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Everything posted by Damage

  1. Damn, if a western styled movie started off like this I'd move to the front of the theatre.
  2. Opal Ward It is now late evening. People are seen walking down the streets, most of them smoking. In front of one house a small Shinx is sitting atop a garbage can lazily smiling at passerbys. Justin and Blaze are seen walking train tracks towards the Opal Bridge. From the cavern fly out swarms of Noibat. Justin So Noibat are common here. Back in my day caves didn’t have dragons in them… Well one did. This is good though. We train with these guys and we will build up speed and reaction time. We’ll do this every day after studying for about three hours. In a week or so we’ll give the boom lady’s gym a go. She’s probably a fire type so it should be easy for you. Justin and Blaze make their through the underpass by some homeless people and pokemon and reach the cavern. Dozens of Noibat are seen all flying around and eating scraps of food on the floor. Justin Okay bud. I need to know where you’re at. So fire at will and I’ll guide from there. Blaze looks worried at the number of noibat and turns to Justin. Who motions him to go in. Blaze then scratches into the dirt “many” Justin Don’t worry about the number. If you get into trouble I will jump in. Go in strong and you can do it. Trust me. Justin smiles and Blaze’s demeanor becomes serious. He sees a small group huddled around each other and shoots a fireball at them from his mouth. The dragons disperse then charge at Blaze who dodges their tackles effortlessly. Blaze then looks at Justin confused. Justin You’re learning how to fight. Not listen. If I don’t tell you to dodge you gonna sit there and get hit? Blaze dodges another tackle and shoots the noibat out of the air. The three others stay idle in air staring down their sole opponent. Two of them fly around Blaze and let out high pitched screeches. Blaze looks disoriented by the dragons’ shouts and sees Justin spinning his finger. He recognizes the motion and spews out fire and begins spinning causing all three dragons to back off. Justin then approaches the fallen noibat from earlier causing the other three to begin racing towards him but Blaze jumps in the middle and the three come to a cold stop. Justin Relax. Justin reaches into his bag and pulls out a potion and sprays the injured noibat and it slowly regains consciousness then flies towards its friends. Justin Blaze you ready for round two? Blaze nods in agreement looking more excited than ever. Justin then gestures a challenge for the noibat to attack again. At first confused, the noibat look at each other and then their comrade that Justin assisted nods in confirmation and the pokemon gang all charge at Blaze again. This time three noibat charge Blaze while the last one stays behind shooting gusts at his friends to hasten their attacks and Blaze is knocked into the air and juggled by the trio of noibats. Justin Don’t be afraid to use your feet buddy. You’ll be using them a lot when you grow up. Blaze continues to be juggled until he flips in mid air and catches one of the dragon’s wings with his talons and shoots it out of the air. The remaining two distance themselves while Justin heals the fallen one and prevents it from reentering the battle. Justin When being jumped, stay unpredictable Blaze. Blaze charges up a flame and the gust blowing noibat races towards him from behind and the remaining two charge from the front. Before releasing the flame Blaze jump-turns around and blasts the noibat from behind propelling himself towards the other two who are caught by the force as all three are slammed into the wall behind them. Justin applauds everyone. Justin Good job everyone. Come get healed up. All five pokemon approach and Justin hands out food and sprays them with the potion he’s carrying. Justin Everyone have fun? The pokemon cheer and the dragons begin flying around the now dancing torchic. Justin Good to hear. Everyone take five. I’m actually hungry myself. The pokemon continue playing with one another as Justin leans against a wall a pulls a sandwich from his bag. Before he can eat it his eyes open wide and he lunges towards the small playing pokemon and blocks an oncoming bolt of electricity with his arm. Sparks can be seen from his now numbed right arm. Justin (smiling) Here comes a new challenger… The noibat flee the cave in terror but Blaze stays by his friend’s side. The small bird is clearly exhausted from its previous fight and is barely managing to stand. From the shadows emerges a very scratched up Klinkling missing a part of its revolving ring. Justin (upset) Actually “gear second” me and my buddy and I are gonna have to take a rain check. Justin picks up Blaze and begins casually walking out of the tunnel when another bolt flies towards him. He dodges easily and leaps 15 feet towards and kicks Klinkling into a nearby wall causing the wall to crack a little. Justin If the fight’s between you and me I can guarantee it wont end well. You should wait until my buddy’s ready if you’d like a fighting chance. The mechanical monster growls a little before retreating into the shadows. Justin and Blaze leave the tunnel and head back into the Opal Ward. He continues to carry his tired friend. Upon leaving the tunnel, Justin notices an apartment building and knocks on the door. Through the window he sees people inside and they wave him to come in. He sees a girl sitting next to her kricketot on a couch and he approaches her. Justin Hey there, you and your buddy just finish training too? Rebecca No… He’s been like this for days and I don’t know why. As the two talk a young girl in a green flowing dress with a white collar, wearing green stockings and purple shoes comes in. Her hair is long and purple with a large silver hoop hanging two thirds down the way of her long braided ponytail. Justin I’m not a bug expert, knew one back in Johto but he wasn’t my favorite person. Anyway even I can see- Shelly (meekly) Hello? I’m looking for a Lana. Justin and Lana turn to see Shelly standing in the doorway. Justin You’re buddy I’m guessing. Rebecca Yes this is Shelly, she’s a bug expert and good friend of mine. Shelly walks over slowly. Shelly Hi… its um… nice to meet you… End of episode 1
  3. Opal Ward Justin walks down the road seeing cops and firefighters assisting wounded and talking to citizens who witnessed the bomb. He sees the lake and stops for a moment. Justin Yeah perhaps letting time do its thing would have worked out the same for our bad guy. An old man sitting at the edge of the pier looking onto the lake looks at Justin then back at the lake. Old man Perhaps you’re right young man. This town has been deteriorating for the past decade. Why one would even bother attacking it at this point is beyond me. Justin Anyone who really hates this town come to mind? Old man Wish to fight them? Justin They set me on fire so yeah. I think I deserve at least wagging my finger at them. Old man Awfully calm given the situation, aren’t you? Justin Freaking out rarely solves problem. I’m no genius but even I can figure that out. At the very least even if I can’t fight them, I should know who to avoid right? Old man Wish I could tell you boy. But the list of people who hate this land are too high to count. Justin That actually answered my question. Old man Glad I can help. Justin Later gator. Grand Hall Justin continues along his path down to the Grand Hall. He stares at the design on the doors for a moment then presses on. He sees people going about their own devices. One person stands out in particular. A young woman in a black and white kimono with jet black hair with a peace sign on her left side. She’s at the desk talking to the employees when Justin approaches. Justin Hi, I’d like one pokeman please. Worker You’ll have to wait for Ame. She should be in momentarily. Justin Hope so. She said to meet her here. Worker If you have a seat in the waiting area we’ll be able to help you soon. Victoria Hello, I’m Victoria. Justin Hi I’m Justin Wayland. Only person with a last name around here. How are you? Victoria Good. I’m setting up to challenge the league. Are you going to take them on? Justin And then some! I got a fool proof plan. Victoria Oh really? Mind sharing? Justin Train a lot and never lose. Victoria Solid strategy. You may become the champion soon. Justin Dare to dream Vicky. Dare to dream. Ame approaches the two and pats Justin on the back and dust comes out of his shirt. Ame Justin, I’m sure you’re probably still trying to deal with everything- Justin (cutting her off) I am but I already know who I’m going to share my problems with and no not my parents. Ame You can take a few days to sort- Justin I’ll be alright. Right now I just need to keep moving. It helps… seriously. Ame looks at the clearly shaken up young man and presses a button on the desk next to Victoria. Ame Victoria. Victoria Yes? Ame Would you mind letting Justin pick first Victoria Not at all. Go ahead Justin. Ame walks upstairs and Justin turns to Victoria and nods before following the league runner. Upstairs are three tables filled with pokeballs. Ame The first row of pokeballs are grass type, the second are water and the final row contain fire types. All of the standard starters from every league bearing region. Justin All you had to say was fire. Ame Not the first time I’ve heard that. Justin Serious question. Out of all the trainers you’ve sent off. How many picked Chickorita… like intentionally? Ame Out of the six hundred trainers that I’ve registered? Justin Yeah. Ame Nineteen and three of them were lost bets. Justin begins laughing hysterically and his laugh can be heard all throughout the grand hall. Ame Chikorita is a fine pokemon able to perform- Justin begins laughing harder and is sometimes unable to breath and falls to the floor, short of breath. Justin I needed that. Thank you Ame. Ame (under her breath) I like Chikorita. Justin approaches the fire pokemon and walks to the third pokeball. Justin This one. This one looks like a winner. Ame That would be Torchic… Justin That’s the one that becomes the kick-boxing chicken right? Ame Yes. Torchic’s final form is a fire and fighting type with an- Justin throws the pokeball up and a red stream of light releases a small black and red Torchic with blue eyes. Justin (screaming with his hands in the air) AND HE’S BLACK TOO! The torchic begins dancing around releasing small sparks of fire around itself. As Justin screams unintelligibly the torchic chirps along with him as the two are clearly screaming in approval of each other. Ame Is it safe to say you choose him as your starter? Justin Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ame Good. Let’s get you settled downstairs. Justin puts the pokeball in his pocket and lowers his body and points to his head. The torchic jumps on immediately. Ame walks downstairs with the happy duo in tow. Ame Now you can setup with them. Do you have any questions for me before I leave? Justin is dancing while Torchic is simultaneously dancing on his head and spitting out small embers in joy. Ame simply waves to Victoria and the two go upstairs. Worker Sir, we need to register you. Justin and Torchic finally calm down. Justin Sorry. I’m just so happy. Worker Glad to hear. Lets answer some questions and you can be on your way. Justin Yes ma’m Worker What is your name? Justin Justin Wayland. And with me is my new best bud…. Ummm. The torchic shoots a large flame from its mouth. Justin Blaze seems appropriate. How’s it sound buddy? Blaze clearly approves with another dance. Worker Where are you from? Justin Johto region, good ol Blackthorn City. Worker My cousin and her fiance moved out there. Know a Michael… Oh my god. Justin First its Oh my Arceus and second, No. Never met him. Worker (upset) I see… Finally an emergency contact. Justin Michael Wayland Worker (confused) But you just said… Justin Later gator Justin and Blaze begin heading for the door when a purple haired youth clad in matching purple clothes and fishnets catches his attention. Cain Hey… you’re cute. Justin Not the first time I’ve heard that. Cain My name is Cain. Nice to meet you. Cain reaches out his hand and Justin shakes it. Justin Justin. Likewise. Cain Did you just sign up for the league Justin Yessir. Gonna be the very best Cain Like no one ever was? Both Justin and Cain give each other wide grins. Justin Me and you are going to get along great. Cain I hope so. But right now I have to re-register for the league. Justin Re-register? Cain looks away uncomfortably. Cain Some stuff and some things happened, so yeah… Justin Say no more. I’ve recently had plans blow up in my face too. Cain Sorry to hear that. I’ll see you around new best buddy. Justin Bye new best friend. Cain walks towards the desk as Justin walks out and the two wave at each other while yelling goodbye back and forth until Justin is out of the building. Opal Ward Justin and Blaze are walking side by side down train tracks as they approach a house and Justin stops and Blaze stops confused. Justin (excited) Okay Blaze! ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT YOUR WAY TO THE TOP! Blaze looks serious and small embers are seen rising around the small chick. Justin YOU WANT TO SHOW THE WORLD WHAT REAL STRENGTH IS! Blaze looks more determined with the embers growing in intensity. Justin ARE YOU READY… Okay sorry but the joke is we wont be rushing into battle. Blaze looks upset and stomps around Justin angrily. Justin We can’t just steam roll past trainers and gyms around here. We have to train both body and mind so me and you can always be on the same page because spoiler alert I do not plan on bringing 5 other pokepals to the team. Blaze looks confused. Justin Exactly. Like most pokemon you don’t know English after hearing it a few times. So I’m going to teach you some things and by the time you’re fully evolved you’ll be able to read and write or at the very least understand my unmatched wit and humor. Blaze looks up and nods at Justin. Justin Don’t worry though. Fighting will still happen. First lets see if my bag survived the whole mess from earlier. Lets go bud. We see police are talking with fire fighters outside the ruined train station. Justin and Blaze approach two near a police car. Justin Excuse me. The cop turns and puts his hand out to stop Justin from proceeding. Cop Sorry kid. Can’t go beyond here. Justin I know but I was on that train and my backpack has some important stuff in it. Did you happen to find anything near the entrance? Cop I did find a green bag but I need to verify this belongs to you. Got a pokegear or dex? Justin Gear is in the bag but I have my pokedex. Justin reaches in his back pocket and pulls out the pokedex and gives it to the officer who opens it and looks through it and his eyes widen in shock. Cop Jeez this thing has over 600 pokemon. How long have you been doing this? Justin Like an hour. Cop How the heck do you have all of these records? Justin The person who gave it to me was a responsible adult. What kind of lunatic sends a kid out to study pokemon with a blank encyclopedia. Cop Fair enough. Well your gear and dex match. The cop goes in his car and pulls out Justin’s bag and gives it back to him. The bag has dirt and ash on it but is still in good condition. Justin Thank you sir. Cop Yeah. Just be careful kid. We caught the bomber but he isn’t working alone. If you don’t have to be out at night, don’t be. Justin Yes sir. Let’s go Blaze. Justin and Blaze walk away from the scene and see a young man standing outside a lone house. Justin Hey buddy. Mind if me and my friend study here for a bit. Stranger Mi casa es su casa I guess… Justin Thanks chum. Justin hands the guy some money then him and Blaze go to sit down and the man stops him. Stranger Hey. You can go inside. Totally empty. I just crash here a lot. Justin Thanks. Stranger Yeah… Stranger’s House Justin and Blaze are inside the empty building. Justin sets up a board and takes out a book from his bag. Justin So I know its boring but we’ll do this for a few hours a day and when you learn it well enough you can use this with ease. Justin takes a strange looking bracelet from his bag and puts it around Blaze’s ankle. Justin It’s a pokepokegear. Pretty much lets you speak into it and shows me in text and vice versa. When you get good with the language and evolve to have hands then you can type into it and boom we can fight without ever saying a word. Helpful since announcing “Blaze use fireblast” generally gets people on the defensive. So…. Lets get to it. Blaze jumps around excited. Time passes and we see Justin and Blaze sitting on the floor. Blaze has a talon dipped in ink and is writing something on a notepad in front of him. The scribble poorly reads “Blaze”. Justin Very good buddy. You can write your name in four hours without my help. My parents said it took my brother Lance like four years. So you about ready to look around town for trainers? Blaze lets out a small fire from his body and Justin hurriedly pulls away the notebook to keep it from catching fire. Justin That’s a resounding yes.
  4. Hello all. To build upon my writing I've decided to write a story based on my current playthrough of Reborn. Its a narrative following a fictional character interacting in place of the MC in the game. The events for the most part are the same with some being changed to better reflect the main character and his pokemon team. Any and all criticism is helpful and wanted. Please try not to just flame me since that does little in the way of improvement. Anyway here's a short intro so you know what you're getting into. (Things regarding format please also note as I'm writing this in word using a script writing format so if its confusing just say so and I'll assist.) I'm breaking Episode one into three posts to help with the size. Our main character hails all the way from Johto, born and raised in the city of dragons Blackthorn city. A mountain land where power and ability are revered. Usually beginning their journey with the town's signature dragon Dratini, our hero Justin has decided to take the road less flown by and pick up a starter of his very own. Leaving the Johto league for his own reasons he has decided that Reborn would host a far better challenge than his homeland ever could. Will he find the challenge he seeks and conquer it, will it be a trial too easy for him or will it crush him and send him home with clipped wings. This is the story of Justin Wayland. Reborn City Narrator This is the world of pokemon. A seemingly endless landscape full of wonder and adventure. For thousands of years both the human and pokemon species have shared this planet as a home. Some choosing to battle but more and more are choosing to coexist. As the societies progress, questions find themselves at the forefront of conversation “do we treat pokemon properly” or what should we expect of pokemon. One individual believes we should expect no more of our co-inhabitants than we expect of ourselves. This is his story. Tourmaline Desert It is early afternoon and a train can be seen blazing through the tourmaline desert. Playing throughout the barren wastelands are various desert pokemon but mostly cacnea fill the lands. We close in on the train and see a tall but slim young dark skinned man wearing a black tee shirt, blue jeans and black boots. Holstered at his side are three 2 foot wooden tubes loosely held by a white rope. At his side a back pack presumably filled with traveling provisions. The man is Justin Wayland a normally upbeat individual focused mainly on the moment rather than stressing the “will be’s”. Next to him is a man wearing a black trench coat and matching fedora. His face cannot be made out but a faint glow can be seen at his chest on occasion. ??? Hello Justin. Justin Hello… I’m guessing since you know my name, Ame? I hope not since I heard you were a woman. ??? Why have you come to Reborn? Justin Heard if I’m going to challenge a league that this one would be the only tough one. ??? There are more than just challenges to be considered here. I can take you home before such dangers present themselves. Justin I like to see things through to the end. Unless its dangerous then it’s a definite maybe. ??? I see potential in you. Justin (inching closer to the entity) Is that aura. Because it sounds like aura. Its aura isn’t it? ??? Yes. Justin (excited) Great. Then I’m safe. The mysterious entity stands and places a pokeball on his lap and slowly walks to the end of the train car. Justin Wow my first pokemon. Thanks but I think I’d like to challenge tall grass and find my own pal. Its how pappy taught me. ??? This is to protect you when aura cannot. The man vanishes and a Chandelure emerges from the pokeball. Justin Hello fully evolved challenge breaker. What exactly can you protect me from? Screams are heard from train cars over and the door to Justin’s cart flies across trailed by fire. The Chandelure’s lights glow brightly as the fire nears the two and everything goes black. Narrator We as people seek to affect things far greater than ourselves. This is a natural and very common desire. However should one actively seek something that can cause them so much harm? That will always be a choice whether its correct or not cannot be determined until the dust has settled. Reborn City A torn down city, riddled with destruction and homelessness. A city so wrought with depression even the water has turned almost black. In the corner of the Opal ward a train station is broken and destroyed. A few survivors have been hauled to safety. A woman on a loud speaker is broadcasted through the city. Speaker All citizens are urged to remain in their homes until the current crisis has been dealt with. A bloody arm is seen under rubble next to a Chandelure who burns it away revealing Justin. After the ghost pokemon vanishes as mysteriously as its master. After a few moments Justin coughs and wipes his face of dust and debris. He looks around to see broken bodies charred by the prior explosion. He struggles to stand but before falling a green haired woman wearing cheer-leading attire approaches with “OTS” written on it. She appears to be in her twenties and she starts carefully walking him away from the crumbling building. The woman’s name is Julia a very energetic spirit with a questionable love for destructions and explosions. Julia DID YOU SEE THE BOOMIE Justin My clothes are burnt miss, so yes. I most certainly did see the boomie. Please tell me you aren’t an EMT. Julia (shaking Justin while smiling) NOPE. I’m a gym leader! Justin That’s actually far more unsettling. Julia You got boomied bad. Justin I’m beginning to think you like explosions. Julia (grinning) YES Justin Neat so can you turn yourself over to the cops while I get medical attention. Julia (confused) You aren’t even hurt…. Justin I was literally in the middle… Justin pats himself down slowly and aside from his burnt clothes he finds that he is in fact fine. Even the blood has disappeared from his arm. Justin Did you see a Chandelure? Julia You lost your friend? Justin No. I think it took the blast for me. Some guy gave it to me before the explosion! An ashen haired woman wearing a purple and black lace up dress with a grey undershirt and black heels approaches. In her early thirties with a particularly serious look on her face. Ame Justin! Sorry you were caught up in this. Justin I’ll be okay… um… Ame Ame. The league runner who invited you here. Justin I thought you were the guy in all black with the glowing chest. Ame/Julia Shade. Ame That explains the Chandelure that passed by and the fact several carts were still in tact. Justin for now you should head to the Grand Hall. You probably need rest. Justin Yeah, catching on fire is pretty exhausting. Julia RIGHT?! Justin By the way. I think she’s the bomber. Julia NO WAY! Justin She called this a boomie which is pretty… terrifying. Ame Our leaders are among Reborn’s most respected trainers. I think we can cross them off the list of terrorists. Justin Yeah. I don’t put crime past anyone but that’s because I’ve been on both sides of the fence. Julia Ooooh a bad boy. Justin (ignoring Julia) Hospital down the road, yeah? Ame Yes. I’ll see you soon.
  5. I think shinx/luxio and chinchou could replace them. Then you can't just over power the team or come in ground happy. Honestly I played hardcore mode and I liked that team since it was pretty balanced and showcased how difficult the game could be when unprepared. Unlike how it normally goes. Julia is kind of tough, Florinia is reasonable then Corey is a massive spike.
  6. Voltorb on julia's team. One voltorb is dumb and two are just tedious. There are better electric types that could make the first gym battle more fun and memorable.
  7. Hello guys I'm doing a challenge run using only four pokemon. Generations 1-4. Not sure if I'm gonna hardcore it since that'd be quite stressful to say the least. The idea of this run is actually to have me write up a nice little story alongside it which will appear in that story area but for those curious I'll put levels, challenges and what nots within this tale o mine. Here's the team I request. Scyther with metal coat to become Scizor- Representing G1 Togepi to Togekiss Representing G2 (my rules) Shiny Torchic to Blaziken Representing 3/6 of my team and G3 Shinx to Luxray representing G4. Added rules I can use a punching bag to take the place of a mon during battles but this ends at Corey's gym. Since I'm doing normal run I probably wont need. All bosses must be beat, all stickers obtained and any sidequest that is available must be completed by episode's end. This one is for the story afterall. Also please and thank you
  8. Presenting Dero, the only character to question the professor's insanity. Also good luck with damo and tom nook. I don't want you to lose your sanity like reborn but its entertaining so I'm not making any wishes.
  9. I meant Jasmine. And yes he has a couple of pulse battles ahead of him but pulse battles aren't the same as arceus and abra or steelix. I did forget about mewtwo which is actually kinda broken since its fast and strong and iv training is real at that point. Bout to check out the snakewood run. May comedy ensue.
  10. Charlotte before the nerf was horrible. Two ninetails and a broken typhlosion. That field was unkind.
  11. Okay this episode was awesome and the song in the beginning was great. (never seen steven universe so that was my first time.) Glad Mako survived and seeing your second in command bitch slap god was the highlight of everything. "how many pokemon get to bitch slap god" just one. As of now there are no more bs battles but I think you've got about 6 more badges as of the current release so a season 4 is definitely doable. You lost very entertaining pokes but with eevee and ralts on the side I think you can pull out a new good team and at least you still have one of your early guys besides mako. Sorry about the arceus, not much you can do to stop god besides punching it I guess and the fact that you're back to where you started. The more things change huh?... Well good luck with snakewood hope your sanity can handle that in the meantime. Look forward to seeing it.
  12. Mega Hitmonchan Wonder guard Hp 50 Atk 115 Def 139 Sp atk 35 Sp def 130 Speed 86 speed So Hitmonchan is a boxer and his basic premise is about defense over offense. So spike up the defenses since his hp is pitiful and give him the ultimate defensive ability. I considered giving more speed over special defense but with that ability power and speed can't be too ridiculous. Overall this makes chan a pretty tough one to take down but not impossible. His attack could be lower to raise his speed tier and keep him from being broken physically but I think this pans out nicely.
  13. That's a pretty broad question. Eevee has like 8 evolutions where as ralts has 2. Both of Ralts evolutions are amazing but Eevee's depend on the rest of your team. What do you need for your team? If you need bulk then umbreon is a pretty good choice. If you need offense Gallade or Leafeon can be good. But for the most part the two mons don't fill the same roles.
  14. I actually raised Nidoking to learn thrash and poison spikes. Setup with him and gabite then Camerupt came when the sand ended since the sand puts out the fire every time. I had to bench trap because yeah too frail. Luckily no one knows rain dance or water sport so this battle was winable since every mon had to switch into fire.
  15. thanks guys. Golette is going on the waiting list
  16. Dang. where are the ill fated dolls?
  17. So I'm at the totem pole event and I thought you get golett from it but I keep getting Elgyem. I changed the days and time but nothing is changing at all. Anyone know the specifics?
  18. Go back a few episodes get blaziken and gyrados. They will literally win the game by themselves.
  19. Shelly's gym (Hardcore) My team is Gabite Sand tomb/Slash/Dragon Claw/ Sandstorm Swampert Water gun/protect/rock slide/mudbomb Camerupt Iron head/magnitude/lava plume/rock slide Trapnich Rock slide/earthquake/dig/crunch Krokorok dig/sand tomb/torment/crunch Ryhorn chip away/smack down/bulldoze/scary face Normally this team would have mild difficulty beating shelly since grass moves slaughter me. But theres a politoed in the room that I can't kill for some reason. (Commander why) I'm doing a mono ground so if it isn't ground then I'd rather not use it even to overcome this obstacle. I also will not be evolving trapinch since it needs to learn superpower at 40. I am okay with switching anyone out except swampert since my rule is starters never leave me. Lastly everyon's attack evs are maxed out and everyone has pretty good speed as well.
  20. I think Titania would be drinking on off days. Just no one would dare sit next to her.
  21. Man this team has to be hard to do since there is no synergy between the two. Also what are your plans for rock types since fire and ice have a common weakness... (wait why is that?)
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