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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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well by the time you can have a steady access to moomoo milks, your pokemon have reached the point where they have around 200 hp.

the game is hard enough, that in important battles, healing for only half of your hp, is not recommended, since usually you are going to suffer more damage.

therefore its just a cheap way for out-of-battle healing to save yourself the trouble of back-and-forth-ing pokecenters.

Edited by DemICE
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Actually, the pokemon would be around 130-160 in hp (From my experience) and the moomoo milks heal about as much, with around 30-60 hp not healed, which is a decent range. Now lets just end the conversation on a neutral note, i did not mean to have to debate on whether my claim should be taken.

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The fact that people spend time to figure this all out kind of amazes where here I am just using Super Potion sometimes even at Charlotte regardless if it's the regular game or hardcore. I only use items on tanks to recover their HP, but it's a slow process.

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So what part of episode 16 are you guys looking forward to the most. Checking out all the new sidequests and pokemon? Finally seeing the rebuilt city in its complete form? Replaying the game to see all the changes made to previous stuff? Or just diving right back into the amazing story (despite that there's supposedly even less story than in episode 15)?

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So what part of episode 16 are you guys looking forward to the most. Checking out all the new sidequests and pokemon? Finally seeing the rebuilt city in its complete form? Replaying the game to see all the changes made to previous stuff? Or just diving right back into the amazing story (despite that there's supposedly even less story than in episode 15)?

The new Reborn City of course... and see Lin again, because for her minuscule presence, maybe I don't fight with her there.

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Looking forward to actually seeing people who we haven't met in ages like Victoria and maybe Serra/Bennett based off the interview.

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(you think Charlotte is hard now? Apparently she was MUCH worse).

Ah e13, those were the days. Back when Drought caused infinite sunlight and her Pokemon had illegal moves. So much carnage...

Oh, and I'm looking forward to finally getting that magikarp so I can box it for the rest of the game

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The animation team makes the animations for the moves they were split into 4 batches I think. right now we're on the 2nd batch right now and once a set of 5 moves or so are done well get a report each week or so just make any changes that need to be done as well.

3 batches! originally. it might end being 4 for Gen 7 moves. rip.

In the current generation there's about 650 animations to do and presently about 350 are complete


I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell my developers what to do with their time. It's not terribly funny even as a joke.

How long has it been 71%?


It's been 71% for a while because the area Ame's been working on is almost done, but I doubt she's had time to work on this game.

Despite the legends, I'm actually not so petty as to delay the release just because people keep asking. But I've talked about why it's taking so long. It's not that I haven't had time to work on it. It's just that I haven't had enough time to work on it, and do everything else I want to do. I'm still reliably working on it a few hours a day (and animation reviews are consistently eating two days a week still). It'll get there.

Are you going to increase the price for Oran Berries Ame? Because it is really easy to abuse the milktank near the Nature Center on Route 1 to get a lot of moomoo milk. I got 99 bottles in a couple of minutes (i estimated 5 ish minutes) for a very "small" price.

Nah. You can hustle that market. I'd sooner put a time limit on how often you can get milk, but I don't think it's critical atm.

Hi. Update. That area's done. It also itself only accounts for a crisp 15% of the sidequest stuff for this game. So. There's... still a lot to do.

But hey. 72% total. That's gotta count for something.

Also I changed some graphics to make diving look better. Also Shellos line now has regional differences properly (not retroactive). Small victories.

Next up is eventing the city + apophyll. This is going to include redoing all the NPCs and such. It's also going to include the main thing I've been dreading, which is fixing all the teleport events in and out of buildings. Also includes Pokemon encounters. Also might include some sidequests. Afterwards I'll finish whatever sidequests weren't done initially. Then I can finish the story. Light at the end of the tunnel. Still a very long tunnel. But light nonetheless.

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69 days for 1% closer to completion, meaning that episode 16 will come out in December 2021, be patient everyone. I'm still curious about what we would have to do in that dive area.

I feel that I'm either going to spend a few hours tearing through all the new stuff or that I'm going to spend the rest of my life doing sidequests and think why the hell I bother doing all this tedious, optional stuff. Can't be worse than that Adventurine Forest sticker though...

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Can't be worse than that Adventurine Forest sticker though...

I still haven't found that one, thanks for reminding me.

So I know Ame addresed the issue of Gen 7 pokemon being in the game before, with the answer being "no but maybe someone else will make a mod that adds them in", right? Does this still stand? Because in your post it sounds like you're planning on adding the moves in. Hope I'm not missing something obvious here.

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I still haven't found that one, thanks for reminding me.

So I know Ame addresed the issue of Gen 7 pokemon being in the game before, with the answer being "no but maybe someone else will make a mod that adds them in", right? Does this still stand? Because in your post it sounds like you're planning on adding the moves in. Hope I'm not missing something obvious here.

Anyway, official statements on Gen 7:

Yes, it will be incorporated. However, I'm 100% not doing anything related to Gen 7 until those games are released.

The good news is we're in a much better place to implement Gen 7 than we were for Gen 6 for a few reasons:

  • Sprites are scary but I have high hopes that I won't have to handle them like I have before. Can't say why for now, but it's nothing dramatic.
  • We have an actual scripting team unlike before, and I'm personally much more competent/comfortable with coding than I was back then.
  • We are currently (mostly) up to date. Before, only content up to Gen 3 was updated, with Gens 4/5 scattered in. We now have everything through 6.
  • The Essentials community itself is also up to date, as a fall-back. The most recent Essentials features Gen 6 code thanks to a user project. I suspect a similar project will pop up to get gen 7 in. This wasn't something that happened back in the day.
  • We already have a framework here of how the community can help with gathering/formatting data to put into the project, and I think we've got some surviving veterans from the process too.

However, there are a couple things this time that will be more inconvenient than last:

  • Field Effects will need to be updated for new moves, abilities and mechanics. This is going to be a particular pain because of the Field App graphics I spent forever of this dev cycle making.
  • Since we're managing animations now too, it's a whole new array of moves to animate.
  • There's more content in the game that will need to be adjusted for availability. There are more gyms, trainers, areas, TMs, events/sidequests than there were when Gen 6 hit.

So it's still a pain.

Further, I might deliberately hold off on implementing it until the final episode anyway. I mentioned this before but development times have taken so long, not because the new content is difficult, (excepting E16 in which everything takes forever), but because I'm making so many changes to the existing content. Since realizing this I'm actively trying to refrain from being too perfectionistic with preexisting content. I think postponing Gen 7 changes until the end of development will help me not have to constantly go back and change old stuff-- I can do it all in one fell swoop later.

The exception to that will be if there happens to be a new Pokemon or Mega that works out as an ace for an upcoming leader. For example with Ciel: Altaria was always her ace and I was going to have a hell of a time making it powerful, but then there was a Mega and all of my problems were solved. So like if there happens to be a Mega Dragonite then I'll have to add Gen 7 sometime before Saphira's battle.

But maybe that won't be a good thing for you all. Oh well.

Edited by FairFamily
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So what part of episode 16 are you guys looking forward to the most. Checking out all the new sidequests and pokemon? Finally seeing the rebuilt city in its complete form? Replaying the game to see all the changes made to previous stuff? Or just diving right back into the amazing story (despite that there's supposedly even less story than in episode 15)?

I'm curious about the Tanzan lake where we should finally find Tara. Or whatever is left of her. Then all the new side quests in the city and the next Gym battle - which is likely to be Adrien. He kind of scares me because my current team is weak against fairies.

Hi. Update. That area's done. It also itself only accounts for a crisp 15% of the sidequest stuff for this game. So. There's... still a lot to do.

But hey. 72% total. That's gotta count for something.

Also I changed some graphics to make diving look better. Also Shellos line now has regional differences properly (not retroactive). Small victories.

Next up is eventing the city + apophyll. This is going to include redoing all the NPCs and such. It's also going to include the main thing I've been dreading, which is fixing all the teleport events in and out of buildings. Also includes Pokemon encounters. Also might include some sidequests. Afterwards I'll finish whatever sidequests weren't done initially. Then I can finish the story. Light at the end of the tunnel. Still a very long tunnel. But light nonetheless.

Good work Ame! So nice to hear that things are still moving forward. Can't somebody help you with the teleport events? It seems like a ton of monotonous work which could be done even by a RPG maker beginner like myself.

Edited by baldr
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You were hoping for a time frame. You don't ask the question twice to hear "it's good" else you wouldn't really have bothered with my answers. It would still be an obvious question regardless, though. If development stopped, we'd be the first to say something about it.

That said, from the first post:

There's already a status thread that details the completion percentage of the next episode.

That was already something I asked Amethyst for us to do so players would have the general idea of how long until the next one was out and the questioning about it would stop.

At this point though, that knowledge is already something I'm considering revoking for the next releases because it's clearly an issue of "give 'em a hand and they want the whole arm" deal. This is, as I've said multiple times, a free project with a voluntary work force, and we feel no obligation to maintain any type of deadline. If you want us to, feel free to pay my salary and I'll more than gladly get everything in E16 implemented by next week.

Otherwise, I'd refrain from posting things that are clearly stated as "don't do it" in the main post if you don't want my being a smartass to be the only kind of response you get.

I want to frame this post and place it in a museum, because it is a goddamn beautiful work of art

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So what part of episode 16 are you guys looking forward to the most. Checking out all the new sidequests and pokemon? Finally seeing the rebuilt city in its complete form? Replaying the game to see all the changes made to previous stuff? Or just diving right back into the amazing story (despite that there's supposedly even less story than in episode 15)?

The leader-specific strategies were to be done with this episode, and that's what I'm most looking forward to seeing.

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Guys if u are tired of waiting for E16 and dont have other games to play try doing mono runs on reborn...

It will kill time and makes reborn quite more interesting if u already done playing Reborn...

Or find another game stick to it (Im LoL player) till release and then come back to reborn and then again go back to previous game.

Ľahké jak facka (Simple as Fck!)

Sorry for english ;-;

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Guys if u are tired of waiting for E16 and dont have other games to play try doing mono runs on reborn...

It will kill time and makes reborn quite more interesting if u already done playing Reborn...

Or find another game stick to it (Im LoL player) till release and then come back to reborn and then again go back to previous game.

Ľahké jak facka (Simple as Fck!)

Or kill yourself and your Pokémon by doing a Nuzlocke of Reborn!

You know...like a fucking idiot would do.

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I'm probably going to spend an entire day wandering around Reborn City in awe. SuPer ExCitEd ^_^

Same! I'm definitely looking forward to exploring the new Reborn City, and just checking out how nice and colorful it's become. My hype level is OVER 8000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! especially now that we just got a progress update ( 1% is 100% better then 0% ).

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