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"W-why I did indeed make it myself! I did a mixture of green tea and an orange fruit tea. I also added a bit of lemonade as well, I may have put too much of it this time though..." As well as maybe adding a bit too much rum. However, nothing too bad so far was happening to Lucy. Maybe she should just stay away from the water for a bit but other than that nothing major. He shouldn't have been so worried.

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Meanwhile, Shin had been sitting a small ways off from where Baldur was, in the shade he's ...found for himself. Try as he might, he can't seem to beat the heat, being completely drenched in sweat. Not to mention he wasn't feeling the best already.

"Ah... why did I have to feel sick today, of all days...?"

he grumbles to himself. 

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Shin only recoils at the thought of remembering the ride here. "It sure felt like a very. very. long 10 seconds..."


He shudders, and continues to fan himself a little more.
"Say Baldur, would you happen to have an extra drink with you or something..?"

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No, no, no, NO! He is not dealing with a second one,  "No Shin, I don’t have any extra drinks on me. At least none that are prepared. You’ll just have to wait until I make a second batch." Dealing with Lucy is going to be an ordeal in of itself. God knows what’ll happen if Shin gets added to the mix.

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Lucy had kept silent to herself as she listened to Baldur before watching him go off at Shin. In fact, the two of them were starting to seem very hazy to her, like there were a lot of them. Their words blurred together, but Baldur's final words specifically stood out.



"Second... batch... Famine always... made second batches... for Lucifer... b-because Lucifer always th-thought he'd... m-mess up the first one..." Tears began to well up in Lucy's eyes as a very faint blush made itself evident... Oh no. "I... I-I'm so horrible, th-they took such good care of me a-and I left them, I-I miss them, I miss my family Baldur, Shin, I missh my family..." Almost immediately, she was sobbing and kneeling on the sand.

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Justine chuckled softly at Arthur's awkward attempts to relax. It was a little sad, if she was being honest, but it was nice to at least see him making a token attempt. She followed lightly behind him as he walked off a short distance. By this point, she'd let the front of the coat open enough that it was clear she was wearing her bathing suit underneath, as entertaining as it had been earlier.


"You know, you usually come to the beach for the ocean," she commented, looking out over it. Justine's tone made it clear that she knew there was probably something else on Arthur's mind; he could talk about it if he so chose.

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Arthur turned his attention to Justine. He didn't look as flustered to see her— he internally took note of her bathing suit, making absolute sure to not let his eyesight wander downwards in fear of a horrible misunderstanding... He looked out at the ocean with her, a sigh escaping him.



"...Yeah... it's hard to enjoy it in Ria where it's mostly frozen over..." Arthur's eyes lowered down at the waves.



"...She never had enough money to leave Ria, but she wanted to see the ocean so badly..." He suddenly gritted his teeth, almost kicking himself. "Damn it, I told myself not to think about that and I did it anyways..."

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Baldur was not prepared for this sudden mood change. Yep, this girl is a total light weight.  "U-uuuhhh... There, there, its completely normal to feel homesick." God, even he could tell he's not good at this.  "B-b-but, you're doing the right thing by joining up with us! You could even steer your brother down a better path! Riiight Shin?" Baldur gave the man a look that pretty much said, 'Help, I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing.'

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Shin had no idea why Lucy started crying, but he no doubt felt a little responsible. He was about to ask Baldur what to do, but he was already asking for help. 

"Y-yeah..! I can only imagine, um, what it must feel like..." more sweat starts to form onto his head. He was the last person he felt to be asked to deal with something like this. But Shin had no time or doubts, he had no time to think. Using what Baldur said as a guideline of some sort, he continues.

"But hey, I personally don't think our main objective is to hurt them.. I'm sure things will work out fine and we might end up helping them..! Y-yeah..! And with you being here, you might make that possibility more likely!" His face. Completely drenched. Knees weak, arms are heavy.

"So.. don't feel like you've betrayed them..! In fact.. I'm, sure the reason you came over was to find a way to help and save the others!" He then instinctively moves his hand to gently pat her head. "Which is to say.. there's no need to cry or feel like you've betrayed your family, so cheer up.. yeah?" And continues doing so after.

...then something caught his attention.
He whispers to Baldur. "Uh.. Baldur, do you.. smell something?" He says while sniffing the surrounding air a little more.

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Lucy continued crying, even throughout Baldur and Shin's reassurances even if they managed to make her slow down her cries of anguish just a little bit. However, Shin's pat on the head was a bit overkill— just as he had finished wondering what he was smelling, Lucy threw up a little bit onto the sand.



"Thanksh..." At least now she just looked completely dazed rather than constantly crying her eyes out.

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As Shin came close to whisper, Baldur couldn't even respond before Lucy threw up a little bit.  "I think I'm going to be smelling that in a bit..." Baldur got out of his chair and straightened it up a bit before turning to the lady sitting in the sand,



"Saaay Lucy, would you like to sit in the chair? Probably better than lying on the sand. Oh, and also," Baldur tries his best to force out a comforting voice. He pulls out an handkerchief from his pocket and held it out for her,  "Here, you can use this."

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"Ah- hey! Are you okay.." Shin withdraws his hand as Lucy threw up. "I thought I cleaned today..? Did I not..?"  

"But yeah... you should rest on that chair or something, I'll uh, get something to help clean you up.. somewhere." He says, his eyes peering around for any sources of clean water.

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Mim had been enjoying the water, but she had turned back to see what the rest of the group was up to just in time to see Lucy throw up. She immediately started heading back to the beach, with a quick apology to Fey.



"Sorry, I need to go check on Lucy..."


Quickly arriving at the group, she knelt down next to Lucy, and glared up at Baldur.



"What happened? Why is she sick?"

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Oh gods, oh fuck! Mim is the last person he wanted to find out. Shit! Shit! Shit! Think of something!  "H-hi Mim... Yea, Lucy wasn't feeling too great when she came back from the water. She said she was feeling really hot and came over asking for a drink before all this happened. Think it might be heat stroke?" God if anyone else found out he was underage drinking it'd be the death of him for sure.

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Lucy was slumped over in the chair, hiccuping slightly. She looked at Mim, her eyes beginning to tear up again as she attempted to sloppily dab at her eyes with the handkerchief.



"It'sh all my fault... I-I was thirsty and d-drank more than I should have from Baldur'sh iced tea and now I'm gonna die I'm such a horrible person, I-I'm a traitor and selfish- I-I desherve to be drowned in the oshin..." Lucy gave up on wiping away her tears— now they were starting to come out too quickly.




Kane gave a quiet sigh in response to Lenore.



"Perhaps I should... I have such a tendency to get involved with everything that I..." Kane paused, looking behind him and seeing the... scene involving Lucy. He gave an even deeper sigh as he went back to looking at the sky. "...I'll let Mim handle it... she's better with Lucy than I am..." However, it was clear that he still wanted to go and help.

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Oh, heat stroke. Ok. They hadn't been out that long, but maybe she just wasn't used to the sun after having worn that cloak for so long.



"Ok, well, I think that's best treated with fluids. So, lets give her some of your drink as a quick fix and then..."


And then Lucy spoke up. And that was not the reaction of heat stroke. No, Mim knew exactly what was going on now. She crossed her arms, drew herself to her full, very unintimidating height, and glared at Baldur.



"You gave her alcohol. And you didn't tell her what was in it? Were you trying to get her drunk? What are you even doing drinking? It's not even that late in the day, do you really need to drink just to be around us? And again,  what were you thinking giving her alcohol without telling her about it?"

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"L-look, I told her her to wait until I make a new batch. What reason would I have to get someone drunk? She was really instant on having some, and I can't keep saying 'no' forever! Especially when the tears-" Stopping himself before he continued on that path. He wanted to pull out his own hair. He just wanted to enjoy his drink with a book.  "I wanted to stay back at base! I knew something bad would happen if I were to come along and I'm proven right. So I'll just save everyone the trouble and see myself out."

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"You absolutely could have said no. Or said, 'Sorry Lucy, there's alcohol in this one. Are you ok with that or do you want to wait until I make you a new one'. And fine. If you're ok running away while she needs help, be a coward and go tell Kane you're leaving."


She was mad. Her tony was as icy as her homeland and then she abruptly turned her back on Baldur and knelt down by Lucy, a soft smile appearing on her face as if she had completely changed moods.



"Hey now. Hey. Lucy. Come here, look at me. You're fine. You don't deserve anything bad. You escaped from a terrible situation in an attempt to try and save your brother from his path. That's to be admired, not shamed. There was just a miscommunication here. Stop crying, it will be ok."


She gently stroked Lucy's hair, hoping to either calm her down or maybe even get her to fall asleep for a little.

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Lucy was extremely responsive to the feeling of Mim stroking her hair, almost immediately melting under her touch. She laid down in the chair, curling up as she stared up at Mim with her eyes still teary.



"M-Mim... I lof you, Mim... y-you're sho nishe... to me..."


She did look about ready to doze off, at least, though she'd be waking up with a bad case of frog eyes.

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Baldur grumbled with his arms crossed not moving. He really would like to follow-up on just leaving but his honor wouldn't allow him to just leave Lucy like this. He was just met with a familiar sense of guilt and frustration. Almost by instinct once Mim went to Lucy to go comfort her, Baldur already went for his iced tea. By the time Mim would turn around a noticeable amount of the drink would be missing from the glass. He doesn't say anything and just stares back with a 'I just want all of the to be over' face. Though the boy hasn't left yet, if that means something?

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"Arthur, it's okay to think about these things." She took a step closer. "I can't imagine the pain that memory brings, I know." Justine paused, considering her words. "But. . . if you run from it, it will never stop hurting. Suffering and grief are just as much a part of life as hope and happiness; if we refuse to acknowledge the former, then we won't ever be able to find the latter." She sighed, chuckling ruefully at herself. "I'm sorry, I might not be the best one to lend my shoulder at times like these. I think, though, that if you really want to hold onto her memory, you have to accept these awful feelings as well."

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