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[IC] TotMV:G2: The Battered Hero


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"I would suggest time related magic, but I don't have any healing spells prepared so sorry, where the fuck do you keep grenades though?" Said Solomon as he continued staring at Kyle's platinum shotgun.

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10 minutes ago, AGuyPassingThrough said:

Visrii spotted the duel wielder in the corner.

"You there! Standing in the corner with two black swords! Who're you?"

Visrii didn't even look in his direction.

"Just another guy got sucked in a multiverse problem but call me Leon." Leon lazily answered. Well that was quick on pissing someone.

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The castle groans and shakes, and the loud sound of rock scraping against rock echoes through the interior. However, just as it seems like the thing might sputter and die (a worrying noise coming from wherever the engines were located), it lurches forward, guided by Alexandria's hand, crunching its way up and over the cliff before it smooths out a bit. The great machine coughs and fades occasionally, the noise of the engines faltering and then roaring back to life with accompanying changes in the forward momentum, but overall it's not particularly difficult going; the thing is huge enough that it rides fairly effortlessly over the network of cracks in the rock. It seems they'll be to town in the span of five minutes or so.

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Just now, LeonVermillion said:

"Just another guy got sucked in a multiverse problem but call me Leon." Leon lazily answered. Well that was quick on pissing someone.

Visrii nodded. "Name's Visrii. Blackflame Visrii. What did you do before you came here?"

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Mar hands over the bottle, It may smell like paint thinner, but it tastes more like laquer thinner.


One might liken it to Early Kyler's Famous Pine cone Liqueur.  Smooth, with buttery notes of hairspray and break fluid, and then... Blindness, and a complete deadening of the senses.

Edited by Hal Henderics
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2 minutes ago, Endlessblaze said:

"So Leon, what do you do?"

(He clearly slices things into tiny pieces.)

"as you can see, I'm hacking thing into tiny pieces, but if the opponent or my target is weak or a decent people, I might reconsider on doing so."


1 minute ago, AGuyPassingThrough said:

Visrii nodded. "Name's Visrii. Blackflame Visrii. What did you do before you came here?"

"I'm a Mercenary. plain and simple."

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"Ah... Also, I can't see."

He pauses a worrying amount of time as he stares into space.

"Do you guys ever just... think about how everything you've ever done amounts to nothing and how you can tell you're going to be having a net negative on the world but it really doesn't matter because everything is shit so why try and change it? I do. A lot."

The booze is clearly hitting Kyle now.

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1 minute ago, LeonVermillion said:

"as you can see, I'm hacking thing into tiny pieces, but if the opponent or my target is weak or a decent people, I might reconsider on doing so."


"I'm a Mercenary. plain and simple."


Visrii smiled crookedly. "Of course, you're a mercenary. That's the easiest one to get out of trouble, right? But," Visrii finally looked at Leon. "You don't look like a normal merc. You look like someone who used to be more, eh?" Visrii grinned. He knew from personal experience. "So... what did you REALLY do?"

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"Just find some people who you think are making the world shit and kill them, or get em to help you kill other people that you think are making the world that harsh."


Mar Shrugs.


"Or just get drunk and carry a medicine bag as a reminder."


Mar fingers his own medicine bag as his nervous tick. A marble, some other things? Mementos and medicine.

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"Made by a company called Echelon Systems to help provide tactical support to those in military, security, or command positions. Did that for two years, Echelon Systems made a contract with a company called Nanotrasen that researches things and hires terrible employees, which meant that the station Exodus became one of the places I was usually downloaded to. Four years of that now, I've gotten used to the continual torrential tide of bullshit there, so naturally the universe decided to throw me and Low here, the one who was holding me at the time--" "Hi." "--into wherever the hell we are now. Normally I'd have access to a thing called the Tactical Uplink where a bunch of AI like me share data, but I'm cut off from that here, which is shit."


"I mean, we are kinda cut off from just about everything here, it's... uh, well, it's a lot to take in..."

Edited by Powder Miner
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2 minutes ago, AGuyPassingThrough said:


Visrii smiled crookedly. "Of course, you're a mercenary. That's the easiest one to get out of trouble, right? But," Visrii finally looked at Leon. "You don't look like a normal merc. You look like someone who used to be more, eh?" Visrii grinned. He knew from personal experience. "So... what did you REALLY do?"

"Sorry I don't have that kind of past." he laughed it off.


He grabbed his left arm that have a blue ribbon tied on it. no... I don't have to remember that fucking day.


"anyway that guy who just threw a tantrum, did he become a freaking philosophist?"

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"I'm more in the habit of constantly bitching about things than enjoying them. I am a star system's worth of bitterness in a PDA-sized container."

The woman holding LOTUS chimed in once again.

"I... well, we both accepted to come when we were asked. I heard him say so. And then... even if it's a lot to take in, I came because I wanted to help, and I know he did too."

"You're really harshing my worldweary and sarcastic demeanor here Low."

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Kyle blindly puts an arm around the shoulder of someone in reach as he gesticulates wildly to help his point.

"No no, it's not that I can't change it. It's that any change I make isn't going to FUCKING help. It's just going to all go back to being shit where the ones with power shit all over the ones without. And even if you rise to a position like that, you're probably just going to be killed. Or you'll overdose on drugs. Maybe you'll be lucky and die in a drunk driving accident. But it all doesn't matter because everyone is a piece of shit out for themselves. Even, and I've met him so I know, Even God is an asshole. Hell, the one woman I've ever been with willing shot me in the back and left me for dead. EVERYONE is an ass so you might as well fuck 'em all over."

Kyle lets go and falls to the floor on his back.

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Solomon notes the vid actor's latest dramatic screed with amusement, who comes up with this guy's script anyway? Somebody should buy them a drink, "Oh boohoo, people die, isn't that what people do?"

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