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Pokémon Academy: Ch 1a: A fresh start [IC]


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Devin turned around when he heard the question. He thought for a moment, thinking carefully as to what he should reply. “Balance,” he said. “I found the right balance between authority and being their friend.”

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"Ah, well atleast someone's handling it." Robert went to the hall, reluctant of what would likely happen if he did anything against what he was directed, when there's already two runaways. At the very least, a superior was doing it and not just a random student this time."I just have to wonder about that Shiro kid. Whether it's being taken care of or not, he still has to deal with being separated from his partner. I can't even come close to understanding that kind of horror." With that, he was starting to regret even leaving Kenny in that jumble in the first place. Hopefully someone caught up to him soon, thoughts alone wouldn't help any.

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"Whait a bit there!" Colin said to the Blastoise, turning to Evan again afterwards. "Eh, should we follow it? It's the path to the Arena anyway.

((Again, you can have him auto follow if you feel like it))

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Jacob briefly considered following Devin into the forest, but decided against it. After all, if Devin said it was dangerous, he was probably right. However, he took a moment to gape in awe as the Dragon master's Haxorus made short work of the gate into the forest. Dang... he thought to himself. I don't know if Teo will ever be that strong, but I want him to be fast anyway. He shook his head and put Teo down before beginning toward the Contest Hall, beckoning for the Pokemon to follow. "Come on, buddy. Let's head over to the Contest Hall and make sure we get good seats. From what I've heard, Redwood's welcome address is something that we shouldn't miss."

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"Thanks," responded Henry. "I don't know if it matters, but the Ralts knows Shadow Sneak. I lost sight of it in seconds." Henry turned and headed to the contest hall. He noticed a boy who witnessed the battle and quickly walked up to him and whispered, "Whatever you saw, that's not the kind of person I am. Let's just say that Vulpix has seen things no pokemon should ever have to see." Henry then slid away from the boy and continued walking.

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Slade woke up and found himself, Flare, and a ralts hanging by branches. He messed up again and now Flare is with him. He could burn the branches but it would create a forest fire. Then he noticed the ralts, maybe the ralts knows teleport.

"Ey ralts, I see you're hanging out there but would you be so kind as to use teleport to help us out?"

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  • Support Squad

Claude walked over to talk to Danielle whilst all the drama was going on. "Bonjour, madame, I'm so terribly sorry about running out on you" Claude said with a frown on his face then he noticed Lana and, the brute. "Er, I-I'm sorry for shrieking at your friend here too..." He offered, sweating at the sight of the Rhyhorn.

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Evan followed Colin and Blastoise, curious as to where to water type would lead them. Blastoise looked over his shoulder to be sure they were still with him when he left the dorms. “There you are,” Phoebe said. “I was wondering when you were coming,” she said before walking towards the Contest Hall.


Slade’s decision to not burn himself a way out there was the right one, but not for the reason he assumed. However the ralts he was talking to, didn’t seem to react. Chances were it didn’t even know teleport.

Suddenly he could something rustle in the bushes behind him. An entire group of Phantump came out and started to circle around him.

((Contest Hall update is coming. I still want to see some decisions others make))

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Colin walked fast to try and pick up to Phoebe's pace. "Hey miss!" The boy said to call her attention. "That Blastoise is amazing, it looks super strong! I bet even Juan would be impressed!" By that time, he was already beside the teacher, his eyes still glowing with excitement from seeing this new Pokémon. "Who are you? Do you have other water Pokémon?"

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Mareek only stood there as Devin went off to handle the situation. He was honestly a little torn as to what to do now; he could either disobey and go off looking himself, or just do as instructed and head to the Contest Hall for Orientation... Devin did say that the Forest was too dangerous for them to go into; in fact, the staff member was actually going to go in looking for Slade himself. He was far more qualified than Mareek or any of his fellow students at the task, the boy knew that without a doubt... but still, he didn't feel right just going off without even trying to look... But there was yet another factor in support of the obedience Argument, one which he had a sneaking suspicion of.

"Erce," he said as he released the Mantis creature from her premier ball. She emerged in a flash of red, standing in front of Mareek... well, more of kneeling. He could tell right away that his hunch about this had been right; She was far too badly injured to possibly enter another fight if she had to. She was the only Partenr he had ever had so far; Seven years or so they'd known each other. He knew without a doubt that if left without an option, Erce would fight to death in order to defend him, no matter if the enemy was another Pokemon or a Person with murderous intent... If He chose to go out there, She'd have his back as best as she could in her current state, but she would most likely end up having to fight, and he knew full well that if she felt him to be in danger, she would disregard all his orders to retreat and keep fighting in order to ensure his safety... and that above all else would be the thing that would consequently lead to her succumbing to the injuries she had already accumulated. Yes, he wanted to go after Slade, but not if the potential cost was the life of his oldest and dearest friend... he didn't want to possibly put her life in that type of danger unless there was no other possible option. And right now, there was one; the hulking Dragon Master who had just torn down an entire section of the perimeter fence.

"I'm sorry, Erce..." he said. "It's my fault you got hurt like this; I should've been paying attention to your situation instead of yelling at Slade."

The Mantis looked at him with soft eyes. It was obvious she didn't blame him for this pain she was in, not even in the least bit.

"Let's go get you some help..." He continued. The next moment Erce was back inside her Capsule and Mareek was running to catch up with Phoebe as he noticed her walking away from the group.

"Excuse me, mam," he began. "But is there somewhere here that I could go to get my Scyther some medical assistance?"

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Shiro was left alone on the spot. The huge teacher with the dragons left to save Shun, and others just went their separate ways. His only company now was his rapidly beating heart.

He still wasn't sure what got into him. Him, a shy and silent boy, rammed his own roomate down without any reason. Besides, what would it had changed if he punched the boy? Nothing. And now he could only sit around and wait for Shun to be rescued. Shiro slowly curled up in a ball. The grass was soft and cold.

It felt good.

"Shun..." He whispered. "I can't do anything..."


Shun woke up and, instantly, he was meet with a horrible sight. He was swinging around, upside down, on a tree, and he couldn't move. Below him was a horde of Phantump, and beside him, also on branches, were a boy and a Growlithe.

"Ruru!" Shun cried, hoping to draw the boy's attention.

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"Claude! Doux! Thank goodness you're alright! Didn't you know there was a fire in there? I was so worried!" Danielle almost screamed. She ran up to him and gave him a quick hug. "You were so lucky that it was put out already, monsieur. I heard the guys said that they put out the fire when Lana and I got here. Why did you run a---?"

Danielle stopped mid-sentence as she saw Claude shifting nervously at the sight of... Rhy? She quickly rephrased her question to try and cover it up. "Ah, I mean, why were r-running around the campus like that? We have time to explore later! W-We need to get to the Contest Hall, according to the professor here..." Danielle glanced at Devin, who was pulling back two of the guys trying to enter the forest. Devin then sent out a Flygon, who went straight for the woods, leaving Devin and the Haxorus to follow. Several others also began making their way to the Contest Hall as she spoke. A lone boy was still sitting down on the grass.

"The problem is," Danielle said, turning back towards Claude and Lana, "There are a few of us missing in that forest. The professor said he will take care of it, but wouldn't it be better if more of us are there to help? What do you two think?"


Avis continued circling around the area that Slade went into when a Flygon zoomed by, unbalancing her for a few seconds. Once she regained her balance, Avis saw the group dispersing: Most headed for this huge dome thingy, two are heading towards her, and a few others, including her master and... Claude?, are still at the dorm. Avis sighed with relief; that means the fire incident was resolved. What about the angry boy and the orange dog? Since she didn't hear Danielle give a call, she decided to fly towards Devin and the Haxorus to see if she could help out with the search.

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  • Support Squad

"Uh, I-I guess that's Ok, yeah." Doux gently picked Doux off of his head "do you mind finding us a path through the forest?" Doux began to lazily drift towards the woods, leaving a sparkling trail of a very weak fairy wind in it's wake.

Claude grinned, though still somewhat nervous due to the rhyhorn, happy to have a practical use for all their training with Douxs wind. "Who better to lead us through a forest than a grass type?"

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"Ruru!" Ralts cried again. Good, the boy reacted. "Rururu!" Shun started shaking violently in his vines. If he could only release one of his hands...Just a bit would've sufficed...

He shook once more., more violently than before. If anyone saw him, they would've thought he was rabid or something. But it was worth it! Shun's left palm was out of the restraints! He had the necessary oxygen. Now he just needed to focus so he closed his eyes. Just a few moments later, Shun's horn changed color. At first there were just a few blue dots on its surface, but soon they enlarged and covered the whole horn. It was blue now, and it started glowing faintly. As the glow strenghtened, the air around Shun became warmer and warmer, until it all focused on his left palm, where a small blue ball of flame formed. Shun frowned, and a few droplets of sweat appeared on his white forehead (his hair is dropping downwards). Eventually, the ball grew larger, and soon, it enveloped Shun's whole body. The vines started burning from the ghastly flames. Success!

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Dobby and DarkLight

“You don’t know Devin’s reputation, do you?” Lana asked Danielle. “He’s the strongest elite four member around, his Haxorus alone can pretty much handle all our Pokémon at the same time. But if you want to follow, I guess I’ll go with you…”

She didn’t wait for a respond as she first wanted to clear something. Unfortunately for her she was always nervous and shy around new people. Danielle seemed to be an exception as she already felt comfortable talking to her.

“Claude was it? Uhm… did Rhy do something to you?” she asked, shifting her feet.


The Phantump completely ignored Slade’s strange request. Human souls didn’t sound very tasty so they waited a bit longer. A few minutes later Slade heard some more rustling, but this time louder and heavier; a bunch of Trevenant. The Phantump reacted excited at the sight of the leader. It was a big, white Trevenant that seemed to carry something. The Rookie looked at Slade with a mischievous grin before tossing what he carried on the ground.

Alvin was still sounding asleep. The poor bug trainer didn’t feel like having human company after the fight with his roommate and wanted to be alone in nature. At the time he thought entering a big forest would be a great idea. He ignored a little group where two teachers seemed to be in discussion and used the shadow of the dorm building to move closer to the forest. He was pretty sure the teachers would stop him if they spotted him, so he ran as fast as he could while keeping his body as close to the ground as possible. His plan worked since no one spotted him, but unfortunately he tripped before reaching the gate. He looked down to see a big root lying there, before a green powder put him to sleep.

While the group was discussion what to do, Alvin slept like a log. Only when Devin entered the forest and no one paid any more attention to the forest, the roots came in action and rolled the sleeping boy slowly over the torn gate.

And now Alvin was lying on the ground, about to wake up.

The White Trevenant watched his trophies once more with a satisfied look on his face, when he noticed the Ralts was up to something. He quickly went over and stared it right in the face.

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Slade was getting a little annoyed. Well at least he wasn't going to die, but his stuff. It seemed like the Trevanant was controlling the branches and the ralts looked like it had a plan but it doesn't look like its going well. If Slade didn't do something soon they're probably going to stay there for a while, maybe even forever. He had to decide whether or not for Flare to use ember.

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“Claude was it? Uhm… did Rhy do something to you?” she asked, shifting her feet.

Her shy demeanour nearly made Claude melt. He had always had a weakness for shy girls, he wanted to be their Knight in shining armor, they almost made him change his life choices, almost. Claude nearly tripped over himself, losing his suave persona he almost always tried to maintain

"O-oh no, no, no, no, please no, don't think that, it's just that I have a deathly fear of Rock-types. There's no real reason for it, it's just like how some people are afraid of ariados or germs. It's just a thing. It's part of why I love Doux so much. Please believe me, it has nothing to do with Rhy personally. Just please, for the love of Arceus don't try to make him sneak up on me"

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"Oh my gosh! That is so beautiful~" Danielle stared at the sparkly trail that Doux left behind in his wake. "And nope, not a clue! That would explain how he could handle such awesome Pokemon, though, thank you~" While Lana questioned Claude about his previous escapade, she realized that Avis was nowhere in sight, not even in the skies. The last time she saw or, rather, heard Avis, the sneaky bird was circling the forest. The sudden disappearance sent a chill down her spine. Her heart began to race; fear of the worst began to seep into her thoughts yet again. Danielle tried listening to Claude and Lana's conversation to try and calm down.

"Oh, I see... Okay, so Claude is afraid of Rock type Pokemon... T-That explains the running away from earlier... Running away... Oh no, Avis, where did you run off to?" Without her knowing, Danielle began playing with the straps of her gloves. She looked around frantically, hoping that the black bird would pop up behind them or something. Nothing but the dorms and grass and trees circled her...


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Notus and Stratos

Phoebe was about to introduce herself when Mareek showed up. “Aha! If it isn’t firekid’s roommate! Got your Scyther burned during the action?” She teased Mareek. “Well, there is a medical center on the fourth floor of the main building,” she said, taking a slightly more serious tone. “But I’m pretty sure it would be faster now if you just used the healing machine in the Contest Hall. Tyron should’ve moved it to the entrance…”

“And to answer your questions, mister admirer, I’m Phoebe and I’m a teacher here. I’m also a water type expert and my sister is the current water type gym leader,” she said with a big grin. “But I’m much stronger!” This time she gave Colin the V-sign.


Meanwhile Devin was walking deeper and deeper inside the forest with his Haxorus, when a Murkrow showed up. The little black crow landed on his shoulder, like it was used to humans. This couldn’t be a coincidence. “What’s wrong?” he asked.


At the same time people started to assemble at the Contest Hall. The huge doors were open and a Healing Machine was posted outside. Some trainers were waiting in a small row to make use of it.

The building itself was built in an octagon. Eights massive white pillars supported a massive dark blue roof. The doors also shared the same color. Inside was a small entry room with a red and golden carpet. The brown doors leading to the main stage were open and showed a first glimpse. There was also a possibility to go left or right, both openings lead to even more doors and enabled swifter movement to the places on the outside. Next to both openings were staircases leading to the upper level.

The hall itself was decorated with paintings of coordinators and their Pokémon. A carpet with the same colors as the one in the entry area was lying between the rows of comfortable, leather seats and the stage was covered by massive golden curtains.

The audience was separated into three main areas and multiple doors gave access to the main room. The upstairs seemed to be closed for now.

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  • Veterans

"Can you slow down,i can't keep up"James said as Tyron Dragged him into the Massive Contest hall.

"I don't know about you kid but i'd rather not get shouted at by Proffesor Redwood!"Tyron calmly told James as he dragged him to the center Stage

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Shun's blue eyes widened. A white Trevenant was there, right in front of him. It was glaring at Shun with its one malicious eye. Shun's concentration swayed, and the flames flickered, but remained steady. He wasn't going to quit now, even if the odds were against him. He knew that if the braches had too much moisture in them, that his wisp flames wouldn't be able to burn through, but the thought of Shiro being alone forced him forward, and he cried. "RU!"

As the cry echoed through the forest, something strange happened. The flames sparked red, and they intesified drastically. Shun was staring right into the Trevenant, the flames started making good progress through the branch. One could see the water evaporating in the fading sunlight. But the flames now weren't just licking the branch anymore. Shun screamed as he felt the flame bite his pale skin. His palm was burning, but he wouldn't give up now. He concentrated the fire on a single point right above his feet...

The branch snapped, and Shun flickered in the shadows, but didn't fade. He was far too hurt right now to be able to dematerialize into a shadow. And his left palm was still burning. The small Raalts was falling into his demise...


Shiro suddenly screamed. His left palm felt like it was on fire, but when he looked at it, he saw nothing. He immediately dunked his hand into the grass, letting the moisture ease the pain.

'What is this?' He thought to himself. 'Could it be...' He jumped up. Yes, it was Shun! Shun was still alive! 'I have to help him, and quick. He seems to be in trouble.' And without much hesitation, Shiro zoomed into the forest.

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  • Support Squad

Shocked at Danielles outburst, He tried to calm her down. "Hey, hey, Avis is gonna be all right, 'kay? Now, c'mon, we'll go find her now." With that, Claude took off following Doux

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"Wow, this place looks amazing. Guess it would from all the focus put on the school." It was extravagant to say the least. All the effort put in, all looking like it came straight from a Fairy Tale. Nothing from those 'hip and happening' people from Dewford had anything that could hold a Litwick to the carpets alone. It was a good thing that he was one of the first people in, since if he had ended up moved away from helping the kid AND gotten the, how you would say, Boonie seats, he would've facepalmed. So he ended up picking one of the first seats, while making sure to save one for Kenny. Hopefully he got here, atleast after healing up Ryu at the gigantic line in front of the building, just incase someone tried to confront him over the seat.

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