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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Barracks (Travel Phase)


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"According to the woman I talked to that's completely correct. Specifically, we aren't in any home universe. We're between them right now. Which is why we can't leave and presumably how we got here. I'm no expert but maybe we just fell into an area where the like, walls between universes were weaker and kind of broke through. But I'm kind of dumb when it comes to anything that doesn't involve high explosives and giant monsters." Rory shrugs and leans against a wall. "So, what's with you? You clearly aren't... normal. You shoot lasers out of your eyes without the ability to stop it so you wear a special made blindfold maybe? Perhaps your gaze turns men to stone? Ooh, or maybe your eyes are just a color that means you're destined to defeat the demon king so your parents had them removed when you were born so that no one could know the secret, and now you're a swordsman without peer that fights by sense of smell! That last one if my favorite." It's quite clear that Rory is half joking about all of that just from his body language and tone of voice.

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6D looked at him, apparently confused for a few moments, before snapping her fingers. "Right, this looks like a blindfold... it is a tactical visor, gathering information from my environment and projecting it onto my eyes to enhance both focus and situational awareness." she paused. "But... I assume that you didn't just mean the visor. I'm a YorHa Defense-class combat android. We were built to take the Earth back from the machines." Nothing classified in that, right? Right.

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Rory looks the apparent android up and down for a few moments before shrugging. "Well, I have to admit that you're more easy on the eyes than most androids I've seen... So I take it that Earth is where you're from? Assuming that definitions are somewhat similar between our worlds... Actually don't answer that yet, I forgot to introduce myself didn't I? My name is Rory, back where I'm from I'm what they call a hunter. I hunt Grimm, specifically anomalous Grimm that are larger, stronger, and leave behind actual bodies unlike normal Grimm. Pretty useful skill set if my guess about what we're killing is right."

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The android nodded. "Assuming that the creatures have damage resistance similar  to what you are familiar with, I imagine it would." She didn't know what the baseline for these 'Grimm' were, but she imagined it was a similar difference between the standard machine lifeforms and the heavier ones. 

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"I figure they're either closer to Grimm or closer to machines. So either was we cover both bases, eh? So how'd your world get taken over anyway? Some kind of machines revolting against their human overlords scenario?" Rory says casually, like that's an everyday thing.

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"The aliens created the machines and attacked Earth for no reason that we know of. The survivors of mankind fled to the moon, and created us to take their world back." 6D responded. "The machines were never subjects of the humans, so they couldn't revolt against them."

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Loud, metallic clunking outside the door warns the pair inside the barracks of an oncoming something. They didn't get long to wonder, however, as it swung open to reveal what looked like a cannon protruding through the doorway. Following it back would reveal a roughly humanoid shape of black-and-blue armor plating that seemed to leak a faint internal light. Said light was decidedly less faint at the end of the rod pointed between the two of them.


"State who you are, now!" A harsh, artificial voice grated out from inside the armor. Perhaps she was just massively on-edge from the world they'd just traveled to, but Hiroki didn't want to take the chance of there being some kind of infiltrators on the ship. At the same time, she wasn't keen on killing even more people, but. . .

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They sight of some form of gun didn't do much for Rory's nerves either. Which is why he was quickly behind his shield with a hand on the handle of his Gunlance, not quite ready to pull it out. (Both because it was rather tight quarters and because he didn't want to shoot someone over a misunderstanding.) He's silent for a second before speaking. "Hey, why don't you put the gun down small fry. If either of us were here to cause a problem we wouldn't be stood in the hallway chatting would we?"

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"Alert: Potential Hostile." the Pod reported before 6D could respond to Rory. Just in time for the cannon to poke through a doorway. 


"Behind me." 6D said simply to Rory, just in case. "YorHa Unit 6D. One moment I was on Earth, the next I was here. I was informed we are to fight monsters meaning to end the universe..." she paused. "...I'll be blunt, the little thing's explanation was a bit abstract."


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The girl looked somewhat confused by 6D's response and quickly lost interest in the conversation between 6D and Rory.

She sort of hung around up until the point where they heard the clanging coming from the hallway.

"Oh no, another monster!"

She jumped to her feet and ran off in the opposite direction not giving 6D or Rory a second look or consideration.

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Rory's response resulted in a few things; perhaps most pressingly, the glow at the end of the cannon got brighter, and was now accompanied by a high-pitched whine. "Small fry? I could annihilate you in an instant!" A blast of unidentifiable static emitted from the machine. "For all I know, you two stowed away and are planning on sabotaging us as soon as you get the chance." 6D's response was at least enough to stop Hiroki from escalating further, though the cannon did continue to sway to point at Rory. There was a tense moment of silence, as Hiroki remained still. Eventually, though, it seemed like the android's explanation sunk the rest of the way in. The jets on her back fired, pulling her back slightly from the doorway as the cannon lowered. "What you said is consistent, though."

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Rory actively had to bite his tongue to avoid saying something a long the lines of "You couldn't annihilate a tree frog, bitch." After he calmed down, which was helped by the person backing up and lowering their cannon he finally let go of his gunlance. "Look, neither of us know how we got here. Hell, I don't even know what I did last night, I just remember hunting an Ursa Major and celebrating at the kitchen a little to much, you know what I mean? If I had any intention of sabotaging you I wouldn't have bothered with conversation."

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The armored helm on the mech shifted in what might have been a nod. "That matches with what everyone else has said." She stalled for a moment, not quite wanting to render herself vulnerable in front of strangers. . . but everyone here knew already, so it's not as if she'd lose much. I don't even know why I bother, after what happened in my last match. . . The mech vanished, fading out and dropping the one within lightly. A short girl, with violet eyes and long, silver hair. Her expression shifted from reasonably composed, to nervous, and back again. "You're here, um, to help fight monsters around the multiverse. It's a summons, um, or something like that. Nobody really had a lot of choice in it." She tried to stop her feet from shuffling about with her nerves. "This castle is one we found in the first world we appeared in. It can fly between universes."

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Rory's look visibly softens. Then he glances away a bit awkwardly. He kind of felt bad for almost getting into a fight with a kid, even if it was a kid with a mech. Still, he quickly straightens up and puts his shield back before nodding. "So more of the same then. So tell me kid, what are we fighting here? Actually I don't even need to know what we're fighting, are we fighting anything big? Like, this big by this big." Rory gestures to about his shoulder level and then points out a line that's about ten feet long on the floor.

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"Alert: Analysis indicates third unidentified lifeform is homo-sapiens." The pod reported suddenly. 


Oh gosh it was a human. A real human! Not one from her world, but it was still a human! Crap, crap, crap, uh, what were the protocols for this? Her first instinct was shouting 'GLORY TO MANKIND' at the top of her lungs, but it might scare her or she might not get it, that probably wasn't a normal greeting for people in other worlds was it? What should she say then? Data indicates 'what's up', 'hi', 'yo', and various other possibilities for english language speaking humans, but those all seem far too casual! But, uh, should she be casual, so she doesn't make them uncomfortable? Oh goodness what to do what to do...


Of course, on the outside, 6D's internal turmoil was largely represented by how she stood perfectly still, like a statue, watching Hiroki for a few moments. Eventually she came to... a conclusion. The android suddenly bowed at a nearly ninety degree angle, fast enough a human probably would have pulled something, maybe broken something, in the action. "H-Hello, human individual! Allow me to properly introduce myself, YorHa Unit 6D at your service! I look forward to working with you to the salvation of the universe- er, I mean, multiverse, right. My specialty in combat is the protection of allies, by way of forcing foes to attack myself instead of them and weakening their attacks when they do so! I h-hope I'll be useful!" she says rapidly, quick enough that someone might have trouble following. 


Oh goodness did she fuck that up she must have screwed that up oh gosh oh gosh...

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Rory stared at the display before him for a moment. Then he closed his eyes and slowly brought his palm to his face. Internally he only repeated to himself "She's an idiot, don't blow up." until he finally recovered enough to just resume his more casual stance and not say something insulting. 

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Hiroki glared at Rory during 6D's silence, his phrasing being enough to overcome her shyness for a moment. "Don't call me kid." She might have spoken further, but the sudden, almost violent bow made her physically jump slightly off the ground in startlement. The barrage of words didn't help her consternation, though she was able to get the gist of what the android(?) was saying. Not that it really helped her deal with it. "Um. . ." So she'd never seen humans before? "It's good, um, to have people who take, um, hits on the team, I think." She wasn't really sure how to continue, but 6D listed her capabilities, so. . . "I fight, um, using my Hellfire Knight. I designed it to be able to withstand hits while destroying enemies at range, without being vulnerable up close."

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Figuring he might as well join in Rory grabs his as of yet unused Gunlance and, after warning the girls to watch their heads, expands it to it's full size. "Rory, I also specialize in defense, specifically my semblance causes me to harden in response to physical trauma, which along with my shield and gunlance means I can take more punishment than most. Also I can do a good bit of damage either through unloading the shot in my lance or with my Wrymstake launcher."

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The android righted herself, mentally filing away the damage report on her spine. She remained at rigid attention as she continued to speak. "I, uh, thank you. D-Do you mind telling me your name so I don't have to continue calling you 'human' because that seems kind of disrespectful..." Please don't be offended please don't be offended...

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"The Hellfire Knight," Hiroki responded automatically, before realizing her mistake and abruptly deciding that the floor looked quite interesting. "That's, um, my arena name, um, my mech and my identity are the same thing." She cleared her throat, as if it would somehow clear her own awkwardness. "My name is Yukimura Hiroki." She fell silent again for a moment that was just slightly too long, before asking another question. "Should, um, I call you Yorha? 6D? I'm not really sure. . ."

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"I'll, um, just call you 6D." She supposed it made sense; if she was an android, and probably produced in some kind of mass judging by how she put it, then she wouldn't have a name. Still, it was a little awkward, referring to someone by an alphanumeric designation instead of an actual name. Hiroki still wasn't quite sure how to deal with how enamored 6D seemed to be with her. Confused enough that her curiosity slowly overcame her hesitance. "Do you, um, not have humans in your world?"

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"Kinda yes and kinda no?" 6D said. "Like I told Rory, they were around, but then the aliens attacked and the survivors went to the moon. Then they built us and we've been fighting the alien machines ever since. I think the Commander is the only one that's been around long enough to have seen humans in person."

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