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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Vulnona

  1. I thought so, too, at first, but then I noticed something. Look at the size of Lucia. They are approximately one tile in width. Now look again at the dive section and compare the size of one dive tile. From my point of view, the dive sections are much smaller than the rock sections on top. EDIT: Made a drawing.
  2. Awwwww SO BEAUTIFUL!!! (and the TM feature is great, too!) Those meteor craters... might this be the original Reborn Village from ages ago? Legendary quest would also fit. ... Wait a second, is that thing FLOATING?!? Oh MAN! I'm getting Floating Continent flashbacks from FFVI! Or Platinum's Distortion World! So hyped!
  3. Well, that reminds me of this comic gem: https://external-preview.redd.it/x3xGGFfxu-Fa7ubUDbH5z2CeH_bQlmOi8CsINdKnkBU.jpg?auto=webp&s=64a4dcfec12327dc131e06d53c7341bd05f1d416
  4. Oh God. Please elaborate (O.O) A comment like this so close to the dream theory is... frightening, to say the least...! (Just to clarify: I'm not against this trope per se - it's just that it would have to tick very specific parametres to retain the story's meaningfulness.)
  5. About Ace: I think it's really hard to say that adding a new character is a bad decision when we know nothing of them yet. As far as chances go, they could be a crown jewel. Personally, Reborn benefits from more nb representation. About character/writing quality: I am always confused when I see people complain about how the villains were written, or certain non-villain characters. Whether you think a character is well-written is an extremely subjective thing and depends on many factors, among others your media literacy. If you consume lots and lots of stories and video games, your expectations may be higher and you may be less surprised by solid characters simply because you have consumed so, so many similar ones. And obviously, if your standards are extremely carefully crafted stories like A Song of Ice and Fire, then most Pokemon games can only disappoint. If, however, you approach characters with a fresh mind, you may find them a firework of awesome. Personally, I never found the villains in Reborn to be bland, underwritten, or of poor quality. They are all drawn with a clear, defined stroke so that you can easily tell them apart and infer their motivations, attitude, thoughts, morals etc. when they aren't explicit. Taka comes to mind as a strong example (as far as I can tell, he is considered peak quality writing). Solaris may be a bit simpler, but seriously: I think that's the point. He is a bit Shakespearean in this respect: his strongest convictions are the fatal flaw that cause his downfall (at least in the Reshiram route, as far as we can tell). Streamlined, but not bad. ZEL/Zero? We haven't seen much of Zero without EL yet, but his breakdown isn't what I would call bad writing or bland. And Sirius? Right now, he may seem a bit one-dimensional... because we don't know much about him yet. We only see that he is cruel. But the game also hints at a deeper story here, so let's just see that unfold. As for non-villain characters: I think Terra exemplifies best how a character can leave drastically different impressions. Terra is both praised for being a terrifically-written character as well as extremely bad and obnoxious. So I guess it's normal that one character is perceived very differently by audiences. About there being too many characters: For a standard Pokémon game, maybe. Personally, I never felt Reborn had TOO many characters. It's many, but not too many right now. I always felt that because the characters are expressed so differently through their actions, way of speaking, appearance, and circumstances, it's easy to tell them apart and map their relationships in the mind. I feel Reborn does a much better job at this than Rejuvenation. Because I played both games back-to-back, I was surprised to find that Rejuv's writing was much harder for me to get my head around. I feel that this is due to a couple of factors: Reborn differentiates characters through dialogue. Characters like Radomus and Luna speak very formally and whimsically, Titania and Serra are to the point, Shelly is insecure and very polite, Hardy is laid-back and... British? Compared to Rejuv, my impression was that most characters sounded the same. I think this is especially apparent in Aya's dialogue, which feels notably different from her Reborn way of speaking. Rejuv characters also have a habit of including lengthy sentences without any real point, and I am glad Reborn has streamlined dialogue in many instances. (Don't get me wrong, parts of the story have this issue as well. But there is a world's difference in Reborn's dialogue compared to Rejuv, though I feel the latest releases have become much better at this.) Reborn also has a way of cartographing character relationships and antagonism. I feel it's easier to remember who is who because they have clear relations. You have three distinctly drawn rivals. Some of the gym leaders are related and complement each other. Others hate each others guts. I can't quite put my finger on what exactly it is that makes Reborn's characters easier for me to memorise, but with Rejuv, I always have to ask myself: "Who's this again? Did I meet this character before? Who were they friends with again?" It doesn't help that Rejuv throws in a lot more characters as well: 8 rivals instead of four, additional gym leaders, non-trainer characters, different versions of the same character, important historical people and their different versions, assistants and servants of all these people, people from the future... just compare the characters page of Reborn to that of Rejuv. O.o I also feel that in Reborn, each character has a role in the story. They aren't there just because the writer felt like including them, they have a purpose. (Some more than others, granted.) With Rejuv, I feel you could simply cut a significant amount of characters or turn two or more into one composite character. About the story being bloated: I don't think it is bloated yet. From the beginning to the end, the common thread throughout the game remains clear: push back Team Meteor and help Reborn become a better place. That's how the game starts and you never deviate from that goal too much. Sure, the Railway-Blacksteam-Azurine-Apophyll-Byxbysion-bit is very long and often cited as a prime example of pacing issues, but it's also not the worst there is. I like to compare segments like these to Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days: sure, the gameplay is tedious and it feels like a chore, but that's exactly the point. If it felt like fun, it would clash with Roxas's story as a work slave for Organisation XIII. You would never feel his longing for freedom or his desire to protect his friendship with Axel and Xion if the gameplay hadn't made you feel this. So some parts of this Reborn segment should feel like your problems never end. Acquired one thing? Well, there's another problem. And another. And another. Some parts of this should be preserved, in my opinion, precisely because they frustrate the player - coming out victorious feels much more of an achievement when you went through all that crap. And then, there is simply the matter of taste. Reborn's story is rather long, and some people dig that, while other people prefer a more streamlined, shorter story. Those player types would probably also find typical RPG stories like FFVII or KotOR II: TLS bloated because they are so long and have lots of sidequests, details, and lore. They're simply not for everyone. On faith: I, too, think that at this point, having faith in the developers making good decisions is appropriate. After all, we have over 100 hours of well-crafted story and gameplay as of right now, so they are obviously doing something right. But I can also understand why people are anxious. E19 is going to be the most anticipated episode yet, and people probably have had bad experiences with hype, high expectations, and end results. At some point, your hype is so high and your headcanon so detailed that the final product has a really hard time of delivering that. Some games fail because they have been hyped to death and it was simply impossible for the game to comply with expectations. So for some people, their method of protecting themselves from unanticipated disappointment may be to assume an overly critical perspective so that the result has to be guaranteed disappointment. Miscellaneous: ...This is a free game. I'd understand the complaints in this section if you had to buy the game in stores, but seriously. As far as fangames go, Reborn is gold. AND FREE. What's to complain? (I totally get and encourage constructive criticism, but some of it isn't really relative to the effort people put into this game FOR FREE.) In short: I love this game. Were it up to me, you wouldn't have had to change a thing (I even love the game's flaws). It's gonna be great. I can't wait.
  6. We should totally compile a timeline of Reborn. That would make things soooo much easier. (No, really. That may be a fun wiki project.) EDIT: Aw hell. https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_of_Events When it comes to Solaris being less ruthless than Sirius or Lin, I think the dialogue covers that rather well. Nonetheless, the game isn't specific as to what exactly Solaris did to drive people away. We only have other characters' words for it, and all of these are, well, Meteor Members (Eclipse, Taka, uhm... that's it, I think). Good argument!
  7. I'm really not sure whether Eclipse's fate is worse than actual death. Since Eclipse is physically unharmed and seemed to suffer no pain, I kinda feel it's less severe than being impaled in the gut by a ghost sword. Also... maybe it's just false hope, but Chandelure's dex entry says "the spirits burned up in its ominous flame lose their way and wander this world forever". Since you can encounter spirits in the void, maybe there is hope for Eclipse. Maybe as a post-game sidequest or something. I really appreciate that death - so far - has been permanent and therefore meaningful in Reborn (though it breaks my heart in one particular case), but the fact that we can see Eclipse in Calcenon seems to set up a possible return. Should that actually happen, it would make Sirius' action a tad less permanent, though still as morally deplorable as right now.
  8. Good points! I think we can safely say that both are pretty evil. Lin is the one that demonstrated a more sadistic mindset, though. Sirius is willing to kill people to achieve his goals, but Lin I think when it comes to morality, Lin is indeed more evil than Sirius, judging from the actions we saw & heard both commit. Of course, E19 could change this dynamic when we find out more about Sirius and Lin. ... God, I can't wait...!
  9. Wow, that's really complex O.o Thanks for giving us a peek :) Also, the opening screen looks LOVELY! I wonder, is it too early to post screenshots of the new early game content now and then? (Like you did with Taka & Tangrowth) To bridge the time between release and low? :3
  10. Damn! That would make the differently-coloured C & E make sense...! So... ... ... ... 1st of April Common Era...? :D
  11. Aaaaaaaaahhh, that's the best new year's thing anyone could ask for!!! 2022 is gonna be INCREDIBLE!!! :D
  12. Thanks for the nice comments! *__________* Here's a few more: The Protagonist (Kuro) Enters the Grand Hall Victoria & Gallade Cain & Nidoking Fern & Roserade
  13. Noooooo!! This specific wording...! ... ... I'll hold onto hope! I won't give up! Taka can still be brought back! (Right...?... Maybe...?... Does the player get a wish from Arceus...?... I'll also take ghost Taka if that's an option...! ) If he stays dead, I'm gonna feel so broken.... he was such a good character... But seriously, I'm looking forward to the small endings with all these characters. Especially Cain and Victoria, since you can get quite a number of points with them. And postgame! It all sounds so amazing! *______________*
  14. Hiya everyone! I thought this might be a nice place to leave some Reborn fanart :) What I would imagine a cover art of Reborn to look like : Ame Saves The Protagonist (Train Opening) Ame & Alolan Ninetales I am also on DeviantArt and Instagram :)
  15. They all look lovely! <333 ...But... I have to say, I loved Lucia's old front sprite. (The back sprite was weird, but the front was really cool and badass!) With her weird bangs and braids, I hardly recognise her... :( So, I'm really glad that I can swap out her front sprite with the old one :) Again, all the other protagonists look LOVELY! I especially like Alice and Decibel (now we finally know what these front red-and-blue things are! :D)
  16. Lin's redesign looks great! I'm so hyped for the protagonists!
  17. I found Stonjourner in the tall grass next to the Wispy Ruins at Day. Regional Sandygast (Ghost/Fire) is a wild encounter in the upper parts of Valour Mountain (Magma) during the day. Galar-Stunfisk in Sheridan Wetlands (day encounter). EDIT: Is the PokéDex map broken or something? When I look at Stonjourner's entry - a regular wild encounter at the grass patch in front of the Wispy Ruins - it says "Area Unknown", though it should show the area of the Wispy Ruins, right...?
  18. I have a similar problem with speed-up: in some areas, it works, and in others, it doesn't. But I also have the problem that if I have speed-up enabled, the game freezes /is caught in a loading loop upon beginning a battle (be it wild or a trainer).
  19. Holy meow! Pictures! :3 ... For a minute, I was like "Taka LIVES!", and then I realised it's probably from Malchous Forest... T. T
  20. Hiya! So I am playing V13 and in Chapter 13, you fight I am at my wit's end here. How the fluff do you beat this thing?! EDIT: Okay, so I finally beat her. I used this strategy:
  21. Aww no... I hatched that egg ages ago! Does the PokeDex mention any other locations for Rookidee? You can find Morpeko in West Gearen City :)
  22. Sounds terrific! Hope you catch 'em all (naaah, joking - just the bad ones, there'll always be some glitches that slip through).
  23. Now, this may sound strange - but is there a way to view the full map of the Never After/Once Upon A Somewhere? I realise that it is a straight pathway and that there would be no need for a map to find the way... but I would love to see the whole area and which tiles connect to which (for example, how the tower connects to the castle). Is it somehow possible to view the full map? Or could someone be so nice as to upload a screenshot of it? Thanks! EDIT: Solved the problem by installing a walk through walls mod :)
  24. Nice sprite - he's a honey! So hyped for E19! Artwork for every character in Reborn sounds nice but also terribly tedious. I can tell because that's what I've been doing for two months now T.T (Why am I doing this?!) The artwork for this character reminds me of Zumi's art for Rejuvenation?
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