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Everything posted by Vanitas

  1. sure thing no problem gl on your journey
  2. i have multiple so its no problem
  3. i can trade you one or just add one to your save file but for that you would have to empty your box 50
  4. taka isnt dead right? just very badly wounded
  5. So do pkmn learn the attacks like in s/m or like in um/us?
  6. i just didnt realize i could go to the surface in the last room :facepalm: thx a lot
  7. so i beat titania and she told me she´d take care of taka and should go to amarias house. now im there and im guess i should fight with amaria while waiting for titania to come too. i just cant find amaria in her gym (ive read you have to find her like 3times in the rooms of her gym until she comes to the battleground, but i feel like ive been to all roomes like 10times without seeing) so my question is: did i skip a few events or do i have to trigger her somehow or am i just bad looking?
  8. im guessing the shared box will be box50 now?
  9. well normally on this kind of question everybody has their own opinion, but honestly anybody who sais sth else then dragons is just plain fuckin wrong!!
  10. if you need a special starter and dont have a place to ask for it you can ask me
  11. why did you call your milotic "milk my tits" ?
  12. well thats weird. i downloaded weather mod and was kinda surprised that it came with sharedbox and some other features. but i dont think the shared box is possible without a mod
  13. sorry but classic french people
  14. ill do another run but its not gonna be my 2nd. it will be my ninth or sth like that
  15. damn i dont know either but i think im guessing the brother is like a leader or sth like that, but the only father/son realationship i can think of is solaris and taka
  16. i actually got them diffrently there was a weather changing mod that included a shared box sytem over all your save files and the ability to choose any starter you want seems much more efficient
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