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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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Thanks for your answers. So most of it is over, that's sad^^ I hoped there will be more plot after Elite 4 and the champion. Does anybody know if Ame plans to include pokemon from generation 7 too, after they were released?

[late night commercial voice] HOWEVER, I have some good news for you! There's tons of other fangames on this site, so in the torturous wait, so go try one of those, 100% satisfaction guaranteed or you money back!

Oh great, I will try this for sure^^

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I notice some of you are getting a little impatient, but Reborn isn't going to move any faster if you keep sitting around and more or less try and think of ways to speed it up. Making a game takes time and even 5 months for a single episode could be considered fast...especially when there aren't that many people working on it and real life happens and can happen at any point. The best thing to do is look at something else to kill time. I mean we have the whole hardcore mod thing along with a huge list of potential fan-games that need support and love so there's plenty of similar things to go around. (And yes, I do enjoy feedback or anything on the hardcore mod). Heck if you like Reborn's story, I probably could point you to a couple games that may give you similar vibes that aren't even Pokemon.

I know a big majority of us (including me) are waiting patiently and behaving because that's just who we are. It also might be because a few of us are insane and/or trapped in Ame's basement. But yeah, Episode 14 (and maybe 12) took a very long time until it came out and I think there were points people believed it'd never be finished. Of course that one map from where the battle with Blake all the way down to Ametrine City is humongous.

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sorry for dropping off the face of the planet

Episode 16's development, while it was always stated that it would have had a long development time has been plagued with health issues alongside that IIRC. Hopefully if those health issues are resolved, the development of future episodes will be shorter.

but yeah basically that ^ . i am still having to pick up hours and shifts at work because we're understaffed ... that was only supposed to last a couple weeks but then more things happened.

regardless of that, my absence has been due to health problems resurging. it's not as bad as it was in october-- i can still type and stuff at least, so that's nice, but I've really been trying to take some time and get this sorted for good so that it's not an issue again or if it is i can then say 'its not as bad as it was in march'.

so there's only been minimal progress to speak of.

If we all donated at least $2 or $5 I think the development would be faster. Maybe a patreon?

i appreciate the sentiment, but as it is, i've closed donations for the time being. given the sudden drop off in work, i don't feel that it's fair to continue accepting them. if and when i'm able to get back into it, i'll consider re-opening them.

the story is much the same with patreon, since it's been suggested a number of times before. it's true that i would have a lot more time to work on the project if i were able to make enough to live on through something like that, but feasibility aside, i especially would not want to run a monthly gig during the current scenario, or even through the past three or so months where i have had to work on it more sparingly than in the past. it might be an option for the future, but definitely not during E16's development.

frankly right now the best thing you all can do to help is just be patient with me. i need to learn to do the same.

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You do you,

I'll do me,

And we won't do each other.


In all seriousness though, please do take as much time for yourself as you need. You ask for so little from the community and you've given us so much that it would be a damned sin to ask you for anything more.

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i appreciate the sentiment, but as it is, i've closed donations for the time being. given the sudden drop off in work, i don't feel that it's fair to continue accepting them. if and when i'm able to get back into it, i'll consider re-opening them.

Noooooo, I wanted to donate!

I think it's always fair to keep donations open, because you've already put so much time and effort into the game that any donations at this point are more like gifts of gratitude.

Furthermore, if people want to donate at this point during development, then that's their prerogative. They're donating because they're genuinely thankful for what you've done, not because they think you'll finish faster if they do.

It's okay if you don't want to accept donations right now, but I think it's perfectly acceptable to leave them open.

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Ame, you have nothing to apologise for and if Health Issues are giving you trouble you should be focusing on that more than us, we can wait and IRL is one of the most unpredictable things, I shall slay the beats known as IRL for it is dangerous! :P but seriously Real Life and your Health come first, there was no need to apologise nor post here to update us on what has slowed progress, i'm certain everyone here has enough patience to wait without asking over and over why it isn't out yet, I for one don't care how long we have to wait, because when it comes out i'd rather it had been done with you taking all the time you need to make it exactly as you wanted it and that you didn't jeopardise your own health or real life problems just because some people are sounding or being impatient.

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its good to see you back ame, as others had said just take your time there are many other fan games out on the site at the moment and my up and coming ones to keep us busy wile you create the kind of high quality episode that we al know you for, also happy easter

Edited by sandy
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Hi there,

I just want to add one voice to the support group of Ame :)

Take your time, rest, take care of you !

And i Agree with Foamy, it seems fair to me to accept donations even if you are not working on the game, but do as you feel ;)

Anyway we'll wait the time you need ^^

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Eh, dont rush it and take it easy, there are many oportunities to resume working on the game later but there's only one of you so take your time if you think it would be best. But still a way to donate for what you already did would be nice (even if i cant because i have no money, bah), you've earned it afterall.

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There aren't 39 left. The thread just hasn't been updated for a while. We're just doing finishing touches at this point.

If you're really interested- then I can tell you the ones I'm finishing up are gastro acid, razor leaf and wring out. But this is only for round 1 of the animations anyway which means the moves that already had an animation.in default essentials. After that we'll move onto the moves without animations.

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The Perks of Being Newish: since I joined up during like the 95% point of Ep15, making this my first official stakeout for a new episode... it doesn't seem really that long since I have absolutely nothing to compare it to.

Maybe it's because I'm also waiting on a certain project that has thus far taken literal years in development. Years. If that project tidies up before Ep16 is released, maybe then I'll consider embracing my inner immaturity and start tapping my foot as if my personal impatience is REALLY a cause for concern for anything other than my egotistic self. Although I have just debunked the presumed virtues of selfishly rushing the world along, so I'm not sure if I'll actually follow.

Oh, and Ame. In regards to your health. Imagine all of those awfully cheesy "get-well-soon" cards you would find at a dollar store or grocery store - the ones with the semi-cringe one liner jokes attached. Whatever you can imagine off the top of your head, take that as my condolences and sympathy to you. If you couldn't think of any jokes from the get-well-soon cards... then you have just depicted me as a heartless monster with no compassion for another human's welfare. Thanks.

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