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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Zumi

  1. No, I haven't been neglecting my commissions, I've just been really really re A L LLY busy with life and the little amount of free time I had i wanted to spend on things that didn't directly involve me doing stuff for other people so I wouldn't end up burning myself out, so yeah uh I'll get back to my commissions sometime this weekend I guess??? I would've been able to work on them sooner if it wasn't for the fact that I got the extension panel for school so about a week and a half of free time went flying straight out of the window Also, I updated some of the information on how you should pay me if you were to commission me in the future; Paypal updated their terms and services, so please do not use the donate function anymore to pay me as this could get me in big trouble! Please just use the 'pay for goods and services' option when doing a transaction. You can PM me for the email address you'll have to use. AAAAND last but not least, I've added 2 more options for commission styles! One is a mock style of the Pokémon official art (aka the one i used to make the official art of the characters for my game with) and a second self-developed style that I've started to work in recently! If you're interested in taking any of them, make sure to PM me. That's it for now though! I'll be working on the running commissions soon, I promise ;_;
  2. kicks self into bed

    1. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I know that feel.

  3. when you want to do so many things at the same time that you just end up doing nothing at all

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Xiri


      That's how it works, yep

    3. Zumi


      i've been trying to improve on my planning but

      hahaha oh boy i've been trying for 7 years now and i'm still bad at it LOL

    4. Ironbound


      Well, you've got your family and your friends to help you if you want :]

  4. This is correct. You should be able to evolve it near the generator in the power plant. Also, please no necroposting! I'm locking this topic so next time please ask this question in one of the pinned topics.
  5. 3 days until it's aika's birthday. please remind me to make a topic because it's on a tuesday and i have a lot of stuff on tuesday so i dON'T WANT TO FORGET

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Garnet.


      IM making the topic zumi i am the top dog around here

    3. Zumi


      no it's gonna be me

    4. Ironbound


      I'll remind you to wish her a happy birbthday.

  6. Ask around in the pinned topics! Someone may be able to help you out with this there. Locking the thread to avoid further necroposting.
  7. migraines kill the zumi

    1. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Rest In Pepperoni

    2. Rot8er_ConeX


      ugh. I myself don't get migranes, but I see what they do to the wife and...ugh

  8. did i ever mention i've been here for over a year now? because i've been here for over a year now. i'm not making a post because i did something similar for 1000 posts already but ayyy lmao thanks for the great time you guys

  9. how do i quit being a weenie

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felicity


      You ween yourself off with patches

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      literally impossible

      dont worry I suffer from it too

    4. Red_Chaos


      beat up the person who called you a weeine

  10. i missed 4:20 pm on 4/20. i'm a failure

    1. Shing


      gg you tried.

    2. Red_Chaos


      rip thanks for reminding me

    3. Ironbound


      No, you're a success. If you're too busy with other things to remember a dumb meme, you're going about life the right way!


  12. apparently a lot of people from my class got the extension panel... makes me feel a lil less bad about it at least LOL

    1. Exalted


      ahh dont sweat it im sure it was fine whats the worst that couldve brewed up there

    2. Zumi


      a lot of people had the script/houdini problem like i had, so i'm not the only one that went wrong there thankfully

      it's stuff i can fix though! and i'm able to solve the scripting tomorrow so i'll probably be fine :]

    3. Halloween


      wait houdini AND maya? your school does not like its students

  13. Post your save in this topic! Click on the "More Reply Options" button, and it'll take you to a page where you can put an attachment to your message. However, please do not post it here, as this topic has been inactive for over 2 months and therefore counts as necroposting.
  14. tfw i got the extension panel after all. i just have to fix some technical stuff, the animation wasn't the problem

    1. Ironbound


      Ha! I knew there'd be nothing to worry about.

    2. Zumi


      well i mean it's still not that great that i got the extension

    3. Ironbound


      Close enough. All's whale that ends on porpoise.

  15. panel review in 95 minutes. kill me

    1. Exalted


      child you will be fine with anything you do i am with you in spirit now march forth

    2. Ironbound


      You know you do just fine despite getting unnecessarily worked up.

      Here, have a Magnezone-flavoured smoothie in a Magnezone-shaped glass with a Magnezone-shaped straw.

    3. TimTim


      gambateh zumi, you can do this!

  16. panel review day today, i'm nervous as fuck but still looking fine tho
  17. me, 2 hours ago: this lineart is going to be done in no time! still me, now: i'm going to punch my past self in the face for thinking this was a good idea

  18. the group picture of a college whatsapp group i'm in for the first year visual artists has been changed to my teacher and his wife cradling a copy of Dark Souls III in a blanket as if it were their newborn baby and im dead

  19. tired

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Exalted


      then sleep

    3. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Nova, it doesn't work like that xD

    4. Cobalt996


      Just think about not sleeping, and you'll fall asleep

  20. having anxiety and low self esteem: this kills the zumi

  21. stop

    1. Avatar of Grima
    2. ShadowStar



    3. Zumi
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