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Everything posted by SoulN7

  1. Not sure, try to check again all the crystals.
  2. Check if you got all the coloumns with the Dragon "power required".
  3. I do wonder if the End of Night has some exstension in its effects, who knows. The next chapter will surely answer a lot of question, since .Karma Files was the first "chapter" for both routes. And I should seriously do the NG+ because I'm resetting everytime and I want to find all possible NG+ or hidden answers to some questions, like with Hazuki back in Chapter 13, Damien and more.To be honest, I think some of this interactions could not be canon, but they help to imply something for the lore of the game
  4. I think M2 started to become """soft""" after witnessing what MC could do to kill someone. Like MC said, she has fear of them. I like to think she knows deep inside that if she does the wrong move, it's over. She knows that they are hiding more strength from their Interceptor's abilities and with the spell, they can easily kill her. She couldn't snap back at their speech. M2 overestimated herself: her Pokémon don't listen to her, her body is weaking itself faster than it should due to her abusing Archetype's power (and the fact that M2 is an older game version's Melia so she couldn't know), she destroyed her relationships in short time. M2's alone and her time is basically counted, so she couldn't accept she depends on MC before their snap. For the rest, your theory is interesting, but I think Renegade MC is fully another entity far from Paragon MC. Plus, Renegade MC said that from their actions they don't achieve nothing, but "they gain everything" and I like to think 50% they talked about Paragon MC and friends and 50% only Paragon MC, since the player is always refered as "they" instead of your choice at the beginning.
  5. I think not yet, they have yet to put Generation 9, since there are already hints for it.
  6. Route 4, by the second Dyna Raid. It's a Shadow mon.
  7. I used Toxic with Wailord and that's it. Yveltal likes to use Hurricane and Focus Blast when not needed, so, it missed and then went ko. Not the cleanest strategy, but since it has no shields...
  8. That's...acceptable. Not like I use the Gothita her own Gothitelle gave me because yes...and yeah, the hot spring moment was kinda...funny. Strange to finally see a main character who won't say to you "Go, force CharacterX to say things while I sleep or go and do this while I play Tennis".
  9. Same, imagine having such tragic backstory, loosing all of your friends in the same moment you were finally learning a "normal life", surviving literal hell in earth between impossible atmospheric conditions and spread of modified Ultra Beasts, taking the role of someone who can negate fate and acting as a "world savior", fighting for years to get back your most loved one and in the moment you manage to "play god and revive" that person, you realized they don't recognize your efforts, they live their life without you and discovering that person no longer exist, despite the new one has same body, same traits and almost acts like the same. The most f*cked up character in a fangame. We have to discover yet Melia's origins and still we know more about Crescent and having more "similarities" with her than Melia herself...I'm feeling like Archetype is getting overshadowed by Interceptor's duo.
  10. Exactly, it will be the opposite of this. Maybe I'm too much "one-sided" because I really like Crescent and her begin of character development after a so tragic past, but now that we are talking about Crescent's role, I suspect she will be "THE ally" of MC, more than Melia and Aelita (probably only Aelita, I think Melia and Crescent are the "closest" in terms of co-operation with Interceptor, followed by Aelita herself), because, before V13, I alway thought only Melia and Aelita will be the ones alongside us to have major crucial roles within the future "climax" of the story, but after those last chapter, Crescent is added there too. Other than that, she's literally our co-host, everytime she talks to us for "something else than the mission" we put ourselves in akward situations (like the hot springs), the others sometimes threat her a little bit hardly and it's our job to reassure, calm her and extract the best information we can get from her, she's overprotective even after she knew we are not the choosen MC and stupid detail, if I remember correctly, only after V13, Gothita was given by her Gothitelle, who is a gift herself from choosen MC...a sort of cycle, we could say. In short, these new littles and insignifacant details make me thought we are one of the keys to her progressing character development and her possible leading role in the Xen Raid. Not gonna lie, I suspect an "Interceptor's forms" double battle at some point.
  11. Zetta is the answer for the first quiz, not the main subordinate. All the quiz must be answered right, even the first one.
  12. I think mostly Ice, Dusk and Dawn + other items as Link Heart.
  13. Mess the time of your pc and try to get it from Kecleon Shop or unlock one of the badge doors in Wispy Ruins.
  14. Not sure, unfortunatelly, I don't know everything of Renegade Route, expect for 13.5, but since Renegade shows her escaping Zeight, unlike in Paragon where she accepted the death of her "lover" (Choosen MC) and the others, so awakening herself, I think she hasn't, unless something happens in the future and she tries to make "choosen MC" taking back control of their body (in the broken future, it seems like something similar actually happened)
  15. That's...interesting. I do wonder why Madame X is forced to put the suit though, she seems like she despise it.
  16. That could work, explaining why the Files cannot reach more informations, but Missing.exe is a program that should have started alongside Nymiera and Vitus (and for this they can't age, after all, Vitus in the Pocket Dimension could be older). I think the Zygarde Host is somewhere else.
  17. Not sure which choice will be correct, but I fought her, so...but I highly doubt she's related. Since in Paragon Route, Crescent "awakens" too, I think she could be a sort of "opposite and complementary" Interceptor to Paragon MC, making sense they are a duo of Interceptors. So, it would make right Paragon has Elysian Shield and her Chtonic Malady. But I do wonder what her Interceptor's form could look like. Not sure Nora, but Aelita should be old just like everyone, so around 17/18.
  18. I missed that detail on the first run, didn't know. Well, to be honest, until 13.5, I really thought too Zygarde was only a side-quest and that's it, but after knewing that there were the Balance Program (Missing.exe) alongside Vitus and Nymiera, my best guess is that we could find who Zygarde's Host is and why the Files have almost no information about them. Probably a new character.
  19. If you talk about...that "Admin"...no. It's truly a forced loss. You can stall with Toxic and bulky mon + recovery, but at some point the fight will stop and it will be considered lost. There should be a video on it.
  20. Welp, there are some crossover with Reborn, I'm not surprised if a post-game quest will have too a crossover with another Reborn character.
  21. Yeah I would understand why some people could be annoyed by it. Only the other quizes were more..."clear"...
  22. I suggest to put the difficulty in Story Mode, so they have less mons and give less problems.
  23. After completing certain chapters, some "repetable battles" are unlocked and can be fought only one time each day (if you change your PC's date, you can reset the battles). Jenner is in the Aquamarine Cave, exactly when you battled him the first time. The Black Prisms can be farmed from his battle, for example.
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