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Everything posted by Q-Jei

  1. Slaking with Counter can wreck Solaris’s Garchomp, Porygon is not available too late in the game, Chansey can take down most of the Gym Leaders like Serra or Amaria (Love this Double Team + Toxic combo) and Pidgeot can outspeed almost everything (Having a Pokemon with Tailwand can be very handy in Reborn).
  2. Sorry, Zero1Six is not my name. I summon Sayia.
  3. Maybe Sigmund can help? Bad jokes aside, aggressive Amaria’s state of mind results of a vicious butterfly effect depending on the choice we made in the Water Treatment Center. I had pity for her in the Zekrom Route when she confessed and told us how hard it would be to live without her only friend. I won’t say I would feel the same in the Reshiram one, but her actions are more the reflect of her need of loneliness, which is one of the symptoms of depression. Somehow I understand it, she’s put her trust and affection in one accurate person and considers all the other people as intruders when they are about to introduce themselves into her personal playground. That’s what ends up happening when people like this are forced to live in a world where everything goes fast, which also explains her reluctance to hold her role of Gym Leader. Amaria is not that bad that everybody keeps thinking, just someone who needs some love and who doesn’t know how to create distances with the others, so she does it in a bad way.
  4. 9/10 Beautiful picture! I wonder what she's going to cook.
  5. Ooops, sorry. J_Awesome-One, come at me!
  6. Same here! I finished the Episode 17 with a full Dark Team as well as the Mega-Z Ring quest, a quite entertaining one. Also, it seems obvious that Lin needs the player to keep all the keys. But the reason why she doesn't hold them instead of us goes beyond my expectations for the moment. However, I would like to know who was Clarice.
  7. Thx! I'm glad you enjoyed the battle! It took me two days to get all these battle scenes done. Lots of them include sprites from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Then, I added some random effects that I reshaped myself to make it more immersive. And yeah, Swalot was quite spooky in this episode. But somehow, I couldn't blame Typhlosion's foes. It was all the fault of their tutor who trained it in a bad way. I promise to make the scenes of the next chapter at least as awesome as for this one. You won't be disappointed None of Flannery or Mr. Moore's Pokemon is gonna die in the childhood arc. But I decided to add some specific features on the Reborn run of Flannery, including brand new sprites and custom battles like @Mr. Finn planned to do with his own playthrough. I already managed to get some of these features done, more especially a full extra animated scene in Shade’s Gym. But I can't show it before the time for this was coming. I could understand if that would be the case later, but I hope that nobody will reject my work because of some creepy stuff. I can only but thank you all for the attention you paid for my story.
  8. Kudos! I like the Ash-Misty-Brock-like teaming! Also, Matthew is a curious character. That's a good thing to make him explain what he really is to his partners. Keep it up!
  9. This is a cozy cabin located in the North of Aventurine Woods only accessible by riding a Tauros. There are 23 Pikachu in there to be exact, you can’t miss them.
  10. Aaaaand not this time. I summon Zarc!
  11. Q-Jei

    Happy birthday Jess ❤️ 🎉 🙂

    May this year be good for you!

  12. Thanks! Hey, what’s a Gym Leader such as Mr. Moore without a Gym Battle worthy of the name? The way he fought against the challenger was inspired by Solaris, and the latter was an alternate version of Fern, he might have a greater importance later in this run. All the design of the gym was an idea of myself. The first meeting implying Flannery and our dear top dog in Reborn will be priceless
  13. Later, you'll have to confront Kiki and most importantly Shelly who became insanely strong with the last episode. You're best asset to deal with them would be Talonflame with Gale Wings, you'll be able to catch it in the grass around Beryl Cemetery. If you manage to get Acrobatics with Fletchling at level 39 and then decrease and increase its level to get Talonflame, you'll get through their gym safe and sound. Otherwise, both Trubbish and Stunky are good mons because of Acid Spray which is available very early in the game. I personally used Acid Spray/Flamethrower with my Skuntank to deal with Shelly in my Dark Monorun. No sweat
  14. We know by ZEL that she doesn't want the main character to be hurt, and even makes Titania believe that we are working together. What if it was indeed the case? Maybe the choices we did are talking for us? Depending on how we reacted in a specific situation, could we be on her side or not? There's one which came back to my mind, when ZEL asked the player if he really wanted to destroy everything in his path. If we answer 'yes', this underline that we are even ready to break apart the PULSE-Magnezone. Personally, at this point, I got tired of this overbid of violence, so I've chosen the most pacific thing to do: I answered 'no'. But it's then interpreted as a lie by your opponent who thinks the contrary. What if we already knew about the hacking trick? Regardless of what happens, we might be just a silent character as said by Radomus who broke the 4th wall when you return to the Vanhanen Castle before to battle with him, but we always have a choice all along the game. I would be pissed if whatever we did, we're just a puppet of Lin. I prefer to interprete it as a hint to the first Mystery Dungeon game where the player was accused to be a prophetic Pokemon whose the only existence would lead the whole world to its end. I just hope we're not what I think!
  15. That's what I was thinking too. Also, there are probably two Lin at this moment. The fake Lin already appeared shortly after we wrecked the PULSE Abra in Tanzan hideout, but in the other hand, we can hear someone when we leave the Citae Arc-d'Astrae Aerie, someone who apparently enjoy a game whose the main character is one of the player. This person might be the true Lin. And I would not be surprised to discover that her adult version was possibly a virtual program elaborated by a talented hacker... Also, there was many hints slipped into the 17th episode of Reborn related to the Spell of the Unown movie (Pink sky background for Tania and underwater talking Amy), and this one especially included a little girl who managed to create an illusion of herself as an adult by embracing the power of the Unown. Somehow, we know that Lin was a child from the orphanage in Lapis, but we don't have any clue of what happened to her biological parents.
  16. Fighting against Samson with a Dark Team and getting a 6-0 victory for this battle makes me feel like Solaris sometimes (Without the killings of course)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Q-Jei


      Spiritomb with Double Team and Nasty Plot. Then, Shock Wave did the trick to get rid of each of his mons one by one 😏

    3. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      I did that once too… Acrobatics Greninja

    4. Q-Jei


      It was another good possibility, but TM breeding was cancelled unfortunately. This strategy would have been as effective with Bounce though.

  17. "Nothing is stronger than death... except Lin."


  18. Q-Jei


    You’re welcome! Good luck in your chase!
  19. Q-Jei


    Sadly not. As long as I know, all the grass starters are available in Reborn but Snivy. You can only get it via the choice at the start for now.
  20. Hell yeah! Episode 8 of Flannery’s Adventures is out! It took me more than one month to get done with the whole translation and illustrations, I hope you’ll enjoy the results of my endeavor. Leave a comment if you want, I always appreciate feedbacks 😏


  21. Only three pictures left... so, I think everything is alright to upload the next episode of The Tale Of a Firehead tomorrow at 8:00 PM (French hour). We will see how Winona will recover from her wounds and much more. Stay tuned 🙂



  22. Good day everyone, I'm finally back from Croatia 🙂

    It was a very cool trip, probably one of my favorites to say the least. Four days is just too short for visiting all the interesting places of the archipelago. I hope I'll be able to return there someday!



    Waterfalls in Krka National Park



    Sunset immortalized from a lovely restaurant located near Copacabana Beach


    1. Candy


      I've also gone to croatia (dubrovnik) and yes it's a stunning place!

    2. Sayia


      Croatia is so pretty 😉

      Welcome back Q-Jei 😁

    3. Q-Jei


      I’ve been in Trogir, not too far from the sea. I admit that it was a quiet place. And thanks again for the greetings 🙂

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