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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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If our main character died I'd drop this game like a hot potato.

I think someone might just be leaving. I mean, Ame said there wasn't as much plot as there was in the last few eps, so it's more of a breather episode. And if someone really is dying, I honestly have no real idea who it would be at this point. Aside from maybe Taka and some baddies.

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If our main character died I'd drop this game like a hot potato.

I think someone might just be leaving. I mean, Ame said there wasn't as much plot as there was in the last few eps, so it's more of a breather episode. And if someone really is dying, I honestly have no real idea who it would be at this point. Aside from maybe Taka and some baddies.

It just means that the story isn't the main focus, because the city area to explore is so huge and the astounding number of sidequests in this episode (50!). But that doesn't necessarily mean that the story will be light on content, just that it'll be shorter.

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I honest to god hope the MC WON'T die. They are supposed to symbolize Reborns hope and having that hope die would just leave Reborn as it was back at the very beginning: broken, depressing and hopeless.

But what if we come back to life by some Jirachi wish made by Anna with that doll.

Letting the MC...be Reborn.

Edited by DerogatoryTrainer
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The only good idea with having the MC die and then resurrected is having a long period of time passing by until the MC finally wakes up once more.

However, the problem would be that Team Meteor, by that time, would've accomplished their goal.

But imagine having the MC die, have a long period of time pass and they finally wake up with the mission of actually stopping Team Meteor, only they have to hide from everyone: become someone else since if anyone they knew would know they are alive, the word would speard too fast. Team Meteor would know that the MC somehow are alive and hunt them down.

The MC knows this and goes undercover. They gather more strength to stop Team Meteor and only then do Lin or Solaris understand that a new (or old?) threat has returned. Stronger than ever.

... okay, I'm really starting to get too creative for my own good.

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The only good idea with having the MC die and then resurrected is having a long period of time passing by until the MC finally wakes up once more.

However, the problem would be that Team Meteor, by that time, would've accomplished their goal.

But imagine having the MC die, have a long period of time pass and they finally wake up with the mission of actually stopping Team Meteor, only they have to hide from everyone: become someone else since if anyone they knew would know they are alive, the word would speard too fast. Team Meteor would know that the MC somehow are alive and hunt them down.

The MC knows this and goes undercover. They gather more strength to stop Team Meteor and only then do Lin or Solaris understand that a new (or old?) threat has returned. Stronger than ever.

... okay, I'm really starting to get too creative for my own good.

And thus, another 18 episodes were created.

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It's a long story....

Well in Episode 14, we fought Blake and found out Terra was a Meteor all along, so we chased her ass down. In Episode 15, we saved Titania and Amaria from Team Meteor (Although Taka gave in like a chump as always, but Solaris found out in one scenario, oh shit), and then we had to fight Solaris, Blake, Fern, and a few grunts back at the mansion. Then we fight Ciel, and call it an episode.

As for Episode 16.... I suppose we'll have to find out for ourselves as we explore the new city.

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So i mean sure, we are getting the mega ring, but in no way does that mean we are also getting the trainer mega stone( you know, the one the trainer needs to have in the ring to even be able to use Mega Evolution?) so who knows, maybe it is possible we won't be able to mega evolve.

Unlikely, but still.

inb4 trollthyst

Tbh I wouldn't put it past Ame to give us a Mega Ring, without a Key Stone. It seems like the exact type of thing she would do to us.

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This update has been going on for so long that i forgot the whole story.....tell me, what happened before I ended Episode 15??? I can't seem to remember

-Meteor was destroying the city looking for keystones

-Player got in their way while collecting badges

-Ran away with some orphans

-Somehow wound up in the circus

-Stopped meteor's plans even more

-Reborn City has been rebuilt

That's pretty much all you need to know.

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So I thought the mega accessory (Mega Ring, etc.) itself was the key stone, but looking it up just now apparently the key stone is something embedded into an accessory in order to use mega evolution. I thought the accessories themselves were already special mega accessories from the start, as in they were created that way. I guess the confusion came from the fact that we've never needed to find a key stone in the main series because it was already provided in the accessory we get.

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My Crobat 2HKO'd Solaris's Gyarados after Intimidate, with the first Acrobatics almost bringing it to red.

Crobat is love, Crobat is life. Another thing i'm wishful for is mega stones for either metagross or lucario as I just trained up both of them, would be nice to have a backup in case my Crobat somehow can't carry me.

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Crobat is love, Crobat is life. Another thing i'm wishful for is mega stones for either metagross or lucario as I just trained up both of them, would be nice to have a backup in case my Crobat somehow can't carry me.

I have both. Got excited as hell when i got them, only to realize that I needed a Mega Ring. Thanks for getting our hopes up just to be crushed again, Ame.

Ame: 17,926

Us: 2

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What if "The heart of Reborn has fallen" means that Reborn asked another region on a date but the other region said no and now Reborn is heartbroken? :(

Oh god and the MC have to make Reborn happy again and kick the other regions butt!

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By god this thread exploded when I looked away-I mean yes good discussion is good. ANYWAYS

First off, silent protag jokes are my favorite, and that screenshot from earlier is fantastic. Speaking of that screenshot, insert Mega Ring hype here wooo. It is getting to be about the time when I feel we'd get them. Ciel is the first one to have a "True" mega, and a particularly strong one too if you aren't prepared. As has been mentioned, our mega options range from okay(Banette) to insanely good with small prep(Pinsir). For context, Pinsir gets its big claim to fame, Aerilate Quick Attack via breeding, and we have multiple things available that have it(Surskit, for one). We DO lack the coverage moves it tends to run, either EQ or Close Combat, with the former missing its TM and Close Combat only being breedable by....Heracross. Awkward. I won't be surprised if we get some Mega Evolutions however. I mentioned this a while ago but I think something like Cameruptite and definitely Audinite would be fine to give. Trick Room teams lack a little bit of power in Reborn at the moment, at least in my opinion, and giving us Mega Camerupt would heavily alleviate that.....and with the Amplifield Rock coming as well, I really hope Trick Room gets some nice toys in Ep 16. Ame PLEASE

Also, I am curious on the Items pocket thing, and I do highly suspect getting the Key Stone will be a thing unless Ame just...programmed it weird. And now for my Patented "What Pokemon Are We Gonna Get Access To THIS Episode?" section because I did this a while ago but I feel like it might be better to start some other discussion with the whole IV discourse going on. Anyways, moving along.

First off, we tend to get a new trio of starters every episode right? Or at least new ones made available. We can rule out Froakie, Torchic, and likely Snivy just because I'm about 80% sure those will be the last we can get. Their abilities are way too strong. So that leaves us with Bulbasaur, Charmander, Mudkip(rip yung kipper as of Ep 15), Treecko, Chimchar, and Oshawott. ....Coincidentally, I'm pretty sure if you just switch Bulbasaur and Treecko in those lists, you have the groupings we'll probably get in various episodes, likely with Treecko/Charmander/Mudkip going first. Moving on, I have good money on getting the Super Rod this episode, so rejoice Staryu fans...maybe. Given that's basically 4 pokemon added, I have to assume we'll be getting at least 2 more "top tier" species, and I'm guessing the Shellder line is gonna be one of them...that or the Gastly line returning from the AXED REALM. Alongside that I think we'll probably get one pseudo, and given that Ame mentioned she finished the GUM Room, and where that lays, I, much like many others, feel that Goomy is likely our next pseudo. ...Hopefully it won't be as painful to get as Beldum is.

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What if "The heart of Reborn has fallen" means that Reborn asked another region on a date but the other region said no and now Reborn is heartbroken? :(

That's why Mysidia references are being removed from E16

It's been a rough breakup

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