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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. Quick, somebody summon Lost! He turned out amazing, aaaaa Honestly, that messyness actually looks really cool, it gives the art a certain character. I like it. Seriously, I'm definitely gonna be stalking this thread. It's gonna be so worth keeping an eye on c:
  2. Aww man, the things you all want to do to this poor guy :c Shocking and brainwashing him, damn. Clearly, he just needs a hug. You know who else needs a hug? Mr. Biggles. Coincidence? I think not~
  3. That agonizing waiting time when you're accepted for one class at a university but there's no response regarding the second yet .-. Wish me luck or something, I guess.

  4. Easy! Think about your most desperate wish in life, decide that it's worth destroying and rebuilding the entire world for, then ask for Sirius and tell him all about your newfound, burning passion for your selfish desires and mindless destruction. You'll be accepted in no time! I mean, all it took for me was a plea to let my favourite characters survive that game...
  5. Sleep? [nervous laughter] It... actually depends. Sometimes I can't get more than two hours, and sometimes I sleep for eight hours straight. I'm a night owl. Not necessarily by choice; I have pretty horrible insomnia and usually cannot fall asleep before 5am nowadays. Though lately it's been around 7am more often than not. I prefer nighttime, actually, and thus wouldn't mind staying awake, if it weren't for those days where I'm doomed to wake up after an hour or so because I have stuff to do during the day. Not looking forward to trying to survive on two hours of sleep in the case that I make it into uni.
  6. Oi, you can't just drop a Harry Potter line on us and then not even tell us what your House is! ...Err, I mean, welcome to Reborn, Thums. Forgive me, I am just one easily excited Ravenclaw with just as little sanity as everybody else here. Hope you enjoy your stay here; it's gonna be a rather long one, so you best prepare yourself. Everyone's already shown you everything important, so I'll just sit here and totally subtly remind that Team Meteor is still recruiting, blah blah, y'know. Reborn's a crazy place, but you'll fit right in for sure. Have fun!~
  7. ZEL

    ZEL's Eevees~

    >tfw that was actually discussed at some point and I lost the showdown log about it IIRC, something about how Eve would come up with a decent recipe, only for Zero and Lumi to ruin it because they have no idea what the hell they are doing and keep adding unnecessary ingredients. So it's probably safe to say that ZEL are not very good at cooking :c And really, could anybody be better at it than Sirius, anyway? Though rumor has it that they are co-starring in his increasingly popular new cooking show, Searing With Sirius...
  8. Holy shit, that looks great! Is "all of them" an acceptable answer, then? ...Jk jk. Your style is interesting; I'm wondering how Ari would look, or perhaps Lin. I know her battle and VS sprites haven't showed up in the game yet, but this might help. You can find her at the bottom. Seriously, though, that Decibel turned out awesome! There's a fanart thread over here, if you're interested.
  9. I don't really like Saphira either, but I guess with how much I like the Meteors, and her killing them off like they're vermin, that's just to be expected. I'm very interested to see the reactions of the sisters to learning the truth.
  10. Mint chocolate chip ice cream tho

    1. Jacobliterator



  11. ZEL

    ZEL's Eevees~

    Umbreon is the only one of ZEL's pokemon that I immediately connected to Zero from the beginning, because it matches his personality best (Dex entries) (and his design; they both got that black-and-yellow thing going on). I was more curious about Espeon and Glaceon in the beginning, because as OP mentioned, you could connect Espeon to Eve because of the Psychic = brains associations, or Glaceon for her cold attitude. And similarly, Lumi would fit both Pokemon, especially since Espeon always strikes me as more connected to emotional intelligence (from the Dex entries anyway), and Lumi appears to be the most empathic one of the trio.
  12. ZEL

    ZEL's Eevees~

    Such font size, scary. Why no t? Evening is when the sun goes down, it's a nice name, Espeon is purple and red, which are sundown-like colours. ...Or we could start a petition to get Eve renamed to "Sunny". A bright name for a bright lady. /shot
  13. Yeah, the cake is not a lie. ...It's just occasionally poisoned.
  14. That was exactly what I meant when I said he is more ruthless c:
  15. The first Tangrowth was the hardest for me. Mostly because I wasn't prepared for that thing, and the moveset really wasn't kind towards my team (I had a huge Electric weakness back then, and am still surprised I beat Julia on my first try). The easiest was probably Abra. It got fried by Arcanine, poor thing. Swalot would be the follow-up. Couldn't stand much ground against Espeon, and then got finished off by a Brave Bird from a Reckless Staraptor. Muk was the most challenging because of its ability; I don't actually remember how I beat it, just that no strategy was involved; I pretty much just tried to hit hard x)
  16. Oooooh, those are fighting words if I've ever heard any. Someone will be rushing to prove you wrong, just you wait. Some might actually be successful. The people here, man. Lovely, but crazy <3 Welcome to Reborn, frend. I hope you'll be enjoying your stay, because there's no turning back from here on. Pointing out all the important stuff is other people's job, so I'll just do the only thing I'm good for and let you know that Team Meteor is always looking for fresh recruits. Seriously, totes worth it. What could possibly go wrong?
  17. ZEL

    ZEL's Eevees~

    They only got those full names after being put into the game. Pre-game, they were only called Eve and Lumi. The full names, including last names, are something Ame came up with. Though that might just mean there's even more meaning to them.
  18. A level 100 PULSE Budew I personally like the "Lin is the Champion" hypothesis a lot, though one would wonder how she'd manage to hold up that kind of double identity.
  19. Whether you win or lose against Solaris in the battle at Pyrous Mountain does make a difference in the story a whole while later on. Whether it's worth the effort or not will be left for you to decide, though. And who knows, it might have further consequences in episodes to come, but we don't know that yet.
  20. ZEL

    ZEL's Eevees~

    I got a chuckle out of this, because just a couple days ago my bf did joke about giving Zero a Sylveon. Mostly because I was trying to evolve my Eevee called Zero into an Umbreon and said I hoped I wouldn't forget that I mustn't let it learn Baby-Doll Eyes, but hey - Zero the graceful Fairy~ But yep, it's Umbreon for Zero, Espeon for Eve, and Glaceon for Lumi. Gotta admit, when I saw their team for the first time, I had similar thoughts to yours. Glaceon and Espeon are both good choices for either of the sisters. Though if you know their backstory, then it's entirely possible the Eve hasn't always been so cold, and they likely had their fully-evolved Eeveelutions before the... incident already. So there's that.
  21. Oi, look, it's another insane German! You know who can help you find your way in the dark and stormy night? Arceus El Our very own sunshine, Solaris, of course. Be a good person, join Team Meteor~ And... welcome, I guess? Even though you've technically already been here for a while :'D Now that you can no longer escape, why don't you take a seat and have some cake? Or cookies. Or pineapple, whatever floats your boat. Yu'll be spending a veeeery long time here, so you better enjoy it from the start <3
  22. You mean sort of like how you get your starter in RSE or DPP? You don't originally get to pick it at the lab, but the professor deems you worthy after seeing you fight? I always liked that. It would put more emphasis on your potential to be a good and caring trainer to your pokemon, something which I suppose would seem admirable to Ame, what with her efforts to save the city and make it more habitable for people and pokemon again.
  23. Heh, I'll freely admit that I have a headcanon for this. ...But that's just me trying to make sense of the situation. I didn't like the idea of the character coming from a different region, so I reasoned that maybe the train was trying to leave instead. I actually love the idea of having to use a different set of starter pokemon as opposed to the ones from the canon games. I would not have minded starting with something like a Pidgey or Poochyena or anything else that seems like it could easily be found on the street. But I suppose to some degree it'd be a huge let-down for a lot of people to not be allowed one of the classical starters?
  24. Okay but Sharky has gotta be the most adorable ship name there is. It sounds too damn cute \o/
  25. Ah, fair enough, that makes sense. I didn't even think much about that before o: The more I know~ It's just that Team Plasma's uniforms, names etc. don't really fit that theme, so they're effectively on the same level of connection to their name as Team Meteor. It fits their goals, but as far as the team itself goes, they're donning more of a medieval knight theme. Aqua, Magma and Galactic are the closest to really playing it out completely. No, Team Flare do not have flair, their uniforms look awful >:c
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