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[IC] Aurora University for the Preternaturally Gifted


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Chloe turned to Omni, friendliness demanding that she at least greet the oddly-parka'd person before continuing to try to dissuade this Idunn girl. "Uh, hello!"


Then Chloe turned to Idunn again, awkwardly stammering out another attempt at a placating sentence. "U-um, really, no, I mean it, i-it really wasn't quite such a big deal as all that!"

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Blackadder's British gentleman senses were tingling as he said "No you really shouldn't worry about it Ma'am, it was just a trifle". He then handed Chloe his guitar once more as he sarcastically put on his best Willy Wonka impression as he shook Will's hand up and down while saying "My name is Blackadder, make sure to remember it as I will surely remember yours".

And without moving his feet he turned to face the parka wearing boy and said "Can't stand the sun now can't you?".

Edited by Cronos5010
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Lots of people here...cool...

Shaun, in his night clothes and carrying an already ice-cold cup of coffee, watched tiredly at the Group 12. They all looked quite eccentric, but it was one of the reasons he chose Aurora in the first place anyway.

He looked around, looking for anyone that he might recognised. Satisfied that he knew no-one in the group, he shuffled toward the school wall and caught a 5 minute nap before the Group Leader came.

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The weather was not fitting for the storm that would soon descend on upon group twelve. As the group mingled, stood aside from them was a pale young woman who was determined to commit murder through a phone call, Polly was seething with barely restrained frustration.


"What do you mean, you've lost my winter closet, Dad?" All of the anticipation and the excitement, all her thoughts about how cool it would be to come to Aurora and of course, of course, something had to go wrong. For now, Polly had her autumnal outfit to do her well but it didn't feel like enough. Her warm, orange blouse and red skirt, using the same shades as the fall leaves that would begin to cover the ground, felt gaudy. It clashed with her pale skin in what she first felt like a nice juxtaposition that highlighted her natural colours but now felt far too bright. She at least liked her jewellery, a lovely golden chain with a stone of rose quartz hanging above her slight cleavage. Tasteful, yet eye catching. Her earrings matched the necklace wonderfully. She had always been a bit of a magpie though, jewellery was always her favourite part of an outfit. She didn't feel like she was putting her best foot forward though and it frustrated her to no end.


"I'm sorry honey, we'll get it to Aurora soon, but you'll be fine for a while I'm sure. Just go ahead and enjoy your first day, ok?"


Polly sighed in exasperation and her anxiety leaked out with it. "Fine, I'll try and go find my group."


They exchanged their third set of goodbyes for the day and she set off into the crowd of students.


"Group twelve..." She murmured, looking around. There were so many eye catching sights amidst the mob of supernatural entities. She felt positively under dressed, her outfit reduced from wonderful to weh. Of the people who caught her eye, she saw a familiar, if gargantuan, woman. Well, she said familiar but really it was only because she looked like a normal, if athletic person. Thus, she was more familiar than the werewolves or slime monsters.


She wandered up (free of luggage, they had planned a meticulous escort mission that, though gone wrong, left her free of cumbersome suitcases) and nervously tapped the large woman on the shoulder. She unconsciously stood on her tip toes slightly to get the height.


"Excuse me, do you happen to know where group twelve have to gather?"

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Shaun feels a tap on his shoulder. A few taps. When he comes too, he sees a weeb an asian girl with oversized luggage and apparently a fox-ear hat poking at him. "You probably shouldn't sleep. If the group leader comes you might just get left out here."


Nosy nosy girl, I see.

Hey, it'd suck to get left out and miss orientation.


"Sorry to wake you up but, well, missing orientation is probably not a good start to the year."

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"Oh! So you're in group twelve too!" Polly exclaimed, glad to have found the right place without any fuss. "Thank you, my names Polly Geist." She gave her brightest smile to everyone nearby, good first impressions were important! "It's very nice to meet you all!"

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Blackadder extended a hand for the recent arrival while saying "My name is Blackadder, take care to remember it as I will remember yours" before turning to face Chloe again with a very slightly worried look on his face, before saying "Are you sure you're alright? Would you like another mint candy?".

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"...mmm...mmmh...hmm?" Shaun opened his eyes slowly and looked at his waker, his head barely turning as if he was talking the least amount of energy as possible. "Oh...yeah...I guess I should stay awake..." He said to the asian girl. Though it seemed as if his 'awake' and 'asleep' state were two nearly congruent states. He let out a wide yawn and stretched a little, making him slightly more awake. "My name is Shaun. Nice to meet you." He looked up at the girl's hat. "Nice hat...do you want some help with the luggage?"

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"I'm Aiko. It's a pleasure to meet you!" Aiko says, as Shaun wakes up. "Do you need some coffee or tea or something? I should have a thermos in my bag... oh, I don't need help, no. Thanks for offering though! It kinda helps to hide something." As if on cue with the comment on her hat, the ears twitch a bit. 

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"Oh...it's alright, I have coffee here..." Shaun said as he blinked at his half-empty cup. "I'll refill it at the school." ...if they do have the draught? I guess they will...

Shaun tilted his head like a dog would to a curious object. "You have... a really strange hat..."


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"...Oh crap, they're moving aren't they?" she says, placing her hands over the ears. They continue to twitch a bit while pressed down. "Uh..."


What are you worried about? Everyone here is a supernatural.

But they're weird! And not mine! And what if somebody not-supernatural sees them!?

What's wrong with fox ears, huh!? 


Aiko awkwardly laughs. "...Yes, uh... weird hat."

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He took another sip of his 'coffee', which seemed to perk him up a bit, while also making his nightclothes shift a little because of his tail moving under his shirt.

Shaun continued to stare at Aiko's hat, completely oblivious to her awkwardness. "They look like..." he seemed to space out a little, then come back. "yeah, they look like fox ears..."


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Rocky chooses that time to wander over to the narcoleptic and the weeb. He looks between the two for a moment before turning to Aiko.

"So is that one of the hats that can respond to brain waves or whatever? I have to admit, they looked pretty cool when I read about them."

That wasn't a lie, he did think they were pretty cool when he read about them. Although he also didn't really think that they weren't a part of the girl since it seemed that no one was actually trying to hide their weirdness. He would have to report everyone to whoever was in charge of maintaining the masquerade around here.

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"Yes! That's what it is." Aiko says, recovering her composure. Her tone probably makes it obvious that she is mostly doing this because until they're in the school, it's probably not smart to show supernatural-ness.  "They're really cool, yeah. Kinda expensive but I had a job so I could save up!"


To be fair, from what I've heard you being Japanese just puts a weirdness filter on people.


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"Oh? What kind of work did you do?"

Rocky isn't sure if he's trying to catch her in a lie or just interested in if she actually had a job. On the one hand, doing the former would be funny. On the other hand, it's much more polite to use the latter reasoning.

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"Nothing weird. I was paid to tend a shrine back home." It wasn't a lie - she did get paid. Donations went to maintaining the shrine, and that included paying those that tended to it. As much as the Fuyumi family would tend it anyway, they did need to eat and have a home. She just didn't buy an animal-ear headband with the money.

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Rocky nods. He scratches the back of his head as he looks around.

"So, did you like the work? I imagine you met a lot of interesting people."

He doesn't add the part about only reading that last bit in "interesting" comics he found online.

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"Interesting? Yeah, I guess so. Plenty of people came to the shrine. I liked it well enough - it was always pretty peaceful, which is a nice change from city life now and then."


I think he might have meant something else by 'interesting'. 

Or, maybe not everyone is like you.

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Chloe slung Edmund's guitar under her arm when he handed it to her, but did still treat it carefully, having evidently been trusted to hold it while he talked to some of the others. Chloe, too, would take the opportunity to introduce herself to Polly, who would probably note that Chloe was one of the more normal-looking folks here, being at normal height with sand colored hair, blue eyes, a purple skirt and a blue shirt. Probably the weirdest thing about her appearance was the small cylinder of sand hanging from her neck like a pendant. "Hello! My name is Chloe Kauai!"


When Edmund asked her again if she was okay, Chloe started to get just a little frustrated. She knew he meant well, but she really just wanted to sweep the whole thing under the rug and be done with it. "No, seriously, I'm fine, I swear!"

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Idunn looks down at Aiko when she mentions being a shrinemaiden. She lifts an eyebrow.

"A shrinemaiden, you say?  What duties do you perform? Do you make sacrifice to the gods of your fathers?  Do you sing songs of the exploits of Thor in the war against the frost giants?"

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Rocky nods.

"Yeah... personally I didn't get out much until recently. Dad wanted me to focus on athletics and not much else... He did have some really interesting friends though."

To be fair, he also wasn't alive until about a month ago, so technically all of that was true even if it was missing some shady agents from an international organisation... Oh, the person that's his size is talking. And not bothering to be normal.

"Doubtful. She would most likely be a Shinto shrine maiden from the looks of her. And the fact that mostly Shinto followers refer to them that way."

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"Exasperation is unnecessary. Unless you're concerned with acting normal with, if I'm correct, a ghost, yourself and a fox-woman around. And for your information, my family claims the land of Ireland as their home upon Midgard. 


Finally, I can say Midgard instead of having to correct myself to Earth every time. It is tiring to pretend to be normal, sometimes."

Edited by ElfCollaborator
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