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Status Updates posted by Candy

  1. Happy holidays to y’all 🙌🏼

    1. Q-Jei


      Meery Christmas and happy new year Candy ☺️

    2. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      I wish you a happy new year and happy holidays^^

  2. Tfw u finally sit down to record a battle, but u can’t find the save folder on Mac despite following directions 🫠

    The application is loading a save file that I don’t know where it’s stored 🫠

  3. Ah nice I can access the forums again 🙌🏼

    … Not that I’ve been super active *cold sweat*

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Hello Candy! Long time no see😊😁

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      Hello, Candy! We missed you!

    4. Corso


      Does this mean more FEtR? Hi!

  4. Happy birthday~ hope you’re enjoying summer 😄

  5. I, too, would prefer to live in dreamland

    Instead I'm stuck in a lab losing my sanity 1 ounce a day 🙃

    1. Aphelli


      I’m thinking of this webcomic arguing that while academia is a frightening and insanity-inducing place, it has nothing on the real world. 😅

  6. it's-a me, ur mom uwu

    1. Dark Legend
    2. Evi Crystal

      Evi Crystal

      Hello Candy. Been awhile, hasn't it?😀👋🏼

    3. OmegaStellarSolare


      Hi! How are you doing? I hope you have been great.

  7. Happy birthday! Have some yummy sweets 🎂 for a sweet day~

    1. Baumina


      Aww, thank you, that's so sweet! Also thank you for the FEtR Episode today, that was perfect timing! Even tho it was probably yesterday for you

    2. Candy


      Lolol no problem~ it really works out like that sometimes :3

  8. I donut think you're into doll customizing, but someone made a James/James-inspired doll which reminded me of you cause you like James :p Personally I liked the tattoos the artist gave him~




    1. J-Awesome_One


      Ahh! I mean it looks cool but also terrifying. XD

    2. OmegaStellarSolare


      Oh my! I have never seen that video before! Looks very creative about customizing James doll.

  9. Current mood: wanting to eat good food
    Actual mood: I just wanted to write that for some reason

  10. I'm joining the bandwagon to wish you a merry birthday, fren 🙌

    1. LykosHand


      Thanks a lot Candy!! 🤗

  11. It’s the B1G1500’s bois what a pleasant number. Glad to get rid of the yikes-y “4”

    1. LemonJones


      I'm about to mess this round number up!

    2. Candy


      owo meanie lemon~ 😤

    3. LemonJones


      Second one is sponsored by Britney Spears🙃

  12. call me slow, and I admit that I am, but here's me realizing that the bounsweet line is based off of the fruit mangosteen. I love mangosteen. Tsareena is officially my 3rd fave pokemon.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Candy


      woww I love canned peaches, but it sucks that they overdid it with the lychees. I wanna eat the raw fruit but the one time I had the chance to, it was like in a restaurant or something and my mom was like "don't get lychees, you can get those easily in the supermarket". newsflash mom, we never bought them 🙄 lol

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      We don't have that option here from what I've seen, I'd  like to try the raw fruit, love trying new things in general though

      Also wanna try a jackfruit on it's own but again nowhere sells them as fruit or in a platter I've seen one place sell anything to do with them and it's in a smoothie though their banana jackfruit smoothies are amazing

    4. Corso


      I like lychees in both ways

  13. ok. I have played Reborn on different playthroughs, ones longer than others. I've pretty much amassed ~1000hrs or playtime by now. how. is. it. possible. that every single time (twice so far) I see a vendor selling Blue Moon Ice Cream, it's when I don't have enough money to buy it??? like how can the odds be so severely against me???? like 90% of the time I'm rotting on top of piles of in-game cash that would prolly make Ariana Grande jealous, and this happens?????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Candy


      I swear, before I was like fine. I have BMIC anyway so like I don't need it. But now? It's my half-year resolution to get it from a vendor 👊

    3. Wolfox


      That's my luck, give it ba-... Actually, keep it. 

    4. lilyawaka


      I found one once but I didn't know there was literally any significance to it so I pmuch instantly fed it to a pokemon and never found another since. RIP

  14. I saw this and thought it'd make you laugh

    1. J-Awesome_One


      He maybe the lackey of the bunch but MAN! He can fucking burn anyone! And that's why the J in J-Awesome_One stands for James! 😎

  15. Candy

    Jess! Yess! me girl happy birthday~ have a sweet 🍭 day!

  16. Happy birthday~ 🍭

    1. Angelkitsune


      YAY!!!! a candy from Candy-sama!!!! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

  17. Happy birthday~ 🍭

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Thanks for the bday wishes Candy, sorry I didn't see until now but thank you 😊

    2. Candy


      np~ hope you had a wonderful day 😄

  18. I've finally completed the Pokedex (for now) in Reborn 😩👌 It's the first time I've done it in any game ever so I'm proud (of the time I've wasted lol)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      mine was a bitch to do took me over 5h to do then it didn't even have any of the IVs i wanted 😢

    3. Destrakon


      Congrats Candy! Enjoy Bebenomun!

    4. Yahen


      now we can be dex frens too

      Congrattys Candy

      lets battle lets battle lets battle

  19. I recovered the latest backup save I could find from Rejuv. Idk whether it was the long-term vacation, but my old macbook pro which had died back in September booted up fine and allowed me to extract it.


    That's the good news.

    The bad news is that I'm lost af. I have no idea where I left off, my mons are overleveled for some reason, and the layout of some places is a repetition of "u wot mate" cause they're different from back when I last played lol Guess I'll have to wait until I'm done with my Reborn written run to start Rejuv anew for that written run that fell into indefinite hiatus. Then I'll be able to play my original run.


    ... That'll likely be next year, or the year after.

    1. J-Awesome_One


      That seriously sucks. I know how that feels. My playthrough of Reborn is prob gonna be on hiatus for a bit because my latest save file (most likely) got corrupted and the last save I had before then was at 9 badges... I had been a little bit after beating Amaria so that's rage inducing. It ALSO infected my Bonnie run. Luckily though, I have a back up file where it's saved after the 2nd badge so that's not so bad. But... I'm not sure if it affected my James run or not and if it did... That's gonna be bad. Dx

  20. owo I hear 'tis thy birthday~ happy birthday and have tons of 🍭 to brighten thy day~

    1. seki108


      Ironically, I had a trip to the dentist today.  It was just a scheduled one (so nothing wrong), but the irony is worth noting.  Anyway, thank you Candy!

  21. how I study for an exam:

    • listens to epic anime soundtracks to feel like I'm in battle
    • makes a Sasuke choke meme of my professor
  22. rage because yesterday I saw I had a content count of 1,999 and I said "wow one more post and it'll be exactly 2,000! gotta make that post special" but then minutes later I forgot I said that, and now we're at 2,008 and I didn't get to see the perfect 2,000 cause I forgot to rip why is my life liek this

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Starry Knight
    3. Dreamy


      hmm I wonder if it goes down if you delete old posts...


      looks like I'm not far off 2k either 😃

    4. SilverAngelus


      You lot have so many 😅

  23. I went for pizza, and instead was met with some wholesome self-esteem boost owo Because this girl I barely know said I'm pretty *blushes* I just don't get compliments like that irl from people who ain't the woman who literally gave birth to me rip I think it might be my new haircut which I'm actually happy about 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Candy


      @Wolfox *excessive blushing*

      @Starry Knight or one just did the braids on themselves :sadpepe: jk have you tried hair rollers? it's my not-so-secret technique for no-frizz voluminous hair 😛




      @Corso here's a real candy: 🍭

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I haven't tried them yet though was considering it but nobody I know locally has then I don't want to buy a bunch only to find out that it's the exact same problem....

    4. SilverAngelus


      Aww Candy-sama, no worries! I didn't think you were the type to fish for compliments. But you do deserve them~ 😺

  24. Started playing Solar Light / Lunar Dark and wow got a shiny starter on the first try. Plot twist: there's no difference between normal and shiny sprites rip

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SilverAngelus


      😹 Candy-sama


      I'm not colorblind and I too see the regular sprite. Are you sure you're playing the complete version?


      So...have you checked your Pokedex?

    3. Candy


      I downloaded V5.0.2 from the wiki page. and no errors when I open a Pokedex entry 🤔

    4. SilverAngelus


      Check your discord.

  25. Candy

    art thou seal or aligator?? 🤔

    1. Seal


      me be a seal

    2. Candy


      owo your pfp tells me otherwise 🤔

    3. Seal


      looks can be deceiving

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