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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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While I wait patiently for the release of episode 16, I'm going to start a fanfiction based off of this amazing game.

Speaking of fanfiction, are there any around already? Is it like somewhere? I wanna read some

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I saw one fanfic on these forums once... Can't remember who it's by or what it's called though...

Probably in Creative Works. Under a pile of other threads...

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You were hoping for a time frame. You don't ask the question twice to hear "it's good" else you wouldn't really have bothered with my answers. It would still be an obvious question regardless, though. If development stopped, we'd be the first to say something about it.

That said, from the first post:

There's already a status thread that details the completion percentage of the next episode.

That was already something I asked Amethyst for us to do so players would have the general idea of how long until the next one was out and the questioning about it would stop.

At this point though, that knowledge is already something I'm considering revoking for the next releases because it's clearly an issue of "give 'em a hand and they want the whole arm" deal. This is, as I've said multiple times, a free project with a voluntary work force, and we feel no obligation to maintain any type of deadline. If you want us to, feel free to pay my salary and I'll more than gladly get everything in E16 implemented by next week.

Otherwise, I'd refrain from posting things that are clearly stated as "don't do it" in the main post if you don't want my being a smartass to be the only kind of response you get.



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That was already something I asked Amethyst for us to do so players would have the general idea of how long until the next one was out and the questioning about it would stop.


Hoping people will stop asking something is like hoping people will actually read the rules, and that thread. Considering hte amount of people who make an account, an intro, and then just post here (or skip the intro), do you really think they gave a glance at the thread clearly labelled "E16 STATUS"?

In their (meagre) defense, both threads say E16 status, and one has discussion. But most people are too lazy to read the whole thing.

If I came in at around the 80 mark, and I read all of that, I think someone can at least read through until they find someone who posted the exact same thing they did, or at least read the OP, prior to talking.

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Considering removing the status bar because some guy was a dummy about it? That's like saying the internet should be eradicated because 4chan is a thing. It's like saying Nintendo should stop making Pokemon games because they made Woobat.

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Considering removing the status bar because some guy was a dummy about it? That's like saying the internet should be eradicated because 4chan is a thing. It's like saying Nintendo should stop making Pokemon games because they made Woobat.

Let's be honest: Removing the status bar would only add to the problem, not help it. If I had a rupee for every time someone asked when Episode XX was going to be released, I'd be able to buy someone's ace membership for them.

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Good work Ame! So nice to hear that things are still moving forward. Can't somebody help you with the teleport events? It seems like a ton of monotonous work which could be done even by a RPG maker beginner like myself.

Yes and no. You're right that there's probably more I could be outsourcing than I am. For risk of being rude, I won't elaborate on that, but it's a work in progress. However with the teleports in specific, that is not something I can so confidently throw at somebody else because many of the outside houses they would connect to just flat out don't exist anymore, or otherwise I'll have to make new houses for sidequests and so on. It's rather intertwined.

The leader-specific strategies were to be done with this episode, and that's what I'm most looking forward to seeing.

N-no, I don't think so... Doubles AI was the focus for this episode. There's a couple things specific to leaders in already but the AI as a whole has to be improved first, which I have outlined spread out among the remaining episodes. I think you misread that somewhere, sorry.

Or kill yourself and your Pokémon by doing a Nuzlocke of Reborn!

You know...like a fucking idiot would do.

I'm pretty sure there's more than a few people with successful Nuzlocke clears of Reborn. How? Idk. It's tough, but not suicide, and I don't think many people who have tried it will appreciate the endeavor being referred to as idiotic. I sure don't.

Honestly part of the problem is that this thread, or even this entire subforum, does not have much visibility to it. I certainly don't expect anyone to read 158 pages. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. I'll consider solutions for this going forward. That might look like a dedicated front page for the status percent, and then maybe we break up these discussion topics into multiple much smaller ones. I'm sort of reluctant to spam a board with small update post-topics, but I suppose there's ample discussion for it, and that is why this section is here.


After having to take care of miscellaneous other things on development for the past few days, I started Opal eventing tonight. Also finished it. Opal's one of the smallest wards though and only one building so lol.

Other things I've finished recently include Zero Time Dilemma. And let me just say, it has given me some really great inspiration for what I want to do with the upcoming story dungeon...

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I'm pretty sure there's more than a few people with successful Nuzlocke clears of Reborn. How? Idk. It's tough, but not suicide, and I don't think many people who have tried it will appreciate the endeavor being referred to as idiotic. I sure don't.

Oh no I was referring to myself. Not other people.

I probably feel this way because I choose Reborn to do my first documented Nuzlocke run on.

Instead of doing the smart thing and easing myself in with an easier game like Emerald or something I get to nearly wipe to Arceus.

It's very taxing on the old nerves.

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Since you'll be placing the city in a new map, I wonder how the inside of buildings will turn out.

I wonder what would also happen to the alleyways.

I haven't been on the loop with the development for a while.

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I'm pretty sure there's more than a few people with successful Nuzlocke clears of Reborn. How? Idk. It's tough, but not suicide, and I don't think many people who have tried it will appreciate the endeavor being referred to as idiotic. I sure don't.

Sean is being his usual self-deprecative, facetious self. He's not actually insulting anybody.

Especially when you consider that he's currently playing through what is objectively the most popular Reborn Nuzlocke.

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Honestly part of the problem is that this thread, or even this entire subforum, does not have much visibility to it. I certainly don't expect anyone to read 158 pages. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. I'll consider solutions for this going forward. That might look like a dedicated front page for the status percent, and then maybe we break up these discussion topics into multiple much smaller ones. I'm sort of reluctant to spam a board with small update post-topics, but I suppose there's ample discussion for it, and that is why this section is here.

Well maybe you should leave it all in one thread and just keep a few post on the first page reserved for links to developer posts (and if you're really generous you can even write the topics in the link) like an index. Most other posts here don't have a relevance longer then a day or 2 anyway. So them getting burried is no problem.

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Yes and no. You're right that there's probably more I could be outsourcing than I am. For risk of being rude, I won't elaborate on that, but it's a work in progress. However with the teleports in specific, that is not something I can so confidently throw at somebody else because many of the outside houses they would connect to just flat out don't exist anymore, or otherwise I'll have to make new houses for sidequests and so on. It's rather intertwined.

N-no, I don't think so... Doubles AI was the focus for this episode. There's a couple things specific to leaders in already but the AI as a whole has to be improved first, which I have outlined spread out among the remaining episodes. I think you misread that somewhere, sorry.

I'm pretty sure there's more than a few people with successful Nuzlocke clears of Reborn. How? Idk. It's tough, but not suicide, and I don't think many people who have tried it will appreciate the endeavor being referred to as idiotic. I sure don't.

Honestly part of the problem is that this thread, or even this entire subforum, does not have much visibility to it. I certainly don't expect anyone to read 158 pages. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. I'll consider solutions for this going forward. That might look like a dedicated front page for the status percent, and then maybe we break up these discussion topics into multiple much smaller ones. I'm sort of reluctant to spam a board with small update post-topics, but I suppose there's ample discussion for it, and that is why this section is here.


After having to take care of miscellaneous other things on development for the past few days, I started Opal eventing tonight. Also finished it. Opal's one of the smallest wards though and only one building so lol.

Other things I've finished recently include Zero Time Dilemma. And let me just say, it has given me some really great inspiration for what I want to do with the upcoming story dungeon...

Good to know Doubles AI is hopefully being fixed this update. They are....stupid, in a word.

Also to the bolded, I have but one response. CONSTANT, FEARFUL SCREAMING.

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N-no, I don't think so... Doubles AI was the focus for this episode. There's a couple things specific to leaders in already but the AI as a whole has to be improved first, which I have outlined spread out among the remaining episodes. I think you misread that somewhere, sorry.

Oops! It appears I misunderstood some previous post.

Anyway, thanks for the good work!

So the thing I'm looking forward to seeing now is... the evil leader battle, of course.

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Good to know Doubles AI is hopefully being fixed this update. They are....stupid, in a word.

Also to the bolded, I have but one response. CONSTANT, FEARFUL SCREAMING.

Something that people need to understand: so long as there is probability in a game, there's a chance the AI is going to screw up not matter how well done it is. For me personally, I'm not expecting that drastic of changes other than the removal of attack hiccups as I like to call them.

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I'm expecting a confirmation of my theory of Orderly John being a grown-up Youngster Joey

And reveal his team of level 100 Pulse Rattata / Sentret / Zigzagoon / Bidoof / Patrat / Bunnelby near the end of the game. The thought itself is cringy

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Other things I've finished recently include Zero Time Dilemma. And let me just say, it has given me some really great inspiration for what I want to do with the upcoming story dungeon...

I...don't know what Zero Time Dilemma is ( it sounds like some super game making tech related thing, but I know like next to nothing about making games so :P ), but considering it's giving you inspiration for a dungeon, I feel like I should be very afraid of it.

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Yea glad to hear the Doubles AI is getting fixed, that thing wasn't bright. At all.

Like "Hey let's flamethrower a water/rock type in rain in a field that reduces fire moves!" kinda stupid. Not the exact scenario but something similar.

More fields to be announced? :>

Also, are there any white versions of Apophyll or other stuff that I missed? I've heard up to Beryl, but not like y'know, Apophyll, Forests.......7th Street.....

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I know this is a question probably better asked much farther down the road, but how soon after Sun and Moon are released can we expect to at least see the starters from them make it to Reborn?

Just thinking about it now, I feel so bad for the essentials team due to the flood of these questions they probably get daily. Anyways, don't expect a single Gen VII Pokemon to appear in Reborn for at least 2 years. It doesn't matter if they are easy to implement or not as Ame said she was prioritizing completing Reborn multiple times. But before asking this question you should ask these three things:

Do we have sprites for the mons? No

Do we have stats, movepool, and evolutions? No

Do we even know all the Pokemon coming out yet? No

Has essentials made an update including these new mons? No

There's a hierarchy process of the game being released to bulbapedia data to essentials updating/spriters before people are even able to add any new Pokemon into their fan games. These things take time to the point asking about it now constantly will only give you part of an answer compared to asking in about a year. But right now, just don't expect Gen VII mons in Reborn and you won't be disappointed by the hard work put into the game.

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there are too many pokemon anyway. And with 100+ pokemon being created in every generation, implementing them all in one game can lead to suffocating results. This isn't the issue for official games because pokemon availability is seperated between many titles. With that in mind, it's a good thing that Reborn still has unreleased areas so all those pokemon can spread better.

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