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[Students and All Might Win] Boku no Mafia Academia


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I was out all day, because I was travelling. I didn't expect to be on the spotlight. 

Let me see. Well, it looks like Bazaro's unrequested defense is a bit rushed, isn't it?

Let's dissect his posts to see quite a typical attempt to cover up alignment.


He is:

1. Avoiding the conflict, tryint to wrap this up fast, so his name is forgotten.


I guess Nick is panicking since he knows he's been caught now, so please turn yourself in now and save us the trouble.


I'm willing to accept that as a joke, since I should be in your mind one of the people least likely to panic.

However, this line of defense does not suit you. You rushed to excuse yourself, belittle yourself as meaningless (even though later your actions contradict that), and want to make us pity you, in case we catch a bigger fish.


2. Subsequently provides the laziest defense as an alibi.


I'm Mirio, a student. I wonderfully have no quirk, thus I am but a vanilla townie


Isn't that convenient? It's like Nano claiming Survivor when he's mafia. It's predictable.

Let's set aside how such an alignment is improbable (not to say impossible and appear absolute), given the plethora of roles distributed.

You wish to make them think of you as a suspect, like they were the ones to figure it out. I'm sorry, but I won't let you manipulate the crowds, even in my absense.

I understand losing a team-mate so early is making you take rush decisions, but this is a bad one.


3. Tries to patronize town so that he's viewed as indispensable, and thus townie, all while looking like he contributes.


Another way to do so would be to massclaim our Student names at the same time, starting from most suspicious people to least. That way, there's more chance of someone to slip up and say a name of a character someone else has. But I guess massclaiming is a commie strategy that's too op for Town so we Definitely Should Not Use It.


While this attempt is an one-trick pony, I doubt it's actually going to help us solve the puzzle.

Or help you, avoid hanging.

All comments on said quote are on the title. That's all there is to it; an attempt to emotionally draw them your side.

What impresses me is that you actually managed to sway a few.

Before attempting to contribute, I'd like to ask you, what have you given town so far? Because if we compare our contributions, mine's bigger (wink wink)

Note to self: Don't flatter yourself, Nick. Everything is bigger than zero... smh


4. Sees I have not responded yet, so he ends with ad hominem, assuming my position, and strawmanning me.


Guess Nick is just waiting for the last minute to post a bunch so no one has a chance to argue with what he says. Lame.

Oh please. 

Let me respond with an attack of my own, and that's... your votes.

D1: Against Lia

D2: Against Alaris (then Nicki, then back Alaris)

We know Lia was town.

I trust Alaris to be town, and in fact am pretty sure of his quirk.

You are actively trying to eliminate good players (who's next, Jelly?), and this appeared like an opportunity to attempt the same for me.

Only this time, you dug your own grave.


4b. Yes, there's more.

Before you try to respond by accusing me of starting a bandwagon on Sopheria, I'd like to remind you that I did so with solid data, while admitting it is not up to my standards as a method of questioning and accusing someone (given she's a new player and reluctant to post more).

And I'll return the onus on you to prove you're not guilty, after trying to incriminate and jump on the bw, both in Lia's and on Alaris's case.

The first, for trying to play this as accurately as possible.

The second, for random reasons. Do you think he'd actually draw that much attention if he was a mafia? Please! You're much better than that.


[Eliminate] Bazaro



@Jelly @Yahy

Your votes (and general demeanor) confuse me. Please explain yourselves.

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Anyways, since I actually have things to contribute.


A. I was visited by the Comedian. Amine is one of the following:

i) Actress

ii) Blacksmith

iii) Monkey

This verifies that Amine is town.

We need no longer think if he's a lyncher, and instead at some point focus on why Nicki wasn't rb.

(I suppose because she couldn't actually do a night action given Lia died)


B. I was visited by the Penguin.

The one who was protected this night was NickCrash.

Don't know why. The doctor should be on Kiet, at all times. Please remedy that.

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13 minutes ago, NickCrash said:



Your votes (and general demeanor) confuse me. Please explain yourselves.

i will be honest, i have not been paying enough attention to this game for the past day. however, upon rereading and taking your observations into account:

[unvote] nick

[eliminate] baz

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Ouch, so rude. I'm just trying to have as much fun as I can with such a boring role.


@NickCrash since you're so keen on helping town, who are your current suspects and reads? I don't want to make today just about you and me since there's been a lot of little juice here and there. Currently I suspect Ali, hbu?

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Yeah, I figured I might have been rude there. My apologies about that. Must have been due to the "lame" comment. Got me heated up.

Although, to be fair, some mafia roles can indeed be boring. You can't be godfather though, because you showed up on Kiet's report.


Right now, I have just opened the laptop after a really long day, and it's 3PM.

I'd like to re-read stuff and post more well-written reads tomorrow. Till then, you can't pocket me. I'm on ya :3

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My reveal will be enough for town to come to their senses~ Dying is the most use I can be right now it seems so that's fine, just wish we didn't have to waste a Day to get there. Unless Framer got to one of us somehow, I didn't realize Judge would be affected by fake role/alignments o well.

Nothing to do now but wait :}

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I find it weird that the penguin gave the same info twice in a row. I guess that’s the luck of the draw with how it gives random info. What I’m thinking is that Baz is the suspect or tp or Nick is tp since I’m not going a scrum reading off either of them to be honest. To get some answers Eliminate Baz

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Another not-so-midday vote and post count! Ready your panty because I'm late for a party! (ok sorry that's not something Mic would say but the universe conspired against me)


Vote count

Bazaro (6): Kiet, Astra, Alistair, Nano, Jelly, Nick Crash

Nick Crash (3): Bazaro, Yahy, Amine

Amine (1): Bean

Bean (1): Anti-Loser

It seems that Bazaro is leading the march to the guillotine for now 👀 But will he do something to win back the crowd? Tune in to find out!

11 people have voted so far, so that means there are 4 who haven't made up their minds yet... please don't forget to vote, listeners! @cicada @Alaris @Bok Choi @Hypurr


Post count

Need to post at least once more: @Anti-loser @Hanyū 

Need to post at least twice: @Bok Choi @Hypurr


That's all folks! I'm looking forward to a successful lynch, for the sake of all of us!

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oh..nobody participating in my presumably fake snowball vote... I was actually was gonna post something small. Small as in like 2 sentence small. Too bad. 

I should’ve posted earlier hours ago.

I just realised before that throwing the snowball doesn’t actually reveal my identity. Thinking that throwing this ball of snow should certainly or least burrow any suspicious ties with me being the sniper. I mean would the Saboteur sabotage their own mafia members to create an opening for targeted mafia to start gaining the trust alongside the towny? Which they could’ve possibly had a mafia discussion to which then the sniper doesn’t visit mafia meetings. But then that complicates things considering caimie died last night and puts myself if I was the mafia around probably the yellow area/red area for suspected mafia (see previous post). I might’ve overtyped these essay but really these are my initial thoughts and I’m cautiously screwing myself when I can’t help myself. Wow..I should have the chatterbox rank. But you guys deserved it for not participating 😡. (At least post “no vote”.) 


Also @NickCrash mind taking my snowball as I’m hoping the Saboteur instantly targeted me and you’ll be kind enough to share amongst the others if you were hit. I should try organising my info dumps like yours but don’t know why.

( Suffering maybe the reasoning).

Just waiting whenever you’re ready Nick or just post saying “ hit me “.


Bazaro’s fate is most certainly the guillotine and the best mafia lead ever since this game began. I’m actually happy for once we’re getting ahead an advantage but also pissed I’m letting @Chickens off the hook twice now. 

I certainly feel as if we could’ve collectively accomplished more info/witch hunting then just proceeding to obviously lynch. Many like Bean are way too concealed in the shadows and should be questioned just like Alaris’ situation D2. All I wanted was his initial thoughts surrounding N1 and he certainly seems pretty fine (I too have figured Alaris’ potential quirk so I think he’s safe).

I already have my reasoning/idea on Baz’s lynch and glad Nick defended himself awfully too easy using Baz’s own vote.

Noice 👍


Unvote Bean

Eliminate Bazaro

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12 hours ago, NickCrash said:

It's like Nano claiming Survivor when he's mafia. It's predictable.

You say it was predictable but I wasn’t suspected as mafia until the end and I was the only survivor 

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Ok I'm well enough to actually catch up and read anything and um


Y'all can't be serious right?? Nick's defense is a whole lot of nothing! 

(Ok not exactly nothing, but let me explain what I think here and why). 


Nick's first point: He focuses on Baz's potential joke (he even acknowledges it is probably a joke) and talks about why it's a bad defense. 

Ok, I will say that it is like Nick to point out and analyze that may seem insignificant, so I can't really fault him here.

Second point: Nick explains why claiming vanilla town is a weak defense.

-Which is also true. No arguments there. What confuses me is his comparison to Nano claiming survivor. He's comparing what turned out to be a smart and effective claim to one that arguably is exactly the opposite.

Third point: Nick explains how Baz is patronizing town.

Which I can agree with.

Fourth point: points out Baz's voting patterns which are indisputable. 


"Now, why Bok, do you think Nick's defense is a whole lotta nothing, if you agree with his points?", I already see you typing. 

That's because Nick's points are not a defense. Nick's points are an attack on Baz and not a defense of himself. 'The best defense is a good offense', I hear you saying. Yeah ok but not in this case. Nowhere does he tell us why we shouldn't vote for him, instead all Nick does is tell us why we should vote for Baz. He's intelligently deflecting the issue of his own alignment by focusing on the alignment of someone else.


As such I'm inclined to think that neither of these two are town, with Baz more likely to be maf based on what Nick pointed out. Yes, that means Kiet got incredibly lucky, but based on their behaviour, that's what I think at the moment. Maybe I missed the answer to this but @Candy is it possible to double lynch?

[Eliminate] NickCrash

If we can, I'll keep my vote here. I'll change it later if we can't.

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No I'm not Suspect. If I were I never would've started the day by attacking Nick because he couldn't be Mafia then (because he's not same "alignment" as me). I would have pushed to look past this and look into other stuff.


EDIT: Just read what Suspect does


Oooooooooooooooh that makes sense now. I still think Nick might be a scum tho

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@Bok Choi

You slightly confuse me. You claim I didn't defend myself, and attacked Bazaro instead. Which is true.

"Why should white worry if the black king places himself in check", a friend said once. And I agree.

I'm showing how Baz's own "defense" is much scummier than his attacks


However, you're actually wrong. My defense is my contribution to town, and the subsequent post verifies that.

Feel free to keep your vote on me. It possibly also protects Baz. We can show the town that I'm right, when the day ends.


Now, forgive me for I don't have too much time available to contribute today, as I'm still unpacking and cleaning up a house my brother left in ruins.

I have already contributed all I've gathered during the night. I'd rather more people talked and shared their thoughts with us, so that I can read them better.


Allow me to close with a final question directed at you.

If you so much agree with my points, why do you insist on formalities? 

If you truly believe Baz to be scummier, why are you not voting against him?

This looks pretty weird, and it's not like I haven't spoken, so you go with the one who has (like Yahy and Jelly did before)

It's even weirder because you go after me when I have spoken.


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That's exactly why I asked Candy if double lynches are possible. If they are, I am going to keep my vote on you and ask people to even out votes so both of you are lynched. If not, I will switch over to Baz.

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7 minutes ago, Bok Choi said:

That's exactly why I asked Candy if double lynches are possible. If they are, I am going to keep my vote on you and ask people to even out votes so both of you are lynched. If not, I will switch over to Baz.

are they possible?  @Candy

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16 minutes ago, Bok Choi said:

That's exactly why I asked Candy if double lynches are possible. If they are, I am going to keep my vote on you and ask people to even out votes so both of you are lynched. If not, I will switch over to Baz.

well since im leaving for big part of the day now i'll try to help a possible double lynch [Unvote Bazaro] [Vote Nick]

another vote count would be helpful too candy

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I guess I didn't read into the game as much as I should have. Unless this is all some grand busing scheme, I doubt Nick is Mafia given how he pushed for Drago's lynch D1. At worst, he's a TP helping Town. And I'm probably the Suspect which, after learning that Judge doesn't see true alignment after all, makes sense now. So today has been mostly a waste of time lol


Oh well, it was fun I guess. See you guys on the other side~


(Still waiting to hear from Alistair though)


[unvote] Nick
[eliminate] Alistair

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