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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

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Everything posted by seki108

  1. Finally went and transered all the Pokemon from various Reborn saves into my main file to do the Pokedex quest.  Still had some to find in the wild, but I'm glad that's through with.



    ........now to see if I have to motivation to get the missing TMs, Stones/Crystals, and Memories I don't have.  And the Mystic Square torture Puzzle I've heard so much about for the last sticker.

    1. RedAlert


      Cheers, fellow completionist! And thanks for helping me out with one of the entries, big help 😄

      I think I have two megastones left as well to grab somewhere in that monstrosity of a desert...


      The magic square puzzle is honestly not too difficult. It involves a little amount of effort and time, but nowhere as difficult as some of the other ones...

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      That would be about right, honestly not too bad in long runI did it a couple times on my own and it wasn't too bad

    3. The Shady Dealer

      The Shady Dealer

      That Mystic Square Puzzle was actually the only time I hated something in reborn. Even The Sewers Puzzle wasn't so damn frustrating.

  2. Perhaps I'm overlooking it in, but is there a PC-share mod for Rejuvenation?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dreamy


      V11 kinda broke it, so right now at least, no


    3. seki108


      Is there still a download available for a V10 version?

    4. seki108


      Assuming that V10's worked alright.....

  3. @Wolfox for King @Ice Cream Sand Witch for Queen @Starry Knight for Sovereign
  4. If you are on in the next hour or so, I can trade you. What is your trade ID?
  5. If you are on again in the next bit (30 min to hour), I can trade one to you. Edit: @BadProse I'm not sure if anyone else has offered you one over PM yet, but if you still need it I'll be on for the next few hours.
  6. The first day of Summer, huh?  I miss the mildness of Spring already, although this Spring has been bordering on Summer weather for the past month or so.


    The usual Touhou "Passing of the Seasons" things I normally do for the past year or so:


    Goodbye, Lily White and see you next Spring.  Technically no one to welcome either.




  7. How far were you, story-wise, like which gym type? Edit: One of these might help, but they are from either Ep 9 or 10 (only the last one) since I never started V11. You should depending on which version, probably start either in your room inside the dojo or on the route outside the dojo to avoid game crashes. https://mega.nz/#F!U2BnSabC!05h1PZUxteRBtzdd-du7YA
  8. No problem. Sorry that the trade sever is a bit finicky about timing and connection. Good luck with your mono run!
  9. I'm not sure if you're logged in now or not, but the trade failed again since it never showed you entered a mon to trade even after a minute or two. Just don't minimize the game window or click off of it, since it that seems to interfere with the connection. Log out, and I'll log in again in a minute and we can try again.
  10. Well, it never showed you put a mon up. I'm not sure why, though if you exited to post this that messed up the server connection. Do you want to try again? I honestly don't care what you trade me for seel, since I have most of the easy to catch Pokemon.
  11. It's just a black screen for me after it accepted. I'll wait this time. Send a request to Seki108
  12. I'll log back on again while you get the Bronzong. I'll send another in a minute
  13. I can trade you a Seel with it Do you want a particular ability or item? What is your trade id?
  14. I'm logging into online now. Do you just the balm and tiny, or do you want all 3? @Mehdi2277 Well, if you want whatever the third mushroom, just reply here. I don't know which one you got on the Horsea.
  15. I have a backup save with a balm mushroom on it, if you are available to trade now. Farming it got plenty of tiny/big mushrooms (I think) so I could trade you them too. It's a backup save, so don't trade anything you don't want deleted
  16. After being so low on gems a while back, this feels good to look at



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seki108


      I'm not sure about that, since a lot of the time it's: Turn on the game, hope autoduel doesn't act like a drunk toddler against the NPC duelist, and maybe do event stuff.  Most of my PVP stuff is in Gold, so only mid-way skilled if that, with some occasional progress in Platinum (even making Plat 4 once during the Sylvan infestation).


      Really the gems are more occasional grinding than high tier rewards or anything.   Plus, Konami is deceptively generous with gems around the World Championship time to make people forget how stingy they can be the rest of the year.


      Recently I've been using a halfway functioning Nephthys ritual deck, though it can really brick.  I spent a lot of gems on a six sam deck, though I usually only use it for end of the month pushes (or getting past the DLV 20s in the WCQ a week or so back).  Until Ancient Gears came, I was using U.A. but that field spell just have them free Reactor Dragon setup.

    3. The Shady Dealer

      The Shady Dealer

      😐...🤯! Too many info at once(😂), but I got you. You're using mostly meta decks, and you're really all about that grind😂. BTW, If I'm really trying I get to gold 3 and currently I'm basically running some decks I've created (an archfiend deck, and a plant related deck).

    4. seki108


      That's where a lot of gems have gone in the past, though some of the EX structure decks that come out can equal or topple those with some creativity and outside support.  I never fully commit to buying enough of the SR and URs of an archetype, so the decks turn out to be half-assed more than effective......and sadly Nephytis without Yubel probably isn't too meta.


      Probably my favorite deck has been Aliens, which falls in and out of relevance but is still cheap in gems.  There have been some decks I were pretty fun though not currently meta (Aquactress, Toon DMG, Gladiators), and Aromage is the go-to FTP/non-grind deck.  Usually it's some skrewing around in PVP most of the month, then a rush at the end of the month to collect some rewards with a meta deck.

  17. It would definitely be an interesting change at least. Also, I couldn't help buy try to make @SilverAngelus's post into a 'Gee Bill' meme, but you'll have to excuse my non-existent editing skills.
  18. He's good, but let's see if he's Alder level before trying to measure up to the true champion Either way, this does reek of gen 1 pandering.......again. I'm almost embarrassed to admit I started during Gen 1 because of how much they keep harping on it. I get that it makes money, but after Let's Go side game they've maxed out on how much could be called reasonable. Are you rating it top because of it's presumed splashability? We don't have all the info yet, so maybe it and Gigamaxing will have a yet unseen downside? Maybe the new mons and features will be enough to make up for everything lost or maybe not. If I was planning on getting this game, I would definitely need to see more before committing actual money to a product. Unless they really screw up, it wouldn't be the complete hard pass that the Let's Go side games were. They've still got months to reveal more so people can make their decisions on this one.
  19. Yes, both FMA series (2003 and Brotherhood/2009) are genuinely good series, usually rated top-tier though tastes definitely vary when that phrase is thrown around. It's probably worth a re-watch, though I am understandably biased here.
  20. Only 8 hours late, nothing too bad. I'm feeling hungry for a late-night snack again and would like to request some Candy.....please?
  21. This should be around the right area, right before you enter the desert for the first time. This is on the 'fight Taka in the WTC' route. https://mega.nz/#!wugzlQTI!bWS6T1K3K5BrP5csJDfcCZin-uCfk38AvRvFXmcicPk
  22. Seems the "Fantasy Maiden Wars: Complete Box" will be coming out in Summer Comiket in August, likely before the English Patch of the 4th game is even completed. I already liked the new U.I. they showed off a few months back, but Sanbondo showed off a bit more in post today.  Instead of the face icons on a map like they've been doing, it seems they've switched to having the 3d-ish menu sprites also be the map icons, which is great.  Now Reisen will always have her finger gun ready.


    Not sure why I'm posting this here other than gushing again.



  23. Many great combination attacks in this one......if only
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