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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Woah, a Water expert teacher, and sister to the Ymora's Water leader?! Colin thought, happy. That was too much luck to be true. He knew that he would meet some real pros at the academy, and learn a lot, but having the possibility of specific instruction on Water types was just perfect!

"Really?! That's great! I came here to be a Water expert too you know? Oh, and by the way, I'm Colin, Colin Wave." Kyte then let go a annoyed "kiep", probably wanting a little attention to himself. "Oh and this little guy here is Kyte. Nice to meet you!"

Then his eyes fell upon the other boy that had arrived. "Oh hey, you're the guy from before! Sorry to have bumped into you mate, I was really tired..." he started, a bit embarrassed.

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Mareek said nothing as Phoebe made her little joke. He honestly didn't see anything funny about it.

"Thank you," he muttered, not bothering to go to the trouble of adding the 'mam' part anymore. His eyes caught a glimpse of a bunch of activity elsewhere on Campus, seeing a large crowd beginning to form outside of a large Octagonal building. He presumed it to be the contest hall they were apparently supposed to be going to... and just like Phoebe said, there was a healing machine stationed out front, albeit with a small line forming...though it would doubtless grow larger if he waited too much longer.

"Oh hey, you're the guy from before! Sorry to have bumped into you mate, I was really tired..."

He turned to see the other boy from earlier speaking to him, the one who had somehow been clumsy enough to bump into a line of people. He directed his attention back to the Contest Building.

"Yeah, fine, whatever," he said curtly. quite honestly, He didn't much wanna talk to this guy at the moment; he had bigger priorities set. not even a moment after those few words had come out of his mouth, his hands were stuffed in his Jacket pockets and he was walking off towards the Line forming by the healing machine.

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Slade saw the ralts and couldn't jet hang by and let the ralts fall on the ground and surely get even more wounded then he already is. But what if the forest caught fire just like the room. There was no time he had to act and saving the ralts was more important to him.

"Flare use ember on the branch!" But Flare was hesitant because he didn't want to catch anything on fire because he could fully control his flames and couldn't his flames. he whimpered then Slade yelled, "DO IT!" Flare was shocked, "I believe in you now use ember on the branches to free us!" Slade said looking into flare's eyes with burning passion. Then he let out a mighty roar and broke the branches with out setting fire to the trees. Slade then grabbed the not fully demilitarized ralts mid-air and landed on his right leg and left foot, Flare landed right after he then fired ember at a phantomp right behind them making a hole in the circle.. Slade then picked up then put on his fedora and ran the opposite direction he was running before with the injured ralts in hand.

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Without another moment of hesitation, Danielle sprinted off after Claude and Doux. She was embarrassed about her sudden screaming, but she was so scared for Avis' life that she could give Raticate's a** about her pride right now. Danielle figured that she could explain later.


Avis gave a series of "krow"s, "murkrows" and "mur"s while pointing the directions with her beak and wings. She was trying to say that she knows where the boy and the Pokemon are, hoping that Devin would be smart enough to understand. She then flew down towards a nearby rock and plucked one black feather from her wings. Avis slipped the feather underneath the said rock, with half of the feather still visible to the human eye, and made two parallel slashes with her talons. Once that is complete, Avis flew a few feet ahead of Devin and his Haxorus, waiting for them to follow her.

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Henry saw the boy with the Scyther get in line to heal his pokemon. "Zuko, come out." He watched his Pokemon come out of his Pokeball. The Vulpix was a bit grouchy from being woken up from its nap. Henry pulled out another Oran Berry and the Vulpix ate it. He seems to be in perfect condition, but he definitely won't be able to pull off another drought. Thankfully, this won't be a fight I'll have to win.

"Slade, was it? You better hurry. I can only hold your friend back for so long." Henry fought his way through the crowd to head back outside.

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They had been walking for a couple of minutes when Claude was hit with an idea.

"Wait, I have an idea! Doux, come back!" When the small fairy had returned, Claude began to explain

"See, what I want you to do is use fairy wind to get to the lost ASAP, then float as high as you can an use Growth, got it?" Doux murmured an acknowledgement, then zoomed off to find the lost.


Soon enough, Doux had found the cluster of Phantump chaisng Slade and the two pokemon.

Doux burst into the clearing, and with the momentum from the fairy wind, flew high into the sky, a fair bit higher than the treeline. At Douxs peak, he used Growth. Slowly, the pokemon began to balloon, becoming a great marker for anyone needing to find him as Doux sailed along with the two


"It seems Doux has found something" Claude said when Doux reappeared. "Shall we go?"

((Sorry if this is a bit of a rush, but I think it's best we find them quick))

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Shiro was rushing through the forest. It didnt matter which path he took, he was determined to move forward. He had to run into Shun after a while, right?

With his eyes firmly locked on the dirt, he pushed his way through bushes and branches. Luckily, he encountered no Pokemon.

"Shun!" Shiro shouted repeatedly. "Shun!"

He made his way through thicking patches of grass, hearing silent rustles every once in a while. There were Pokemon around, that was for sure, and he suddenly started feeling a bit scared. He stopped next to a bush to catch some breath. The sunlight passing through the leaves shone a vivid green, not too bright nor too soft. He turned around to look for any clues to Shun's position. Nothing.

He decided to rest for a bit, so he leaned against the rose bush...

"Aaah!" Shiro screamed as he fell through the spiky rose. He fell directly on his back, but he hit his head on a nearby root that was sticking out of the ground. As he slowly regained his senses, Shiro tried standing up, but couldnt. He collapsed once more, this time on his knees. The pain on the back of his head was unbearable! He rubbed it, but it only made things worse. And he was feelig nauseous now as well...

Shiro sat down to rest and tried looking around. His vision was blurry from the blow, and everything felt like it was spinning. He extended his hand behind his back to maintain balance. That whole day sucked.

After a while, the blurriness started to fade, along with the pain. He could now clearly see his surroundings.

The forest around him seemed kind of weird. Wrong. The trees around him were forming a wide circle, and their crust was a bit darker than the trees around them. The rose bush through which he fell through was also different on this side. The roses were all pitch black. He also realized there was less light in the circle. There was no grass below him, only barrem dirt, and when he looked up he almost jumped out of his skin. Above him was a creation he could only describe as an upside down, concave nest formed by intertwining branches from the trees around. Somehow, the nest was scary. Shiro felt uneasy while looking at it, amd that uneasiness only grew when he saw the eggs, or the buds, if you will.

Several "eggs" were hanging from the nest, each one directly connected to a tree via a branch. The eggs seemed as if they were made from the same wood as the trees, but they were still egg shaped. Shiro stood up to take a better look. The nest was set up just high enough so he could reach the hanging eggs. They felt warm when his hands touched them, and he heard what sounded like water or some liquid flowing through them. He decided to look around a bit more. There were emtpy husks all over the ground, most likely from the eggs that already hatched.

Shiro wandered under the nest until he reached an egg which peeked his interest more than the others. This egg was noticably smaller then the other eggs, and didnt feel as warm. While the other eggs were at least 5 times bigger than his fist this one was barely 3. He felt something for that egg. It reminded Shiro of himself, how he was always the small and frail one in the crowd. And he felt bad for the creature that would hatch from that egg.

Shiro's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of a shaking bush behind him, and he instinctively reached out for the egg.

Oh boy...

As his hands grabbed a hold of the egg, it tore off from the branch. A green liquid started pouring out of the holes in the branch and the egg. Shiro was terrified, but didnt let go of the egg. He was gonna keep it safe.

He took off his sweater and used it to somewhat patch up the hole in the egg, which started moving nervously. Was the Pokemon going to hatch now? Shit!

He turned around, only to be met face to face with a horde of Phantump. Luckily, there were only Phantump around, not a single Trevenant in sight, but it was still a dangerous situation. Any Pokemon, no matter the size, could cause serious injuries to a human body. Shiro backed off, holding the egg like his most valuable possesion. He had to escape somehow, and there were Phantump blocking the path he caame through and other Phantump started gathering around the opening. His only way out was behind him, so he turned and ran as fast as his feet could carry him. It wasnt long when he reached the normal forest again, but he had a feeling those Phantump wouldnt just let him leave. He heard their simultaneous cries as they followed him.

He had to run further into the woods, it was the only way. No turning ba-

Shiro tripped, and felt straight onto the egg.

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((It's not quick at all, Dobby. It fits the situation we are in right now.))

"Yes, let's go, please," Danielle replied curtly. She was still anxious about Avis' safety. Without another word, she ran towards the ballooned Cottonee, praying to Arceus that her Murkrow was safe.

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"The view doesn't particularly matter to me," Kage responded dryly. He released Lucas, and hoisted the Ralts to his usual perch on Kage's shoulder. "I don't mind being up higher, though; the air flow is usually better." He started toward the stairs. "Let's go."

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"Okay. Stay close to me, I don't wanna lose you in a crowd." Ryan clutched Glacien close to him and climbed up the stairs. Upon entering the upper viewing area, Ryan was in awe. The interior was far superior to that of the exterior. He was actually envious of the Coordinators. Ryan only hoped that maybe where the trainers studied would include cool things like environment changes. He made sure Kage was still behind him and plopped down in the very center at the front of the viewing area.

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Kage sat next to Ryan and put his feet up on the seat in front of him, leaning back in his chair. It was hard to tell beneath his sunglasses, but he closed his eyes, and almost immediately seemed to be nodding off. Lucas took advantage of this opportunity to climb over his trainer's head, tousling Kage's already somewhat messy brown hair, and sat down on Ryan's lap instead. The Ralts poked at the Spheal with one outstretched arm.

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Ryan chuckled a bit at Lucas's disinterest in Kage. Glacien giggled at the touch, as if he was tickled. Glacien playfully spat a little bit of water on to Lucas. Ryan could obviously tell that Kage had passed out but decided that waking him wasn't in his best interest. "You always were a sleeper, never a talker 'ay Kage."

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Kage mumbled a reply, already half-asleep. "Noh, I'm just . . . really tired. Can't sleep at night. . . and we're doing too much running around. I'll be better in a few days." With that, he rolled over slightly and his breathing began to slow into a steady rhythm. Lucas blinked in response to the water squirted in his face, and let out a soft cry at Glacien (though it was mostly soft due to the Ralts's small voice.).

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Ryan chuckled once again. Determined not to wake Kage up this time, he kept himself from attempting to crack a joke. Ryan began to recall the day. Everything was so hectic. Running back and forth, emotions, fires. This place is so bizarre. Never did I think I would experience so much in one day. OH SHIT! Kage wanted me to help him get something and I completely blew it off. Ryan felt incredibly guilty for having been so oblivious. He looked down as Glacien gave a huge grin to Lucas. Hrm, Lucas. Wonder if he could help me out here. In a hushed tone, Ryan whispered, "Hey Lucas, could you tell me what Kage wanted me to help him with?"

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Lucas looked up at Ryan when he spoke. After he finished, Lucas took on an expression of focus, and a hazy voice echoed in Ryan's mind. "Kage needed send mail to parents on computer, get stuff." The expression faded, replaced by one that looked unsure. Lucas didn't know if his message had gotten through, and he looked to the recipient to confirm.

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Shiro looked down at the egg in shock. He was expecting to see a blotch of blood or something, but there was nothing there. He was laying on his stomach covered in the broken husk of the egg and the green liquid.

He stared at it for a while in shock. 'What just happened now...' He was sure he felt something in the egg earlier, there was no way it was empty.

He looked back, expecting to see that Phantump horde...

But there was nothing there... That should have made him happy, but instead, he began to shiver. There was something wrong going on.

Shiro got up on his feet and started limping as fast a he could through the forest. Whatever happened there, it gave him a chance to escape, and he had to continue searching for Shun.

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"Heh, no problem Kenny. It's the least I could do when I, you know, left you in the crowd before Devin pulled me back. I apologize for that anyway." Well, now atleast Robert had company. At the same time, he still had a worried feeling on how Shiro was doing. They were right there, about to lead the charge to get Shun back, but Devin decided that he planned on going alone. "Well, atleast we were able to piece the info together enough to help that guy find The Ralts, so I guess that worked out."

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"Shun!" Shiro had been running aimlessly throug the forest for at least 5 minutes now when he felt the pain in his palm return. He flinched, but hadnt stopped. He was getting closer to Shun, he knew it! The pain was increasing wih every step he took.

Shun was close now. With tears in his eyes from the pain, Shiro turned right into another small opening in the woods...

He gasped. It was barely for a moment, but he was sure he saw something right in the middle of the opening. Something small, somehow ghastly. He shrugged it off and continued. Shun was near, it didnt matter if some random wild Pokemon appeared in front of him.

After a few more twists and turns, Shiro reached what seemed to be a forest path. He looked left and right, seeking for some sign from Shun. And he got it. When he turned his head to the left, the pain rose for a split second. Shiro was sure now, Shun was guiding him. He took a second to refill his energy. His hands and shirt were covered in scratches from all the branches and bushes that scatched him while he was running around. He also moticed he had forgotten his sweater. A wave of regret hit him. That was his favourite sweater... But he couldnt go back to get it, he had to move forward.

Shiro took a deep breath, coughed a few times, and turned left.

After a few minutes of mindless running, he finally caught a glimpse of someone through the lush forestry, not far from him, but on a different forest path. A boy with a fedora hat.

Shiro took a sharp turn, yelling at the boy so he could hear him while he made his way, zigzagging between the trees. "Hey!" Shiro shouted, reaching out in front of him with his right hand. "Shun!" He practically threw himself onto the boy's shoulder, from tiredness and joy when he saw a Ralts in the boy's hands. "Shun, Shun! Are you alright?"

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Lana (NPC) (Dobby and DarkLight)

Lana wasn’t sure what to do. She knew Devin could handle the situation, but when she saw her roommate run off she automatically responded by running after her.

A little while later she saw Cottonee marking a location. “I’m sure Avis is alright! Devin must be there already, I can see his Flygon circling around Doux!”

EXLink and Bfroger

Devin decided to follow his instincts and trust in the directions of the Murkrow, when a few minutes later a Cottonee started to swell up. “It’s one strange this happening after another, but I guess that Cottonee is marking the place. My Flygon is there too,” he thanked the Murkrow by sliding his finger over the feathers and took off.

Meanwhile the White Trevenant was amused. Surely this little human and his pets didn’t think they could escape, did they? He ordered some ground types that happened to be around to put the fire out, before grabbing hold of Slade, Flare, Shiro and Shun yet again. He was about to tie them to a tree, when an intimidating voice spoke up.

“So it was you after all, Rookie?” Devin asked, popping out of the tree line, followed by his Haxorus.

The Trevenant showed his evil grin once more before taking an offensive stance in front of the Haxorus. The rest of the group moved back a little, trying to make some space for their leader. Rookie eyed Haxorus and moved in closer, when the latter seemed to vanish and popped up next to Slade, cutting him loose.

Alvin (NPC) (EXLink, Dobby, DarkLight and Bfroger)

Alvin woke up just in time to see that he was surrounded by wild Trevenant. He yelled for help, drawing all the attention towards him and sprinted away. One of the Trevenant was about to go after him, when he was stopped by Rookie’s orders. They all moved and formed a circle, trapping both Slade and Devin.

Meanwhile Danielle and her group knew they were getting close when she was greeted by Avis. The bird flapped wildly with its wings like it wanted to say where Devin was. They reached the group right on time to see Alvin flee and Slade being surrounded.

Devin sighed when he spotted the little group. Did this year students never listen? “You three, go after the one that ran away and get him out of the forest! Now!” Devin ordered. “And take this one with you,” he said, opening a path for Shiro before turning his attention back to the group of Trevenant.

“Slade, show me what you learned by causing that fire earlier. Show me that you’ll stop running away from your problems.”

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Ryan had an unsure look on his face. He wasn't used to hearing other's voices in his mind. "Oh, his parents must be worried considering his environment has changed so drastically. But you help him get over it don't you." Ryan stuck out his tongue at Lucas jokingly.

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Great, more people are in the forest. According to Zuko, 2 girls and 3 boys. Henry stood close to the entrance of the forest trying to see if you recognize anything as a human. Meanwhile, Vulpix sniffed around to find more scents, but didn't detect any other than plentiful of pokemon. "Sigh, guess I'll have to tell Devin if they don't come out soon. I doubt I'll make it to the Contest Hall in time because of this." Suddenly, he heard a loud clash deep in the forest. "Looks like Slade is about to put on a show. If you're anything like me, you just won't know when to quit." He turned around to see a boy with the Scyther. "Took you long enough."

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Shiro's brain had trouble processing everything that had happened at that time. In just a few moment, they were all suddenly surrounded by Trevenant, and it seemed as if a high level battle was about to happen. Three more kids arrived, two girls and a boy, and that Dragon teacher was ordering them all around. Another kid that had been trapped by the Trevenant ran off in some random direction.

Just wht the heck was going on?

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"Oh, Avis! You're okay! You're alive! Thank Arceus!" Danielle cried happily, tears of joy were running down her face. She pulled the Murkrow into a bear hug, resulting in Avis flapping even more wildly as she tried to break free. A muffled cry from the bird was heard before Danielle released her from the glomp. Avis took her place on Danielle's shoulder once more as Danielle wiped her tears; Avis began preening her feathers as her master calms down. The Murkrow seemed miffed that her feathers are messed up.

"H-Hey, Avis. T-That's what you get for s-scaring me to death, okay?" Danielle said, half-jokingly through her tears. Then she added, more seriously, "I know y-you were trying to help, a-and I am proud of you for that. But, please, please don't go running off like that, okay? At least give m-me a sign or something... I really don't want to find a half-dead bird again... Please, Avis?"

Avis blinked at her master. The only time she ever saw Danielle cry was when Danielle found her lying almost dead from electrocution. The disappearance into the forest must have scared Danielle senseless if she was crying from it. With a nod, she gave her a friendly peck on the ear as a sign that she understood before she went back to fixing up her feathers.

Danielle smiled, letting her Murkrow patch up by herself. "Claude, Lana, please forgive me for my outburst earlier, and for running into the forest like that. I know I probably caused a lot of trouble here," Danielle said, turning to Claude and Lana as Alvin ran off.

"You three, go after the one that ran away and get him out of the forest! Now!” Devin ordered. “And take this one with you,” opening a path for Shiro before turning his attention back to the group of Trevenant.

"Ah, y-yes sir," Danielle replied meekly to Devin. "And... thank you, for keeping Avis safe..." She then realized that she give her thanks for Claude and Lana, quickly turning around to see them. "And... thank you for helping me find Avis. I can explain why I reacted the way I did on the way back. The half-dead bird thing is really not a joke to us."

Avis then nudged Danielle's head with her wing while she pointed to the direction that Alvin just left. "Oh, right, the one that ran off?" Danielle asked her Murkrow, who nodded in response. "Want to find him for us?" Avis crowed happily, flying after Alvin. "Meet us outside the forest if anything, alright? And be careful!" A faint "Murkrow!" could be heard as a confirmation.

Danielle turned towards the remaining boy that Devin had indicated. "So, let's get out of here, no?"

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