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[Valentine's Day Celebration] Love at First Lie: A Chronicles Sidestory

Daniel Blackworth

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If this ends up being where Quinn really was mafia and was trying to convince everyone that Alisae's just being mean I s2g


Honestly, I don't think anything Alisae did was particularly heinous. Like, the only particular issue I have is that all the messagespam makes it harder for other people to scumhunt, but even then I've been able to keep relatively good track of what's going on.


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Actually I found a new copypasta from this game.
We can thank Quinn for it.


“Not my fault I pushed too hard and used some strong language that not only you but also others felt was a little too much. Don’t play the game then crybaby” -Alisae the great. 

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Good evening, everyone. As the Game Moderator of the game and the President of the Reborn Mafia Club, I would like to express my thoughts on the matter. Please bear with me as I'm far from perfect, but I'll try my best to resolve this.


I believe that we shouldn't pin the blame on anyone. It does us no good to do so at all. Instead, I would like to tell this story first in relation to my message.


As you've all known in the backstory I told you several times, I found Mafia in the late ends of May 2017 as I was browsing Pokecommunity. The game was fun and interesting, and this encouraged me to create my own game in Reborn Forums because I wanted to share this fun with the community I've grown fond of. A few games later, the playerbase increased and I became interested in creating a Discord to provide a safe and enjoyable haven for those who play the game and are part of the community. Nearly 8 months from the start of it all, we've now grown to be a large enough community and we've made a lot of progress through the months along with our mistakes.


What I wish to tell you from that story is that I started this all because I wanted to give an avenue for people to find enjoyment and entertainment in the midst of their busy schedules or to simply offer the best of fun to those who play it. I also created the Discord in the hopes of creating an environment for those players to find a place where they could express their feelings outside of their hometown and a place where they could be a part of a loving family.


I didn't set out to start everything to create animosity and hate between others. As much as Mafia may be a game where people can accuse each other and find problems with one another, I didn't and don't want this community to be toxic and divided like other communities. I wish this place to remain healthy and vibrant with life, where everyone can learn to find friendship with other players through the competition of Mafia. Thus, in the midst of everything and for the future of all Mafia games, I want to tell you to remember the greatest rule in this community, more important than the other rules like no nightposting: RESPECT. This is the value I want to emphasize and the value that symbolizes our community.


Respect means being considerate of other people's feelings and not trespassing them to the point that you begin hurting them. That doesn't mean that I oppose scumhunting and accusations; instead, I tell you to think before you post first of whether your post embodies the spirit of respect. Steer clear of personal insults and hurting remarks because they're not part of the game. People like me may not be so much affected of strong accusations, but people have a varying degree of tolerance, so please be sensitive as you post. This not only applies to this mafia game, but also in real life.


On the other hand, respect also means that you try to understand others before you judge them. They may just have a certain incident that influenced them to have this type of personality or they simply have that innate characteristic. After all, to really understand someone, you must learn to see every side of someone and be able to accept what is it them. I hope you can all accept this.


On the notion of the game's resume, after much thought, I have decided to continue the game because it would be unfair to both parties - to me as I have given a lot to create this game and want to see it continue and to you, players, who joined this game to have fun and experience. I also believe that not continuing the game doesn't benefit anyone and I don't want to simply leave this game as part of a dark history of our community. Instead, I implore you all to give the game a second chance starting from N2. I want you to make this a turning point for us to improve as a community. If you do wish to leave, I won't hold you to that, but I'll be very happy if you stay in the game.


Although the problem has already occurred, it's not too late. I hope that you can help Quinn and Alisae in any way. I value them both as members of our community and I don't wish this incident to be a very bad memory for them to keep in Reborn Mafia. 


Thank you, Divergent.

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As dive suggested I would like to leave all that behind


Alisae, about my vote on you, my reason is the way you play... seems like you push hard to get info that is the reason. I think you are a good player, but even if you wasnt I would still want to lynch you because of the way you played (just seemed a bit to much for a town)

And yes I believe you and other people here could pull it off. But that wouldnt be reason enough to lynch you


Anyway since no one is contesting your claim I guess you might be town, I will still see how you play and you are on my suspect list

Unvote Alisae



If you believe someone is town because they post a lot then its a viable strategy for a mafia, but I have to admit most mafias tend to post less

And I want to remind we dont know how some people play yet (at least this is the first game were I play with alisae, nick and bazaro, the last game I didnt participate and the other one I left early)


All in all I dont know who to vote, most look like town to me (for now)

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Love at First Lie: A Chronicles Sidestory

The Night of February 3

The previous day and the day earlier were busy days for everyone. After all, the Red Roses' Society, the leading organization managing the Valentines' Day Celebration, had started organizing the activities and preparing the decorations such as banners and tarpaulins, merchandise to sell in the activity, and getting people to work on their assigned tasks.

[In the Arts Club Room]

"You're working on the decorations for Valentines'?" Digital Amber asked Candy. "I thought you weren't planning to be a part of it at all."

"I did say I wouldn't date anyone this Valentines, not stop from helping Valentines' Day lovers." Candy answered. "The reason why I decided to opt out on dating this Valentines' is because I believe that love is a sort of psychological suffering. After all the times I wished I could have not fallen in love with someone who hurt me, I decided to simply wait for the right time to find the one for me and I don't really think that this is the correct time for me. I hope that someday I can mend this broken heart of mine."

"I sure hope so." Digital Amber said. "I hope you have fun!"

[In the Warehouse]

"I've finally gotten access to the school database. Amazing! Now, it won't be such a pain to hack into the Red Roses' plan and destroy Valentines' Day." Corso grinned as he looked at the monitor of his laptop.

He checked the time. The other members were supposed to arrive later to get the information. By other members, he meant the ones from the Heartbreaker's Club, who had hired him for his informational skills as it was instrumental in trumping Valentines'.

He wasn't really agreeing with their goal because he wasn't against love, but it seemed to be a fun enough challenge, and although he didn't Corso on request, he had another reason to do the job, which remains a secret to him alone.

The door to the Warehouse opened slowly. Not turning his face to the door, Corso asked, "How are your plans coming along? I managed to hack the database as you asked."

"That didn't take much evidence to find reason to arrest you." The voice of the person at the door echoed in the walls of the warehouse. Corso, surprised at a different voice, looked up immediately.

He saw Roswell with his tape recorder on to record that single statement. "Damn." Corso swore as he tried to get his laptop and make a run for the door.

Unfortunately, Roswell caught him before he could make a clean break as he guarded the door carefully.

"You're under arrest. Anything you say can and will be used against you."

Alisae was brokenhearted. They were Corso, the Heartbreaker Club's Stalker.



Corso: Corso is the leading proponent of the Media Club. Despite being a Junior, he holds great power in the school as the President of the Media Club. His information network is marvelous and he has superb skill on gathering data on students. He seems to have no intention to pursue love... or does he?



Corso didn't actually join the Heartbreakers' Club because of Valentines' related reasons; instead, he joined because the prospect of going against it felt like a fun challenge given his skills.

As the Heartbreakers' Stalker, you visit one player every night and learn their role. You win when you eliminate all town players or when it is impossible to resist.



》》♡ 》》》♡《《《♡《《

It is the Night of February 3. Azurine University is closed at this point, so you may not speak at all. Otherwise, you risk a warning and/or expulsion. However, you may use your talents to progress your own interests by contacting the Matchmaker @Divergent. You have 24 hours.

》》♡ 》》》♡《《《♡《《


Mafioso Divergent as Matchmaker

1. Newt as ???
2. Hooligan as EndearingCharacterTrait, the Red Roses' Doctor / 1x Lightning Rod [Heartbroken N0]
3. Alisae as Corso, the Heartbreaker Club's Stalker [Heartbroken D1] 
4. Corso as ???
5. Roswell as ???
6. Digital Amber as ???
7. Venus as ???
8. Jace Stormkirk as ???
9. Bazaro as ???
10. Sosobean as ???
11. Castiel101 as ???
12. LykosHand as Sailboat, the Third Party Mistletoe [Fell in Love N0]
13. Alistair as ???
14. Candy as ???
15. Paul25 as ???
16. NickCrash as ???
17. Lord Drakyle as the Red Roses' Treestump
18. Eviora as ???
19. Quinn as [Need Replacement]
20. EndearingCharacterTrait as ???
21. Sailboat as ???
22. Seal as ???
23. Amine as ???
24. Anti_Hero as ???
25. Purplecicada as ???

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Vote Tally 1.5

Alisae (10) - Venus, Quinn, Purplecicada, Eviora, Castiel101, Jace Stormkirk, Alisae, Candy, Bazaro, Alistair
Newt (2) - Sosobean, EndearingCharacterTrait
Eviora (1) - Roswell
Roswell (1) - Sailboat
Bazaro (1) - Amine
Castiel101 (1) - NickCrash
Not voted yet (6) - Seal, Paul25, Newt, Digital Amber, Corso, Anti_Hero

Chocolate Tally 1.5

Anti_Hero and Candy - Friendship Chocolate to Drakyle
Roswell, Bazaro - Friendship Chocolate to Alisae
Sosobean - Friendship Chocolate to Venus
Lord Drakyle - Friendship Chocolate to Eviora
Corso - Friendship Chocolate to Candy
Alistair - Friendship Chocolate to Corso
Alisae - Sweetheart Chocolate to Quinn


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Love at First Lie: A Chronicles Sidestory

The Day of February 4

Before the sun rose and the day started anew at Azurine University, Venus was sneaking around, trying to figure out how to corner someone who was planning to interfere with Valentines' Day. After all, there were rumors of a group called the Heartbreakers' Club, who were trying to ruin the celebration of everyone, and they also said that Corso, Media Club President, was in on it.

The information wasn't completely certain, but he chose not to take chances and went to the school grounds in the shade of the night to investigate. Little did he know that things would end differently for him.

Venus tread lightly on the corridor. He was trying not to make a sound and placed some thread to trip someone up to find out any of the Heartbreakers' who might be roaming around to play. He had attached a tin can to the string to make a sound immediately if someone passed. He stared at the moonlight intently, thinking about how the moon was shining bright across the campus, illuminating it beautifully.

Just then, he had heard a sound of the tin can being moved with the help of the string and he immediately looked and saw nothing. "Hmm?" Venus said as he approached the tin can. He noticed a senpai who tripped on his trap.

 "I-I like you. Please go out with me ~"

Meanwhile, someone else had been checking out the corridors like Venus and fell madly in love... literally.


[In the Arts Club]

"I've decided to fall in love this Valentines' instead. ~" Candy shared excitedly to Digital Amber.

"I thought you were serious about swearing off love this time?" Digital Amber inquired. He was confused about what he was saying.

"Well, last night, a little angel visited me in my dreams and told me, "Patience is a virtue. The time for love may take long or short, but it always comes unexpected, so don't seal your heart off so easily."" Candy told the guy. "Now, I'm waiting for my chance at this. I hope I'll be lucky this month!"

[In the 1-B Classroom]

"What happened with Venus?" Newt asked his close friend, Sosobean, who had visited the area.

"I think he had some encounter with beans... I mean with girls." Sosobean answered. "He seems to not be used to interacting with girls or he was hurt by one. Sometime recently though."

"Can I comfort him?" Newt excitedly asked.

"No, you sucxksss at doing that, so better not." Sosobean said. "Time will heal those hurts, I believe."

Amine was brokenhearted. They were Venus, the Red Roses' Trapper.



Venus: One of the bold freshmen, Venus has been known for being a trouble student, yet people respect his assertiveness and initiative, though some perceive it as recklessness. Some others love him for his killer smile. Behind his playful personality, he believes in the spirit of love and one day hopes to achieve it. He's the Brains of the Dangerous Trio.


You're a smart guy, great at coming up with theories and good accusations towards other students. You corner them with your truth and lie bullets.

As the Red Roses' Trapper, you visit one player every night and you kill one player who visits said player on the same night (chosen randomly). If multiple killing roles visit that person, the order of killing will be (1) mafia, (2) third party, and (3) town. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

You also are part of a Neighbourhood with the other members of the Dangerous Trio - Quinn and Megagun.


》》♡ 》》》♡《《《♡《《

It is the Day of February 4. Azurine University is open for everyone. At this point, you may discuss about the preparations for Valentines' Day and make sure that no one ruins this celebration. You may also give out Valentines' chocolates to other players. You have 48 hours to do so.

》》♡ 》》》♡《《《♡《《


Mafioso Divergent as Matchmaker

1. Newt as ???
2. Hooligan as EndearingCharacterTrait, the Red Roses' Doctor / 1x Lightning Rod [Heartbroken N0]
3. Alisae as Corso, the Heartbreaker Club's Stalker [D1] 
4. Corso as ???
5. Roswell as ???
6. Digital Amber as ???
7. Venus as ???
8. Jace Stormkirk as ???
9. Bazaro as ???
10. Sosobean as ???
11. Castiel101 as ???
12. LykosHand as Sailboat, the Third Party Mistletoe [Fell in Love N0]
13. Alistair as ???
14. Candy as ???
15. Paul25 as ???
16. NickCrash as ???
17. Lord Drakyle as ???
18. Eviora as Candy, the Red Roses' Treestump
19. Quinn -> Amine2 as ???
20. EndearingCharacterTrait as ???
21. Sailboat as ???
22. Seal as ???
23. Amine as Venus, the Red Roses' Trapper [Heartbroken N1]
24. Anti_Hero as ???
25. Purplecicada as ???

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No mistake! I was the town mimic, and I stole Lord Drakyle's role.


And with that, I am immortal. Neither the mafia nor the cult can touch me. I am confirmed town. (Lord Drakyle is a town villager.) From the moment onward, I'm above suspicion. I may not be able to vote, but I can direct you on, and you'll know it's not deceit. I, little Evi, have become the Three-Eyed Raven! Here's where the fun begins!


By the way, did the rest of you get a message reading "Good night"?

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Guest Sparkin'




Edited by Sparkin'
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@Eviora Well lil sis sis as answer to your questions:


1.) Tree stump is fun but also means im not able to actually do anything other than meme and make tree puns

2.) if I could I would protect you and on that note....



I have some information I feel my vulnerability means it is time to share with you all! Exciting isn't it?

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