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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by ShadeStrider

  1. I remember Morrowind too! That was one of the best parts! Oh wait... Do anything but Morrowind's journal system.
  2. I just came back at that time of year again. Where the Alpha testing phase has started, and people are gonna annoy Jan with cries of "Where's the next version, you hack?" (Bit of an exaggeration, but at the same time, kinda true.) The discussion heats up. With people wondering what direction the plot will go into, hopefully not doing the whole Power of Friendship thing like in V10? That's a plot device I would never use in my own writing. I'm just hoping a lot of the dialogue gets a rewrite. And that we have a way to access the legacy sprites at the beginning of the game. The new version looks great, as far as I can tell. I can wait. And hope for a proper debug mode. My return to this thread was perfectly timed.
  3. I mean at the beginning of the game. It's like a second skin to me. It can't be that difficult to implement. I don't want to wait all the way until Axis High.
  4. Maybe next version we can get proper access to the debug menu. Hopefully. I can’t live without my legacy Axel sprite.
  5. And I forgot this game existed until now. Will we finally get easier access to the Legacy Sprites? That is my number one most wanted feature in this game as of now.
  6. Playing Persona 4.


    The story is "Two years after my much superior predecessor went all Martin Septim and sacrificed himself to seal Nyx and end the Dark Hour, which I probably have no memory of because everyone's memories of the dark hour disappeared unless you are a S.E.E.S member, I, Yu Fucking Narukami, have my own journey to go through, featuring some Persona Users, a TV World, and a less morbid Atmosphere."

    1. Wolfox


      with a Murder Mistery in a crazy noisy bizzare town

  7. Xenoblade Chronicles 1 is a cliche 90s Anime.


    Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a cliche modern Anime.


    And X falls... somewhere in between.

  8. If Xenoblade Chronicles 3 doesn’t feature Repetitive Battle Dialogue, then Tetsuya Takahashi is a talentless hack and should be executed by beheading.

  9. If you want to write a Pokémon Reborn Fanfiction starring a Trainer taking the place of the protagonist...


    make a character that isn’t frustratingly naive and innocent.


    And avoid the “Champion of the Pokémon League 7 times trope.” Keep your MC from being a god mode Gary Stue, unless you are willing to satirize or parody it.

    1. Wolfox


      I did that a bit, though I stopped writing cuz got too busy

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the latter goes for any kind of story


    Truth be told, I hate Naegi’s English voice. Go back to Japanese, honestly. 


    It was more tolerable in the game, at least.


    But still, way to ruin the impression of one of my favorite characters in this series.


    You get used to it, but it’s still terrible. Why can’t we have more anime dubs like Death Note?

  11. Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne is the second best PlayStation 2 Shin Megami Tensei because Dante is in it.

  12. This is the greatest Song in Shin Megami Tensei history, honestly.

  13. Edgy Pokémon Fangame Idea.


    Give Pokémon Trainer ability to talk to Pokémon.


    Give him an overpowered mon at the beginning. This mon has been his friends since the beginning. 


    One day, they are separated from each other. Trainer goes out to find his precious Pokémon.


    He does find his Pokémon, but the Pokémon is suffering a fate worse than death. Being a literal killing machine and in constant agony.


    After subduing his Pokémon friend, the Pokémon begs for the trainer to end it.


    The Trainer unwillingly kills the Pokémon. The Pokémon’s last words are “thank you.”


    The Pokémon is at peace.


    But the trainer has a psychological break down that ultimately leads to a Revenge crusade.


    This sounds very cliche.

  14. So, is Devil Survivor any good?


    Will I enjoy it as much as Digital Devil Saga?

    1. Wolfox


      Smt devil survivor is quite good. It reminds me a bit of Fire Emblem in ganeplay, but with more demons. Not for everyone but you might enjoy it

  15. Would using the meanings of the Major Arcana for Tarot cards be a good Idea for an animated TV show?


    Making it relevant to the plot and not shoehorning it in because “the lead writer loves Persona”.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lt's... not exactly something that' groundbreakin', and Persona's hardly the first thing itself to make use of the motifs that come along with the Arcana. Due to how open to interpretation they are and the general knowledge in the public of the concepts it can be a pretty good thing to play with in such a format as it can be in any media really.

      People enjoy figuring out their own "Tarot" and the like or relating characters in media it's not present to them as well so iot tends to be a theme that when does well resonates pretty strongly with folks. 

      ln short: Easily if the time's taken and it's not just lip service to the concept

    3. Ojama Yellow
    4. Wolfox


      Stardust Crusaders

  16. Shark Tale won the Academy Award for best animated feature in 2004.



    In a year when Shrek 2, the first Spongebob Squarepants movie, and The Incredibles all came out.



    Where the hell is the justice in that?

  17. Elder Scrolls games should probably stick to environmental storytelling.


    You talk to NPCs, you read the books, you observe the environments, you get the stories.

  18. I really want a Xenoblade Chronicles 3.



    Just tone down the fetch quests. Those got excessive, both in One, and Two.

  19. What if the Pokemon Adventures got an Anime...


    But everything is screwed up.


    Animation quality makes Mars of Destruction look good. All dark themes and questions that gave the manga its Identity are completely cut out. Red, instead of being the rash but quick thinking trainer the manga characterized him, is instead a dumbass. Blue, instead of being the cocky but more reserved trainer, is also turned into a dumbass. And you don't even want to know what happens to everyone else.

  20. I actually don't really care for Banjo Kazooie or Dragon Quest.


    But the Smash Bros fanbase is happy, right?


    I still have two slots left. I won't lose faith in Rex just yet.

  21. Rex will be in Smash.





    I want to die.


    Nice Subtlety, Atlus.

  23. “Your opinions are bad and you should feel bad” - Me, to anyone who’s ever had an opinion, ever.



    And yes, that includes myself.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Even taking out the 'your' makes it accurate. No one can be having opinions in 2019 after all.

  24. Lenin was the best character. Why did they have to kill him off so early?



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