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Welcome to the Apocalypse - Director's Cut IC


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Contagion, who had been sitting at the workbench for a little while, takes apart one of the pistols that was in the armory, as well on the plasma pistol. He fiddles around with the various parts, before finally constructing a plasma battery. Under his mask, he smiles. He exclaims aloud from where he sits.

"Hah, still got it!"

He admires his handiwork for a moment, before stuffing the battery in a satchel on his side.

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16 hours ago, Powder Miner said:

Nader's masked face turned to look at Nadine at her near collision with him (well, after he instinctively flinched, anyway). Watching her wide-eyed wonder at the collection of guns around her, Nader couldn't help but chuckle. "Now imagine being from the Second World War. This is a really interesting experience, I have to say. Almost all of the gun design is still recognizable, of course, even with guns in whatever the hell year this is. But it's the little bits that are fascinating -- not even massive changes, but they really improve the performance, and I'm practically contractually obligated to appreciate that."

Lucine nodded absently, focused on her work - though she did come up with a reply after a few moments, punctuated with the click of two parts meeting one another again. "Oh, I didn't realize you were from that time period. It makes sense, though. I wish I had my gun magazines with me. The, um, printed kind, not the kind that holds bullets. I don't actually have a lot of those." A few more moments, and the PDW was back together - probably in slightly better shape than it had been, actually; Nadine had taken the time to quickly wipe down each piece as she took it out of the gun during the disassembly. She rubbed at her eyes a bit, being careful not to get any grease in them; she could really go for a snack and a nap right about now. "I don't recognize these, though. . ."


Lucine puts the PDW back, and studies what remains of the plasma pistol, asking Contagion what he found from disassembly.

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Contagion spends a small amount of time going back over the various remaining pieces, and how the pieces he took out also work, explaining everything to Lucine. Once he feels he explains everything pretty well, he turns to her, the dark lenses of his gasmask staring at her.

"Hopefully you understand most of that."

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"Yep! I can definitely see how this is going to be useful going forward. . . Actually, I wonder if I could modify Opal with this stuff. . ." If a featureless winged box was capable of looking afraid, Opal did so, freezing in midair in a manner that seemed to defy physics even more than the imitation Kaleidostick already did. "You seem like you know a lot about this stuff, are you an engineer in your world or something?"

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"Ill be right back."

 Leo goes outside, picks up a rock, and grabs the toy golem on his way back in. siting at the table where blue is, he alters the golem to be able to hold things in its blocky hands. creating a hinge and a small hole in the center on each "hand". Then he creates a stone toy sword and arm mounted toy shield from the rock, Which he equips it with.


Perfect. Now lets see how did that spell go again?


Leo cast a spell establishing his direct control over the golem, and has it stand up, Doing a few movements to make sure its working properly.


"Alright, I'm ready when you are, but try to be careful, this thing wasn't really designed for this. Would you like the first move?"

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"Very well! En gard!"

Leo gathers a small amount of energy from his body and taps the golem before sending it in a charge, with an over hand swing. The icy energy wrapping around the blade of the golems sword. It may be a toy, but its still quite a bit larger in height then blue, and its fairly quick.


It shouldn't do much, if any damage, there's far less energy in the icy swing then there would be if Leo was actually fighting.

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"I'm a superhero back in my universe. I'm self-made though, I've invented my powers, so-to-speak... but yes, I am an engineer and scientist. It's been awhile though. I took a break from it for awhile due to circumstances... ah, how rude of myself, I didn't introduce myself. I go by the codename Contagion. For identity reasons, obviously... apologies for the mask, I personally find it a bit rude, but it has it's purposes."

Contagion chuckles, holding his hand up in a gesture of greeting.

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As the golem rushes him, several times larger than himself, Blue attempts to throw out a fist of psionic energy. Instead, he pulls on the fridge's handle. A can of whipped topping flies out, lands perfectly, and submerges him in whipped cream.


The Golem might slip, but that will not wash away the embarassment


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Nader, still there, turns to Contagion when Contagion mentions masks -- and his reaction to it is completely inscrutable, because he is hidden behind his own mask.

"They're pretty popular around here, masks, huh?" the armored man says in a somewhat jocular tone.


He then turned his head towards Lucine. "And it doesn't look like you'll need those magazines, being around two gun engineers, after all. I may be from the 40s, which seems to be the past for you, but to be frank you can only take a gun so far, and I'm already accustomed to the little changes. Which, by the way, are great."

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Leo attempts to jump over the mess, to avoid slipping, while doing a spin to strike blue. Instead he and the little golem overshoot the jump, sending him bashing into the ceiling. before dropping down onto the table again. unharmed. After a few moments. It Goes back into a battle stance as the blue enrgy fades from its sword.


"Well...That happened. uhhh your move?"

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"My name is Lucine Nadine Einzbern Yggdmillenia. Did you name yourself Contagion because you have the gas and stuff, or did it kinda just work out that way?" Her eyes drift over Nader's guns. While they might not be as advanced as the guns from her time, and certainly not as the ones in this time, it was still hard for the little gun nut to resist the occasional stare at the Horsekiller. It was a little crazy that the man had what amounted to an anti-tank rifle mounted on his arm, but the kind of crazy that she almost wanted to try emulating, rather than the variety that resulted in one backing away slowly. "I mostly wanted to bring them to show you. I think you would like the um, Smith & Wesson .500. It's a fifty-caliber revolver with a muzzle velocity of six hundred and thirty three meters per second. That's, um, I think two thousand one hundred feet per second?"

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"A pleasure to meet you Nadine. Yes, I'm named because of the gas I produce. It used to be uh... way more lethal to everyone around me. Got that changed, thankfully..." His voice is somber, as if remembering something from the past that saddened him. He turned to the large armored man. "Yes, I suppose the masks are popular in our group. That reminds me, don't let me forget to get you the nanobot substance into your bloodstreams, to prevent my gas from poisoning you, if anything were to happen on accident."

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Leo gains the high quality trick and

Blizzard wind: The user cast a spell that kicks up an icy wind. Dealing 1d4+Syn Ice damage to all foes.


Multitask: the user is allowed to use both a skill and spell during one move, provided the spell does not take up the users movement, and the skill does not intrude on the casting of the spell (cant make hand motions while swinging a sword, and cant talk while breathing fire). (channeling is also valid) However this may impose various penalties depending on the actions used, such as lower power, or lower hit rate. these penalties are Added to a list, and remain consistent. they may be individual trained to reduce there shortcomeings, or the action as a whole may be leveled to reduce them all by a small amount.

Alright, time for something a bit tricky.

Leo sends the golem running back at his body while he starts casting a spell. he only uses a tiny amount of mana, no need to effect the whole room, the match is constrained to the table thus far. As the golem touches the hand laying on the table, icy energy once more flows into it, as leo uses winter blade again. The golem goes running back at blue to hit him with a swing, prepped to swing from left to right with its left hand. Then the spell kicks off, wrapping the table in a cold gust of wind going so far as to rapidly cool moisture in the air to tiny bits of frost.


Then snow beeps. her eye flashes before widening and projecting. She looks in leo's direction even though she cant actually see him at this angle. Though she might be using frostbrutes eyes. She doesn't say and no one ask.


"Message received from unknown sender, containing an attached file. encryption heavy but primitive. I should be able to safely unpack and decode it by tomorrow morning. Permission to begin?"


You...never ask my permission for stuff like that? Are you sure the file is something you can handle?


Snow crosses her arms at him

"Of course idiot. I've already started, I was just asking so you couldn't complain later."


Leo sighs and gives her a half hearted "go ahead" wave.

Edited by Endlessblaze
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After feeling that she had suitably calibrated the gun's workings to her own movements, Ena flicked the safety on, and headed downrange to pick up all the lead that she could. No use harming the local populace, and wasting material that could be forged into new bullets. As soon as the time between finding a bullet reached exponential growth, she quit, rather than waste precious time, and headed back into the house.


She passed through the main hallway, heading to the section that Vitor had pointed out as containing access to the broader communications network of this world. She made her way over to one of the tablets, picked it up, and activated it. Normally, if she'd had an interface method, she'd have attempted a direct link, however, in this case, she'd have to access it the human way. She made her way to the search engine, Google. Interesting. She was a bit surprised to find this alternate world with the exact same megacorporation. Perhaps it was a big part of the timeline or something. Something inevitable. Or then again, maybe it was just chance that she was thinking too much about.


She began with some basic searches about the world, starting with a youtube video that appeared in the search results. Normally she'd have preferred text, but the video's title, well it sounded like this video surely contained some startling revelation. The answer was apparently not, and Ena recognized the video for the tripe it was within a few seconds. However, she wanted to see what other people thought of it, so she began to rapidly read through the comments, and soon found herself linked offsite. Something called 4chan. And then "Yeah, we all know Einstein was full of shit." That could not stand. Ena scrolled down, rapidly processing the posts in response to this. A futile. . .anger boiled up inside of her. She'd never felt quite this way before. She'd been annoyed, and was programmed to ruthlessly seek out targets, but she hadn't really felt rage.


She began to respond to this active tread. Attempting to point out the flaws and shortcomings of every post that did not consist of a one line ad hominem or random attention seeking remark. So in total, she responded to maybe ten percent of posts. Even so, she typed furiously. What a bunch of dribbling sycophants. Backing the most ridiculous ideas simply to inflate their own egos, and feel as though they were smarter than one of the greatest scientists of the twentieth century. She had studied this, and it was obvious that no one here had more than a first year college physics course could grant, in addition to poor reading comprehension of sensationalist tripe. What a bunch of morons, whiling away their lives in the stupid pursuit of. . proving themselves. . . correct on the internet. There was a rush of frantic electrical signals, and Ena tossed the tablet down on the table, exceedingly frustrated by her hypocrisy, and the fact that she knew she was right.

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The Barrage of attacks fly towards blue, who simply stands there.  Then, as the Golem strikes, Blue's body vibrates rapidly, until it looks like there are two of him.


The attacks pass through, until he eventually re-converges.


"Even a single Silver Wire, and I am already capable of Doubleteer's Wrath.  Incredible."  he says, unsure of himself.


Blue then lifts the frost, crushing it into water, which he sends at the golem at high speed, backing up himself.



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Nader heard Contagion speak about nanobot substances and bloodstreams, and he muttered to himself: "I should really make a gas mask sometime."


But he got over himself quickly enough to respond to Nadine: "I don't usually do much with anything smaller than a rifle, considering my work on the Rabid Tiger Armor, but if I had to use a pistol, well, that sounds like the type of pistol I'd use, heh heh heh. And I actually do know metric, it's actually the official measurement system of Forenia, even if habit is still hard for me to break when it comes to that."

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"Hmm. . ." Nadine doesn't reply to the somber note in Contagion's voice; either she simply didn't hear it, or wasn't really sure how to address the topic. She didn't look entirely comfortable with the idea of nanobot injections, either, though right now she seemed to be focused on something else. "Oh! I bet I know what you'd like. There's a gun called the .950 JDJ that fires bullets at about that muzzle velocity, but each one weighs half a pound. And yeah, that number is the caliber. Father would never let me even start to get one, but he said that I might be able to try one if we visited America." 

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Nadine's mention of this apparent .95 caliber gun got Nader to suddenly throw his head back (at least as far as he could in the armor, which was in all fairness most of his range of motion thanks to his revisions) and begin to laugh raucously.

"No, you are not serious, point ninety five caliber? That's wonderful. I mean, I can only imagine what unholy monstrous masterpiece could possibly fire .95. That's amazing! It would be impossible to lift and would probably break through my rail on firing, but it sounds like something I would love to get my hands on for no other reason than to get my hands on it."

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