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X% Hype!!! [E18 Dev Discussion Thread]


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There are so many characters that will be present in Calcenon that I wonder if the protagonist will have a chance to meet them all at the same time. However, if a big meeting between all the characters is to happen, I'll be more hyped than during the end of a certain heroic fantasy show.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't remember seeing any Onyx students teaming with any members of the orphans family during the whole game. Maybe this is where the branch story will come into play. Titania being present in Calcenon in one story split, we may have to follow her while the orphans are rescuing their siblings.


Also, the level cap before the next gym leader is still 90. Some mons will experiment a common candy overdose.

Also also, I'm expecting Hardy to suffer like ... a lot during this episode, if he is the gym leader of course. I can't wait to see how he interacts with his sister.

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I think there has been said that both Gym leaders (Hardy and Saphira) will be fought during EP18 but I could be wrong. I could also get the split into how the MC assaults the Meteor Base near Calcenon, with Onyx' people (Florinia et al) or the Orphans (Saphira). It would be great.

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5 minutes ago, kithas said:

I think there has been said that both Gym leaders (Hardy and Saphira) will be fought during EP18 but I could be wrong. I could also get the split into how the MC assaults the Meteor Base near Calcenon, with Onyx' people (Florinia et al) or the Orphans (Saphira). It would be great.

No, one in each remaining episode. Also I can imagine Tania appearing anyway as Amaria seems like she would ignore her own injuries if it meant that Meteor is dealt with, Tania coming along to keep an eye on Amy and because she wanted to slice up more meteors. 

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Since it's the time for some unraveling, I guess the story/sidequests will throw us all over the map - also in order to make it easier for us to explore rock-climbable areas, similar to what we saw after the renovation of the city. For example, Iolia Valley has this one pretty long rock-climb path that by-passes the the entry via Castle garden and we know Luna will play big role soon, maybe it is her time to shine at last - what means, Radomus et al. will appear again.

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7 minutes ago, example said:

Since it's the time for some unraveling, I guess the story/sidequests will throw us all over the map - also in order to make it easier for us to explore rock-climbable areas, similar to what we saw after the renovation of the city. For example, Iolia Valley has this one pretty long rock-climb path that by-passes the the entry via Castle garden and we know Luna will play big role soon, maybe it is her time to shine at last - what means, Radomus et al. will appear again.

Serra will definitely feature in this episode. She gonna set her son right on helping Meteor and what consent is

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17 minutes ago, Tacos said:

No, the Alpha and Beta tests occur once it has reached 100%.

So is the last 1% the supervised (Ikaru playing through it with Ame checking) and internal (dev team test). Then after 100%, we have our alpha and beta testers? I'm looking forward to seeing the banner change and seeing if Ame throws any curveballs when updating the obtainable pokemon list (whether adding, removing or changing availability of pokemon).. 

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No, there's just a very small amount of Misc. Updates left at this point.  Don't read into it that much, it's just a very minuscule amount of work as far as I'm aware.

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3 hours ago, Tacos said:

No, there's just a very small amount of Misc. Updates left at this point.  Don't read into it that much, it's just a very minuscule amount of work as far as I'm aware.

It could simply be random stuff that needs to be checked to make sure it doesn't crash or to just double check or it could be simple stuff like a random event NPC or dialogue change. Could even just be a graphics edit.

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31 minutes ago, Commander said:

It could simply be random stuff that needs to be checked to make sure it doesn't crash or to just double check or it could be simple stuff like a random event NPC or dialogue change. Could even just be a graphics edit.

Exactly, it's most likely just something simple that won't take too long to finish/fix.

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To anyone curious the testing stages will somewhat go and who will be testing when:

EDIT: Take the time-scales on here with a pinch of salt, they were approximate for E17 testing. They could be longer or shorter dependent on what happens, please be patient

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Last night I had a dream where I checked the development blog and Ame left an update saying something had happened. Don't remember the something was, but progress was back at sixty-something percent. Also, Ame said because of the setback she would be having a surgery and that we all could volunteer to rewrite e18's story or something like that? Idk; I figured it was a dream halfway through having it.


Anyway, congratulations Reborn development team on completing the episode! I will anxiously await the episode's release after the alpha and beta testing.

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The Top 5 most Murderous Pokemon Reborn characters.


5. Titania

4. Solaris

3. Saphira

2. Sirius

1. Lin.


This was based on what I observed during my last playthrough. And Yes, Saphira is more murderous than Solaris.


I Wonder how these people who have no problem killing people will do in the next version.

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1 hour ago, ShadeStrider said:

The Top 5 most Murderous Pokemon Reborn characters.


5. Titania

4. Solaris

3. Saphira

2. Sirius

1. Lin.


This was based on what I observed during my last playthrough. And Yes, Saphira is more murderous than Solaris.


I Wonder how these people who have no problem killing people will do in the next version.

I think Solaris and Titania should be swapped. I definitely agree with Saphira being more murderous than Solaris. He hasn't attempted to kill anywhere near as many people as Saphira has.

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But how many people has Lin killed?  We have technically only seen her kill two people.  One, if you think that Titania was the one who killed Taka.  I would think Sirius is up top, but then again, Lin did kill Ame the Champion.

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1 hour ago, Trevore said:

But how many people has Lin killed?  We have technically only seen her kill two people.  One, if you think that Titania was the one who killed Taka.  I would think Sirius is up top, but then again, Lin did kill Ame the Champion.

She is behind all of the dead (both people and mons) in Wards destroyed by plants, in the earthquakes or by pollution - her killcount is higher than those few killed directly by her hand. Also, I'd take into account not only outright kills, but overall 'being prone to murder' stance - Lin or Sirius have no problems with it, Titania will hurt anyone who stands in her way to save others, same goes for Sapphira (means justify the ends, right?), while Solaris seems like not willing to kill anyone on sight, rather only when he thinks it is neccessary. I'd put Amaria on this list too. She is destructive as f*ck. 

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6 minutes ago, example said:

She is behind all of the dead (both people and mons) in Wards destroyed by plants, in the earthquakes or by pollution - her killcount is higher than those few killed directly by her hand. Also, I'd take into account not only outright kills, but overall 'being prone to murder' stance - Lin or Sirius have no problems with it, Titania will hurt anyone who stands in her way to save others, same goes for Sapphira (means justify the ends, right?), while Solaris seems like not willing to kill anyone on sight, rather only when he thinks it is neccessary. I'd put Amaria on this list too. She is destructive as f*ck. 

But Amaria has only attempted to kill one person but failed, even then it was under extreme emotional trauma. Other than that Amaria is rather nice towards people. It's a top 5 and Solaris has attempted and has probably done more destruction that Amaria ever has. If anything, her destruction is more towards herself.

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5 hours ago, ShadeStrider said:

The Top 5 most Murderous Pokemon Reborn characters.


5. Lin (2)

4. Sirius (4)

3. Titania (4.5)

2. Saphira (5)

1. Eve (???)

0. Ame (3 +  Gym Guides + All the Axed Mons + Shadow Ball)

The reason Eve is number one is because she's the one who made the pulse Pokemon and we don't know how many people were killed by them other than two off the top of my head being the one police officer and the other being the Fairy Gym leader. Titania gets half a point for Lin as while she didn't kill her, she did try to murder Lin. It's clear who the true top murderer is though.

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10 minutes ago, Commander said:

The reason Eve is number one is because she's the one who made the pulse Pokemon and we don't know how many people were killed by them other than two off the top of my head being the one police officer and the other being the Fairy Gym leader. Titania gets half a point for Lin as while she didn't kill her, she did try to murder Lin. It's clear who the true top murder is though.

Those poor gym guides, what did they do to deserve such brutality?

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