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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ShadeStrider

  1. Does Pokémon Reborn Abridged sound like a good Idea?


    Basically Pokémon Reborn, but the dialogue and some actions are edited to be a parody of the original game with some alternate characterizations.


    Or I could call it Pokémon Reborn: Not really Abridged version, because It possibly would be as long as the original game.

  2. If God intended for us to have sex, how come he invented Video Games?

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      Well, the video games didn't come until a great many nations were already dealing with overpopulation issues, so maybe its better to think of them as a quick nerf to an overpowered ability? 🤔

    2. ShadeStrider


      Well, it’s a better balancing decision than anything Gamefreak made or will make in the immediate future.

    3. Lorane



      VR Sex with the Master A.K.A T3RRA

  3. Bella x Edward or Bella x Jacob. Which ship is less bad? I know that Twilight is complete trash at anything resembling storytelling, but still. I feel as of this is the perfect Amount of Random.
  4. Who is your favorite of these Ace Attorney villains? Manfred Von Karma Matt Engarde Dahlia Hawthorne Kristoph Gavin
  5. Go to Caz's profile until you get to the July 30th marker. Anyways, I think Caz is the Night Mother. He's there, always watching. But he never comments. Maybe He'll only speak to a chosen "Listener".
  6. Steve in Smash Bros is a terrible Idea. Confirm or Deny?
  7. What would you think of a Pokémon game partially based on Hunger Games? What is your favorite Devil May Cry game?
  8. What would you think of a Pokémon Fangame partially based on Hunger games? Do you love Xenoblade? Would you marry it and have it’s babies?
  9. It will stay alive as long as Caz doesn’t confirm that the game is dead. But he posted that screenshot.
  10. Pokémon Xenogene could have been such a great game...





    We might never know.

  11. Of all the Gimmicks Pokémon has had and Ditched, I already feel as if Dynamaxing is the worst of them.



    Why can’t they just bring back Mega Evolutions, Z moves, and Triple battles? Further development of these mechanics would make a rather stellar Pokémon game, don’t you think?

  12. Ok, I know I made a very aggressive “executed by hanging” joke a while back.


    But the fact that Grand Dream City has the Death Penalty makes me feel kinda dead inside.


    I do say “Grand Dream City”, because you would think some one would be executed for the Gearen City Fire. Matthew was simply banished.

  13. If Pokémon Sword And Shield were to flop, I really wouldn’t have a problem with it.



    In fact, I’d be celebrating.

  14. And if you disagree, you are wrong and should be ashamed. Okay, not really. Please don't cry. There actually isn't a character in this entire tier list that I hate or even dislike. That's actually why I like this series. Feel free to disagree. I know some would disagree with my placement of Egil and Melia below Shulk and Rex. And for good reasons that I can't deny. I love Amalthus so much, that I even named the Protagonist of my Intense mode Pokemon Rejuvenation run after him. I love his narcissism, his nihilism, the fact that in the end, he was just a giant manchild,
  15. What I really hope for is that they replace the Item collection system with the one in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. It would make collection quests a lot easier. Goddamn Rainbow Slugs And Ice Cabbages.
  16. Four Pokegirls, from Four different games. Which one will prevail in a clash of Ideals? Half of you probably won't get the references. But they are Pokemon references, I assure you.
  17. First of all, Xenoblade Chronicles definitive edition. I already have the game on the 3DS, but I'm still picking it up. It looks beautiful. Fiora looks prettier with these graphics. And with the announcement of more DLC characters, Rex's chances of being in Smash just skyrocketed. He was a prime candidate that didn't make it in because he came too late. But now he has another shot. I'm glad I never lost my faith in him. All we got as consolation in Sword and Shield... was better customization options and a cooking minigame. I probably can't make my character look like Alice Winthrop or Legacy Axel. So who really cares? This is not enough to get me to consider spending money on this game. Witcher 3 looks nice. I wouldn't have thought that Nintendo would ever allow the publishing of such graphic sex scenes in their children's video game console, but I'm wrong about a lot of things. Not that I’m complaining, because I’m not. Also, Overwatch came to Switch a few years too late for me to care.
  18. I only played Catherine because it was labeled a Shin Megami Tensei game.


    That is honestly it.

  19. Who is your favorite Pokemon Desolation character? If you haven't played it, you really are missing out. It's great, so go play it.
  20. Can we please get a Persona game where every female social link character doesn't end up having romantic feelings for the MC?


    Like, a relationship that's non romantic and ends with simple friendship?


    Please, Atlus? You've done this three games in a row!

    1. doombotmecha


      In the same vein, can we have a m/m romantic links? Like, that's a serious downside versus longer western rpgs like Dragon Age.

  21. Honestly? This version already looks better than Sword and Shield, and I've barely even seen anything yet.
  22. Fair enough. Of the two versions of Samus Aran present in Smash Bros, which version do you prefer playing and why?
  23. Stop right there, Criminal Scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch! I’m confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine, or it’s off to jail. >Pay Gold >Resist Arrest >Go to Jail
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