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Everything posted by ZEL

  1. Yeah, the infinite money can be kind of... game-breaking, in a way. Ever since GH/Circus trainers are to be battled as much as you want, you can kind of abuse that to get more money. I remember for my current run I went to train in the Great Hall when I levelled up my Kricketot after Kiki / before Pyrous Mountain/Solaris, and ended up with a lot of money. I eventually spent it and threw away the items because I felt like I shouldn't have that much money at that point, but it was... excessive.
  2. That's something that obviously varies a lot from person to person, but I do like imagining my player character in the dilemma of not wanting to kill/harm anybody, yet not having the guts to call out Saphira or Titania, for example, on their little killing trips. Kinda puts "me" in the position of not wanting to get my hands bloody, yet not being above letting somebody else do the dirty work and have them take the blame. Obviously, one could argue that both of them are currently stronger than the PC and have no reason or obligation to take orders from them, but I'm quite fond of thinking my character into situations where they show weakness. And of course, that's not even touching on battling other poor people for what little money they have, in the beginning of the game
  3. Do you ever just miss talking to somebody a damn lot, but you don't know how to approach them because the thing you fell out over isn't something you should have to apologize for? I'm not sorry for standing up for myself when my feelings were hurt, but I /miss/ talking. A lot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RasenShot
    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I have no idea what you're talking about

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      no, I'm just kidding it's something I tend to avoid thinking about

  4. More like Zero and Fern; they're by far my favourite jerks in the game~ (And yes, I like Gary Oak. Judge me) That said, the Meteors are my favourite faction; I adore the characterization for the ones we get to know better. (Solaris is great, yo!) I just think that in the grand scheme, at least Fern hasn't done nearly as much damage as some others. Maybe I have a bit of fondness for him because I can relate to the feeling of being replacable/disposable and only ever second best to someone else. Neglect can do bad things to people, not all of them come out of it better. (Man did I have a superiority complex at some point in my youth. Sometimes I think my complete lack of self-worth nowadays is the punishment for that.) He has selfish motives, and that admittedly makes him pretty easy to hate on, because he puts himself above others. The great thing about the characters in Reborn is that there isn't a clear cut between good and bad. There's gray morality everywhere, and I love it because there's so much for everyone to relate to. Fern is a character who, so far, is meant to be disliked. But he's still a fully-fledged character like all the others, and happens to be one who's grown on me (thanks for the terrible pun, Ice). Fern jokes are amusing, tho
  5. I wasn't saying that it's okay for him to behave the way he does, but just like the other antagonists, he does have reasons behind why he acts like that. They're not necessarily valid reasons, but they're reasons. What I was trying to say is, Fern is a jerk, but it's not something he just does. There'll be things that caused him to be that way, but unlike characters such as bratty Heather, he hasn't yet experienced a real turning point. I don't think it's okay of him to be an ass all the time, especially with remarks as the ones towards Shelly or Corey. I just think that he's as much of a deep character as any of the others, and tends to get brushed aside by people as being nothing more than "that one unlikable jerk". If the Meteors and Cultists aren't "just bad guys", then Fern's not "just a jerk", is all~ The thing is, I have a huge soft spot for jerkass characters. <3
  6. Purely from the player character's perspective I'd still much rather encounter Fern than, say, Sirius/Solaris/El/[pick your poison]. I mean, say what you want about how much of a jerk he is, at least he hasn't killed anybody yet. I don't understand why people keep saying that Fern is "just" a jerk. If we can excuse the cultists and the Meteors and allies like Saphira and Titania from their actions, why not Fern? Do we know why he's behaving the way he does? Let's take a look - has an older sister who, through something that happened in her youth (which Fern was probably witness to/knows something about) decided that ridding herself of emotion is the best solution (that didn't work out very well for Cyrus, Rini) - is constantly overshadowed by said sister, "merely" the reserve leader - once he starts doing the League challenge, he just can't seem to prove himself better than you either (you keep beating him and he's only margially faster at obtaining badges) - as of E16, still can't beat you, and has to listen to his Boss praising you while his sister points out how hard he's failed - as of E16, during the little "Fern's a hostage" fake, has to listen to Florinia basically saying that it doesn't matter if he's her brother, she's not gonna save his ass (regardless of her own obvious loss of composure during the whole scene, that must be bad to hear) Is Fern a jerk? Yes. Does he say really cruel things about people? Yes. But at least he hasn't tried killing me with my back turned yet. Thanks a lot, Solaris. Neither does he go into a blind killing spree of everything that's in his way. Really, what's with Saphira and Tania? Neither is he continuing to allow an organization like Meteor to keep using his invention to destroy cities and kill people, even after the blackmail that started it no longer works. Following a desperate pipe dream there, Eve. Neither has he attempted to brainwash his own daughter because she's got different beliefs. El please. His reasoning for siding with the Meteors? He wants his rightful place. He said that he doesn't give much of a damn about anything else they believe in or do. He wants to be "where he belongs", on the top. Sounds to me like he's really desperate for recognition/attention that he probably never got. And yes, he's a jerk. But I hate him less than Sirius \o/ jk jk Sirius is also a cool character. But y'know, not the nicest of the bunch.
  7. That had nothing to do with the level cap and merely to do with Friendship evolution, because I wanted to point out that someone who is a "bad person" as far as the game's storyline is concerned doesn't necessarily have to be a "bad person" to their pokemon, thus potentially being able to earn their love or respect anyway. So if people like Fern or Zero who are generally jerkasses to other humans are able to obtain Pokémon that evolve through friendship (Roselia and Umbreon), who's to say trainers like the various members of Team Meteor can't gain the respect of their Pokémon through something else than the League challenge/badges? There's got to be huge numbers of trainers in the Pokémon world who don't want to challenge the league/gym leaders, it's be implausible for that to be the only way to get a Pokémon to obey.
  8. The basic principle is that Pokémon choose to obey trainers that earn their respect. For player characters in the main games, that's usually done through obtaining badges, but if you look at spin-off games like Ranger or Conquest, it's apparent that there are more ways to achieve that. Now, it's probably debatable as to what extent Conquest fits into what's regarded as the canonverse, but we do see Rangers as a trainer class in the regular games, so apparently that works. So even if we leave aside the obvious explanation that badges are simply a milestone mechanic to introduce certain elements to the game (HMs, plot progress, level cap) and are a thing that we're meant to obtain because the core games are all about becoming the new Champ, it's pretty clear that there's more than one way to make Pokémon obey. The basic key appears to be respect. Respect doesn't even mean that a Pokémon has to like its trainer, considering the existence of moves such as Frustration. (Though if we're picking this apart, we might as well consider the fact that some Meteors have Pokémon that evolve through friendship. Could they have been stolen? Sure, but I'd say just because a character is a jerk and has err, problematic motives, doesn't necessarily mean they don't have what it takes to raise a Pokémon team. Just look at Fern; the majority of people hate his guts, he's made some questionable decisions in-game, it's established that he is not a nice person to other people (at least not recently), yet we see his Budew grow into a Roserade throughout the game.) Respect is a broad term, and badges are merely one way to get it. They're supposed to be proof of a trainer's skill in battling, but there's nothing saying that a Pokémon can't recognize/acknowledge it in any other way.
  9. Sometimes I wish I could care less about what a select few people think of me, when there's so many who love me unconditionally and who deserve so much more of my care than I could ever even give them.

  10. Somewhat amused that back at home it's raining/storming a lot while I'm spending my days sitting around on a very sunny beach in Latvia, trying to avoid sunburn. Timing~

  11. Technically, it does. PULSE 'mons gain a huge stat increase (in-game dialogue has Zero mention this by saying that according to Eve, the machine "makes the Pokémon [Tangrowth] stronger") and go through a transformation (usually making them look more monstrous, save for Abra) (this one's very obvious, but Solaris still points it out to you with Muk). However, purely story-wise, it's different, because Mega-Evolution is basically the result of a strong bond between trainer and pokémon + mega artifact (like the bracelet in XY), whereas PULSE is like forced mega-evolution, and obviously very painful/straining for the pokémon involved (as repeatedly lamented by Lumi, similarly mentioned by Taka, and Solaris also goes to lengths to illustrate this). So as far as the mechanic goes, they're similar, but as a concept, PULSE is like a twisted counterpart. ...Which kinda makes me wonder if Eve would have been better off Mega evolving an Audino or something.
  12. Someone dropped this thread link on me via Skype for "when I'm awake". You've already gotten the responses, but if you're interested, I have... well, it's not 100% complete (I left out the repeating "dear diary" parts), but anyway, here's the diary. Edit: whoops, forgot one! Fixed it.
  13. I don't believe we've ever talked personally, and I haven't been here for long enough to say that I havecome to know you well as a person. But still, I can say right away that I'm glad that you're still with us to this day. In the short time I've been here I already owe a lot of things to Reborn, and none of this would have been possible without you. But how it affects me is rather besides the point. You might not have intended this to be a "Happy Birthday" thread, but still - Happy Birthday, Ame. It is incredibly touching to read what you've said, and I admire you for having made it as far as you did. You can be proud of yourself for so many reasons, and I hope you are and will be. I remember you posting on the dream job thread, too, that you wish to do something related to game design, and well... just take a look at what you already have created. There's more to come for sure. You already did make a difference, that much is certain. And there'll be more where that came from. I wish you the best of luck on the rest of your way, and I genuinely believe you do have the power to achieve more. And if you doubt that, once again, look at what you've already built. It always strikes me as morbid how knowing what it is like to want to die ultimately ended up making me personally cherish life so much more. But at the end of the day... you're still here, I'm still here, a lot of us almost faded away, but we're still here. We're the ones who made it, some by luck and some by strength. And that in itself is a good reason to keep fighting. Especially on behalf of those who didn't make it. To all your future birthdays!
  14. Confession time, I was just waiting for someone else to make this post so I don't look as obsessed with them as I am, oops I second the request.
  15. Fun things: Competitive Meowstic vs. Shelly. That'll teach you to lower any stats! http://tinyurl.com/oquxv7b

  16. Understandable as far as it goes for the current game. But once the game is completed, would it be possible to get a bief timeline of pre-game events? I'd be more than interested in knowing some approximate dates for certain events, like various steps Team meteor took to ensure Reborn's downfall, or even just stuff like the deaths of characters who died previously to the start of the story (Corey's wife, the Belrose parents, the Seijaya parents, Lyssa, etc) or things like when Lin joined and/or took over Meteor... Obviously we can't have that yet, since there's still a lot of history for us to uncover, but once the game's final release is over, it would be cool to have an overview over pre-game history.
  17. The beauty of Corey's Crobat not being able to attack Forretress thanks to Corrosive Mist giving Air Cutter poison effects...

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I had a similar experience, where the PULSE Muk failed to hit my Golem because the short-circuit field made its muddy water an electric-type attack.

  18. So this is the second night in a row that two people were walking around on our driveway being interested in our neighbour's house, so I opened the window and went "Hmm?" and one of them's like "Problem?". Yeah, actually this is a problem. Who are you and what are you doing here at 4am.

    1. ZEL


      Heh, my dad's a cop, so this house is safe enough, I'm just curious what anyone needs to be doing here at 4am <.<

      I'll gladly accept the puppies tho c:

  19. It took me AGES to beat Florinia in my first playthrough, and here I am now, beating her Cradily first try with nothing but Poison Spikes and a Lv. 21 Mightyena...

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I know that feel. To quote Cain, "The first time is always rough."

  20. I want to be a teacher. It's the only thing that I consistently felt would fit me over the past years, and the only thing I can see myself doing independently of what my temporary interests are in between. I've had times when I considered other jobs, but my interest in them always faded after a while. But even after all the years, I still believe teaching is what I could be good at. ...Now if only I could get accepted into university. I keep getting accepted for one subject, but then rejected for the other .-.
  21. The perfect wallpaper for this occasion >> http://tinyurl.com/nmn6axd

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZEL


      Hmm, that's not actually hard to accomplish; you pretty much only have to make sure your background layer is transparent. Pretty much every graphic program except Paint (or maybe Paint too now, haven't used it in ages) should let you use layers, so just grab GIMP or something. And if you're just looking to modify an existing sprite (like I did), you'll easily be able to find them with a transparent background on the internet, and the ones in the Reborn files are all transparen...

    3. Jacobliterator


      Oh yeah I forgot about this. Sorry dude, ended up doing it on my own. Cheers though.

  22. This took me seven hours and now I must scream. Oh my god it is done. I am done. http://tinyurl.com/oq4fyp2

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ZEL


      @Odybld: Indeed there are, and I'm impressed with all the stuff I've seen others do. But I kinda wanted to work on this by myself, it makes me happy~ Plus, I haven't drawn anything decent in almost a year, and never even tried to sprite before yesterday, so I'm glad I finally did something artsy again x3

    3. BIGJRA


      for some reason this hit me with a wave of Pokemon Adventures manga nostalgia

  23. The more I'm developing this character, the more attached I'm becoming, and I didn't even start that playthrough yet.

  24. Today I learned that I don't know how hair works. I also learned that I don't particularly care. http://tinyurl.com/qcg5w33

  25. Everyone's getting themselves custom sprites now, huh? Well, I have never sprited before, but I decided I want in on the fun!

    1. ZEL


      I feel like I'm being a little too ambitious, haha. Editing a Meteor Dame sprite, but realized they have no versus and back sprites, which means I'll have to do do a lot from scratch. Still gonna try~

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