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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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Mar Checks SEVERAL mana types which are crucial to this project.


Thaum>Gold>Obsidian: (7, 12) This Mana type produces a Yellow Stone, which glows slightly.

Thaum>Gold>Heartless Metal Armor: (20, 16) This Mana Type is a Solid Golden Mana, which repels Evil.

Thaum>Gold>Adamantine Ore: (8, 19) This Mana type decreases the amount of light an object absorbs.



Mar Commissions some help from LOTUS and Isobel, they are the ones benefiting after all, and they are surely smart enough to offer aid.


"The first, second, and third stages of magic by proxy are precise explanation of results, so I will avoid telling you anything you don't have a concept for, and instead offer the results and practical knowledge I have."


"This device will be made of a Glowing yellow stone, and have the ability to self repair damage, it's power supply will be mana from this shard of reactive material, and it will speed you up by firing a chain caught in a Hard Mana Rod so that it pierces a target, then pulls you towards it."


Mar demonstrates his thoughts with a Glass Mana Hologram, emitting his Designs for Lotus and Isobel to alter as they please.


"The Hard Mana the chain is encased in dissipates on contact with air, and with a spring mechanism made from one of the armor plates, it can retract as well."


"In order to prevent Mana corruption from the Reactor Mana being different and having different attunements, I will have the Reactor Mana first attune to Gold Mana, since Gold is a Precious Material which attunes all mana to a type closer to itself.  The actual Chaingun is made entirely of Solar Material and small Sample Materials, such as Gold, Obsidian, and reactive Material.  If you were more experienced in designing with Synthesis, I would probably forgo using A solid Chain at all, and instead just have the obsidian synthesize it from Solar Stone, but neither myself nor you have experience in silicon mana synthesis, so I won't bother."


"So, in Layman's Terms, It is a thing you slide over your arm, which shoots a long chain encased in a rod, and the rod dissolves in the air, then when it dissolves, the chain retracts, after having been shoved into something by the hard rod.  I only Lack a Sharp Point to add to it, but I will simply use an Obsidian Biface for the Hook itself."

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"Not getting the reference there, bucko. Unless it isn't a reference and that's actually the world you come from, which would suck but which I also doubt is the case. Also someone should probably go and help Kyle."

"Ah! Looks my poppies aren't enough for that kind of wound... Is there anyone who can actually help better...?"


While Isobel rushes over, LOTUS, completely unfazed, responds to Mar. "It sounds like something we wouldn't directly use in combat except perhaps to get out of enemy range, but I can certainly see the utility in it otherwise."

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Argent slowly raises a hand.

"I can try healing him but ah...I would probably need a healer myself actually. When your a half demon, channeling holy power throu your body is usually a little...problematic."

he looks back at the hellfire knight.

"I know someone who can help with that"


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"Shit." Visrii growled. If only Wyvis was here, he could just make do with the surrounding wildlife, somehow, and find a cure for everything or something. That guy was a whiz at medicine.

"I'd shock him out, but it'll make him dumber than he already is. I'll just have to bandage him up, then."

Visrii tightly sealed the wound with a medicinal bandage. As an afterthought, he bandaged the guy's mouth too, in case the guy started to ramble again.

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"Oh God, what do we do? He's crying now, oh God--"


LOTUS, meanwhile, calmly continues his discussion with Mar, raising the volume slightly to get heard over the panic in the corner.

"Oh, it's not the effectiveness of the stabbing I'm worried about, mostly about what we're gonna do omce we're dragged right next to whatever poor bastard we'll have just stabbed." 

"And the name's LOTUS, the Logistical Operational and Tactical Uplink System."

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"Fleshy Targets and lightly armored targets just can't catch though, the blade will go in and out like a spear, ripping gobbets out of them, unless they were made of steel or stone or some such thing, and rather thick to boot.  This point will only catch on something like Solid Walls."





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With Lotus's Help, Mar begins the work, Crafting the Golden Stone Shell and Mechanical Pieces.

Materials used.


Part of the Heartless Metal Armor Chain

1 Medium Heartless Armor Plate

1 Obsidian Speck

1 Gold Foil Scrap

1 Magitek Reactor Shard

1 Heartless Armor Speck



Charecters involved


Mar: 3 Int

Lotus: 6 Int



Name: Golden Chaingun
Description: An Arm Covering Hookshot made of Golden Stone, High Carbon Steel, and tipped with Magic Obsidian, This Device fires a Chain Encased in a rod of Holy Solar Magic and tipped with an Orcish Spearhead hook, not as sharp as one freshly replaced often, but still sharp and strong enough to pierce almost anything, and sharp enough that only extremely durable targets can be hooked onto with it.
Type: Weapon
Damage: 1d6+Dex
Minimum Stats: 2 Str
Weight: 1
SYN Threshold/Bonus:
Special Qualities: This weapon can grant the user first strike next turn, disabling it for next turn and the one after as it drags the user around.

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Sachi, meanwhile, took a rest: really, anywhere would do. She wasn't picky.


This had been an odd past day, all things told. Half her teammates were insane; Amagi-senpai, for all she talked about 'denpa waves' and 'becoming the best sorceress in Kamogawa' was one thing, but these people, with their hallucinations of caves and suicidal behaviours, was another. The enemy was nothing she hadn't faced before; she wasn't like her sister, but she knew her way around a fight. And the other half of the team; they seemed hostile, almost as if they didn't want to be here. They seemed only tied together by a collective aim and no more. She was willing to bet that, if it weren't for these creatures, they would've killed each other by now.


Hikari was alright; Sachi saw a kindred soul in her. Edmond, Magna, Alexandria; she rattled those names off in her head. She scarcely knew anyone else; everyone was so distant or so hostile. Or just so hard to talk to. It felt hard to talk to these people. Some of them knew what they were doing; the other half were too lost to.


Whatever she was here to do, she would do it to the best of her ability. You're likely to succeed if you try; Mio had always said that, in those days so long ago in the Hero Club, with everyone else when it was so much simpler and she knew everyone.


Sachi sighed, taking the hairpin from her hair, contemplating it. It was a nadeshiko; Mio's symbol. It had always been hers. Sachi had no right to take it.

Mio was the strong one, not her. She would know what to do. If Mio had been here, she would've taken control of the situation, taken charge, whipped the team into shape and figured out a game plan. If Mio had been here, they might've not had the accident that that weird man with the shotgun had. If Mio had been here-

But she isn't.

Instead of getting the more competent sister, they had Sachi. She barely knew what to do, or how to do it. She wasn't a leader, but a follower. 


She sat there, looking at the hairpin, almost oblivious to everything else. 

If only I was stronger. Then....I'd know what to do, just like she did.....

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"I didn't think something so huge could move..." Hikari mutters to herself as she wanders the halls. The others seemed to have the movement well and dealt with.

"You also didn't think that there was another dimension powered by the creativity of humans, filled with beings from another world. Or that you could be magically transported to what seems to be another world." Ivory points out, the ghostly figure walking beside her.


Hikari is wandering the mobile fortress of a vehicle, exploring, seeing if there are any rooms of use.

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Edmond had not been surprised by the appearance of new faces, but that did not mean he was comfortable with them. Though he had, in the span of a few hours, become acquainted and friendly with a few of these people, he was no longer capable of attempting to introduce himself to every being that joined them.

In particular, he was rather disturbed by the appearance of what appeared to be an adolescent demon, and had expressed this sentiment by avoiding conversation with the child. In many cultures, and most literature, demons were considered the very embodiment of evil...so why would they be summoned? Perhaps he's unusual, or does not come from a world where demons are inherently evil?

It was likely one of those options, for it would be completely ill-advised to attempt to defeat evil in such a way that a different evil gains power in the process...

Edmond had listened as the newcomers introduced themselves, and worked to find their places, but he was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Still hearing brief snippets of conversation interspersed with the grinding of machinery as the castle plodded along, he had wandered over to admire the tapestries and focus himself. This may have been a rather difficult task in a mobile castle, while surrounded by angels, demons, practitioners of strange magic, AIs, and criminals, but he tried anyway.


Edmond wandered around the hall, inspecting and admiring the weave of the fabric and the scenes portrayed, while munching upon a piece of dried fruit from the village. He steadied himself at each lurch of the castle.

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Edmond had his back to the center of the room when he was startled by a shout from behind him. He turned around quickly to see the demon-child staring up at him.

"Well, I...wait. In general? Or fighting? What do you mean?"

Though he could have answered both possibilities easily, he needed a moment to think. So, he prompted the child to repeat and clarify the question. That might be a good policy for any interactions, actually...I don't want to accidentally insult someone or insinuate something...

With such a great variance of creatures and culture, prudence was necessary.

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"Well, I'm an LFC military engineer. I'm not sure where you come from, so I don't know if you know what that is, but I basically fix, design, and build mechanical things. I suppose in essence, that would be my main way of fighting too. I use my tools and my mechanical knowledge on the battlefield."

That was probably enough for now. Through his knowledge of human children, Edmond expected this child to lose interest quickly, and turn the conversation towards a focus on himself.

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"Both, if need be I suppose? It woudn't be that easy to actively build machines during a battle, so for the most part, I fight with my tools. Even as an engineer, I had access to some very good training in the LFC. We were part of a special operations division that was created at the beginning of the war. So...you're a demon?"

Edmond wasn't certain thus far how to judge this child.

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