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Favorite Moment In Reborn or Rejuvenation


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Hello Pokemon Reborn Forums, I have a questions that will hopefully start a nice discussion thread

     What is your favorite moment in Pokemon Reborn or Rejuvenation and why. This can a be a specific battle, story moment, a memorey that you have with the game, or just anything overall. I just want to see f theres a specific moment that a lot of people enjoyed. Hell, if you want to you can even list some of your favorite moments.


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1. Kiki's death. Student's betrayal, guilt and regret.

2. The doctor talking about his method(s) in Yureyu building, concerning Heather's treatment and aftereffects, not being his own doing. When Sapphira abducted, him mumbling things from his past, as if seeing aparitions, in Tanzan mountain base (next to Pulse Abra). Sapphira's delicious hate and Dragonite Hyper Beam, in Belrose mansion (i believe the Doctor isn't a villain and his backstory will be fully unveiled, as well as him maybe having to play a little part in story progression).

3. Radomus Gardevoir chase.

4. Travelling with Taka in the desert.




I haven't progressed that much, but i really liked the Raid on Carotos Mountain and especially, Kenneth's backstory.

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Pokemon Rejuv:


Gorgeous scenery on Route 2(and music). Nothing major but it's something that I enjoyed about the game.

The battle against Flora(Ryland).

Also when Venam was fully healed from the spring and revived.

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Reborn: The attack on Agate City. Felt good to wipe Meteor off the map there, even if shit hit the fan with Lin afterwards.


Rejuvenation: Haven't played through all the way and don't plan to anytime soon, but for now probably the help quests. They're a nice way to encourage exploration and reward the player for it at the same time, and that's a design choice I can get behind.

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Favorite Main Story moment:

First time entering Grand Dream City and hearing glitchxcity's sky peak pass remix theme playing while surrounded by the sprawling, vibrant city. 

Favorite Side Quest moment:

Completing the forest restoration quest and marvelling at the beauty of the new Goldenleaf Park.

Favorite Battle:

The Angie gym battle, the new theme is amazing and I love the colours of the battle background.

Favorite Character:

Venam, shes had so many bruh moments throughout the game. The irony of her telling the MC not to go into dark warehouses unprepared after running into a spooky mansion in the sewers and getting her soul put in a box, suggesting covering blakery co. with toilet paper as a prank and stealing Amber's Charizard like an absolute chad (fuck Amber). Also purples my favorite colour. Although runner up is Dr. Jenkel for giving great internet security advice. (Who also has purple hair)

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So far......




Main Story:

1.The whole event on top of the pyramid, especially the Delpha part 🥰 


2. The final battle against "Darkvoir" and its aftermath (really suffered with the poor thing, even though she did all this horrible things..., but still one of my favourite moments)


3. Our dear fallen angel Angie the harbringer of cold truth and death Theolia 🥶 


In general:

1. Route 2, for its sakura trees 😊


2. Goomlink's sidequest 😎 




Main Story:

1. Glass factory, for its numerous hard battles + the void (still, i want my cain back 😭)


2. All the times I kicked the "Grasshole" in his butt


In general:


1. The whole Karpador questline


2. Titania's gym 😍 sooooo beautiful, i never wanted to leave the area 😍


3. Sandy, best girl ever 😂


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19 hours ago, Thomaskater21 said:

Hello Pokemon Reborn Forums, I have a questions that will hopefully start a nice discussion thread

     What is your favorite moment in Pokemon Reborn or Rejuvenation and why. This can a be a specific battle, story moment, a memorey that you have with the game, or just anything overall. I just want to see f theres a specific moment that a lot of people enjoyed. Hell, if you want to you can even list some of your favorite moments.


My memory is not good and there are sure tons of good moments in both games I'm forgetting. But, to go with ambiance I would say Titania's castle looks pretty cool and the overall magic feeling gets me. 

For Rejuvenation I like similarly the mansion in the sewers for its feeling of it not being completely real or completely here, like an alternate timeline, and stay unexplained for a lot of versions afterwards. 

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For Reborn, probably when walking through the desert with Taka, but I also love the Sandy quest. There should be more moments like this where you just fool around.

As for Rejuvenation, the Goomink quest is definitely my favorite part, and the Ana quest is great as well, even though that one isn't finished yet. Also the few underwater battles are really memorable for me. It might sound weird, but especially those got kinda stuck in my mind because they were such clutch moments.

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So fun ❤️


Reborn: Probably the moment where you get to choose sides with Radomus or El. I just thought the entire concept was genius. You get to decide which side is the correct one based of what is presented to you. The idea of not everything is black or white, or look beneath the surface fascinates me, and the entire episode was just epic.


Rejuvenation: This is really hard because everything in Rejuvenation is perfection. If I had to select, I'll give you top 3:

1). Emma exposing herself as Melia, and sore to defeat Madame X

2). Melia has to make a decision when you go back in time while everyone is watching you

3). Crescent reviving you from death

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