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Pokémon Academy: Ymora Region [OOC / Registrations Closed]


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and it's a swarm... I was kinda expecting people.

and out comes the Scyther now... not like he has much choice at the moment.

Let's show em whose Dorm their intruding upon, Exlink!

*Runs off to initiate what probably will quickly become a Leroy Jenkins moment*

Just don't burn down the place. One of you still needs to sleep in that room.

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I'm pretty sure I left the oven on (we'll just assume the Vulpix/Glitch turned it off beforehand).

Have fun explaining that one when your room burns down xD

Anyway: Can't Type, you're missing out on the action and I'm confused. First you post that James is in the room and after that he's suddenly outside waving at his roommate. So I kinda need to know where you are to include you in the story...

Never mind. Seriously weird that they pop up somewhere in between while I'm pretty sure they weren't there before...

Edited by Chimchain
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I'm pretty sure I left the oven on (we'll just assume the Vulpix/Glitch turned it off beforehand).

Eh, from what I read of him observing( pan sizzling, you freaking out, and to add to the fact that it seemed like the Ralts 'released' the Wiil-O-Wisp when you started the freakout about the knives), I'd say it's going to be fine.

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Have fun explaining that one when your room burns down xD

Shouldn't matter because the oven was low on gas anyways (besides, Glitch only has a backpack full of stuff which I may or may not explain). Shiro on the other hand...

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^ I didn't really get what you mean. Like, what stuff would've burned if they had left the oven on? In that case, only Shiro's colletion of sweaters in different colors would've burned down :P

Thank god there was no actual fire anyways ~

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And yeah... Exlink, please, try not to burn down the place. I think there would be hell to pay for both Mareek and Slade...

We should be thankful I didn't have to take care of them. Let's just say my method would involve gasoline, a Vulpix, and a couple of Shiru's Sweaters. If those Ariados are smart, they would GTFO then and there if they wished to live. (Sorry for posting consecutively).

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We should be thankful I didn't have to take care of them. Let's just say my method would involve gasoline, a Vulpix, and a couple of Shiru's Sweaters. If those Ariados are smart, they would GTFO then and there if they wished to live. (Sorry for posting consecutively).

Well if that happened, there would be a mix of Smoke Alarms and Ariados' attacking the escaping students. Let's just be happy the Scyther's got it.

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Now, we've got two options. Either Shiro goes back to the dorm and finds out that Shun is missing before going to Contest hall at 6pm so he misses it, or he doesn't come back, assumes it's all fine, and Shun stays alone in the forest until the nightfal when they finally realize he's gone and begin searching for him, when they find him dead and eaten by the ghost types except if they arrive in time and save him? :3

I'd rather not lose Shun already (I have an awesome plan for his contest performance) but it's entirely dependant on what commander does with his character.

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There's also the Third Option: one or more of the Pokemon that aren't in the Forest detect something odd, and decide to get their Trainer(s) to help them out in the investigation.

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There's also the Third Option: one or more of the Pokemon that aren't in the Forest detect something odd, and decide to get their Trainer(s) to help them out in the investigation.

Sound's interesting. Maybe Henry will mistake Kage's Ralts for the missing one and they'll get Tyron or such for a search. I think K_H and me could even play off a 'Riolu sensing danger', and pinpointing it to Shun by his and Shiro's connection.

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Now, we've got two options. Either Shiro goes back to the dorm and finds out that Shun is missing before going to Contest hall at 6pm so he misses it, or he doesn't come back, assumes it's all fine, and Shun stays alone in the forest until the nightfal when they finally realize he's gone and begin searching for him, when they find him dead and eaten by the ghost types except if they arrive in time and save him? :3

I'd rather not lose Shun already (I have an awesome plan for his contest performance) but it's entirely dependant on what commander does with his character.

Not sure if I should go back or give Chimchain a chance to respond.

Let's just say Glitch has a little plan that might work in both of your interests.

Edit: Someone is going to need to make a distraction (technically, I could with Zuko).

I have two options for what Glitch could do.

Option 1: have Zuko steal the empty poke ball on Glitch's Belt

Option 2: Have Zuko mistake Kage's Ralt's for Shiro's and kidnap him (I could pull that off well if it was secretly in the cafeteria

Edited by commander218
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Er, Lucas was already in the cafeteria. Did you mean dragged out or what?

Let's go with dragged out (I'll have to change it when I get back).

Edit: I clicked the wrong button oops.

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