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Status Updates posted by Dylanrockin

  1. Good news! I got my A+ Certification for Computer Hardware and IT! All those years of working with computers, back in Middle School, are finally paying off :D 

  2. I just love getting hate mail, don't you? Nothing spells a whinny, self-entitled, elitist fan-boy than someone acting like they can strong-arm your decisions around like you're obligated to them. Also, when they make false claims saying that you get your money, to fund your game, through unethical means; like, you fucking wish.


    I want to drink your tears, I want to driiiiinnnnk it. I want to get a cup, put it under your eyes, get a lemon and a straw and just drink it.

    1. Animefan666


      Only if you drink them from a jewel-encrusted golden chalice :P 

    2. Dylanrockin


      I will drink it from the very Holy Grail, if I have to.

    3. Anime


      Lol, Every game developer get hate mails, and btw the Holy Grail is the best tear-drinking device^^

  3. Pusheen for best cat uwu

  4. People complaining about an English adaptation that adds in 2-3 words is just... wow:





    Like... I didn't even know that these sort of people existed. So what if they added in a few extra lines?

    1. DemICE


      i dont see why extra lines are a problem.   i'd think one would complain about the opposite:  cutting things from the original

    2. seki108


      Unless they change the entire dynamic or add/change context, I really don't see how they would be a problem.  Mistranslation is one thing, but this something odd. 

    3. Dylanrockin


      People on Kanzenshuu complain if the English Dub doesn't recite what the Japanese Dub originally had from verbatim. It's seriously annoying. It's not even a case of mistranslation, the translation is fine because Funimation translates it a certain way to adapt better for American viewing. i.e. Shortens certain phrases, since the Japanese language is so condensed that you could say a whole sentence in one word.

  5. I. Absolutely hate clickbait and the people who put that shit in their articles/videos/etc. Learn to actually produce content, and be an actually competent human being. Like... what are you THAT untalented that you have to resort to pathetic and desperate methods such as that? Get a real personality pal.





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Or when they make a thumbnail with an arrow pointing at nothing, or circle an area of the image. Like... what the hell is that supposed to mean? There's nothing significant about that part of the image, just eff off, you lying scumbag. Thanks for wasting 30 seconds of my life that I'll never get back.


      The worst case of this was when Pokemon GO was still a huge success last Summer, and people would upload "leaks" or "secrets" and there'd be an arrow pointing at some arbitrary point in the video.

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      Lol. Yeah. That really happens and even if you think it's insignificant, you'd still check it because it might contain something really important.

    4. Wolfox


      completely agree. guess my autism puts me at an advantage against clickbait since it has to process what I know about the game/subject before I click it. if I don't know about it I usually don't click it since I look up alot about certain games

  6. For those of you who use Unreal Engine 4 as well, I just made a blueprint class that creates a post-process, cel-shading effect. It's pretty neat-o!




    Don't mind the clashing environments, I'm just playing around with foliage and testing the lighting of the scene XD But yeah, the cel-shader, post-process effect is pretty rad, however, the trees look a little... odd, compared to it's non-cel-shaded form.

    1. Dylanrockin


      Side note: This is so adorable it makes my head spin:



    2. Wolfox


      that kinda gives me RWBY vibes. that's a good thing

  7. Killing Net Neutrality is a huge deal, and FUCK Trump for doing what he's doing right now. I don't normally, ever, talk about politics, but this is a huge rise for concern.



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wolfox


      True, Geert can just go suck a big one. Lucky that there's enough people who understand that here tho

    3. Maelstrom


      I don't feel good about our country being the beacon of warning, but it is a victory if the same mistake isn't made elsewhere. Good luck.

    4. Dylanrockin


      Women who voted for Trump: rape is now a pre-existing medical condition for which the victim will pay an insurance surcharge. Well played.

  8. Quick, everyone, send me cute stuff! I am in need of emergency cute!

  9. Proof that there is no God, and that Jesus died in vain. Like... fucking wow. Are you kidding me with this? I never knew that developers this shitty existed:



    1. DemICE


      Sounds like a plan.
      1) make a low budget game so shitty that will surely draw the attention of at least one caustic youtube reviewer.

      2) wait until they have a good enough amount of content on trashtalking your game like it deserves

      3) lawsuit, and profit more than you would if you had bothered making a decent game



      brb gonna go become rich

  10. This fucking slayed me:



    1. Wolfox


      I mean, Sonic Riders was a pretty good game

    2. Dylanrockin


      It was a good game. The first one at least. But the learning curve for that game was ridiculously high.

  11. I accidentally created a radioactive texture that breathes and it's texture shifts.


    IT'S ALIVE!!




    I basically just multiplied the Texture Normals by the Cosine of Time and then Lerped the green and red together and then using Sine.

  12. Why the actual fuck is it snowing in May?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      It's currently Summer in America.

    3. Daniel Blackworth

      Daniel Blackworth

      I see. Well, that is rather bizarre. At least you have snow though, I'm kinda envious

    4. Hycrox


      It means that someone's tampering with the continuity of time

  13. A message from me to you:



  14. Also, this has made my day:



  15. I'm thinking of doing a livestream where I do a huge A Hat in Time giveaway for free Beta Access and pre-order keys. That might be a few months from now, because money.

  16. Oh boy, here we go:



    1. Cepheus


      ahhhh good old Sonic CD Intro with Sonic Boom... I have to play it again sometime... :D

  17. I don't know why I found this typo to be so damn funny XD Just saying that word makes my giggle.




  18. Made this in Unreal Engine 4. So far... I'm impressed with the results:




    I couldn't find a way to hide the on-screen icons, and when it takes screenshots it literally takes them with whatever it is you're currently highlighted over :L Oh well, I'm proud of what I made here. Need to add in a sliding door, into my office XD

  19. I started fiddling around with Unreal Engine 4 and so far I like it more than Unity. However, I do see where people compare the two by saying that UE4 has a really large learning curve, because C++ and Blueprints, also with the added fact that once you start selling your product you have to pay Epic Games 5% of your quarterly gross revenue per product after you make your first three grand. Which... isn't THAT big of a deal, given that UE4 is now free.


    Unreal’s documentation is stellar, very well written with great explanations and screenshots.  While Unity’s docs are also great, they have some room to improve. Also Unreal has Visual C++ Scripting which... my god is it the best thing ever. So far though, I've just been wanting to find a 3D program that I can just pick up and learn as time goes by, and this feels far superior to Unity it's not even funny. Albeit the learning curve is steep for people who don't know C++ or aren't familiar with euclidean space editors.

  20. Good news for followers of my game! The Symphonic Horizon manga will be continued in May!! Also, the manga will be likely having its first volume completed either this fall or winter!



    1. Dreamy


      Will the manga follow the exact same story as the game? If so I probably wouldn't read it until after playing, but that's still really awesome!

    2. Dylanrockin


      It will follow the story exactly, while taking more liberties on it, because it is a manga and it can do more things than a video game can. There are things that aren't in the game, but again that's mostly because it's a manga and a lot of things will be different as a result.

  21. I just started watching this series, and I find it very informative for people who are thinking about making games, even Pokemon fan-games:




    It's all about scope, which I think is something that fan-games struggle with immensely. Well... that and other things, really.

  22. So, I finished my new shelf: I think I might need to make another shelf, because I ran out of room for all my stuff XD I didn't even get the rest of my Tales games on the shelf, as they're in the closet shelf in my room.






    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Anime


      i read them online xD i'm too lazy to order them, also may i ask if you read the B2/w2 manga? the site where i used to read them was cut off, after lack two's friend found whi two's necklace

    3. Dylanrockin


      I own the 1st issue of B2/W2 and there is only 1 volume of it at the moment, since the series was put on temporary hiatus. The author started working on it, recently in February.

    4. Anime


      oh so there is only one volume and they're working on it :D thats reassuring, i thought they stopped forever thanks, have a good day/night

  23. YouTube's evolution? Don't make me laugh! And you wonder why I hate YouTubers, and YouTube celebrities all the same! Scum, all of them. I am surrounded by scum who think they can just get away with this.



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wolfox


      I'll join you on that. I wish for them to find a justiviable reason for behavious such as this

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Unfortunately, behavior like that often seems to go unpunished on Youtube and other big social media sites. Someone could do or say something completely disgusting, even threatening, and not face any consequences and the one who reported it will get an automated message saying it doesn't violate the site's policies. On the other side some people get randomly suspended for saying something innocent like "My favorite cereal is Cinnamon Toast Crunch" or "I listen to music while I do my homework". 


      I'm not completely sure, but I think some really big sites use bots for discipline since it'd take the human staff forever to go through reports on a site with hundreds of millions of users. It's the only rational explanation I can think of for why a lot of these people don't get punished. Which means they either need better bots or more staff. 

    4. Wolfox


      or perhaps both

  24. This is why we never let memes become actual drinks:




    this thing tastes like sour cake and butt. Fact.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dylanrockin


      Yeah, it's pretty bad... XD

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      That's weird 'cause I usually love Starbucks XD

    4. Dylanrockin


      Well, this drink was just made for the #unicorn #fabulous instagram lol-memes, rather than it actually tasting good. At best it's a fad-drink and then people will forget about it in about a week or two.


      I guess if you like really sour drinks then this is up your alley, but otherwise it's kinda meh XD

  25. My mood today:




    especially evil.

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