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jimkas last won the day on December 18 2023

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15 Fledgling

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  1. You can actually fly to GDC. It has it's own map that you can scroll to by pressing the 'E' key or whatever key is also used to jump entries in the Pokedex
  2. The sprite being there isn't entierly unrelated. Considering Nim's connection to Nymiera and all. Still don't think it means anything story wise
  3. Thanks a lot. I don't understand what the decendent of Zed is supposed to mean in relation to Zetta but I guess it really can't be anyone else
  4. I don't know if that necessarily means anything cause Ana is also grouped with the Magnezone sprites and the Puppet Master is grouped with the Darkrai sprites.
  5. As I reach the chess board with Zetta I once again have no clue who some the pieces represent. Mostly the black ones as they face away and it's harder to tell by apearance. So I'm asking for help with figuring them out. There is likely chance that this are characters that will appear later in the story but there is also a likely chance I'm just missing something.
  6. 1. Start the game and press the button called "Open Save Folder" 2. Rename the folder into Game# with the # representing a number. The number can be any number that another save file doesn't already use 3. Close and reopen the game and press the "Other Save Files" button. You can swap between savefiles using it at anytime so don't worry if it looks like your save file is lost
  7. Well that sucks. Hope Amber doesn't start liking me too much
  8. Since I already made this post I will also ask a question. How do you fight with no hype. Leaving the party closes the door and I can't find another way to lower hype
  9. While trying to fight Amber with as little hype as possible I managed to get softlocked after talking to Nurse Joy
  10. Small mistake I noticed. The third black box is confirmed to be Augusts.
  11. After Adam you get access to Dive, not Fly. You get Fly the gym before I think
  12. I'm extremely impressed that you can make it by with this team. Even on story mode I would strugle with it
  13. When you first enter GDC, which I believe is Chapter 11
  14. I'm 99% sure the Gible you find in area zero always have earthquake on them. Idk how your Garchomp is without it
  15. You can only get her if you have already beaten the game once. What you have to do is
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