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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Phi-Bi

  1. hair dryer So that's why my hair is so dry, because I'm the driyer itself. Good job for guessing this, I LOVE IT XD
  2. Wow, finally Dragon/Steel! I wish this is real or at least featured in some fan game or battle simulator just for the sake experiencing how awesome Mega Haxorus is for real. Oh my, the design is awesome like always, my favorite part is that axe tail (somehow, it reminds me about Marceline's bass from Adventure Times which is a good thing since Marceline is my favorite character from the series). And that stats! As if it's not broken enough. Well, this is a perfect design of yours, my complain is just that the upper left arm is quite difficult to distinguish from the body but that's probably just because my eyes' problem. The color is also a bit too dark that it's rather difficult to see all the details but again probably just my eyes' problem. Excellent as always!
  3. Praise Lord Angie! Even Arceus itself can't stop our beloved true Lord, Angie! Oh my the the redone looks perfect, I guess I'll restart, yay! (and that's mean I have to battle Venam - Saki again...RIP me T.T)
  4. Yes! Another fan game ^^ And there are seasons, which is a wonderful feature. I guess the pokemon availability in each area is affected by that. I'm curious how Manaphy could be tied in the plot. This is really sounds good and looking forward for screenies~ Want to see how the characters look too!
  5. I'd actually like to see sinister-looking vectors to be a Pokemon. Make them Poison/Dark with Levitate. There should be a Pokemon based on Komodo Dragon. I think it'd would be awesome. I also want a colibri whether it's real colibri or similar one (aka shrimp moth or colibri robot). Also, termites complete with their kingdom hierarchy; king, queen, army. And last but most desired: WOLF. Arctic wolf to be specific. Arctic fox is fine too but i wanf wolf so badly, real wolf or werewolf doesn't matter. I just want wolf pokemon.
  6. Well I never do regular run for Desolation so I don't know but in my Ice-run and Ground-run the difficulty is alright. The only exception is that running Ice-mono run is really hard especially for early game, you have to solo every battle with Spheal until 2nd gym. Overall, I think the difficulty is nice so if you find that the battle is rather too easy, try doing a challenge run.
  7. Hmm, haven't read description for Kukui. But what if the new mechanics involve signatures moves for mega evolution (or....burst evolution....ugh). Maybe it's similar to AZ'S Eternal Floette Light of Ruin?
  8. Another Pyschic Legendary, oh why Psychic why you always get 'special treatment'? Type with most 'mythicals and legendaries', type with most megas........

    1. InnocentSerenity


      It gets Special treatment because it lost it after fourth generation.

  9. I like that you always revamp Goldwnleaf to be better and better. Goldenleaf is my favorite town/city in Aevium so far. Liking the Pokemon Center-theme too. Also version 8 progress is already 88;8-88%. Ready for it~
  10. Take your time, Caz. I'm sure Ep.4 will be great no matter how long we have to wait. Just look at Reborn Ep.16, while it's true that some people seems not patient we're still waiting for it cause it's such a good game and I feel that the same is applied to Desolation. This game is awesome and I will wait patiently for it, working on a project is never an easy process so just take your time and make sure you're enjoying it. Good luck for your school too ^^ (Btw I have so many exams this month but still can't stop from procrastinating on this forum. RIP me...)
  11. I found my Cleffa in V6 during the day. It's very rare. Just keep finding~
  12. I just saw the gym leader team that you has planned (yes, i haven't seen them before, shame me) and to tell you about my opinion I think the gym order needs to be redone considering that there'll be no field effects. With field effects, you could adjust some lower-tier monotype team with to be more suited in their respective order. However, now that there'll be no field effect, the gym order need to be chosen carefully so that each newer gym should have more difficult than the previous one. Of course that's not a must and it's up to you, as long as the gym order match well with the role of the leader in the plot. The team also hasn't been tested, I guess? Anyway, I still think that this game has a lot of potential like, why don't we skip the academy part of the game? There could be filled with various quest and mission to finish the academy but I guess for the start just focus with your current plan. Oh and just another suggestion, since we already know some of the backstory, the enemy's motives, etc. I hope that they don't decrease 'that surprise feel' when we finally play the game. So just be careful of spoiling the game's content too much. That's just my personal taste though since one thing I like from Reborn, Rejuvenation, and Desolation is that we don't know fully the exact motives of the enemy at the first place. And for the technical part, since this game will most likely utilize custom tileset what kind of graphics you're looking for, 3rd gen, 4th gen, or even custom? Will you release the game in episodically or as a full whole game? Besides the concept and worldbuilding aspect, what progress is being a priority now? Sorry for so many question, I'm just overhyped.
  13. Interesting concept. When I read this, what came first to mind is the German-Reunification although perhaps you aren't going to make the story that far, only you knows. That said, to make things Legendary Pokemon-related, maybe add Reshiram-Zekrom-Kyurem reunification elements to the story as well? The concept is interesting since it's going to incorporate real-world history, I think it has a lot of potential. As for the names suggestion, Blitzkrieg sound good to me. You might already know it but kalter krieg is the germany of cold war. I guess it'd fit since the game is based around cold war although I'm not sure if it's sound good. Anyway, good luck for the project and keep up the good work ^^ (Plus, I'd really like if I could help but I have no skill required for game development anyway and you want to learn things as well as you said)
  14. It's V3.1 already and I'm still unable to solve Desolation's bidoof puzzle nor I understand the answer provided in the thread. Anybody can help?

    1. Zargerth


      The solution is to talk to the moving (walking)Bidoofs on the left side of the room, starting from up to bottom, in that order. You need to memorize where they are when you enter the room.

    2. Phi-Bi


      hey it works! Thank you very much! Desolation's puzzle has no mercy despite it's still early game. Strangely, I'm fine with other puzzles. Maybe I just hate Bidoof SO MUCH. Thanks, again anyway~

  15. I wonder if this field can start in stage 5 already. With permanent rain, that would be awesomely pretty~
  16. serene grace scald...please?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ironbound


      That's when Milotic pulls out a psychic move. Or when the opponent uses one of the other 5 Pokémon on his team to deal with the few things this monstrosity cannot burn and stall to death with Recover.

    3. sound of silence

      sound of silence

      Still a better idea than serene grace iron head/air slash

    4. Phi-Bi


      Special attackers need more love, many special moves get nerfed in xy :( Oh say YES! to Mega Milotic~

  17. Your drawing is awesome, I just don't know what to say to reflect my feeling about it. My favorites among them is your mega design, it's well-designed and has logical explanation. Looking forward for your artwork ^^ Also I wonder if you could make dragon/steel mega druddigon
  18. it's so annoying that my ISP blocks imgur...zzz

  19. Anybody read MoU here?

    1. Ironbound


      In my world, that only stands for Memorandum of Understanding.

      Now you remind me of work.

  20. Hmmm..interesting.Thanks guys for sharing. I myself doesn't consider graphics that important than aesthetics just like the video lagless01 shared to us. However I think that custom graphics add a new fresh looking looks combined with original character design and good mapping quality. I think about graphics as 'marketing' factor for a game since graphics is the first impression upon looking forward a release of a game. And to be honest when I first discovered Reborn in some blog I have forgotten my first impression upon looking at the screenshot is..oh this is just another fan game but somehow, somehow my gut feeling told the opposite. Now I'm grateful that I followed my gut feeling instead of first graphical impression. Yeah, I think first impression is important especially when you know nothing about the creator of the game at the moment.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NickCrash


      I will not buy the games if that ends up being the case

    3. Phi-Bi


      yeah i prefer the theory behind the design than the design itself. Rowlet sure looks similar to a coconut so it could retain flying type with that element~

    4. KingRyan



  21. If you want some inspirations about character design you could googled 'pokemon trainer creator' and play mix and match that is if the creator allowed to do so...or find similar app like that
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