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Everything posted by Angelkitsune

  1. did you update to the latest patch? and also the woman is at Oceana Pier next to the buizel, she should show up at the start of the game.
  2. remember when Nexus said that he is not afraid of shitty fire types? Yeah,Charlotte is gonna trash them kekekek
  3. Finally,some good fu*king rejuv story.Thank you for writing this,now I know what to read tomorrow ψ(`∇´)ψ
  4. YYYYEEEEEeeeesSSSSssssaaaAAAAAHhhhhhhHH!!!!!! Finally I can start having Nightmares beating every gym leader in Master mode....again. update:Okay after I finish reading the synopsis this error appeared
  5. hey guys,Jan just uploaded Patch #3 if I download that can I still use this mod?
  6. @Hannelore tip: there is a narrow space that you can go through near the entrance
  7. Alright! Finally the prologue is over now we can get on with the story φ(゜▽゜*)♪ kinda surprised that Shade got an early cameo in there but I bet he enjoys freaking people out ψ(`∇´)ψ also I'm curious how Ame can save two person at the same time...hopefully Jacques will not die that early (っ °Д °;)っ sorry for the late reply ⊙﹏⊙∥
  8. okay,I'm a lil afraid to get yelled at for asking a stupid question...but can I get Dusk Lycanroc in V11 and does Rockruff evolves the same way as in Reborn? (ˉ▽ˉ;)...
  9. I don't mind helping you (*^_^*) sorry for the late reply here is also a video about getting the right Izanagi ( ̄▽ ̄)"
  10. you can fuse another Izanagi in the velvet room and one of the combination is Obariyon+Yomotsu-Shikome,I suggest fusing it when you are somewhere is your Lv40s so your pokemon persona can learn some useful skill and Izanagi can inherit them. The most popular option is letting him have Repel/Absorb Wind,Primal Fprce,Arms Master and Brave Blade.
  11. So I tried to soft-resetting for a starter but everytime I start my game I always got the same error message as the people above me. Help...? Game.rxdata
  12. Pre battle dialog: Hello there,would you like to battle with me? I promise I won't bite...much. Battle Format: Singles Field Effect: None PkMnTRAINER_Female Audrey 6,ULTRAPOTION,ULTRAPOTION BLAZIKEN,85,SCOPELENS,BLAZEKICK,BRAVEBIRD,SKYUPPERCUT,NIGHTSLASH,2,M,0,True,ADAMANT,31,70,Arsene,false,0,252,4,252,0,0 SWAMPERT,82,MUSCLEBAND,WATERFALL,EARTHQUAKE,HAMMERARM,ICEPUNCH,0,M,0,False,ADAMANT,31,70,Captain Kidd,false,252,252,0,4,0,0 NINETAILS,83,WISEGLASSES,BLIZZARD,EXTRASENSORY,MOONBLAST,FREEZEDRY,2,F,1,False,TIMID,31,70,Inari,false,4,0,0,252.252,0 HYDREIGON,85,DRAGONIUMZ,HEATWAVE,EARTHPOWER,DRAGONPULSE,DARKPULSE,0,M,0,False,MODEST,31,70,Satanael,false,4,0,0,252,252,0 SCIZOR,84,MUSCLEBAND,NIGHTSLASH,BULLETPUNCH,XSCISSOR,AERIALACE,1,F,0,True,ADAMANT,31,70,Titania,false,4,252,0,252,0,0 CROBAT,83,CROSSPOISON,ACROBATICS,CONFUSERAY,LEECHLIFE,0,F,0,True,ADAMANT,31,70,Ananta,false,4,252,0,252,0,0 Trainer Defeat Quote:Oh wow! Guess I have underestimated you.Let's battle again sometimes ( •̀ ω •́ )y
  13. can I nominate myself ? if so I wish to be nominated for Rookie of the Year o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ and yes I am very desperate (。﹏。)
  14. @deathoftheflame One Glaceon coming right up! Game.rxdata ps:where did you get those sprites?
  15. Finally more good stuff and i'm also early YAY!! and yeah my english is good...but not good enough to understand what Florina is saying I feel ashamed but seeing you get salty everytime Titania shows up is hilarious ψ(`∇´)ψ also I wonder what will happen if Charlotte and Saphira saw Laura teamingup with Bennette . You could hear everyone crying n happiness when they can finally use rock climb after 18 episodes (≧∇≦)ノ, go Hardy save your woman!!! and I can't believe that I miss the chance to get some money watt!!! also it sometimes feels weired that you can actually catch Absol when you reach Calcenon but it can still show up when something bad happens ;/
  16. for The Shelly Citra Award I suggest @J-Awesome_One and for Most Likely to Become Auth I nominate @Lord Drakyle ( ̄▽ ̄)" and Finally Most Likely to win This Award Award I nominate @Q-Jei, @J-Awesome_One , @Candy, @sdddf4 and @Lord Drakyle if that is okay ( •̀ ω •́ )y
  17. you can only do it after coming back to Reborn City...which is after 13 Gym badges ;/
  18. @BlueMetalShark Here you go Game.rxdata @deathoftheflame you don't have to replace your starter and you can also have any pokemon even though there is no monorun @Damage this is what happens when you have a Legendary in your team,also maybe it is my fault for giving your pokemon perfect IVs and good nature but here you go Game.rxdata I try to name your Buzzwhole Johnny Bravo but not enough space
  19. sorry about that (ノへ ̄、) I have check it and it worked fine on my laptop but don't worry I have fixed it for you,I hope you don't mind me fighting Victoria o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞ Game.rxdata
  20. @Damage Game.rxdata here you go sorry that i accidentally fight Cain first
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