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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Radomus: I know that he got arrested at some point (not sure if it's related to the Luna custody issues), but later had his name cleared.

Florinia: IIRC, she wasn't even interested in Pokemon to begin with and was only there because of Julia, Titania, and Amaria. When Fern took over, he would disconnect when he was losing and come back with a different team saying his internet had issues. Florinia eventually came back as a challenger and beat him for the badge. Then she forfeit her badge and kept beating him again and again with different teams. Then she became leader again. Not sure why she left after that.

Blake, Cal: Blake adopted Heather after the Corey incident. Ame and Blake tried to keep Heather on the league because they didn't think it was healthy for her to shut herself off from everything, but she quit. Then Blake quit when she did, and Cal quit when Blake quit.

Cain: got grounded for a long time because his homophobic mom caught him with a boy, then Aya became leader.

Victoria: was only ever supposed to be a temporary leader while Kiki was ill, but it wasn't known at the time Kiki's illness would be as bad as it ended up being.

@NotPabloNerudaForReal: we're talking about the online league, not the game. Reborn is based off of a Pokemon Online league and the game characters are based off real people from that league who were leaders there.

Screw me, you mean things like the Luna and Heather situations actually have parallels to real life? Screw me i thought that the Reborn story was just good but it sounds more and more like it basically wrote itself. At this point i really think that this is just Ame's way of coping with such depressing situations Ame's fanfiction of her old league.

But wait, not only did the lord of wank Fern exist, but also sir scum-a-lot Blake? Where did you folk get these guys; the old Reborn League seems like it was comprised of a drama show cast.

On the other hand the idea that Cain actually existed does make me question whether i am truly straight

Radomus is real too? Was he a chess grandmaster in real life? How many hats did he have

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Beta testing is a privilege given only to our ace members.

Alpha testing generally takes a few days at most and beta testing generally spans between 1-2 weeks.

I think I'm going to do two alphas this time, so maybe that'll take longer. One doesn't seem to be enough. Maybe especially not for this episode.

You better believe it, you don't want to see the state of some of those betas (againnooffenseAmeeveryonemakesmistakesmistakesarenaturalIlyplsdon'tkillme). The post beta product is definitely more polished.

how dare you. get out of my community right this instant.

just kidding, please don't.

shit happens. and frankly development would be a lot longer if i double-triple checked-tested everything so I just kinda do my best as I go and anything else can be swept up later. I count on y'all for that.

I'm not so much a fan of that mud-slap though :P

Mud-slap hasn't been done yet. That was actually our Tackle animation, which the game uses by default for anything that doesn't have one.

This is kind of exactly what I'm worried about tbh.

I know the game is meant to follow what supposedly happened in the actual league, but if from now on all character deaths are gonna be restricted to non-league characters (and Lin, I suppose), I'd be kind of... really disappointed? It takes the suspense out of the game if we can just deem all the "good guys" safe and just watch from the sidelines as the antagonists fall one by one.

And honestly, I'd be much more satisfied to see a "good" character die at this point of the game where some of them have been with us for a while. We barely knew Kiki before she got offed, and the same goes for Corey (if you count him as good). Their deaths were good for shock value, but at the end of the day my reaction was more "holy shit, Solaris killed somebody" than "oh no, Kiki is gone".

Good points. This was originally written as a community game so I was trying to follow what had happened in the community. I've long since shrugged off those restraints. However, as close to the end as we are with everything having been written out from the start, it's a bit problematic to just start rewriting things now. There are a few things I change here and there if I see a better opportunity of course-- and that may yet happen. It also may not. Who knows?

Incidentally, aren't there some ends that might be worse than death? Or maybe that depends on the character...

Screw me, you mean things like the Luna and Heather situations actually have parallels to real life? Screw me i thought that the Reborn story was just good but it sounds more and more like it basically wrote itself. At this point i really think that this is just Ame's way of coping with such depressing situations Ame's fanfiction of her old league.

But wait, not only did the lord of wank Fern exist, but also sir scum-a-lot Blake? Where did you folk get these guys; the old Reborn League seems like it was comprised of a drama show cast.

On the other hand the idea that Cain actually existed does make me question whether i am truly straight

Yeah, it's basically fanfiction of what happened, you got me.

For the record, Blake wasn't as much of a butt in the league as he is in-game, I sort of hyper exaggerated that to make him an antagonist. He sort of was just like a mild jerk for amusement, rather than a legitimate asshole like Fern

And you certainly weren't the only one who Cain actively made question that... stupid.. cybering with challengers mid-battle. im glad his ass got grounded : I


sidequests are tough to cut into.

but I did the GUM room today.


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Good points. This was originally written as a community game so I was trying to follow what had happened in the community. I've long since shrugged off those restraints. However, as close to the end as we are with everything having been written out from the start, it's a bit problematic to just start rewriting things now. There are a few things I change here and there if I see a better opportunity of course-- and that may yet happen. It also may not. Who knows?

Incidentally, aren't there some ends that might be worse than death? Or maybe that depends on the character...

Yeah like I said, I got that the game started out as your way of putting the story of the Reborn league into an actual game, so if things go in a certain direction, I know why it is that way and can respect your choices.

It's just one of those things that are a bit unfortunate in hindsight, considering the game gained a large fanbase outside of the original league participants, and as such, you're getting an audience that is detached from the game's origins.

I think I do recall you saying that you didn't forsee this happening on such a large scale, but well, here you are, stuck with us.

To many people like me, who only know the game, there is no difference between the characters based off the leaders, and characters who don't have a RL counterpart. Even after finding out their origins, I've never been able to treat the game's characters as anything more than just that: characters. So to me as an outsider, diverging from "league canon" for the sake of a good story always seemed like the better option.

But yes, I can see that it would be different for you, and that it's near impossible to change certain things this late into the game. I suppose what I'm hoping is just that we won't get some unbelievable "hey look, all the important Meteors, Cultists and else are dead, but the leaders seem fine" moment.

A fate worse than death? Well, I suppose Bennett did get unlucky with that hairstyle of his...

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And honestly, I'd be much more satisfied to see a "good" character die at this point of the game where some of them have been with us for a while. We barely knew Kiki before she got offed, and the same goes for Corey (if you count him as good). Their deaths were good for shock value, but at the end of the day my reaction was more "holy shit, Solaris killed somebody" than "oh no, Kiki is gone".

Indeed, though i argue that the most important impact of Kiki's death was Cal's internal struggle. It instantly made Cal a more interesting character, because he suddenly wasn't some traitor, but a deeply conflicted individual.

But as Ame said, "saying goodbye' doesn't necessarily means getting snuffed. For example, given the extralegal/illegal activities of the good guy cast, it might happen that one character throws himself under the bus for the rest of the team, like for example someone taking the full blame of the flight from the orphanage. Perhaps Laura getting kicked out of the Elite 4 acts as a prelude for this; perhaps she will say she incited the rest to rebel against Sigmund, orchestrated it all purely to prevent the Protagonist from getting arrested. Due to her being under investigation, Ame was legally obliged to temporarily suspend her until the investigation was concluded.

A fate worse than death? Well, I suppose Bennett did get unlucky with that hairstyle of his...

You bringing up Bennett genuinely makes me fear that next episode Luna will be kidnapped by Bennett and then kept in his closet As his sex slave

That'd truly be a fate worse than death.

On the backstory bit;

Though, Ame, perhaps you could put a massive disclaimer at the start of the game, you know, basically the opposite of normal disclaimers:

"This game is the fictionalization of events and characters within the earlier incarnation of the Reborn community. Any resemblance to real life individuals and events is absolutely not coincidental given that most key characters within this game were once part of a community, and underwent some, if not most of the struggles their namesake in this game went through. The only reservation that has been made is that some character traits have been exaggerated in order to make for more memorable characters. Except Fern. Fern is a perfectly accurate representation of how Fern was in our community. Fuck Fern "

It would probably instantly make newcomers more interested in the story and prompt and endless deluge of posts on your Q&A interrogating you about the leaders of the reborn league

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Indeed, though i argue that the most important impact of Kiki's death was Cal's internal struggle. It instantly made Cal a more interesting character, because he suddenly wasn't some traitor, but a deeply conflicted individual.

But as Ame said, "saying goodbye' doesn't necessarily means getting snuffed. For example, given the extralegal/illegal activities of the good guy cast, it might happen that one character throws himself under the bus for the rest of the team, like for example someone taking the full blame of the flight from the orphanage. Perhaps Laura getting kicked out of the Elite 4 acts as a prelude for this; perhaps she will say she incited the rest to rebel against Sigmund, orchestrated it all purely to prevent the Protagonist from getting arrested. Due to her being under investigation, Ame was legally obliged to temporarily suspend her until the investigation was concluded.

You bringing up Bennett genuinely makes me fear that next episode Luna will be kidnapped by Bennett and then kept in his closet As his sex slave

That'd truly be a fate worse than death.

On the backstory bit;

Though, Ame, perhaps you could put a massive disclaimer at the start of the game, you know, basically the opposite of normal disclaimers:

"This game is the fictionalization of events and characters within the earlier incarnation of the Reborn community. Any resemblance to real life individuals and events is absolutely not coincidental given that most key characters within this game were once part of a community, and underwent some, if not most of the struggles their namesake in this game went through. The only reservation that has been made is that some character traits have been exaggerated in order to make for more memorable characters. Except Fern. Fern is a perfectly accurate representation of how Fern was in our community. Fuck Fern "

It would probably instantly make newcomers more interested in the story and prompt and endless deluge of posts on your Q&A interrogating you about the leaders of the reborn league

Plus, it might alienate like, every one of the newcomers because they would realise that the people inside were actually people and uh...not get any inside jokes. Ever.

Still, it's quite interesting how you've incarnated real people into characters. I wonder who Terra was tho. (I mean M3G4 T3RR4) :/

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Again, I feel the need to point out that taken refers to "souls' fortune" which does not necessarily mean death. The treasure of the heart for Corey would be Heather, Amy's would probably be her relationship with Titania, Kiki's is probably the Dojo, and Lin'idk. Following from this perspective, I think Heather was already resolved when we rescued her in Ametrine, and Amy's was resolved when she jumped from the waterfall and forced Titania to the desert. So far nothing has happened to the Dojo and we're not sure what Lin's treasure would be.

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Lin's treasure is probably power/control.

Obviously working off limited knowledge but it makes sense(Grew up an orphan, no one loved her etc. etc.) Lives on the streets, learns to care for only herself.

I don't remember exactly how she met M3G4 T3RR4 but I know they met before or when they joined team meteor. Lin climbed the ladder to get power/control.

If she loses power, she has nothing left. Then she gets really angry and her dragons smash ur face in. I was so pretty too.

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I remember reading a battle log between Lin and Ikaru where when Ikaru was about to win, Lin gave this monologue about how she lost all her power and had nothing left. I think it was something along those lines, anyway. I don't remember the exact wording.

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Learning about the old league this was all based on is kinda hilarious... I mean, obviously there's some awful things that happened but it also amazes me that his all went down in a single community and that Fern is hardly exaggerated.

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I remember reading a battle log between Lin and Ikaru where when Ikaru was about to win, Lin gave this monologue about how she lost all her power and had nothing left. I think it was something along those lines, anyway. I don't remember the exact wording.


here u go

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How much of the Reborn league was role play and how much of it was real? reading the logs it's... a bit confusing.

It begins as roleplay, and some things happen to the real people, so Ame is trying to implement those into the game. I believe people like Corey committed suicide or Kiki left the league due to illness (not necessarily death), but things like custody issues among people around the same age, are probably exaggerated. Only those who were around back then know.

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It begins as roleplay, and some things happen to the real people, so Ame is trying to implement those into the game. I believe people like Corey committed suicide or Kiki left the league due to illness (not necessarily death), but things like custody issues among people around the same age, are probably exaggerated. Only those who were around back then know.

about the Kiki think I remember Ame did a interview and I believe she did say Kiki did die if I'm not mistaking it was due to lupus.

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If you looked at the quote that literally talks about Lin and how there was battle logs regarding her, you wouldn't have been spoiled. Never click on a link that you have no knowledge on.

Anyways, it's funny seeing Ikaru converse with leaders like that. Looking forward to seeing what is behind the G.U.M. room doors. I expect chaos Ame.

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Ah Reborn League. I didn't get to participate for long because Laura kept kicking my ass, but it was fun.

Perhaps I should run through the game again soon so I can be refreshed and start making wild predictions again. Perhaps I can make it before the beta comes. I'm sure the beta will be a blast to explore.

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Ah Reborn League. I didn't get to participate for long because Laura kept kicking my ass, but it was fun.

Perhaps I should run through the game again soon so I can be refreshed and start making wild predictions again. Perhaps I can make it before the beta comes. I'm sure the beta will be a blast to explore.

You are lucky Tacos. If the episode is finished mid September I will be having exams and probably not have time for beta testing. I crie evritiem ;_;

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hrm at thye rate those bars are filling unless theres a big hike im guessing nov/dec 2016 i look at at percent on the title on a weekly basis and each week i only seeing it move 1% each time, its not a dig at the devs more of a reason behind when i think it will come out but hopefull itll be redy

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