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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. [14:10:57] +Code: PIRULUK: like I'm not trying to do the field effects thing ame has, that's prob way beyond me [14:11:05] +Code: PIRULUK: but I'd like to include an IV checker [14:11:28] +RBRN Azery: do you mean like an IV checker in the status screen? [14:11:32] +Code: PIRULUK: yeh [14:11:56] +Code: PIRULUK: I'm also trying to find a way to reset a Pokemon's IVs/EVs. [14:12:13] Vixya: to be honest the field effects, or most of them, weren't that hard. the only reason i'm remotely comfortable with ruby now is because i was doing them. [14:12:16] Vixya: ...oh. [14:12:17] Vixya: i blew it. [14:12:21] +Code: PIRULUK: gg [14:12:22] +RBRN Azery: hmhm [14:12:23] +RBRN Azery: Hi Ame [14:12:27] +Code: PIRULUK: hi ame ~AmethystBlack joined [14:12:35] ~AmethystBlack: hi.
  2. First of all how dare you make Adrienn so adorable. Xe's a cutie, all the other sims better be nice to xem. Second, I wanna ruffle Taka's hair. It's so fluffy! Really like how the brothers turned out, too. But... Adrienn. Too cute. I already felt the need to hug xem when playing the game, but c'mon, look at that face <3
  3. Music is always a good way to cheer me up. What kind of music sort of depends on the situation, but in general, blasting something on full volume with headphones on rarely fails me. Talking to people is great, too. I may be an introvert overall and can't keep a conversation going for hours on end without feeling tired, but I absolutely love to talk. Bonus points if it's about something that already never fails to make me happy. Which brings me to... Reading/gaming. I especially find comfort in re-reading or re-playing something I already know and love. I can't even count how many times I've read each Harry Potter book, or how often I played through my favourite games. Spending a little time with the characters I adore always cheers me up. Oh, and walks in the forest. Especially when it's raining. Oh dear, that sounds cheesy, but it's true.
  4. Okay, Florinia is probably gonna be my favourite character in this, simply for her eccentric qualities. I mean... as long as the plants are all right...~ This is gonna be beautiful, I know it. I'd say turn off aging for now; you can still switch it back on at any later point. For now I'd say pause it while you are still adding characters.
  5. Cain's face in this pic tho He looks like he's not sure what he's doing there. "Wait, did this actually work? Wow, I'm good at this." Saphira is going to fight crime, huh? Soon she'll be the Batman this city deserves. She already lost her parents, so...
  6. eep, i thought this was recent because it was in the recent posts omg
  7. Meh. I need to get this off my mind somehow.
  8. You'll meet that person again later on and find out who they are. c: Not gonna spoil it, but if I were you, I wouldn't worry much about it. There's nothing to do about it for now.
  9. Ari sounds like someone I'd totally try to cosplay if I happened to find clothes for a matching outfit. I've got the haircut already, and the accessoires should be easy enough to make. ...Though I'm white, so there's that. Tbh the character I would love to cosplay the most out of all of them is Sirius, but I couldn't pull that off in a million years. I love his design, mkay?
  10. Holy crud, Radomus and Gardevoir look fantastic! I don't know what sort of devil magic you worked there, but they're great. Can't blame you for your attraction to that Radomus. Which probably means... ...that you should make Taka next c: And I'm really just saying that for your sake, not because I'm dying to see some Team Meteor sims or anything. You also totally shouldn't make the other admins either. Wouldn't even dream of requesting some ZEL. ...Srsly tho, that Radomus~
  11. Why would you even include sanity anywhere in this, that's counterproductive to the environment we're trying to create D: That said: I'll take some of those snuggles, yes please <3 Welcome to the madhouse. Enjoy your stay~
  12. That was the first shiny I encountered in reborn, too, and a crit hit killed it ;_; Congrats on catching the lil bugger! It's such a cute shiny <3
  13. Heh, team-based games are always a difficulty for me because I've got such a huge fear of failing that I can't even bring myself to actually participate in multiplayer. My friend tried to get me to start playing it, but the prospect of being part of a team scared me too much. Therapy is doing me wonders, though, so I reckon I'll be brave enough eventually. Might just take you up on that offer then, hue. You better prepare your patience for that day :'D
  14. Hey, look, here comes another new Steel frend Always love Steel frends No need to be shy, there's a place for everybody around here~ Nobody's kicked me out yet, at least, sooo that's a pretty good indicator I totally need to learn how to play DOTA, I used to spend a lot of time watching my Ex when he played it, and it looked like lots of fun. You'll probably have no trouble finding some company here, judging from the activity over at the gaming forum. So, welcome to the madhouse, now enjoy your stay~
  15. Yooooooo, highfive for Steel types! Welcome to the madhouse, enjoy your stay~ Magnezone is badass, and your English looks fine to me! No worries about that c: Now, if you'd like to leave your sanity at the doorway, you'll fit right in. just don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you that we at Team Meteor are the bad guys. Lies, lies and slander!
  16. So, anyone else watching Eurovision?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. laggless01


      Finland didn't get through, though :(

    3. ZEL


      Serbia tho <33 And it's a shame Belarus didn't get through, their song was my 2nd fave :c

      Finland were cool, but I kinda figured they wouldn't get voted in. 2Metal4Eurovision

    4. laggless01


      #true dat. Deathklok would get bored to death. Wonder if that would be a good or a bad thing for them...

  17. Question though (apologies, I'm still a newb, after all): Will the Beta testers be holding all speculation/discussion in the Night Club where the rest of us can't see it/won't be spoilered, or does it still go on the public forums? Gotta have to calculate how much self-control I'll need to exercise soon.
  18. Yes hello I'd like to buy some confidence. I'll take at least ten.

    1. Maelstrom


      that'll be 50 gold after the bulk discount.

    2. Nova


      Give one to TacosAndFlowers two steps underneath you.

    3. ZEL


      Many thanks, Maelstrom.

      And sure, now that I've acquired a good stock of confidence, I might as well share it with everybody <3

  19. Well, I'd rather say that the reason Zero retains so much control is because Lumi isn't confident enough to oppose him, and Eve sees helping Team Meteor as the only way to get hers and Lumi's bodies back. If those two were to decide that they don't want to deal with that crap any more, I doubt Zero could stop them. Lumi undoubtedly dislikes Team Meteor's actions, and Eve seems to care for nothing but Lumi and herself. I wouldn't say that Eve is good or evil, it looks more like she refuses to give a damn about anything that isn't related to her goal. She can't afford to care, not if she wants to save what's left of her family.
  20. Quoting this for future you. Yeah, at first I was pretty bummed that my favourite pokemon isn't in the game yet, but Reborn really helps you appreciate pokemon that you haven't been using much before. It's really fun to see which ones you can find a use for that you'd not have thought about before. I never expected I'd keep a Noctowl on my team for ten gyms, but it happened. Have fun playing through the game, it's sure gonna keep you hooked c:
  21. getting attached to villain characters is suffering Like I said, I can reasonably see how it might be possible that we will have to make a decision over life and death. it just fits in too well with the plot, and seeing how we have already been asked whether or not we would sacrifice a person twice within the past bits of the game (by Sirius and Blake, respectively), it's not illogical that sooner or later, the answer we give actually takes or saves a life. It didn't matter (now) for Heather that I told Blake I'd keep the ring, but if the game keeps going this route... welp. I just see it as less of a planned thing and more as something that'll happen unexpectedly. So the part of your post where you ruminated over killing off Meteor leaders got me thinking a bit, because while it would be a good thing tactically, I just don't see it being actually planned out, rather happening as a thing of opportunity. Heh, trust me, I don't like Sirius at all as things are right now c: I'd like that precious Poison girl back, yes?
  22. Oh, not quite yet, no. Dunno how far you've come in the game so far - have you already beaten it to the end of E14? If not, then it'll still be a while until you reach the point where you can get Sneasel, but hey, the game is fun to play even without your favourite stares at Skarmory
  23. Hehe, you came here just in time; Sneasel is gonna be made available in the game for the upcoming episode, so you can actually get your Weavile c: Welcome to the madhouse, we hope you enjoy your stay. While you're here, I want to advise you not to listen to anyone who tries to warn you about Team Meteor. People are trying to paint us as the bad guys, but really... You can join us for free, receive exclusive access to the New World, and make your deepest wishes come true! All you have to do is fight some trainers and do as you're told. It's a no-brainer*! You may also want to sacrifice your sanity. You don't need that here, (*in more ways than one)
  24. You mean to say Cain's a Siren? Now THAT's a plot twist. I've honestly grown too attached to all the characters to want to see any of them dead at this point. They're all special in their own way. But I can see how some characters like Lin would be impossible to go down any other way. Just a gut feeling, but some characters really would rather die than surrender, and Lin strikes me as one of those. Sirius is at heart a coward. He's scared of Lin, remember how he panicked at Tanzan? He was more willing to pretend you are a Meteor, and thereby potentially saving your life (if Solaris trying to take you out is any indication of how the leadership deals with threats), than to admit that an enemy even got this far, let alone helped them.
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