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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Slade knew that his roommate was protecting and he couldn't let him take partial blame for his mistakes.

"Miss, the ariados didn't use electro web..." Slade paused for a second. "They used string shot and my growlithe caught it on fire. It was my fault that the place caught fire. I guess I will take my leave of this school now right?" Slade said with his head down and the fedora blocking his eyes.

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Just as Henry was about to enter the cafeteria, he saw a small group run out. He recognized one as the kid whose Ralts was kidnapped by Zuko. "That's it! If one Ralts can get in there, maybe another can too." He hesitated for a moment thinking about all the troubled he caused just to find this Ralts. He was about to head into the cafeteria, but then griped, "Screw it, it's not like I can get into any more trouble than I already am." He turned around and ran to where the boys and teacher were headed. "Besides, that Ralts needs help and we're running out of time."

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"Damn idiot..." Mareek Scoffed under his breath, crossing his arms and glancing down at the floor, diverting his gaze from the young Teacher questioning them. "Here I am, set with a cover story for you to save your ass, and you go and blow it up without a second thought..." he leaned back on the leather sofa behind him. that's it, Jake was stupid, he had to be. After that little Fiasco, along with him going and admitting to arson right after, he simply couldn't be anything more. Honestly, who screws up that bad and then refutes someone who tries to help them out of the situation?.He could understand Honesty and all, yeah; in fact he was actually a big advocate for it... but one had to consider where someone as lacking in proper foresight as Jake was would end up five years from now, without some type of guidance. Would he be a burglar? a Terrorist? a Murderer? There were enough of those running around in the world, and his brother was at least both of the latter two.

"Guess I'm getting a getting a new Dorm mate then..." He muttered under his breath, sighing a little. No... no he wasn't. He honestly couldn't just bring himself to stand by and watch as another potential criminal was made. He had to do whatever he could to make sure the fool didn't get tossed out of here so soon. He dropped his arms back down to his sides, standing up straight again.

"Please pardon his words, Mam," he said politely, lifting his eyes to meet Ms. Phoebe's. "He's a tad delirious; the smoke must've gotten to him."

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Dang it, why did this have to be so hard! The kid we were looking for was right there, just so easy to get. Then we just have to be stopped by some other student, who seemed to already know what was going on, and then the kid just left during the heat of the moment. "Geez, I hope we're getting close, or else we might just have to start back at square one." Just then Kiai seemed to zoom right past a corner.

Moves Used: Quick Attack

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"Please stop trying to protect me, I know you have good intentions but if I can't see a potential fire and endanger many lives in the process I don't deserve a place here. Worst of all, I put my pokemon and you, my roommate, at risk. If anything you should be pissed as hell at my foolishness. Maybe my parents were right about me not having a pokemon." Slade said with a tear coming from under the hat and Flare whimpering and rubbing his leg trying to cheer him up.

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"Look..." Mareek sighed, considering his next words carefully. hell, no use trying to keep it up, if Jake was really this dead set on taking the responsibility... he had to admit though, he could feel a bit of grudging respect for the guy."Don't get me wrong, I want nothing more than to shout a few choice obscenities at you right now for how careless you were... But look man; Everyone screws up, sometimes just a lot bigger than those around them. It's exactly because you failed to see the fire hazard in that room and ignited the blaze on accident that you need to be here. No offense, but I'm 95% certain that someone like you is a far bigger threat outside of this place than you can ever be inside. Imagine if that hadn't been Ariados we were fighting; what if they had been people? What if you had ordered Ember and started that same fire and ended up killing them all? You would've just committed five murders because you didn't take the time to think about the consequences of the order. In that case, there's no way you can ever make up for your mistake; those five people would always be dead no matter what else you do for the rest of your life. But you can make up for it here, if this place is what it's praised to be. It was only a bedroom that burned, not a person. It's not too late to try to learn."

"Well... I'm done with my little rant now." he admitted. "I leave you with those words to think about."

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Slade stood there, tears rolling down his checks and his fists clenching. He heard his roommate trying to comfort him, though he thought what if were the last several years of his life a mistake, were his parents right about him not having a pokemon. He remembered the night when his parents found out about growlithe. All that scoling could it have been true? Before now he though it would be simple to travel on a journey but now he realizes how naive he was. It's not just being with pokemon that makes a journey, it's the experience and for his first it was an utter failure. He slammed the wall with side of his fist and yelled,

"Dammit!" It seemed weird to the people around him but if they only knew. Was it a mistake when he befriended Flare, if he didn't he'd still be on the streets, probably dead by now. But look what happened when he did, he became a naive child who ran away from home just because he couldn't have a pokemon and with what was just proven his parents were right, he probably isn't ready for a pokemon or maybe never will. He ran out the door leaving tears drops that sparkled from the light coming from the window. He left the building and ran in no relative direction but he seemed to be running into the forest. Flare followed after but got left behind the elevator and went down the stairs but is far behind Slade.

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"WTF" Mareek fought to himself as he watched his roommate throw what could only be equated to a temper tantrum and run out of the building.

"For Arceus' sake,talk about a complete overreaction..." he sighed. "All I say is 'It's not the end of the world.' and he responds by getting all upset and running out..." he pushed himself up from leaning on the couch yet again, taking his hands out of his pockets. He glanced at Phoebe.

"Sorry to run out while your questioning me, mam," he said. "But I guess someone should go follow him to make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt himself." with that, he was out of the door way and following the path that Slade had taken out of the Dorm building.

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As Avis made her way to the fire, she saw a guy running out of the boys' dormitory and was heading straight for the barricaded woods. Seconds later, another boy came out; it seemed that the second boy is trying to catch up to the first one. The Murkrow figured that they might know something about the fire, so she flew down towards Slade, trying to stop him from going any further. She then let out a loud "Krow" to signal her presence but also to let her master know her whereabouts.

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Slade stopped for a moment noticing the murkrow that had stopped him from heading into the woods. His had still a mess he noticed Flare followed by his roommate following him. Him being too ashamed to talk to them ran under the murkrow and into the woods. The murkrow then stopped him again which he then replied angrily,

"Move, Now!" His eyes were tearing and burning with anger. The murkrow smart enough to move then proceeded to fly over the forest over his position krowing to show where Slade was. He was heading north to the rocky part of the forest. Flare chased after at full speed barking while he chased him.

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Jacob took off after Devin. A fire? he asked himself, confused as to what its source might have been. He'd never really experienced anything being on fire before. The Accumula Town Fire Department did an excellent job of keeping most domestic fires under wraps, and many people kept Water-type Pokemon around the house anyway.As the Trainer ran with Teo in his arms, it occurred to him that Kage might have trouble following him. Doesn't matter. He can take care of himself. If they need my help, then this will be infinitely more important.

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“Why would I alter your room when they are my bugs? Alvin asked. “And you really ask stupid questions, of course I only have my beautiful Combee for now. We’re only allowed to bring with Pokémon with us after all.”

Can’t Type

“I need to test the sound installation one more time. You’re going to help me, all you have to do is go to the spots I tell you and say how the sound quality is,” Tyron said, still dragging James along. “Professor Redwood’s speech is in one hour. We don’t have much time.”


“Wait for me!” Lana yelled, running after Danielle


Phoebe sighed after all students, except Colin, left. She shook her head and went after them leaving Blastoise behind.

After a minute or so, Evan suddenly popped up. “Hey man, what’s with all the commotion?” he asked. “Oh and nice Blastoise, is he yours?” he added sarcastically.

DarkLight(2), Bfroger, Stratos, Murdoc, Jory, Tacos, Commander, K_H and TurboAura

All parties ran into each other simultaneously, right between the dorms and forest. “Phoebe! What’s going on?” Devin asked in a demanding tone and for the very first time, the students could feel his authority

“We’re running after a kid that set his dorm on fire. Apparently he thinks he got expelled… like he’s not the first to do it and certainly not the last. I mean, on my first day I set an entire hallway blank…”

“That’s not important now. What happened to the fire?”

“It was already out when I arrived,” Phoebe replied. She felt this wasn’t one of those times she could mess around with Devin. When it involved students and their safety he took everything dead serious.

“Where is that student now? And do you know his name?” Devin asked.

“He ran off that way,” Phoebe pointed in the direction of the forest. “I didn’t catch his name, but he had a Growlithe.”

“Mhm he shouldn’t be able to enter the forest since I locked it myself… and that student, I remember one with a Growlithe… Could it be the runaway?” he mumbled more to himself while thinking aloud. “Is his name Slade?” he asked the group, hoping someone would know and speak up.


The gate slammed shut after Slade, followed by Flare, entered the forest.

Slade ran deeper and deeper inside the forest. It got visibly darker and the trees stood closer to each other. Wild Pokémon watched him from every side, but the young student didn’t notice; until he ran into a sleeping Ralts. It wouldn’t be a strange sight if the Ralts wasn’t sleeping while hanging upside down from a tree.

Slade stopped running and was about to inspect the strange phenomenon when Flare finally caught up. The growlithe barked towards his trainer to let him know he was there, when a strange green powder caught them both off guard. They soon fell asleep before thick branches hang them upside down next to the Ralts.

Time: 5.12 PM

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Claude was seething, his blood was rushing through his system, and NOT in the good way... well, maybe a little.

"So, you are telling me, that you took our room, our SHARED PROPERTY, Implied by the our, do you hear me say that? Do you understand that? OUR room. You took, OUR room, and did WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANTED WITH IT, WITH NO CONSIDERATION FOR YOUR ROOM-MATE?!!? HOW DAAAARE YOU" Claude was fulling into a full rant now...

"You call yourself a pokemon trainer, but you cannot muster the the smallest amount of consideration for another? If you can't show basic human decency to someone who has done no wrong to you, if you cannot think of someone elses feelings other than yours and your bug pokemon, then how the fuck do you expect to get your licence?"

Claude was just about done, but one thing needed to be done. He marched a window and opened it as wide as he could.

""Now, Doux, would you please use Fairy Wind to remove this rubbish. I would like this to be an environment that ALL of our future friends can be comfortable in" With a small burst of foresight, he popped his head out of the wind and yelled below "Heads up, a lot of shit's coming your way! Excusez moi" And he hopped out of the way .Doux gave a small chirp of understanding. It had been fluttering around, avoiding the combee, and had found the place quite difficult to freely float. With a great intake of air into his fluffy little body, he released a great wind that sparkled as it drew the vast majority of the debris out of the window, dumping it outside.

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((Screw it, I guess we're not doing the whole 'Jake' psuedonym thing then... screw it, I'll just fix it in my other posts later))

"Yes, Sir," Mareek said, looking a Devin. He had the feeling that taking too long to answer would be a bad idea right now. 'His name was Slade, or at least that's the name he told me when I met him."

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As Shiro was running through the campus and towards the dorm, he noticed, in thr corner of his eye, a group if people. At first he simply intended to ignore them, but then he noticed his roommate was there too. Shiro made a swift turn and finally got a good view of the group. A bunch of students were all gathered around that huge boulder of a man, and they were talking about something. He also saw that other kid with sunglasses and a Ralts, but his eyes were still focusing on his roommate. He was the last one to see Shun, so he must know something. Shiro ran up to the group and bumped into his roommate without thinking and threw him on the ground. His emotions took over again as he kneeled over the boy, grabbed him by his collar and shouted right into his face.

"Where is Shun?!" As he spoke, he spat huge amounts of sliver all over the other boy. Shiro's eyes were full of tears. "Something is wrong, I can feel it! What did you do to Shun?!"

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Just around the corner was some huddled group by the dorm, likely must have been something from the smoke earlier. Just then, a student ran over to, who Robert could remember being the guy with a Vulpix. Just then, he heard the sudden-

"Where is Shun?!" As he spoke, he spat huge amounts of sliver all over the other boy. Shiro's eyes were full of tears. "Something is wrong, I can feel it! What did you do to Shun?!"

-That was him, the shy kid missing his Pokemon. Robert dashed straight over, hoping to avoid any trouble that was likely to come out of this. "Hey, dude. Name's Robert, and sorry if this is a personal moment, but if your truely missing your pokemon, Then I've got good news and bad news."

Hoping he got the boy's attention, Robert continued on, "The good news is that my Riolu, Kiai, and my roommate's Riolu, Ryu, found a bond between you and your Pokemon, and we've been using it to try and track you both. The bad news is, One was sensed past the gate right by here, and I couldn't find any way to get through there. I'm okay helping however I can, but we can't do anything without YOU."

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Alvin sighed. Of course his roommate was one of those types that didn’t know the full beauty and power of bug Pokémon. He didn’t even bother listening to Claude’s useless rant. The two were on a completely different page. Alvin only reacted when Claude ordered Doux to clear the room.

“NOOOOOO! All my hard work! What do you think you’re doing?” he asked angry. “You say I show no consideration, yet you’re the one throwing my hard work and Queen’s (Combee’s nickname) nest out of the window!” he started to breathe heavily and continued. “Speaking of consideration; it got nothing to do with getting my license. I train Pokémon, not humans. You don’t seem to understand that. You are blind. You will never see the beauty and power Bug types hold! And you will never understand how to bring out that power to the fullest!” Alvin’s face was red by the time he finished. He was still heavily breathing and looked like he wanted to start a fight, but in the end he stormed out, slamming the door shut behind Queen and him.

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"Look, honestly, the only thing I'm involved with here is attempting to help the fire. It was already out when I got here so I think I might as well leave. I wanna be prepared for whatever is happening at the Contest Hall." Ryan checked his watch and saw that it was 5:00 PM. "Anybody who wants to come to the Contest Hall with me is welcome." Ryan spun around on his heels and began walking off towards the Contest Hall.

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Claude was steaming. What a stupid little idiot! He didn't even deserve any other adjectives, such was a waste on him! "Grrr, right, well, come Doux. Perhaps we should find Danielle-" The he realised he had ran screaming from her and teh goliiath in her room. "Oh, christ on a crutch, I did that didn't I? Come on Doux, let's go find Danielle we need t apologose to her and her room-mate." Doux simply rested on Claudes head as a response as he walked out of the room in search.

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Henry got back to his feet. Part of him wanted to punch his roomate in the face, but he knew he deserved every beating this kid threw at him. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before saying, "I've been through absolute hell just to try finding the thing. It's a surprisingly stealthy Ralts, but my Vulpix was able to track him into the forest. Unfortunately, it's impossible to get into the forest right now otherwise I would've went in." He then took a few steps back to face the whole group.

"As for the student, I might be able to knock some sense into him. From my own experiences, losing control of a fire type comes with a hefty price. I'm just glad no one was hurt." He gave a quick glance at Kenny before looking back at the whole group. "Well, standing around here isn't going to do anything." He turned around and headed the way back to the forest.

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"Wait a minute, what are planning on doing, climbing the wall?" He ended up calling out to The Vulpix guy. "Welp, I might as well go to the gate with him and see what can be done. Shiro, was it? Do whatever you need to in the meantime, but find me, your apparent friend, and whoever follows us to the gate to the side of the dorm. We gotta get a simple game plan, and we've only got so long until we get corralled to the Contest Hall by the Teachers." And with that Robert started to head off to the gate, with just Kiai beside him.

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When Evan arrived, Colin was circling around the Blastoise, extremely excited. "Nah, apparently one guy set fire to his own room, but it's all right now." he said displicently, more focused on examining the big turtle Pokémon. "Maan, this is awesome! Look at this guy's bulk! And it has two freaking cannons on it's back!"

Then the boy stopped a bit and turned back to Evan, suddenly curious about something other than the Pokémon. "Hey, do you know who was that blonde lady?

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Evan shrugged. “I have no idea. She did my registration and I believe her name was Phoebe…” There it turned around to face the students.

“Blastoise Blaast,” was all it said before descending the stairs.

Devin’s group + Dobby

Claude left the dorm and immediately spotted a large group that was gathered. From his point of view it seemed like two of them were fighting while some others left, but what the one that drew his attention the most was Danielle. Considering the confrontation with his roommate, he could use a friend so he decided to walk over.

He arrived just in time to see Devin go after two students that left, grabbed them by the collar, and pulled them back. “You actually think I’ll let you go in that forest now? You’re still new so you don’t know how dangerous that forest is and you’ll probably get lost. Leave Slade and the missing Pokémon, Ralts was it, to me,” the intimidating dragon tamer said. “The rest of you can follow your fellow students towards the Contest Hall.”

With that said he nodded to Mareek in order to thank him for the information and released two of his most famous Pokémon: Haxorus and Flygon. “Listen up, a student, his Growlithe and a Ralts are missing. We know the Ralts entered the forest and the student found most likely a way in as well. You know what to do.”

After that little speech Flygon immediately took off and scanned the forest through the sky, while Haxorus and Devin marched towards the gate. The students couldn’t see it all to clear, but Devin saw the gate was forced and the lock broken.

“This isn’t the work of a first year,” Devin said. “Looks like the Rookie is on the move…” With little time to spare, Haxorus demolished the gate into rubble.

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"Showoff," Henry thought to himself. He'd only seen a couple of weak dragon in his lifetime, but never any with strength like this. "I doubt anything I say will change his mind, but it's good to know authority gives a damn here. Hmm...maybe I should ask him.

"Devin, was it? I have a quick question: how do you keep pokemon with such strength under control so well?"

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