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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Dreamy

  1. Started Celeste today (about time right?) and I have a feeling I wasn't supposed to do CH1 B-Side before CH2...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      well, I did *eventually* beat B-Side 1 (with almost 400 deaths haha) but the others will only be worse, so if I find any of them I know to leave them for a while. CH2 is probably going to feel downright relaxing now

    3. Maqqy


      400 deaths oh dear... a little bit more, you’ll be able to beat my death record lolol

    4. Dreamy


      Hmm, think I actually enjoyed B-Side 2 more than chapter 3 haha, less deaths too. (the last room was just annoying though)

  2. 👻

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverAngelus
    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      I've found that a lot of emoji do that here. 'Tis an oddity, to be sure.

    4. Maqqy
  3. The Mirror Lied. What an odd little experience. check it out.

  4. Got forced to do a windows 10 update last night because my current version was "no longer being supported" and I'm immediately displeased.

    1. Dreamy


      Like, my stickynotes are now all seperate windows, can no longer be minimised, and *still* can't even do something as simple as have a title on each one 


      oh and I lost like 20gb of hard drive space. probably new shovelware being dumped on

  5. It's truly amazing how many birthdays that Jan has had in the last two weeks.

  6. gulpybirb and haunteapot


    1. SilverAngelus


      lol, a rumor considered a teapot Pokemon to be part elephant

    2. andracass


      dooooooo you want cream and sugar with thaaaaaaaat

  7. Finding Paradise = good game.

  8. Gotta love randomly alternating between sleeping for 12 hours and not being able to sleep at all. 


    and by love I mean hate. 

    I am very tired.

  9. weird request, but does anyone have the trainers.txt PBS file from episode 15? I kinda want to see how good parts of my memory are from my OG playthrough in 2016

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Dreamy


      Oh well, thanks anyway. TBH didn't really even expect this much activity


    3. Amethyst


      it might be possible to extract from the main 15 download using the debug shortcut, dm me if you wanna try

    4. SilverAngelus


      I apologize for not being as useful as I could Dreamy

  10. For the first time since V10, the Rejuv music pack is finally updated

  11. It's finally done. I finally got to finish Rejuvenation V12. took damn long enough.

    1. Alisae


      Does this mean we’ll get the v12 theme pack soon?

    2. Maqqy


      Good Lord.

  12. Hmm I should make more status', but that would require actually having interesting things to say

  13. RIP Dev Blog, RIP Ame. There is no hope now, only AI

  14. Oh hey, 700 even.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Starry Knight
    3. seki108


      ......so........tempted..........to.......give.........you.....another...rep..........but the even

    4. Dreamy


      Welp, now I gotta wait for 777....

  15. Wew, a Chinese University spambot wave. been a while since I've seen one of those.


    1. Abyssreaper99


      Probably will end up with a Keto/Supplement spambot wave next time, it seems to alternate between universities, keto and supplement spam

    2. LeoYT


      Its almost comforting that we are worth the effort

  16. Gotta love randomly remembering Ame enthusiastically saying "Hella!" with no other mental context given. 




    gib more ame streams

  17. It's time to go to the moon. 



    yes I know I'm 2 weeks late

    actually almost an hour in already


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Dreamy


      Story 3 was probably the happiest of them all, so that *should* give you a bit of a reprieve, and 4 isn't too bad by itself. Star Night Festival onwards will bury you 6 feet under though, but it's worth it. 


      Oh and not directly story based but you should get all the marbles. getting them all doesn't change anything, but it's important to me personally. 3/5 should be gotten as part of the story automatically anyway, and the other two aren't that hard to find so just explore thoroughly?

    3. Maqqy


      Owee thanks for the tip! Is there a way to keep track if I have them all? I think I’ve gotten 3 of them by now.

    4. Dreamy


      I might as well just list them I guess. don't think there's a way to directly keep track though (you'll get an achievement when you turn in the last one though) 


      Cat's Eye Marble- Main Story, Behind the boards that you first test the axe on

      Amber Marble- Behind the boards in Umas room (hospital)

      Rainbow Marble- Main Story, from Tony after helping him.

      Flower Marble- Cave southwest of mansion in skylands.

      Celestial Marble- Main Story, after the skylands mansion segment. 


      I'm guessing you've got the first 3 and will run into the last two fairly soon?


  18. Oh hey, I have the rep of the beast.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      execute order 666.



  19. I wonder if the main series games would be much harder if they had Reborns AI and no other changes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dreamy


      I feel like the main noticeable difference would be their usage of healing items

    3. Destrakon


      It would be even worse imo..

    4. DemICE


      They already have decent AI, that is just not set to high levels.  If you play Emerald Kaizo you will understand what im saying. 

      The issue is pokemon / moveset selection, level curve and sometimes pokemon availability

  20. Anyone waiting for the modpack update for Rejuvenation V11: It's Out!

  21. Hi from 2019 



    It's like 2018 but not

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sayia


      Happy new year to you Dream! 😄

      Hope this one will be good for you ~

    3. Abyssreaper99


      Happy new year to ya, hoping this year will be a great one! 🙂


    4. Maqqy


      Happy new year dreamblitzx! 🎉

  22. I hope there's eventually a comprehensive list or even an in-game log of all the sidequests and stuff in Rejuvenation (and Reborn) because I feel like I miss lots of cool stuff to do and I want to be thorough. 


    Maybe one day the wikis will get fully filled out...

    1. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      We can't expect a complete one until the games are done and final updates are done but most episodes have one or 2 people that go through at least in reborn and make lists of changes and new quests so in a way we do though that's just my opinion

  23. Any custom starter suggestions for a new Rejuv run? Ideally a duo that a friend can have the other half of

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dreamy


      I mean to be fair, you're a known gardevoir-lover, and they come to mind easily as a strong 'duo' so there was a good chance that would be your suggestion haha

    3. Wolfox


      true, but for the both of you to also have chosen it is a massive decrease from the chance. I was considering other, too. like Wurmple, a few Alolan's, Tyrougue and even Eevee

    4. Dreamy


      Yea Ninetales/A.Ninetales was another strong contender, and I'd considered Eevee but not mentioned it. the other one I was strongly considering was Weavile/Gliscor

  24. OneShot was a good game.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. andracass


      yeah sure i can figure that out

    3. Dreamy


      thanks 😃 

      re-experiencing that with your thoughts&reactions added will make for a nice evening when I don't have much to do

    4. andracass


      coo, i've sent you some messages to your discord

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