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  1. Mim use vuln on self, spendthrift one gold bar, steel greatbow Sentinel A
  2. J-22, steel greatbow the necromancer (suggest if someone ends up next to her, they swap her to her lance)
  3. Mim had... attempted to help cook. But it seemed like every time she had turned her back, something new had been added in. She had very carefully picked through the pot to collect her bowl, and then sat down next to Mina, smiling at their new companion. "Well, I'm sure there's some way this stew could have come out worse. ... No ways are currently coming to mind, but surely there was some way." And then the mood was turned cold in an instant. Their benefactor, sole supporting royal, was imprisoned. By Crimson's father. She took one quick look at him, before dumping her untouched bowl of stew back into the pot (it's not like it could make it worse), and quickly began to get her gear. "Right then. Time to move, like the bossman said. Phoenix, it will be ok. What's going to happen is we're going to rescue them before anything can happen and finish the job like we set out to do. You've got all of us behind you."
  4. Mim stepped out from the secluded area she'd made her way to in order to change. The coat she'd left home with was no longer in a state that she could salvage. The blood soaked garment, ripped and repaired dozens of times over was simply too worn out. She'd thankfully managed to find something similar when they were in town shopping. A different color, true, but given that her hair was back to normal as well, a different color didn't seem all that bad. Glancing around, she gave a small smile to Crimson, making a mental note that they really did need to talk at some point, before making her way over to the newest members of their group, just in time to hear Mina's question. "Well, we have what we picked up in town, for sure. Though these do need to last a good bit, so we should try to be careful... Might be best to try and make a stew or something. That way we can spread a smaller amount a lot further. Plus, everyone loves a good warm hearty meal in this sort of weather."
  5. Mim... Had no chance to react to Crimson's pleading due to the sudden dropkicking of Shin that occured. A quiet sigh escaped before she made her way to Shin. "I'm not quite sure who you two are, or where you're from, but could you please try to refrain from dropping onto any more of our companions? We've been through a lot and we really don't need more people getting hurt." She knelt down next to Shin, checking to make sure he was still breathing. Thankfully he was, so she just put a small portion of a potion down his throat and settled into a sitting position next to him. "So mind telling us who you are? Only feels fair after you dropkicked our friend off his horse. You don't usually see that many travelers out here all that often, especially not with the battles going on around here."
  6. Mim awkwardly looked over at Crimson, his stare not missing her notice, and gave him a small shrug. It was her hair color. The potion that had dyed it had been a mistake and she had finally gotten it reversed. Obviously it was causing confusion, but at the same time, it was a hair color... "It probably makes sense to split into groups of two, approach from different sides of the village. Have one group look for food, the other metal. If we're looking for both, it draws attention. We're looking for supplies for a fighting group at that point. If two people are looking for food, we could just be travelers. Two people looking for metal are just a blacksmith's apprentices running errands for him. Some of our enemies escaped after the last battle. We have to assume that news of us is going to spread, so staying as quiet as possible is best. Wouldn't you agree, Kane?"
  7. Mim emerged from the woods nearby where she had been busy. Her hair was damp, evidence of a wash, but perhaps more startling to all but perhaps Fey, it was now a bright crimson red. Beyond that, she was in her undershirt with a light blanket wrapped around her shoulders. "If I could go... After everything that happened today, my jacket is ruined and I need a new one. I could go with Crimson and get that and the supplies. Probably best to send natives to the country after all, we should be able to blend in a bit better."
  8. "No, no need. I was due a new coat anyways. Just keep it on until you've had some more time to rest and hopefully get some strength back. Like I said, you're no good to us if you're dead from frostbite."
  9. "Don't apologize. We just need to move forward. We're here to help people in this group, right? The three of us, sorry Ferdy, we're healers in our own ways. We're here to keep this team from falling before we reach our goal. We can't do that if we're the ones falling. So we can't look back at our failures. We have to just let them make us stronger and not make the same mistakes next time. We can't change the past. All we can do is change our future. So lets do that. We'll keep each other and the rest of our group safe. Promise it, ok?" She pulled her hat off her head, running a hand through her hair. Glancing at the coat, covered in mud, soaked in blood, she caught herself before she messed with her hair again. Change. Maybe it was time for that too. Something physical, to remind herself of what she was going to do. The jacket was gone anyways, there was too much blood to have a chance at saving it. Besides, that jacket was old. A gift from her parents as she set out on her merchant's journey. She was different now. Stronger, with a bigger goal in mind. Time to be that person. Keep him wrapped in the jacket, Ferdy. It's cold enough out here that with how much blood he lost, if he doesn't stay wrapped up, he'll freeze. I'll be fine until we get to a village with the lighter jacket I have back in my backpack. No sense in saving his life only to have him lose all his toes and fingers to frostbite."
  10. Mim frowned at him, putting two firm hands on his shoulders and pushing him back down onto the ground. "Nu-uh. You're staying right there until you get the clear to stand up from our newest member. You were an idiot, that means you pay the price. If you try to be more of an idiot, you're going to make me upset again, and I can't promise I won't slap you if you do. So stay still, keep bleeding on my coat, and don't undo all the work that's just been done."
  11. Mim felt the tears beginning to build up in her eyes and fiercely wiped them away with a growl. "Oh don't you start that you idiot. You made a stupid impulsive decision and I'm not going to let you escape that by saying you did it for Lucy. Now hold on to life, you absolute imbecile so that I don't have to feel bad about smacking you later." Finally, finally, Godiva appeared. It wasn't her fault, Mim knew that. But it still felt like it had been forever. She shuffled backwards as the healer knelt to start healing Baldur. Taking her mask of, what did it matter at this point anyways, she finally fully wiped her eyes. "He's gotten two of my potions already. One straight to the wound, one down his throat. They should have stabilized him at least. Hopefully... you can do the rest."
  12. "DAMMIT! Crimson, take Lucy and go. Find that girl who joined up with us, your cousin or whoever. Get her back her now. Lucy, don't look, just go." Shoving Lucy into Crimson, she ran forward, not even glancing at War as the woman escaped. It was stupid of Crimson to yell at her. What did he expect, that their enemy would stay to thank Baldur for being the biggest idiot on the planet? What had he been thinking, that this would somehow be worth it? Reaching Baldur, she pulled her backpack off and dumped it unceremoniously onto the ground. Carefully wrapped potions fell out, along with packages of clean cloth and other assorted items dealing with medicine and wounds. "You absolute idiot, what in the world did you think doing this would do? Do you think he's magically going to want to give up his revenge now that he's stabbed you instead? That those assassins deserve a fair fight? These aren't like the people I've tried to save. They aren't innocents caught up in something bigger than them. She's one of the biggest threats we face. Ugh." Pulling off her coat, she muttered under her breath, before continuing. "I swear you owe me a new coat... Ferdy, put him down on my coat. We're going to need to remove the sword and that's going to cause him to bleed more. This cloth goes over the wound and you hold it down. With pressure. You hear me? We're just keeping him alive until we can get a healer over here." Stuffing the cloth into Ferdy's hands once he had placed Baldur down on the coat, she grimaced for a second, steeling herself, and then pulled the sword out, tossing it to the side immediately after. Leaving the bandages to Ferdy, she grabbed two potions, pouring one over the wound and the bandages, and then quickly following it up with the second into his mouth, forcing it if she had to.
  13. She saw him. Possibly before anyone else did. She had just happened to look away from War, to spy that shining armor and flowing blond hair. And suddenly she's back at the lake. Death's arrows at her face. About to die. When that same shining armor drove a spear through his chest. War is their enemy. She was then, she is now. Who is she to deny a man his revenge, especially a man who saved her life? And then she snaps back to the present. A split second decision. She reaches out, grabbing a sleeve, pulling in. She clutches Lucy to her chest, refusing to let her look anywhere but forward. If it was enough to alert War, so be it. She couldn't stop Ferdiad. But she couldn't let Lucy see it either. She wanted to look away, to bury her head into Lucy's hair. But she had to watch. She couldn't turn away, not for War's sake or for Ferdiad's sake. She would watch.
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