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[IC]TotMG:DC Trouble in Traverse Town


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Buried under some dust in one of the corners Takumi finds a small wooden box and degraded canvas bag.  In the bag are a series of wrenches and pliers and other such tools for plumbing,  The box has a series of basic pipes and fittings standardized to the pipes in this area, but no new pump.

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With no better options at the moment, Takumi makes sure all the valves are shut off, and disables or disconnects its powersource if one can be located
With tools in hand he begins to dissemble the pump and clean it as best he can.

As for the rust, the places that are rusted to the point of jamming will receive a light sanding in absence of proper rust remover.

Of course, he also goes over the piping, the worst pipes will be replaced with the spares, and the others will have the insides checked and cleaned if need be. If the Pump was this bad they might need it.


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Satomi ate one of the Royalberry Cookies (for +1 ESS), with an expression that was remarkably dour the entire time for somebody who was currently in the process of eating a delicious cookie. She was being exceptionally stubborn, at that moment — Kusuke’s statement that stopping to occasionally take some “little things” in was one that probably everyone would find, but Satomi was refusing to take that piece of advice in, or at least trying to. After all, he didn’t understand — it was her Duty that she was dealing with here, she couldn’t slow down.


Still, though, it wasn’t actually like she had much of a choice in the matter, there not being any lurking apocalyptic threats she had a clear and in-plain-sight way of dealing with right now, so she just adopted an expression that was, in fact, something of a sulk and stomped her way over to Leo. Eventually, she cleared her throat a little awkwardly. ”I suppose that I might want to go deal with that clocktower, since little else worthwhile is presenting itself... however I will need you to remind me of what this issue with the clocktower entailed? I am afraid that the details slipped my mind.” Actually, she’d never seen them at all, because she’d never read the bulletin board. She’d have had to shove her face right against it to reas the text on it, after all, so... she kind of... didn’t.

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Kusuke sighed. "I really need to take my own advice." There had been lulls and breaks, but he felt like he'd been in constant motion since this whole thing had started. Always another crisis, another incompetent teammate nearly getting him or someone else killed, and Satomi refusing to take a single break while literally covered in blood. He doubted that he could convince her to stop, either, though he resolved to try at some point. 


He also needed to get ready for whatever might be coming up next, now that there was a chance. A few instances lately had shown that he needed something weightier than a few knives and martial arts techniques. To that end, he sought out the person who tended to tote around a gun bigger than their own body. "Hey, Law, wanna work together on a project for a bit? I'm looking to try out some advice I got once."

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Law hops off of Mirri's shoulder for a moment, approaching the time traveler.


After all the strangeness lately, it would be nice to get back to normalcy.  Dealing with time travelers and constructing superscience armaments.


Good old fashioned normality.


"I'm always a fan of putting good advice into action.  Let's see what we can do."

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"Yes Leo, let's check out the clock tower."


Heading over with whomever else would join them, Ena inquired of Leo, "So, why did you decide to purchase those pieces of jewelry in particular, over the others?"

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After some brainstorming, technological shenanigans, and a tense moment involving an explosive charge, Kusuke and Law managed to craft a unique weapon for the time traveler's use.


Timefucked Precursor Pile Bunker: A weapon made of time magic and precursor technology, it fires a short-range spike that explodes inside the target... Then it rewinds its own time and does it again. Level 1: Inflicts "Infinite Explosions" on one target, embedding a repeatedly exploding stake in them that deals 1d4+2 damage every time the user would act. Cannot be used again until the target is defeated or the debuff is removed.

"This thing will be interesting to use if we've got to fight anything big. It's a tad more, uh, lethal than I'm used to, but sometimes you can't just beat everything down." He hefted the weapon, testing the weight in his arms, then nodded at Law. "Thanks for the help. It was educational."

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Mirri decides it's time to look for work.  No matter the place, if there's two people in it, someone's going to want someone else dead, in jail, or deprived of wrongfully acquired property.  But first...  "It's been too long since I gave my kit a once-over."  Mirri looks for somewhere out of the way where she can make sure her gear is still functioning well.

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(7, 15) (31)

Takumi goes over and repairs and replaces the most damaged looking pipe segments fairly easily, pulls out a drain clog, and get everything setup the best he can with what he's give.  Despite his best efforts though, most of the pump crumbles as he tries to pull it off much less scrub any rust spots.
If he can get or make a replacement everything else should work for another decade or two.





Moving into the 2nd District Takumi finds it has more of an eerie feeling to it, a stillness he can't quite shake.  Most of the buildings here are dark or only dimly lit with the only two 'bright' buildings being the hotel with electric lights, and the clocktower.  The area seems to mostly consist of one long courtyard with raised walkways around it, being overlooked from the far side by a large white stone clocktower.  A brick hotel building covers most of the left side of the courtyard while closed several shops and other buildings surround the other sides.  A street runs from the courtyard in front of the clocktower and right, while a narrow alley between two building on the right breaks the walkway surrounding the courtyard roughly halfway to the clocktower.

The fountain is technically directly in front of Takumi, just on ground level backed against the wall created by the walkway he's standing on.  There are steps down from the walkway both on the right where it is broken by the alley, and on the left centered in front of the hotel.


Stepping into the 2nd District Leo and Ena immediately see their target on the opposite side of the courtyard.  The raised walk area on the left that passes in front of the hotel seems to lead into the building housing the clocktower.  The two can see *something* sticking out of the clock face that shouldn't, but the backlighting and small size of the object make it difficult to decern from here.




(19, 32, 49, 95)
Mirri finds that the structural integrity of her armor is nearly compromised.  It still functions well enough, but with the kinds and intensities of beats she's been taking lately.  Well it isn't the usual wear she's used to dealing with.


While poking around the ship and checking her X-wing Mirri notices her tools moving around on their own despite her being alone.  She has a bad feeling about it.


Her lightsaber is functioning as expected.

Wandering the docking bay of the Weatherlight to take stock inventory Mirri notices one of her tool bags is sitting in the middle of the room, nowhere near where she left it.  There is a strange brown rod holding it to the ground.  From somewhere behind her she hears a loud distorted sort of barking sound.

"Whop whop whop..."

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Law draws his Peacemaker nervously, looking around from atop Mirri's shoulder.


"I've got a bad feeling about this."


He recognizes the brown rod for what it is.


"Oh, that's just a precursor nail.  I set the ship up to nail down our stuff so nobody can steal it."


He hops down and attempts to undo the nail.

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"There's something in here with us," Mirri draws her lightsaber, looking around for what it might be, "And my armor needs work.  The plates are fine, but the actually complex systems...  This isn't a great time for a fight."

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Law, normally quite frightened at the prospect of a fight, is far less so when that fight is taking place on the one place he's done the most work on.


"Yeah, for them, maybe.  This is the one place we'll probably have the best chances," he mutters, even as he tries to undo the nail on Mirri's tools.

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Hopping down and approaching the tool bag causes the nail to dematerialize of its own accord, just as he programmed the machine to do.

Mirri turns and catches a glimpse of something moving by her X-Wing.  A tall humanoid with slick black skin and arms that almost drag the ground, it grabs one of her tools and flickers away again.
From the other side of the bay she hears a shrill piercing screech and several loud thuds.


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"Oh for!  Give that back!"  Mirri charges after the tool thief!  Those things are irreplacable, dang it!  She can't get more without going back to her original universe, and.... NOPE, REPRESS, DENY, TAKE OUT YOUR AGGRESSIVE FEELINGS ON THE THIEF.

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Law scrambles up onto Mirri, whipping out the gigantic gun and preparing to fire it at whatever's running off.


"All systems kill that thing dead!" Law shouts, the barrel of the weapon already crackling with dark eco.


His ability to aim the oversized weapon is limited by his size, but that's what Mirri is for.

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As Mirri and Law turn corner around a crate of metals they catch sight of the screeching creature.  Mirri's tool had been caught close enough to the wall that Law's machine pinned it down...through the creature's hand.
The creature is desperately trying to pull the nail loose and upon catching both Law and Mirri charging it attempts to flicker away only to reappear where it was.


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Mirri freezes in horror, losing her telekinetic grip on the Peacemaker.  Behind her helmet, her eyes go wide and unfocused, as labored, mechanical breathing fills her ears.


KSSSSS....  Huuuuuuh....   KSSSSSSS....  Huuuuuuuuh....


With a scream of inarticulate terror and fury, Mirri charges the creature and starts slashing down at it with her lightsaber in sharp, jerky motions, wielding the weapon like a club as she brutally lays into the dark being.

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As Mirri slashes the creature she feels almost no resistance until the tip of her lightsaber digs into the wall behind it, and with each splash comes another spray of cold almost icy blood until her vision is filled with nothing but a vibrant luminescent purple.

The creature falls limp within the first few slashes.

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Law is breathing heavily, frazzles from basically being shaken around like a rabid dog with a rope in its mouth from trying to hang onto Mirri's shoulder.


The peacemaker clatters on the ground, skidding on the floor from losing his grip.


"Ggg-good w-work!" he says, offering a shaky thumbs up.

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"Well, I cannot fly, so shall we head inside and see if we can't get up there, Leo? It does seem a rather odd form of vandalism, if that's what it indeed is. . ." Ena heads up to the door to the clocktower building, to try to enter.

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Mirri keeps cutting for a while after the creature stops moving, but eventually the fact that her vision is obscured registers, and she staggers back from the corpse, tearing her helmet off with numb, frantic fingers.  "Oh.  Oh, that wasn't...  Oh."  A few Jedi calming exercises get her roiling emotions more or less bottled up, and she deactivates her lightsaber and reclaims her lost tools.  "And keep your hands off my stuff," She orders the dead creature in a vain attempt to save face, before turning back to her X-Wing and workplace.  "Now that that minor annoyance is out of the way, I really need to work on my armor.  The magnetic couplings are on their last legs...  And the undersuit should probably be replaced, but I don't have a replacement and can't exactly go shopping for one in another universe.  ...And I should probably start by getting all this blood off...  Wait, blood?  From lightsaber cuts?"  Mirri is momentarily struck speechless, "That shouldn't be possible."

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"P-probably just has non-evaporative bb-blood."


Law stutters, trying to signal for the ship to deconstruct the blood and gore coating the pair and ship and put it in the feedstock.  His hands shake as he inputs the commands.


"As for magnetic couplings, I recently installed a manufactuary that should be more than enough to handle your needs."


Law seems himself for a moment as he chuckles maniacally.


"That baby can print nanomachines, much less magnetic couplings!"

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