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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Actually it was a lot of gaming sites who wrote about them and caused all the attention.

I've never really understood why a developer would view free fan content as a negative in the first place, when it's really a positive. It draws more attention to your product from the people that make the content, and those that play it.

Now, if someone charged for a fan game, that would be a HUGE difference.

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I've never really understood why a developer would view free fan content as a negative in the first place, when it's really a positive. It draws more attention to your product from the people that make the content, and those that play it.

Now, if someone charged for a fan game, that would be a HUGE difference.

They probably think they lose income through it. They think people will get their fix for a game through the fan generated games. Funny since I bought a 3ds, pkmn y, pkmn alpha saphire and planning to buy pkmn moon thanks too fan games.

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There is no way of knowing their reasoning or thought process without an official statement on the matter. Naturally our opinions, as the players and fans of these fangames, are skewed towards confusion, thinking it's silly or outright calling nintendo scumbags (which helps no one, just for the record).

Ultimately the best course of action is to go about our business because there's not a whole lot of preparation that can be done for this. It hasn't stopped Ame yet and she's a devious one; I'm sure she has like three backup plans, including an entirely original second game she intends to work on following Reborn. Now it's time for me to be the fun police even though this topic isn't especially fun, and ask that discussion gets back to the E16 Status.

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Hey Ame, I have a question. When we fly, will it just be on in unidentifiable black shadow like it has been in the cannon main games for the past few years, or will we actually ride on the sprite of the pokemon using the move? Like how Cal was on in actual Charizard during the stuff that happened at the peak of Ametrine Mountain.

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I think it's just standard response, and one that isn't too hard to make considering that Pokemon Sun and Moon is just around the corner. Unless you're rushing through it, casual gamers can take between weeks to months to clear a game and a Pokemon game at that, which is designed with longevity at its core. If Uranium is released a year before or after it might not have been an issue, but as a company whether to take down a fangame that may potentially drain interest and satisfaction (the latter comes from players comparing Uranium to Sun&Moon, of course) really isn't too hard a decision to make. Starve the slaves so they'll do whatever you want to get your scrap of bread, and in the meanwhile kill all other breadgivers even though they're technically promoting your product, because that's how you gain the most profit.

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Craxuan. It doesn't work like that.

Imagine, you have a can of Pepsi within your immediate reach, would you go to a convenient store to buy a can of Coca Cola instead? They're both soft drinks, and one can easily replace another. Replace Pepsi with Pokemon Uranium and Coca Cola with Pokemon Sun & Moon, and the situation is basically the same.

If GameFreak let Pokemon Uranium exist openly, GameFreak's own Pokemon games aren't gonna get more popular. People will switch to play Uranium instead because it has the same premise as well - A new generation of Pokemon. The "market" for Pokemon games will be divided into two parts, one who play Uranium and one who play GF's Pokemon games. They're effectively losing opportunity to make money. Remember, they HIRE people to make these games. They NEED to make profit to pay the creators.

On top of this, Pokemon Uranium is a fangame, it's FREE. GameFreak's games are NOT FREE. They would be absolutely INSANE to compete against a free game that has basically the same premise as their games. It's only logical to take down Uranium.

This is business, not charity.

Edited by IntSys
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The problem is you talked about it like they're the devil incarnate with all the evil corporate analogies.

But at this rate we're gonna get too off-topic, so let's put it somewhere at "We had the same idea but one of us worded it positively and another worded it negatively."

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ANYWAY. I heard someone say something about a new field effect being revealed at 80%, is that actually a thing? (I haven't been around long enough to know)

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ANYWAY. I heard someone say something about a new field effect being revealed at 80%, is that actually a thing? (I haven't been around long enough to know)

Since 50%, it's a field effect being shown every 10%. Ame said she'll post one when she feels like it.

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Would it not be a problem making all these animations for flying pokemon, that nobody is going to see? I'd rather you just made it a Pidgeot sprite or something completely new, without having to include all flyers and whatnot, like Cal riding a Charizard that cannot learn Fly.

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crumbiling ground field, where heavy pokemons evantually break the ground and faint, obviosly flying and levitate protects from that. earthquake insta faints all non flying pokemon. ùight be hard to code though but there are already moves that use pokemon weigh so should be possible.

Edited by HAWmaro
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Starry Field for Anna please. *O*

meteor mash and draco meteor create a supernova, fainting all active pokemon, and dropping the rest of player's team to 1 hp

Ruthless. I like it. We haven't had a starry themed field so it makes sense.

But are we actually going to ever battle Anna?

If we do...imagine if she actually had Jirachi. That would be scary

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A beautiful field for my favorite character, Anna ^^ Well, it's not confirmed yet but still.. This field is my favorite now!

Also, 'goodbye' for certain character, hmm..iirc Florinia still suffers from that poison...oh no!

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