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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by mde2001

  1. I feel like this is a kind of obvious answer for me... Runner up would be azumarill.
  2. Thanks Shing! I'll try not to die of poisoning any time soon. Thanks Hycrox!
  3. Thanks to everyone. I had a pretty good but busy birthday (14 hours at school :D). I really appreciate all of the messages (and I'll give the rest of you rep when my total resets tomorrow). Thanks Azery (both for the wishes and the thread)! Yeah... I've been pretty busy. Hopefully that'll calm down soon (by soon I mean at the end of term one which is another 5 weeks or so, but that's something none the less). Thanks Spine! Technically it is a was as the thread was made in the morning after my birthday in my time zone, but given I was away all day it was made at a more convenient time for me Thanks Njab! Thanks for the multiple birthday wishes Lugruf! Thanks Ama! Yeah, I feel pretty similarly about you! We may not talk privately, but you're always a great presence on the server. Maybe we'll get a chance to chat when I start existing on the server properly again! Thanks Chubb! I'll try my best (and I should have less on later in the year so I think I can do it). Thanks Combat RIP Medic! Thanks Simon! It is great getting to work with you as well! Thanks Jeri! That means a lot tbh, you've been such a great role model so I really appreciate all of the guidance! Thanks ICSW! Thanks Arkhi! Thanks Tacos! Thanks Viri! Thanks Mael! It is always nice to not be killed by one's homeland!
  4. Oh I wasn't calling Adrienn boring. I don't think xe's a boring character, but I do think in terms of personality I'm more similar to xyr than anyone else in the game. However I'm not that similar to anyone really. Also thanks!
  5. I'm way too boring to be like anyone in Reborn. I guess I'd have to go with Adrienn probably.
  6. The decision was made to avoid having folder with hundreds of back up saves, but I do agree that it would make sense to increase it a bit.
  7. Oh I didn't realise we had the same birthday. That's cool Anyway, working with you in Atlantis was a lot of fun! You're a super cool guy and always fun to have a chat with (even if I'm not sure if we've spoken since the end of pokenations). Have a fantastic day! You really deserve it!
  8. I'm jumping on the piplup bandwagon. As much as I love piplup it has subpar stats and really suffers in the early game of reborn with such a small range of attacks and two gyms that are super effective on it. All water starters have a bit of a problem in the early game but no-one suffers quite as much as piplup because of it.
  9. mde2001

    all game music

    The files aren't always named after the area. For example the Obsidia Slums piece is called Atmosphere- Dark Crystal and should be in the reborn/ audio/ BGM folder This guide is currently being updated but it might be some help when it is done.
  10. We do realise that this subforum is slightly lacking in activity. The decision to change it from creative writing to creative works was partially an attempt to make it more active, but that hasn't changed it too much. I'm obviously not the authority on what could make the section more active, but to be honest we aren't that big on encouraging posting in one forum over another one. Most forum activity is decided based on interests and there just isn't a huge creative community here. However, posting good pieces of creative work and giving detailed feedback will earn people EXP so I guess that that's an incentive of sorts... Also whenever people post they should feel free to link to it in status updates and the main chat. Just don't spam links to your work (linking it a couple of times with a period of time between them isn't spamming). I will also say there is an idea we're floating around that might be another type of incentive but it isn't something we're discussing with the community yet.
  11. Happy Birthday Commander! You're a super responsible community member who I've barely ever spoken to, but I respect you either way. Have a great day!
  12. I just realised I've been a mod for just over a year... that went quickly 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Simon


      I'm glad that you're on the team and congrats. 

    3. Marcello


      ew auth smell


      Congrats on the one year, time really does fly

    4. Maelstrom


      Sure, that's how it starts...

  13. Well, it is time for the birthday of everyone's favourite jolteon, Sparky! You're a hardworking, generally upbeat guy and we all appreciate that about you. Have a fantastic day!
  14. Animations really don't influence development time that much. We completed all of the animations there were planned for E17 last episode so E17 will just have however many we've finished when the rest of the game is ready. Really their main effect is that Ame needs to do reviews each week and as long as there are any animations still going on that time is relatively consistent.
  15. I don't play board games regularly, but when I always enjoy a game of Settlers of Catan when I do get a chance to play.
  16. Congrats on your anniversary Dobby! I try to keep as optimistic as possible although I'm probably more upbeat here than in real life. Anyway while we certainly don't know each other all that well I do respect you a lot. You stick to your beliefs and while we have very few common interests (at least that I know about), you are an exceptional contributor to conversations about your passions! Congrats once again!
  17. Happy Birthday Ice!!! You've been around for and amazingly long time and some of the records you've made are really interesting. You are also a really nice guy which is always good! Have a great day!
  18. Platinum was better, but I still found the pacing to be kind of annoying though (and the load times still were stupidly long). Its possible Platinum's pacing wouldn't bother me if we could move faster though so I'd be prepared to have an open mind to a remade 4th gen.
  19. I guess I'd be okay with a Sinnoh remake but I think I'd prefer a new region or a heavily expanded version of Alola. That's mostly just because I'm not really a fan of Sinnoh, although getting a remake would get rid of the stupid load times and hopefully fix some of the pacing issues.
  20. Hi everyone, This thread is for anyone who wants to restart their redemption league challenge. Reregister your teams here no more than once every two weeks. Please give us all of the same information you would when you registered the first time. The reason why we're separating the threads is that we want to ensure that everyone gets their first card before anyone gets a second one and it gets a bit confusing having them together. If you've already reregistered your team in the sign up thread you don't need to post it here again, but from here on out we ask that everyone who is restarting posts here. Also thanks to DW for suggesting we make this thread. It was a great idea!
  21. Happy Birthday Wendel! While I haven't been directly involved in a heap of conversations with you, I see you around a lot when lurking on the server and you always seem like a lot of fun! Have a great day!
  22. First off, we don't put megas on trainer cards. You can still use it as a mega metagross, but it is just a normal one on the card. If you really want to reset it post your new team here and I'll remake your team once I get up to it, but you don't need to contact anyone about it.
  23. It depends what you're talking about. There are some slightly older ones that are a bit smaller which could only be made on our old forums, so you can't access the builder for that anymore. The slightly larger ones that are more common are Redemption league Trainer Cards, which is our online league. If you want one of them you can sign up here, but we'd prefer it if you only signed up if you had the intention of competing.
  24. I honestly wasn't expecting Trump to piss off Australia this quickly. We literally just do whatever the US wants us to do most of the time...

  25. I think it is highly unlikely that we'll battle two gym leaders in E19 given that we'll also be battling the E4. It would seem odd to put the double gym leader episode in an episode that already has an additional four or give gym leaderesque fights.
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