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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Q-Jei

  1. Certain days are emptier than others...




  2. Mega Aerodactyl: 5 Mega Ampharos: 10 Mega Houndoom: 4 Mega Aggron: 5
  3. Mega Aerodactyl: 5 Mega Ampharos: 9 Mega Houndoom: 11 Mega Aggron: 4
  4. Mega Aerodactyl: 8 Mega Ampharos: 11 Mega Houndoom: 10 Mega Aggron : 7
  5. What an intense confrontation it was!
  6. Mega Camerupt: 3 Mega Gallade: 4
  7. Mega Camerupt: 13 Mega Gallade: 2
  8. Mega Camerupt: 18 Mega Gallade: 4
  9. Mega Camerupt: 24 Mega Gallade: 7
  10. I just watched the Episode 11 of your run. I approve the theme you gave for Florinia, Shooting Star is really representative of Matthew’s feelings toward her. And good job with Cradily and Chatot, those mons are still very annoying even if we know what to expect.
  11. Mega Camerupt: 33 Mega Gallade: 10
  12. Mega Camerupt: 35 Mega Gallade: 15
  13. Mega Camerupt: 35 Mega Gallade: 18
  14. I don't know about you, but... I like hugs!


    Picture made by Sukesha-Ray

  15. Mega Camerupt: 34 Mega Gallade: 29
  16. I don’t know why, but I expected it a bit. Good job @Candy for having Aprilfooled us! And good luck with your exams, Vanilla rocks whatever happens
  17. Mega Camerupt: 38 Mega Gallade: 30
  18. New promotional art for The Tale of a Firehead slightly based on Super Mario World this time! Happy Easter everyone
  19. Happy Easter everyone! ^_^


    1. J-Awesome_One


      Happy Easter to you too and that's adorable!

    2. Q-Jei


      Thank you! I could not resist to slip a hint to Super Mario World in this! Glad you enjoy it :)

    3. J-Awesome_One


      I didn't even realize that! xD 

  20. Mega Camerupt: 40 Mega Gallade: 32
  21. Mega Camerupt: 41 Mega Gallade: 36 Let this psychic samurai burn!
  22. What a catchy story! So Wehttam would have a crush for Florinia, that’s quite interesting. He seems to be a kind of omniscient entity like Shade. I liked his way to confess. Go ahead with the crazy talk
  23. Thank you for the feedback! Yeah, I could not dare talking about Flannery's past without ever quoting people who changed her life. Winona is one of them. Indeed, if Flannery did not exist, Winona would have been my favorite Gym Leader from all regions. Despite of her importance in the manga, she's still too underrated in my opinion. It almost makes me want to see her interfere further with Flannery in Reborn. And don't worry for her legs, she won't keep it for her whole life, Mr. Moore has some plans for her. Her recovery will take place in one of the two last chapters of the childhood arc
  24. Hello guys! Episode 7 of the Tale of a Firehead is out!

    Don't be shy and give me a comment if you enjoyed it :)


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