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Everything posted by Dreamy

  1. If you think someones mega pokemon is always their signature, the ones after ciel probably aren't correct. Adrienns would be Mawile, and It's hard to know for the unreleased ones, but I think Titanias would be Scizor, regardless of the mega thing or not. I think all the ones up to Ciel are all correct except for Yanmega on Shelly (I think Bugsy the Volbeat was her strongest). EDIT: Commander Ninja'd it also Commander, wouldn't it be Lilligant not petilil?
  2. It's decided when you pick your starter (not affected by starter choice, that's just when it locks in what you're going to get.) so no you can't change it without restarting.
  3. The coin case is down in Gearen Sewers after the person in the hotel goes and flushes it. The mystery egg is obtainable after you beat the 4th gym (that's when you can get the phantump you need to breed to trade the egg for.)
  4. neither are obtainable and so would require hacking to get. this also means that they can't be used with any online battling or wonder trade. the correct place for this is probably the request-a-mon thread.
  5. I feel like I need to check back really often now for the gen 3 thread so I can get claims on the ones I've already done drafts for before someone else...
  6. I see that Mantine is in danger of being reclaimed, so if it is, here's a random submission for it. if the person who claimed it comes back, or the sprite isn't good, just ignore this. I'm quite enjoying making these (albiet rather basic) shiny sprites now that I have a decent tool to do so and its cool to be able to help out with a game that I've really enjoyed playing. without further ado, here's forest fire Mantine: (I heard you liked lime green shinies Jan XD)
  7. Nice, I'll start on a couple ideas I have for Solrock, Lunatone and the Altaria line.
  8. Huh, seems like my earlier post didn't go through. here's Corsolas back sprite let me know if there's any problems with it. Also a question: are the base sprites just the gen 5 ones (for gen 1-5 pokemon)?
  9. Here's reversed Mareanie Corsola alongside your or original one, pick which one you like better and I'll do the backsprite for it I guess.
  10. Im looking back at this on mobile, and I see what you mean with both the pink bits and the colouring: I think the colours on my monitor might be a bit off (its kinda old) Aerodactyl worked because I just downloaded and sampled directly from the pic on the gen 1 thread. The Mareanie Idea is really cool, I haven't played SuMo so I didnt really think of anything like that. Current one looks pretty cool, Though I might try one inverting the blue and purple to see how it looks with the lighter colour on the bottom, and blue is on the top with the vanilla shiny.
  11. Just interested to know what pokemon other people often forget which generation they're from or feel like they're from a different generation than they actually are. Obvious contenders are things added to evolution lines in later generations. For the the ones the come time mind first are slugma/magcargo and Skarmory. They always feel like Hoenn pokemon to me because theyre more prominent there, but theyre actually from Johto. Skarmory is probably because is was silver exclusive and I played gold, but I guess I just never saw slugma much.
  12. Tried my hand at a Mega Aerodactyl to match the approved one in the gen 1 thread
  13. OK I got GIMP and worked out how to colour replace, And tried out a sort of fire-inspired Corsola. Ok Here's the backsprite. Red matches the front colour palette I believe, but I also tried an orange one. not sure which looks better
  14. As I said, the broken up parts seem to just be a weird side effect from uploading, it looks fine on when I open the file on my desktop... not sure why though. Yea I was just manually editing the pixels in paint (cringe) but I don't know what else to use that has a good colour replacement tool. also am I just being blind? I can't see any pink in it... if the colors themselves aren't good, I'll try think up a different colour scheme or two to try instead with a better program once someone suggests one.
  15. Yea just casually destroy game balance for him. I mean it's his choice, but a bit part of the reborn experience is starting with a team of subpar mons except for your special starter and making them work, and slowly improving your team as you find new more powerful members as you progress. just my two cents
  16. Luminion will be a fair bit faster, and a tad bulkier, but neither of its attacking stats break 70 so it will hit hit like a damp noodle before long. basically finneon/luminion will probably be a bit better at the start, then seaking will be superior once it learns waterfall, but both should be replaced before you get too late into the game IMO. The red and blue stats are the ones being raised/lowered by 10% by the pokemons nature. I don't remember which way round they are, but I think red was boost and blue was lower. however you can check with finneon. if its nature is Timid, red it up, blue is down. If it's brave, it's the other way around.
  17. Just gonna quickly point out that it's quite similar to the reborn shiny, not sure if that's any sort of issue for comparison:
  18. Ok here's my first attempt at Corsola (no back sprite yet). any tips? I tried to kinda base it off of bleached coral reefs Edit: It looks a bit different than when I open the file directly, kinda more smoothed?
  19. Don't really have any experience with this but I'd like to help out, so I could give corsola a go (should be fairly simple). I can't get the download to work properly though... are the non-shiny sprites the same as reborn e16 and ok to use as a base? also any particular program recommendations? EDIT: NVM, tabbed out and saw 5 zips on my desktop from trying to DL it. derp.
  20. I think she was about to, but then got grabbed, so you didn't actually get one
  21. Are there any rules that prevent gym leaders from looking at challengers trainer cards beforehand?
  22. Oh boy just finished V8 so that brings my "fangames that I'm eagerly awaiting the next version of" up to 3.
  23. I too, greatly desire knowledge of how to obtain heart scales. my brand new togekiss needs at least 1 actually decent attack.
  24. Yea I played through this part just last night, and I think it was in one of the rooms in the same block of 3 as the one you were in, possibly even the one next door
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