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  1. You can get Cell Imprints that gives 1 pokemon 31 IV in one one Stat per Cell Imprint
  2. You can't Breed regular Budew, what makes you think you can Breed Aevian? Upgraded Dex shows Egg Groups for pokemon
  3. At what point is Aevian Jangmo-O Available? Or how do you obtain it?
  4. you only get access to it through Neo Gearen and a Quest
  5. Is anyone aware where the Choice Items and Leftovers are? Would be great to have them
  6. If you talk to Maman then she should say what area they are in, else I don't remember
  7. there's passage past the Xen Grunt you can go through, hard to see if you're not looking for it
  8. Don't remember getting a Prism Scale from the quest but you should get a Phione Crest from the Father
  9. ["Battle_Move:1242:in `getSecondaryType'", "Battle_AI:7396:in `pbTypeModNoMessages'", "Battle_AI:10276:in `pbRoughDamage'", "Battle_AI:8529:in `block (2 levels) in getSwitchInScoresParty'", "Battle_AI:8526:in `each'", "Battle_AI:8526:in `block in getSwitchInScoresParty'", "Battle_AI:8448:in `each'", "Battle_AI:8448:in `getSwitchInScoresParty'", "Battle_AI:5618:in `pivotcode'", "Battle_AI:2461:in `getMoveScore'", "Battle_AI:282:in `block (2 levels) in buildMoveScores'", "Battle_AI:278:in `each'", "Battle_AI:278:in `block in buildMoveScores'", "Battle_AI:256:in `each'", "Battle_AI:256:in `buildMoveScores'", "Battle_AI:138:in `block in processAIturn'", "Battle_AI:121:in `each'", "Battle_AI:121:in `processAIturn'", "Battle_Scene:3481:in `pbChooseEnemyCommand'", "Battle:3757:in `pbCommandPhase'", "Battle:3537:in `block (2 levels) in pbStartBattle'", "PBDebug:4:in `logonerr'", "Battle:3536:in `block in pbStartBattle'", "Battle:3531:in `loop'", "Battle:3531:in `pbStartBattle'", "Trainers:188:in `block (2 levels) in pbDoubleTrainerBattle'", "Field:696:in `pbSceneStandby'", "Trainers:187:in `block in pbDoubleTrainerBattle'", "Field:1047:in `pbBattleAnimation'", "Trainers:186:in `pbDoubleTrainerBattle'", "(eval):1:in `pbExecuteScript'", "Interpreter:258:in `eval'", "Interpreter:258:in `pbExecuteScript'", "Interpreter:699:in `command_111'", "Interpreter:333:in `execute_command'", "Interpreter:209:in `block in update'", "Interpreter:115:in `loop'", "Interpreter:115:in `update'", "Scene_Map:103:in `block in update'", "Scene_Map:101:in `loop'", "Scene_Map:101:in `update'", "Scene_Map:68:in `block in main'", "Scene_Map:65:in `loop'", "Scene_Map:65:in `main'", "Main:40:in `mainFunctionDebug'", "Main:24:in `mainFunction'", "Main:72:in `block (3 levels) in <main>'", "Main:71:in `loop'", "Main:71:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'", "(eval):8:in `eval'", "(eval):8:in `block (2 levels) in <main>'", "(eval):4:in `each'", "(eval):4:in `block in <main>'", "Section000:3:in `eval'", "Section000:3:in `block in <main>'", "Section000:3:in `open'", "Section000:3:in `<main>'", "-e:in `eval'"] Leia used Lunge [The foe's Togekiss lost 34 HP, now has 0 HP] [The foe's Togekiss fainted] this kept coming on for Melia's Mons in the Past Sheridan Double Fight
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