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Everything posted by SoulN7

  1. Good good, I didn't want to disturb or let people feeling annoyed by my lack of acknowlege in this language and possible alternative exclamations.
  2. No no, it was something like "Oh god" or some kind of exclamation, not meant to refer to people, I'm really sorry if that disturbed you.
  3. Only Jan knows. Like I said few times, the new content of V13.5 was too short for such theories and Zygarde's few content in the main plot was added recently. V14 should be only new content after .Karma Files, so I hope these questions will be answered. I don't know how many theories I have tried to written lately-
  4. At this point, the Mega Ring is more a gameplay mechanic than having some lore stuffs, since around the time you get your first stones, boss battles and major characters have Megas, included Still, I agree to what Cyphre said, despite the gameplay mechanic, those were mere students, not some researchers or seasoned trainers. Also, Clefable is a bit justified, since it was a Normal Type before Gen VI, while Melia had only Snorlax. Still, a really good Normal Type Leader with Hydreigon and Aegislash.
  5. Boi, if I remember correctly, Jan stated that RR is a doom path, so maybe it will have no postgame or whatever and will have a conclusive ending with some credits and stuff and we also figured out that route works as complementary of Paragon Route, so I think my main runs will only be on Paragon. How unfortunate I love to play as heroic characters on full time. My feelings could not stand after some lifes I had to mercilessly ruin in other games. Rejuv in this moment reminded me of a fusion between Undertale, Pokémon and Mass Effect, I hardly do some evil routes or something, so I would understand why someone have hard time to do the same.
  6. I too don't know where they are with its changed location and taken away from main story, but you can recover them later in GDC.
  7. Amethyst Cave's depths as random encounter. You need to use Rock Climb.
  8. My Vitusbuster is waiting in the pc for main battles, poor guy is rotting there for that reason. Now that you made me notice that, I'm seeing that field works around Xerneas, Regigigas and Zygarde, especially the last two: Geomancy takes 1 turn, Regigigas have boosted Crush Grip and has negated Slow Start, but with -6 in speed and evasion while the others have +1, while Zygarde's moves are all boosted (note: the other boosted moves involves throws or using the "body weight" or the "Earth", seems like Zygarde's are the exception), Core Enforcer have tons of boosts and Power Construct give an omniboost on activation. Clearly something is off and not by gameplay means.
  9. It was a theory brought in that topic for the fact Adrest stated she's supposed to be dead, since he thinks she setted up her own destruction and later someone erased him. I don't know honestly what happened to her and we never truly "spoken to her", partially it wouldn't make sense seeing her stop us if herself "called" our MC to be the Interceptor...unless Variya builted an "Variya.exe" for the new world and this became different from her. Or the Interceptor is growing in power much largely than Variya predicted and she wants to slow down things or "doing another recycle", in any case the Interceptor is too much strong and don't help much with the search of the best world. The "new content" was too much short for these theories, to be honest.
  10. The World Shatterer? It's being mentioned in the Melia's backwards dialogues back in Tower of Theolia after ruining the ritual and by Karma during Renegade Route, there are some videos on the web already on about it. While Melia's dialogues can be found here in one of my previous topics:
  11. Unfortunatelly, when a character is published on Internet, it remains on it for the eternity. Ask this to the old Overwatch developers...they have created monsters. Especially the feminine ones. Other than that, I understand why people would be mad for the ruined old files' situation. Especially when older and, sometimes, fun mechanics were removed and you can't return to them. And about the critics for the future.... since I'm a sort of "game theorist", I'm patient and have hopes for the future instead, but...at the same time, I don't want Rejuv to become that meta. If this is truly the end for your works on Rejuv, good luck for your other endeavors! Oh, right, about Melotta in some posts ago:
  12. For Dwebble, Gemstream Cave is the new purple caves in Route 2 near the great pink tree, while Dewpider's quest start after talking to an NPC near one of the crossing lines in Central Square. I think it's not immediate, but I'm not sure.
  13. Good question, who knows. Another of the hundreds questions Rejuv never answered (and maybe it'll do at the end of everything), like Celine's future role in all of this, especially a thing that confused me about her is the connection to Kasumi. There will be a reason to introduce Reshiram and Zekrom (maybe they too are "bonded" with humans and being like Spacea and Tiempa, just fake imitations) in the main story and through a side quest with a fallen kingdom, right?....Right?! Anyway, I'm expecting that story from Chapter 13 becoming an "half-lie", since plenty of Nymiera's points don't line up with the new plot and maybe Missing.exe had nothing to do, since... Well, I should put two theories for who is Missing.exe is, to explain why I think this character has nothing to do with Nymiera and Vitus. The first thoughts I did in this topic were done on the first run, while these I will write were done after a second run with better spent time and reloading saves:
  14. Nothing strange, don't worry about it. You arrived here in time. """Shipping""" exists from like earth ages...you can't stop the Internet (and the people)
  15. Serperior doesn't need crests, it's true you need to get Leaf Storm before accessing its "full power", but it compensate the wait with speed and moves as Giga Drain, Leech Seed and Nature Power and then becomes what it is, while Chesnaught...I think it's the starter most behind, other than being the first obtainable starter. Emboar too and it's outshined by all of the other Fire type starters (Charizard is awesome for early game, it's still a bit reliable later on and helps in Doubles; when it will get both megas and gigamax becomes even better, while Typhlosion has both an Hisuian Form and the crest, the others...you know.), included two others with same type such as Blaziken and Infernape. To be honest, I'm not sure how Emboar would compete with these two. Maybe a possible future crest will change things, who knows.
  16. I think they should put a Chesnaught's crest or something unique to it, because adding crests to Greninja and Delphox, who both are really amazing starters in their own ways, will be a waste. Among the Grass Type Starters, Chesnaught is behind from the others and it will be more when they'll add Sceptilite and (Gen 9 spoilers)
  17. Still, I wonder how Adrest's soul was infused with MC if their soul inhabited choosen MC's body only in this timeline. Other than that, Karma could reach its objective with the best ending by following the Interceptor's will and actions, as this Interceptor, the MC, is the "true Interceptor" who could become the strongest mortal entity and guide the world to its bloom because its powers and abilites "grows": if I remember correctly, Clear and Kieran together had extremely low chances to beat Puppet Master and both were supposed to be Interceptor, while MC instead had chances near to 100% to beat him. I'd like to think the "power of changing fate" is much stronger in MC and makes them growing in "abilities" unlike the others, so making Clear and Kieran's limited powers conflicting in ours and ultimately probably loosing to us , since these powers have already beaten stronger entities. In short, like Tiempa is already doing, Karma, at some point, will have to follow our actions because those are the best one to bring the perfect ending to the world and it must "submit" to us at some point. The World Shatterer is still a mystery to me and it's still unknown what she can do against the Interceptor...
  18. Leftovers can be picked with the Snorlax in Honec Woods.
  19. Sorry, I missed the expections part. Still, many of these crest are actually fun to use, I wonder who will have some crests later.
  20. Gearen Lab/ Pokémon Center, the NPC is sitting on a table with a pc immediately at the entrance.
  21. I understand why someone would not like that, it's sometimes better having a built team and its backups in order to "make strategies" in some fights instead of an already built one with no chances of changing it. Aside from battles, I think it's nice in general the character swap mechanic, since you can see bits of story with eyes of others. It's even better now since they added Interceptor's wish to even short battles. I would suggest a password which lets you use IWs effects even at the start.
  22. People here can make their opinions and made normal and calm arguments to why your suggestion was wrong, why would you be rude? We only suggested why in his team is better having a fast special attacker against a slow but bulkier Pokèmon who will never have chances to setup against many fast battles that ultimately came out. And plus, if you think low of others' opinions, there is something wrong.
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