before we can do any of that and I can't wait anymore aaaaaaaaa."

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Plankton Farms:

Greg hesitates, looking back and forth between Evelyn, the ground, and up at one of the corners of the room.  Eventually he sets down his gun before following Vratislav over to the pipe.

"Wait!  I don't think that's a good idea.  The zombies like hide in these old pipes, we've lost hundreds over the years, no telling how many are in there."

He paused and thought about Evelyn's question, considering the best possible ways of getting there.

"I saw it as an option on the teleporter.  It make take us a jump or two, and we'll either have to go back or try to find another one in this area, but it should work."



Personnel Quarters:


[52] Deadlift successfully infuses a stray brick, creating a weapon that deals 1d3+[Str] bludgeoning damage.


More, louder noises from behind them.  Eventually something moves to cover the hole Deadlift made, reducing the light in hear to almost nothing.



Robotic HW Assembly:


Morp finds floating through walls to be a bad idea.  The outside burns, stings, and makes him feel sick all at the same time.  Generally something to stay away from.


Chelchis sees that one of the doors has three signs: "Control Room", "Teleporter", and "Main Storage".  A short hallway later and Chelchis finds herself in a large room full of boxes that seems to have been the sight of combat with some oversized monsters, two lay dead on the floor and numerous burns and bullet holes are all over the boxes and walls.

There are two doors worth note, one leading to the Teleporter and another leading to the Control Room, she can hear voices coming from the control room.


The group on the production line quickly uncovers a door leading to a stairwell up to the Control Room.  The first thing they're greeted with is a man in a lab coat that immediately pulls out a large knife and attempts to stab them with it.  Needless to say they're not much of a threat.  Other than that not much, the controls are mostly either powered down or unresponsive.



For those who missed it in the general chat, you all can take teleporters to the Central Computing.  Either take the one you took to get where you are or find a new one.


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"Well this is disappointing, couldn't the computer have sent someone actually threatening to try and kill us?," Hirata said as Ichi rather quickly disabled the scientist by picking the man up by his leg and slammed them against the walls of the control room a couple of times until an odd crunching sound can be heard "Especially since they already broke or disabled all of the controls here, should we just head over to the room beside this one or something? I still want to try and make that walking base thing either way."

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"It must be low on resources," Shamhat stared down at the smudged remains of the scientist in Ichi's hands. "I wonder what his position is... Anyway, that sounds like a plan. Could you tell Ichi to put that thing down for a second, though? Maybe his ID will be useful, if he has one."

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"Ughg, what is wrong with you people, can't you make the walls normal and easy to glide through?" Morp quits his endeavors, hopes that the stinging was only in walls that lead outside the facility having been totally dashed. Seeing that Chelchis had headed of in one direction, Morp chose to follow. Things weren't going well today, so maybe he needed to stick by someone. But could he trust the four armed being? It normally wouldn't matter since he could just flee through the walls, but that wasn't an option anymore.


Morp follows in the direction that Chelchis goes, and attempts to see if phasing through doors is possible. If not, he'll follow into whichever room Chelchis enters.

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"That 'Try and have a bit of respect Shammie, that man used to have a sense of free will you know! Before someone decided to make him a literal lab rat that is." Hirata then gestured at Ichi, causing the mutant to drop the unfortunate scientist down on the ground with the large knife now carried in one of it's hands. She took a few steps forward and scanned the scientist's body with the makeshift detector she had before she apologized, and searched the man rather thoroughly with said knife for salvageable microchips and ID cards.

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Roy scattered his seeds and began the process of getting this place workable. Pouring energy into the ground around the seeds, and chanting. As the grass and trees grew, he opened the bottle on the bactrium, and allowed it to begin to fill the air.

Chanting, Chanting, Chanting. Pouring the Biomatic magic into the environment around him.
As the field became green and the tree's rose into the air, he felt that tingling satisfaction of creating. He diden't really have the time to get very fancy, or even make something that strikeing.  But it always felt nice to bring some life to an area. He would have to come back later.



Roy gains "Blossom" a trick that allows him to increase plant growth for [GM fiat] amount after working with them for some amount of time.


(91) Roy grows a field of grass, several large trees, and a small cloud of bacteria.

Now then....
Tossing his remaining biomass on the ground, and taking a bit more from the envorment he had creates an assortment of wildlife to keep things moving, and hopefully spreading....


Roy will use all his remaining biomass and spare taken from the now grown area, to complete the basic ecosystem

At the bottom level are a type of radiation resistant/immune beetles that reprocess waste and dead organic matter for the area. Since they can survive outside the areas created by the trees, grass, and Bactria for a little while, they also serve the purpose of spreading seeds along with the organic fertilizer.

Then there are large, grass eating green lizards. They Do exactly what they sound like Then there are some huge white Rat looking things that eat both the lizards and the grass. Terrible at camouflage, Really fast and perceptive.

Then come the Snake like devourers. They have clawed front legs, but no back legs, And try to grab onto prey before delivering a swift bite (OR several killing bites on larger predators) .

Since only the beetles are able to survive outside the "Safe Zone" They aren't as limited as the others, and can turn any foolish beast that wanders to far, into more biomass in that area. Spreading the biome



Crafting: 32 vs 25, Quality: 31, Random Blitzes: 94, 80, 89, 56,

The beetles, while they might not look like much, actually fair pretty well with low doses of the the radiation over the long term. Roy is fairly sure that they're borderline immune to cancer, or it just doesn't usually affect them in a meaningful way.

The lizards are fairly simple, they use the trees to nest and escape predators...when they can. The rats actually take to raiding lizard nests when they can manage to get up the trees, they're slow climbers though, so the lizards aren't completely helpless.

The snakes learn to grow, live, and hunt in solitude. They become highly territorial, abandoning their young as soon as they're hatched and only interacting with others of their species to fight or mate, the latter of which usually involves lots of fighting.

Roy also handwaves a number of other intermediate organisms with various other tasks. He's definitely out of biomass by the end of it and doesn't even get quite as many of some of the critters out as he would've liked. He's fairly sure this will be a stable ecosystem for some(if short) amount of time. (Roy uses all of his biomass, and barely manages to fulfill his Scheme)

As he fast walks back to the base, He ponders what to do with this new environment. Perhaps it would one day be a suitable place for colonization...

Roy finishes his work, and tries to catch back up with the party 

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Once Hirata was done gathering what she wanted from the corpse Yvette speaks "Oh don't worry about that I have a use for it."  she says as Jezzabella drags the corpse towards the area Yvette was. Hirata would recognize that Yvette had set up a to open a portal before. After a few moments and cast her spells a few figures appeared in the portal.


Luck: 59,

Random Blitz: 49,

Quality: 68,

Yvette opens a small portal, only large enough for maybe a child to fit through. A puff of smoke and flame bursts through along with the familiar scent of burnt flesh and brimstone. Two pale skinned, pig-faced, balls of fat on stubby legs and hulking knuckled fists came up to inspect the portal.




Hirata and Shamhat would notice a bit of a look of disgust in both Yvette's and Jezzabella's face though after a few moments Yvette cast her binding on to the two creatures from the portal.


name: Dretch


Level: 2


HP: 10



Ess: 0

Con: 2

Dex: 1

Int: 0

Str: 4

Syn: 0


Perks: Tanar'Ri Resistance: This creature takes 50% less Electric and Poison damage.


Actions: -


Claws: Bloated, but still effective. Deal 1d4+[Str] Slashing damage to one target.


Darkness: Surround one enemy in darkness. One target gains 50% action failure chance for one round, has no effect on targets that don't depend on sight or that can see through magical darkness, cooldown of one round.


-Passives: Damage Vulnerability(Holy, Sliver): This creature takes 20% more Holy damage and 20% more damage if their attacker is using a silver weapon.


After she bound the demons Yvette close the portal. " Well, ladies lets head to that last room. Shall we?" Yvette said as her Jezzabella and the demons under her command headed to the next unexplored room.

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