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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Hiroki, after revealing herself and then managing to get herself flustered immediately, headed back inside the castle, bare feet padding against the stone floors. She strayed away from where most of the activity seemed to be happening without any real direction, and in her wanderings managed to end up in the ballroom. There were still a couple tables left behind, along with the occasional toppled chair, so she pulled one up and sat down, cloak still draped about her.

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After watching Mar gather ingredients for a while, Solomon started to walk back towards the castle, he wasn't really worried about why he was gathering said materials, worst case scenario it could be used as poison right? He noticed a certain drider outside of the castle, it was a bit odd to see her standing there without her handler, but she seemed receptive to the idea of receiving food in exchange for favors such as not eating the one givinf said food, Solomon took out a slice of smoked beef and offered it to her.

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"No, I think we will do just fine."


Everything passes for the pair like a fever dream, Mar gathers up a rock?  then he climbs up a sheer cliff face, Smashing down Clockwork parts and glowing Crystals.


Eventually, everything blurrs like a bad hangover, where Mar is shown with his pupils dilated and his teeth sunk into a walking black mushroom.  It is NOT happy with this situation.


Suddenly, everything spins again. They are in a Laboratory? Mar picks up a computer monitor.  Nah, those are bad for the eyes.  He gathers up a sheet of paper instead.


Eventually, they wander back around somewhere that might have been familiar near the start here? There are Black Feathers everywhere Mar notes, some Jackass has been shedding.


Clearly, this is a job for the dynamic duo.  Solomon is deligated to Feather Carrying duty.


Next, Of course, Mar finds an old Chest, and Smashes the hell out of it.  Getting Steak shaped chunks of wood and a pile of dust.  The Priceless Crown Jewels inside are left behind, and Mar closes the secret door back.   It isn't right to take things that aren't yours after all...


Somewhere along the line, Mar either gathers or Snorts some Twilit magic.  No, no, he did gather it it seems.  A shame.  Then maybe this PoV could fade to black before we witness more horrors in this Abomination to the Winery Arts.


    Mar gathers up the materials in hand, stalking back inside. First, we start with the base, a Good old fashioned rock, for a nice brothy broth, it is dumped into the mixture of Quenching Oil and Quenching Water. Then, after it comes to a boil, Mar stirs in the Old Chest Wood and Dust, to give it some Meat. After that, Mar beings dumping in chunks of crystal as he puts in the other ingrediants. The liquid is glowing now. It might have started glowing earlier, who knows. He Stirs in pinches of Twilit Magic Dust as well, the sharp Abrasive Powder adds character to the brew. After that, he dumps in the sheet of worthless paper, Secrets of the heart? Meh Meh Meh. in it goes, for Ink, Squid Ink has a very nice and salty taste to it after all, and the paper will soak up some of the magic. Now he chops up the feathers, mincing them finely, and dumping 1 part Minced feathers to 1 part whole feathers. Finally, since Sugar is needed and Yeast is needed, Mar dumps in a whole Black Fungus, this little monster was very mean to him, but it's succulent head tasted sweet and numb. Perfect for this brew, both in one. He stirs slowly and carefully as the brew bubbles like a God Possessed.
Finally to stablize it, we dump in Ground up copper gears.
After all, the gears aren't moving, so they should help keep this nice and smooth.
Alexandria looks at it with dawning horror "Estimated chance of death upon consumption: 99.99999%"
"Either way, it cures my headache."
"Now shush, there is a high chance of it exploding if we talk."
Ritsu is very concerned about the brew and any aftereffects it may possess.
Now, That we finally have everything to a nice chunky concistency.
Mar starts punching the liquid.
Infusing mana and splitting everything into a fine smooth liquid
"Wait, did you mean pain killer or painful killer?" Solomon comments.
Repeated cracks reduce the substance to the consistency of oatmeal
"Shush you."
Mar Pauses.
The liquid looks like someone made a Slushy from industrial waste.  For good Measure, Mar takes a chip of bone off the ground from his own forehead after getting struck with lightning, and uses it to channel mana into the pot.
(10, 7) A Foul Purple Liquid Mana is made, which goes right into the pot.  Death Mana, which encourages Bacteria and Viruses and Kills off normal Cellular life, Perfect for fermentation.
Mar finishes the Brew, and Caps it With an Obsidian Lid he casts from magma to seal the pot completely,  A small hole is made to allow gasses to escape while it boils and Ferments at incredible speed.  Now we just see what happens... Mar Crosses his fingers, probably worrying his companions.
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The ponytailed girl is standing outside still. For her part, she actually looks.....rather pissed off everyone just walked off and ignored her. Oh dear.

"Are......are you fucking kidding me?"

The moped she arrived here in disappears as she goes to find someone, looking rather irritated. She wanted to figure out if any one of these people were this Cinna guy she was meant to be helping.


Having all of one guy reply to it was rather unhelpful when there seemed to be the literal population of a screwed-up cosplay convention outside, so it was better to check.

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"No my dear friend, I am seriously offering smoked beef to a drider, this is not as ridiculous as it looks like, also what is a 'Sinna'?" Said Solomon as he desperately tried to continue paying attention to Aurora.

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On 1/22/2017 at 10:06 PM, Nepgear said:



A grey and brown blur launched out of the group of newcomers, rocketing to catch the falling Bridgett.

"Oh no, Bridgett-san has fallen!" Nyahiro exclaimed, "I must save her!"

She looked away dramatically, as though the sight of the fainted girl was too much to look at. As she did she caught sight of the weird guy. And she saw herself, a fork made of some kind of super-alloy was embedded in her temple as her entire body stood still and drained to pure white. Disconcerted, she looked back to Bridgett.

"Oh Bridgett-san, there is only one thing to be done." She laid Bridgett down and leaned over her, "I must give you... MOUTH! TO! MOUTH!"


As the girls face approached Bridgett's a light blue field surrounded Bridgett bouncing the new girls face away. "If you are to assist My Lady. Please do so without doing anything untowards to My Lady"  Mornings Arrow chimed in a slightly more forceful monotone at the new girl as it kept up the barrier  around Bridgett.  

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"No I don't know anyone named 'Cinna', but you might find somebody who can help you with that inside of the castle, we just got here with it you see, and we don't really know much about the local populace", Solomon continues offering meat to Aurora "Wait, can you knit something from silk? I will give you all of the beef I have with me if you can get me a spider silk vest.".

Edited by Cronos5010
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The arachnid stared at the Librarian for a few moments, the aroma of the beef serving an oh so taunting motivation to comply with the rather sudden request, but the memory of the Flesh-bag's idiocy from the Gates earlier still fresh in her mind. If only the flashes of the premonitions brought on by the sight of the Battered Hero were so fresh, but alas, by the time he'd stalked away and a good number of the others had gone down to town or back inside, the iridescent green of her eyes had faded back to the purest silver, and any shred of old lucidity she had in her gone with it.

    Baser instinct was in control once more, the countless faces she had seen just a mere afterthought in comparison to the ever present feeling of emptiness in her gut. The Flesh-bag who'd given her the wine had still yet to state what he actually wanted in return, but until he showed up to do so, she saw no reason to not make more bargains, especially one as easy for her as this, if the squishy wanted Silk in exchange for food.


Aurora reached out and took the beef, much like she had the wine earlier, tossing it into her bag. Not even a moment later, she produced the silken garb she'd idly worked on earlier, it's golden thread radiating with the reflected light of the sun, contrasted by the black trim. Only now though, did she even realize herself what it was; a long coat, woven to such a measure that it could've fit most Fleshbags of average human size with little effort, with perhaps a minor bit of hemming needed in places.

      Without a word, She tossed the silken coat to the man, crossing her arms. It may not be a vest exactly, but it was close enough as fair as the arachnid really cared.

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Andre stares at the spider woman in a mixture of awe and shock. He'd never seen such a mixture, the grace and power of a spider meeting with the beauty of a human woman. It wasn't love that he felt, that was too personal. It was more, an admiration that he just couldn't shake. Bigger than what he felt when he saw the last mamoth the feeling was, it was as if the Godcat wasn't a crazed genocidal being and instead had decided to make a being that embodied beauty for Andre. Basically, he was crushing on Aurora harder than a hydraulic press.

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Izumi Kurosawa, Barracks


It's Friday, nearing midnight . Normally I'd be home by now, bar's too crowded and I've got everything I need there anyway - a few bottles, a couch, and someone to talk to. Well, something close enough to that last one. I'm not picky.


We'd be talking abou-, well, I'd be talking about, nothing in particular, really. Things we already knew. It's nice, just talking about nothing. Everyone's always got something on their mind, it gets tiring real fast. Still, things do come out of it every now and again, like those tickets.


See, he brought be tickets for my birthday. I didn't remember I even had a birthday, but hey, guess I do, 21st of June, the summer solstice. Said I was always talking about the stars back home, home home I mean, so he brought me a ticket, a ticket out of the city, out of his storm. Brought it with my money, but hey, it's the thought that counts. Or whatever goes on inside that core of his.


Still haven't used them. I will, just, waiting for the right time I guess.


I wish I were on that train now. Well, that's a lie. I don't. But I wish I did. Instead here I am, chatting up a robot about some kind of doohickey I didn't even know existed until about five minutes ago. A kamidana. Apparently it'll help Sif send more resources my way.


The world's ending and I'm talking about a box. Typical.


"Alexandra, was it? Would you mind helping me make a small shrine? I'm afraid I'm not too good at making things myself, but Sif here" she gestures to the dove on her arm "says having one will let him aid me more." 

((Kamidana specifications as follows:))


A nano forge is required for this design as the required materials do not exist on-hand and a deal of precision is required in its construction.


The kamidana unit itself is a sleek black monolith, perfectly rectangular and small enough to fit atop a shelf or cupboard. Its front section is inscribed with a simple stylized eye insignia and swings open like a set of double doors to reveal the space within that appears to be designed to hold a slip of paper with similar dimensions. Though appearing uniform in composition at a glance, a scan would reveal that it is actually comprised of meta-materials of varying densities as to ensure its center of gravity is in a position to maximize its stability.


The ofuda to be placed inside is far simpler, paper and a permanent marker to inscribe it would suffice, though a pre-inscribed plate of similar dimensions would also suffice but it isn't much more convenient as Kurosawa would still need pen and paper to draw the symbols to be inscribed anyway.


Edited by Empiricist
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As the tall being stalked away, the slime that had been Kagari began to calm down, regaining her sense of self, regaining her intelligence. She felt her self-awareness creeping into her consciousness, pushing out the primal fear that she had instinctively ceded control to. She attempted to look around, but quickly realised that she had no neck to turn. Adding to that, she was not "seeing" in the usual sense of the word, but was receiving and interpreting sensory data from every part of her, from all over. She was able to see in all directions at once. This was a feat impossible for a human body. Ergo, she had at some point reverted to her natural form.




Now all the humans knew she was a slime, and therefore knew that she was likely good EXP. Not a good situation to be in. Still, now that she had been exposed, it was no point continuing to hide what she was. She would simply have to be cautious in her dealings with humans - more so than usual. Firstly, she had to take stock of what was currently happening around her.


The first thing she noted was a large man, a newcomer, a human, dangling a cheeseburger over her head, speaking to her like she was some kind of domesticated animal at a zoo. Rage flared within her, a red mix of anger and pride. She was no animal, no beast; She was Kagari, Slime Queen and Commander of the 3rd Demonic Legion. She would not suffer this indignity a second longer.


She rose up, gathering herself off the floor, the amorphous substance that formed her body reshaping itself into the familiar form of Koizumi Kagari, complete with swimsuit. The slime further whirled around her arms, forming into the cannons of her IJN Akizuki form. Ignoring the hamburger, she glared at the offending human.


"You stand in the presence of Koizumi Kagari, Slime Queen. I am not some pet, nor am I some wild creature to be tamed. Do not make the mistake of thinking otherwise."

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Solomon gingerly took the golden long coat that Aurora had given him, it was not a vest, and it wasn't in the color he would have chosen, but Solomon isn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when that gift horse seemed like it wanted to kill him, Solomon decided to re enter the barracks and try to convince Mar that this would look better with armor plating.

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Following what seemed to be the natural trend of things, Edmond made his way through the aged wooden door into the fortress. He wasn't entirely sure what he intended to do, but he turned right as he entered the grand hall, and slowly made his way towards the areas where he felt most at home, namely the engine room and the smithy. He hesitated for a moment outside the smithy, uncertain what he intended to do.

"Alexandria? I'm actually going to work on the engines right now. Some people outside are going to be attaching some sort of mechanism for interstellar travel, I believe...and I'd like to be there to help out. I think it's probably pretty important. If you need help with your eye, I'll be in the engine room just over there. Alright?"

Edmond entered the Engineering Bay, and noticed one other figure standing nearby.

7 hours ago, Sutoratosu said:

"T...This...this is terrible. Probably the worse case of Neglect I've ever seen..." She took a step back, taking it all in again, the disrepair surrounding her. "Wait... wasn't there some blond guy and a few others who said they were coming to hook something to... this? This peice of shit? By the gods of tempest..."

"Excuse me...I'm Edmond Cooper. And...wow, you're right."

He left it at that for now, and gazed around at the corroded gears and pipes. Much of it probably needed to be replaced, due to the amount of rust that had eaten away at it, but for now all that could be done was to clean out the rust and realign the gears that needed it, repair any shorts, and check for any other obvious problems.. I don't think this would even function without magic...

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The rather pompous announcement of Kagari's true identity, of course, grabs the girl's attention. Almost immediately, she raises an eyebrow at the big cannons being pointed at the guy. She casually strolls over, smoothly placing herself between Kagari and Andre. Almost as if she were trying to protect him.


That would be silly, of course. More likely is that she just wants to talk and the big muscly guy's in the way. 

"Oh, Slime Queen, you say? Like, a slime? Mind if I get an autograph? Half the department's jealous. Hell, I'm a little jealous. You know, with the shapeshifting thing. How do you even do that?"

Edited by ElfCollaborator
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Dimitri Kuznetsov, Barracks

8 hours ago, Zoe_Walker said:

"I will be drawing gauss wire anyway to fix my integrated cannons, and it would not be difficult to also retrofit any firearms offered as gauss weapons. "

"Did you say gauss weapons?" there was a sparkle of something in his eye, whatever he was thinking after that little exposition masked behind an unfaltering smile, a smile that seemed to get just ever so more dangerous.

"And here I was, thinking it was going to be magic and magic alone. I'll take you up on that offer" he gestures to his rifle "I also know a thing or two about gauss weapons myself, worked with them for a while actually, larger ones mind you, but bah! Large or small, the principles remain the same, and the rest? Well, that makes it all the more interesting, doesn't it?"


((If Alexandra accepts his offer, Dimitri assists with the gauss upgrades. He is from a hard sci-fi reality and has 9 INT.))

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5 minutes ago, ElfCollaborator said:

 "Oh, Slime Queen, you say? Like, a slime? Mind if I get an autograph? Half the department's jealous. Hell, I'm a little jealous. You know, with the shapeshifting thing. How do you even do that?"


"Eh? O-oh, um, sure. Do you have a pen? And what did you want me to sign?"


Kagari was quickly brought out of her domineering stance by a question she was very comfortable with. As a Keijo Race Queen she had numerous fans, so being asked for her autograph was something she was extremely accustomed to, and allowed her to very switch between her dignified, regal persona and her more friendly, open Keijo pro persona very quickly. She could already feel her rage ebbing away as she fell into the comfortable role of celebrity sportswoman.

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Hikari blinks. She'd been too busy trying not to panic herself to notice that the magical girl idol person had turned into a... slime? Like, in an RPG? And was right beside her. And... Queen? 

Suddenly Ivory... kneels? "I was not aware I was in the presence of royalty. I am sorry I did not pay proper respect." the ethereal figure says.

"I-Ivory? What...?"

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25 minutes ago, Strider said:

"Excuse me...I'm Edmond Cooper. And...wow, you're right."

"Huh- oh..." The Mechanic poked her head out of one of the two adjoined offices as she heard Edmond's voice. She stared at the man for a while, dressed in his strange, camouflaged garb. It was her first time seeing such an outfit- a dead give away that whoever he was, he was most definitely not from Tempest. It seemed as though the uniform had been designed for some type of covert operation or fighting of some sort... and given the prevalence of Mech Combat, and the fact that her homeland had no vegetation or geological gradient with which to conceal oneself using such colors as his...no such outfits as his lack much of a purpose for existing in the Planes of the Wind...or at least, they'd lacked one for an extremely long time.

     "...Tesla. You can call me Tesla." She wasn't quite so sure of giving him her name. There was still something about all of this chaos that didn't sit right with her, something that still left her skepticism intact, as a self-defense mechanism if nothing else. You don't get poked and stabbed and shocked, then locked inside a darkened cell for the next 23 hours of the day, without learning to never take things at their face value or simply accept what the researchers tell you...especially when this guy kinda just... had the face of someone she'd expect to be working on those experiments. For some reason, his field was just giving her bad vibes... maybe paranoia, disorientation, sure... but maybe not. 


The mechanic pulled her head back into the office, again riffling through things, this time having found a box of old, dust laden records. Mainly though, she did it to keep the Stranger from seeing the raw scrutiny in her eyes.


"So uh... Edmond, was it? What brings you down here anyway?"


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9 minutes ago, Twinwolf said:

 "I was not aware I was in the presence of royalty. I am sorry I did not pay proper respect." the ethereal figure says.


The sight of the ethereal woman kneeling down made Kagari panic a bit. As a queen, it was obligatory to respond to such salutation with equivalent grace and respect, but she was currently in the midst of conversation with the other, less formal woman, and to turn her attentions away would be rude. Furthermore, it was clear that the kneeling woman expected her to respond in her regal persona, but her current conversation partner clearly would prefer her less formal, Keijo persona. Unable to decide between which persona to take on, she sighed and placed a finger on her forehead. Pressing gently, her body split cleanly into two halves, each half forming into a smaller, younger-looking version of Kagari. One wore her customary swimsuit and continued conversing with the autograph-seeker, while the other wore a dazzling blue dress with a billowing skirt that touched the ground, a small silver circlet resting atop her head. The more heavily-dressed Kagari turned to Ivory and spoke.


"Please, rise. You have done nothing for which you may be faulted; Rather, the responsibility lies with me for not revealing my regal status. I had intended to keep my true identity hidden, but it seems that I will no longer be able to do so. Please, treat me as you would any other comrade-in-arms. I may be a queen, but I am here alone, without my people. What worth is a queen without her subjects? 'Tis nothing but a useless title. It would please me greatly if you could simply regard me as a fellow warrior, though I do request that you allow me to retain my queenly dignity."


The smaller Kagari glowered at Andre while she said this last line.

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Ivory nods, and stands. "As you wish."

Hikari's just looking confused at this point, and Ivory looks at her. "I'm aware that there are few monarchies remaining in your world, but it is the dominant government system in mine. Proper respect must be paid."

"Um... right." Hikari says. She then turns to one of the Kagari's. "Uh... Slime Queen? Why did you think you had to hide it, Koizumi-sama?" 

Kagari had asked that they treat her as a peer, which to Hikari would imply -san as the proper honorific, but also to keep her dignity, implying -dono. She settled on -sama as a middle ground.

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1 minute ago, Twinwolf said:

 "Uh... Slime Queen? Why did you think you had to hide it, Koizumi-sama?"


The more regal-looking Kagari regarded the girl while she tried to recall her name. A very unassuming appearance, though that bore a certain charm as well. She particularly liked the glasses - they framed her nice brown eyes in a way that really brought out their roundness. Black hair was expected, since the girl was clearly some kind of Japanese, but the length was perfect. Overall, Kagari judged her as "reasonably cute". Also, during this time, she had managed to remember the girl's name.


"Takino-san, was it? I wasn't trying to hide my royal status, but I was trying to hide the fact that I'm a slime. Hiding one meant hiding the other. As for why... well... does your world have RPGs? Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. In my world, many centuries ago, people hunted slimes. Young, burgeoning warriors, aiming to be heroes, hunted slimes in droves. See, there were a lot of us, and before I came to power, well - most of us were rather indiscriminate in finding our nutrition. When I assumed the title of royalty, I took us in a different direction, directing my race to become mostly foragers and hunters of wildlife - we stopped attacking humans. But, well, by that point, the damage was done. Slimes are strong in numbers, but most of us are weak individually. I am a rare exception, but that is exactly how I came to power.


By the time I took power, we had gained a reputation for being weak nuisances. Guilds offered rewards to young warriors to wipe us out. Many of my family died at the hands of humans. Many of my sisters and brothers were ruthlessly slaughtered by humans who sought to get stronger, who sought to win glory and wealth. Our population was reduced by close to 70%. Finally, I took my people and withdrew. We hid from the world. We fled to demon territory, where we were sheltered and given places, jobs.  I eventually rejoined human society in this guise, under the name Koizumi Kagari, because of... certain circumstances which I'd rather not explain. I'm happy to say that humanity has entered a much more civilised age, where violence and bloodshed have become less prevalent. But I am still afraid. I fear what will happen if they find out my race still exists in the world. I fear for my people. I fear for my life. With all this, is it not the bare minimum of prudence to hide my identity among this group of strangers, each one so powerful, so many of them human?"

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