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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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As might perhaps not have been expected by anyone who doesn't know Satomi, Licca's mention of the wall around the city caused Satomi to get even more excited than before, something of a silly grin spreading across her face. "A wall, you say? Oh, I must see it sometime! I'll have you know that my family in the place that I come from built and maintains a wall against our own murderous monsters. Oh, I really truly do want to see that wall! Even if it isn't today, if this wall is as advanced as you claim..." Satomi clasps her hands together giddily, her grin remaining. "I believe I'm in an incredible position to appreciate it! Transports, layers... incredible!"

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"If you shoot me, I'll bleed, I can't budge a sword as large as I am, much less swing it around with reckless abandon.  I can't stitch up wounds and make it like they never happened.  I can't look at a wall and tell you what needs to be done to fix it or break it."


"My power isn't strong enough to save my life, much less the world.  So let me do this."


"Let me prove that I have the resolve to make the hard decisions.  Today I've been in peril several times, and I've fallen short every time, plucked from the fire by one of you guys.  It could be hours from now, or maybe days at this rate, before my shortcomings kill me.  Or they kill one of you."


"I won't let you stand in my way and tell me that it's fine if I keep holding you all back."


Something cuts her voice short as she sounds as if to say something more.


A few moments later, she turns away from Harry.


"I'm just a kid who keeps getting lucky on bad days, Okay?"

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Jun had wished the others good luck and quietly walked out of the laboratory after the other doctor told her that she was in fact not compatible with the God eater procedure. She then wandered through the many hallways and elevators located in FENRIR's headquarters for a few moments, before she slowly started to realize that she didn't actually know where the rooms that Fenrir had loaned to the group was located, or what they were called. And of course Jun did what any reasonable person with newly gained psionic powers would do in this situation, and by that I obviously meant that she proceeded to ask a seemingly endless stream of questions to a large array of people about where "The white division that had seven living quarters and one big and empty room" was located.


Jun flopped onto a nearby chair a few moments after she finally reached the damned place, and she would do nothing but faff about with her psionic powers for a while as she quietly waited for Soma and Mirri to hopefully return alive and well.

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Alyssa stares endlessly into her paintbrush as she takes a moment and just thinks. Finally, thoughts of the past become tiresome and she looks up at the other people, although for some, calling them people might be a stretch, and examines them. The tall silent one, the girl hotter than a roaring flame, the wild looking forest girl, and the odd little human girl. Not many choices for conversation here.
Just as Alyssa gets up to go and greet one of them, a familiar face walks in, Jun. She takes a seat and is almost immediately greeted by Alyssa.
"I see you have made it back here. There seem to be significantly fewer people in here than there were when I left. Do you know where they went? And I'm thinking slightly tattered crimson cloak with faded patches. It would really fit the vibe of this place. I might have to make myself something too, other than the pile of armor over there."

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"It's been a long time, but I do get where you're coming from, with the feeling of helplessness. Why I became a doctor really. Again, I won't stop you, it's you're decision to make." This was just painful. Part of the problem it seemed, was that they'd seen so much combat so soon, when Dr. Ebon had stated that it would be hopefully low stress for the most part. Mustering the resources and preparing worlds for the storm. Of course, since combat had occurred, and likely would continue to occur, that made no difference. However, since she seemed distressed by her lack of anything except her one power. . .


"If you survive this, take some online courses through the terminal that Uber and Leet put in the bus, maybe try to get a degree in something, or just get general info. Get psionic power that you might have unlocked, have Frigus help you with your magic. I can make it so you won't bleed, with time. I know you're doing this now, but after it's done, if you beat this, you'd have to be braindead not to try what I'm suggesting." There were so many things wrong with what she'd been saying that it might have taken an hour to point them all out. But it wouldn't be right for him to interfere. He had no authority, and no right.


So for now, he just walked up to her, and gave her a small pat on the back. "We've all got flaws, kid. Ones that might result in our dying. Yet somehow, we all got picked for this shitshow. Means there was something useful in us. Yeah, yeah, I know you're not stopping now. So yeah, godspeed, good luck, break a leg, and don't get your insides devoured by this alien hivemind grey goo shit you're so keen on trying."

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6 hours ago, Irbsandcheese said:

Alyssa stares endlessly into her paintbrush as she takes a moment and just thinks. Finally, thoughts of the past become tiresome and she looks up at the other people, although for some, calling them people might be a stretch, and examines them. The tall silent one, the girl hotter than a roaring flame, the wild looking forest girl, and the odd little human girl. Not many choices for conversation here.
Just as Alyssa gets up to go and greet one of them, a familiar face walks in, Jun. She takes a seat and is almost immediately greeted by Alyssa.
"I see you have made it back here. There seem to be significantly fewer people in here than there were when I left. Do you know where they went? And I'm thinking slightly tattered crimson cloak with faded patches. It would really fit the vibe of this place. I might have to make myself something too, other than the pile of armor over there."

Jun turned around to face Alyssa as they slowly walked over to sit vaguely near her, and she slowly stopped dicking around with her newfound psionic powers when the artist started to talk. She waited for them to finally stop talking before she replied by saying "I don't really know where most of them are right now, although I do know that both Mirri and Soma are taking the God Eater test right now while Frigus and Doctor Harry seemed to be doing...something around them, not really sure what...although if I had to hazard a guess I think that at least one of them would be trying to convince people to not take the test. But anyway your idea does sound pretty nice, and coloring it crimson is a bit of a nice touch".

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"You?  Train me?  Ha!  You're all weak," Mirri asserts, "No, that's not giving a few of you the honor you've earned.  We're all weak.  What have we done?  Hacked up a couple boats?  Butchered a few mindless beasts?  Run like sniveling cowards from a lizard man?  You would all die like nerfs to the slaughterhouse before any real threat, and I am not arrogant enough to claim I'd do much better.  You want to know why I'm doing this?  It isn't obvious?


"As we are, but especially the rest of you, we're all going to die.  Because you're weak, most of you lack any semblance of courage or willpower, and I'm just enough of a fool that I can't bring myself to leave you lot to your fate."

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Frigus looked at Soma.

"Honestly I'm disappointed you feel that way.  You've got more power than you give yourself credit for, and it would be a shame to see it snuffed out."

He closed his eyes and shook his head, then turned back to Mirri with a cold almost unfeeling look on his face, a stark difference from the concern it held mere moments ago.

"Arrogance, and a lust for power fueled by hate and rage.  I honestly thought you could overcome the Darkness within yourself.  I also thought you were actually trying.

Obviously you're beyond any place where my words could sway you, but if you should survive I'll give you a closer look as to what you're actually doing to your Heart, if you should die...I'll be waiting in the next room to put twisted, blackened, remains of your Heart to rest."

He glanced between the two of them, silently giving them the chance to retaliate or walk away.

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"Aren't you one of those 'honor and glory' types? You're going to turn your nose up at other chances to gain more power so you can die on an operating table, without so much as a single shot from your gun or a swing of your weapon?" Kusuke was visibly irritated by the accusations of weakness - mostly because he was aware that, on some level, it was true. He had a gimmick, but he simply couldn't deal with so many different things if that failed to let him bypass them. "And last time I checked, we captured that lizard man. Someone who was a major threat to even organized peacekeeping forces, let alone a random group of people who didn't even know each other's names. But no, go commit suicide. If that's all it takes to get you to give up then chances are I couldn't help you much either; there aren't many people possessed of both a Drive and a faint heart."

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For a second, Proditor was silent, leaving silence in Lucille’s head, easily picking up the waves of conflict from Lucille, but choosing to ignore it. Then, he sent Lucille an image, specifically of Angelis and three other Ethereals in their armor. It was the best picture he could call up to show her what an Ethereal, specifically, looked like, “An Ethereal is a race that utilizes incredible psionic potential, and one that has been fighting these Trespassers for thousands of years. I, personally, utilize my psionic potential to speak to you as I speak now, as it is difficult for me to speak well without it, or be more aggressive in my telepathy. Such as mentally altering how one sees the world, or wrestling control away from someone” Proditor stated simply.


There was, of course, a ton of uses he didn’t mention with his psionic power. Levitation, telekinesis, teleportation… Though, considering he already felt psionics coming out of the girl, she probably had an idea of what she was capable of doing with her own abilities.





Luckily, Arminius managed to sit himself down near to Lindow, whom, if he had been paying attention, would’ve recognized as one of the two that the group had met earlier… Who seemed to be enjoying his own drink, at the current moment.



Testing Group


Eventually, when Soma made it down with anyone else who followed her all the way, and wasn't busy talking with Mirri, she would be led to yet another, almost random test room by Dr. Sakaki, who merely gave her a simple, “I wish you the best of luck, Miss Julie” before leading the others away after a few seconds. Sakaki would then lead the others around into a side hall, moving through a door that brought them to the observation room for the God Eater test… With Director Johannes and another scientist inside, the latter at the controls for the test.


Inside the actual room was a metal bed centered in the middle of the room, and a large, red cylinder jutting out from the roof of the room. Both seemed inactive… Though, by all accounts, it probably wouldn’t be for long.


Once Sakaki entered with the others though, Johannes turned his head, nodding at Sakaki’s arrival with barely a glance towards the others, before turning his head to the room, just as Soma entered, “Welcome, Julie Anders, to the Fenrir Far East Branch, one of the last bastions of humanity against the Aragami. While your… Existence, here, has been short, we have decided to explore your potential as a member of the Anti-Aragami Punitive Forces… The God Eaters” Johannes explained, his voice booming over the speakers of the room, “Your first trail will be here, to join the God Eaters through the test all must go through. If you would, please, lay in the center of the room, whenever you are ready.”





Needless to say, the girl was slightly surprised at Satomi’s excitement, but merely smiled at it, “Sure. I’ve got some God Arcs to take care of today, but it wouldn’t be too much of a problem to give you a tour of the wall at some point” she said, then snapped her fingers, “Oh, by the way, I’m Licca. Licca Kusunoki.”

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Harry departed, following the doctors and Soma. Frigus and Kusuke seemed to be working on it, and he might as well be there for the test. Any information gleaned, and insight he could provide, perhaps there was a chance it could be useful.

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Arminius nearly falls off his chair as he notices the man. "This is why I keep two pairs of eyes normally..."  He thinks to himself as he turns to look. After a bit of thought he recognizes Lindow and nods in greetings.

"Hello there, didn't actually realize you were there... No offense, was just lost in thought."

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8 minutes ago, Irbsandcheese said:

Alyssa looks at Jun curiously. "God Eater test? You mean to become like one of the guys kicking ass against the Aragami? That sounds amazing! Do you know where it is?"

Jun gave Alyssa a shrug before she replied by saying. "Sort of, I mean even if I led you to the testing chamber you would still need to make an appointment and get your blood tested to see if you are even compatible with the procedure, and then there is the bit where the whole process can be incredibly fatal...which probably makes it  a lot less amazing".

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"What principles do 'Psionics', function exactly?" the girl responded almost immediately, " I mean... this isn't exactly the first time I've talked to someone like this, so I presume it has at least something in common with how I use my Bonds. But, from what I can tell, your shape isn't even touching the floor right now... and all I can manage to do with them is give instructions to anything that can't rationally think for itself, tow them around on invisible leashes-"


There was a sudden disruption in the link, as Lucille almost tumbled to floor. She felt a familiar weight walking off her shoulders and heard a cat's hiss retreating to another part of the room, and along with it came the metallic flap of heavy, steely bird wings as Vera took flight, chirping something in quite the indignant tone as she circled just out of Do's reach


"Gte yawa rmof em, uyo lnfeie aasgve!"


Whatever the hell it meant, it only seemed to anger the kitty. Each stroke of his paw grew stronger, each leap to try and catch her higher


"Ouy ilwl nrvee eb erh avrofiet, a haehnte kiel oyu si modode ot iemdciyrto!"


Again, whatever the hell it meant, it only served to rile him up even more. But this time the feline got clever about his approach, and instead of feebly clawing and leaping up at her, he took off towards the nearest wall, pounced with his might, turning in the air to plant his hind legs on the plain white facade, before pushing off with all the deftness befitting a cat. The bird never stood a chance, and by the time she realized the danger she was in, Do had her pinned in the floor, teeth trying- and failing -to bite through the steel-like facade of her plumage as he hissed and growled. And soon enough, she realized she is no real danger at all, given how much difficulty he was having. And so she took this time to fire off another quip


"Onir si srfote nhta estel, duabsms!"


His futile gnawing intensified...


The dragons simply watched from afar, morbidly curious as to which would prevail. Lucille finally managed to push herself up from the floor, and the first thing she did was assert control over Do, sending a command over there link so utterly powerful, it caused the cat to jump in fear as the raw force rocked his mind and his little world like a hurricane




He retreated both from Astra, who nigh immediately hopped to her feet unscatched, and lucille as well, scurrying over towards....the Ethereal, ironically. He tried to hide under the folds of his robe, until yet another command came, and the cat was reluctantly trotting back to the girl, whose expression had gone more frigid than glacial ice

     "She's not food, you little vagrant..." she muttered "None of them, are. You don't try to hunt the others....you don't try to eat the others. You understand me?"

     "Meeeeeeeeeew..." The cat replied, sinking his head low and retreating a few inches, obviously trying to make himself smaller. If Lucille was a bit more naive, she'd have thought the cat himself understood the words coming out of her mouth. But she knew he didn't. Any response resembling sapient thought was simply the subconscious part of herself riding in his mind acknowledging the order.... she knew he felt her anger though, it was impossible for him not to. 


Vera of course took the opportunity to return to her rightful place on her master's shoulder, looking down at the cat with an expression that was somehow.... coy, or as coy as a bird could be as she uttered "Htsi si eht enw redor fo ihtnsg, ckuf ybo. Eihret vlie in ym wen orlwd, or ide in ouyr old eon."


Do again looked like he was about to pounce. Lucille simply raised an eyebrow as she focused on the pigeon "And you- stop the chatter for a bit, would you? You're not exactly helping the situation, with your gibberish." 


There was no response, the bird simply began to clean her wings... still wearing that impossibly coy expression. Do continued to eye the winged rat mercilessly, the intent to kill so palpaple it actually took Lucille back a bit. But with a bit of coaxing it was easy enough to make him stand down.

    "Um...." Once more the connection between her and Proditor was there, as she sighed "so you probably...saw and heard most of that, I'm guessing. Like I said... just a bunch of animals on glorified leashes. In all honesty though, I don't really exert full force with the leashes unless I actually need one of them to help me, a lot of the time it's just simple prompting or leaving them to do whatever... and of course stuff like this happens. And uh.... before you ask why I keep talking to them, when I'm already inside their heads... I don't know. I just do. Force of habit or something..."

      Or the slow and crushing realization of how engufing one's isolation was. Or that no matter many times they lied to themselves and said they were fine and they needed no one and they had a job to do and couldn't be distracted but such pointless things as conversations, it was just that- a lie. Of course, she didn't say any of that. But the ethereal would doubtlessly have sensed something to that same effect. The girl was either lacking any form of serious practice with her telepathy, or at the least, she wasn't trying terribly hard to not wear her emotions on her sleeve... 

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"Incredibly fatal? Significantly less appealing, indeed." Alyssa takes pause for a second and her tone turns a little frantic. "Wait, Mirri is taking this test? And could easily die? Why would anyone do that?" Alyssa considers going to find her and say something to stop her. Something, anything, but she has really only had one brief conversation with Mirri and Alyssa probably wouldn't be able to sway her. With a sigh of resignation, Alyssa calms down and goes back to a more favorable topic. 
"Oh, well. I suppose there isn't anything we can do, now is there. Except for maybe fixing you up. The crimson cloak sounds quite nice. I'm thinking some gold trim around the bottom maybe? Are there any symbols that represent you at all? Something that is reminiscent of home or this group. Does this group have a name? Because if not, we should." Her words are almost too quick to follow, speaking with the speed of a sportsball announcer and the finesse of a master wordsmith.

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7 hours ago, Irbsandcheese said:

"Incredibly fatal? Significantly less appealing, indeed." Alyssa takes pause for a second and her tone turns a little frantic. "Wait, Mirri is taking this test? And could easily die? Why would anyone do that?" Alyssa considers going to find her and say something to stop her. Something, anything, but she has really only had one brief conversation with Mirri and Alyssa probably wouldn't be able to sway her. With a sigh of resignation, Alyssa calms down and goes back to a more favorable topic. 
"Oh, well. I suppose there isn't anything we can do, now is there. Except for maybe fixing you up. The crimson cloak sounds quite nice. I'm thinking some gold trim around the bottom maybe? Are there any symbols that represent you at all? Something that is reminiscent of home or this group. Does this group have a name? Because if not, we should." Her words are almost too quick to follow, speaking with the speed of a sportsball announcer and the finesse of a master wordsmith.

To Alyssa's first question Jun decided to try and keep a calm and level tone when she said "I think she is doing it for the power she would gain if she survived since that is basically why everyone else was doing it, although I honestly don't know why Miss 'I am going to crush your throat from a distance with the power of my minnnndddd!' is worried about not being powerful enough". After saying that Jun would look thoughtful for a moment underneath her helmet as her mind started to try and think of nice things to say about Soma and Mirri in the event of their unfortunately likely deaths, and she continued to do so up until Alyssa finally started to talk and ask questions once more. "The one symbol that represents my home would be a white pentagon that surrounds a black void with three planets of varying colors arranged in a trigonal shape around a distant shimmering white star". As she said those words her visor would show the artist a rather crude approximation of the symbol's shape, and she took a deep breath before she continued by saying "It represents steady expansion, ambition tempered with wisdom, and plain old and boring security....but anyway I don't think this group has any names or symbols yet, since it has only been two or so days since we first met each other and we haven't really had the chance to organize ourselves and decide on a name.".

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“Psionics function from one’s mind, though generally-” Proditor began, only to pause as Lucille’s creatures began to fight against each other, leading to Lucille to mentally yell at them, and physically scold them, something that Proditor heard loud and clear. It really wasn’t hard for the Ethereal to notice the emotions coming off of Lucille, almost as readable as an open book. But, like always, he didn’t comment on this, since if they had a problem they would likely say something about it.


In all honesty though, Proditor could at least sympathize with the entire ‘loneliness’ thing.


“I did hear all of that. From what I’ve seen though, you seem to either be operating on something other than psionics, or you are untrained. If I were to do something like you, there would be no ‘glorified leashes’” Proditor stated.





At Arminius’s comment, Lindow looked to the side, instantly recognizing Arminius as he lowered his cup to the bar counter, “None taken. Old man Sakaki treating you well?”





Once Soma laid down, Johannes continued his speech as the ground opened up to her side, a large red container shooting out before stopping, “Each God Eater must be synchronized with their God Arc, a weapon that allows them to truly kill an Aragami” he explained as the container twisted itself around, placing itself neatly on the ground and opening up, revealing a large sword like the one Lindow used, with two halves of the bracelet Lindow had, roughly shoulder height with Soma. Almost instinctively, she lifted her right arm up, placing her hand on the hilt of the God Arc, putting her arm in between the bracelet. So far, so good.


“While the casualties are… Unfortunately high, believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about” he continued as two black masses came out of the bracelets, attaching to the other and pulling them together with a loud clap.


Then, the large cylinder at the top of the room began to descend, opening up and pushing out a large drill, directly above Soma’s hand. For a second, Soma’s eyes widened, but instead of moving (which she quickly found that she couldn’t, as the bracelet was attached to the container and prevented her from doing so), she forced herself to stay still, breathing evenly, even as the drill began to spin rapidly.


“... Good luck”


With those final words the drill suddenly slammed down, expertly putting itself into the hole on top of the bracelet, and right through Soma’s wrist. Needless to say, the resulting screams of pain from the girl were loud as her body lurched up, pain blasting through her arm as the drill punched into it. Then, after only a second, it came out, going back to the roof and leaving Soma with a hole in her wrist, and black mist rising out of the wound as Soma’s other arm flew over to it, holding her arm as she tried her best to stifle her screams, fighting through the pain.


At that point, she noticed two black tendrils coming inching their way across her hand, originating from the God Arc’s hilt, slowly coming over the walls of the bracelet before going into the hole, attracted to the wound. For a few good seconds, nothing new seemed to happen, which gave Soma hope. She was going to pass the trial, and become stronger than she ever was before.


… That's what she believed, before the hilt of the God Arc bursted open, its black mass suddenly engulfing the first half of Soma’s arm.

Observation Room


At the sight, Sakaki’s smile faltered, turning into one of a from, “... Incompatible” he stated, noticing how Johan almost nodded at that statement, only to pause and shake his head,


“Not exactly, Dr. Paylor. This may be a bit different” he said, nodding towards the event that was transpiring in the test room. Specifically, the fact that Soma’s arm was now on fire.



“No… No no no, STOP!” Soma yelled in her mind as she saw her flames instinctively attacking the God Arc, having noticed how it was beginning to kill her. However, with Soma willingly telling it off, the flames didn’t know what to do, simply lingering on the Oracle Cells as the continued to devour Soma, “I won’t die… I will NOT die here!” she yelled, gritting her teeth as the Oracle Cells kept moving their way forward, uncaring towards the girl dying because of them.




She would not die… She would not die… She was chosen to fight for everyone’s lives, to help prepare them. She would NOT die.


At that point, the Oracle Cells had moved their way across their arms, moving towards the other half of her body, with some tendrils moving onto her face.


"Good. Do it. Only known you for 48 hours or so, but you seem like a good person. One of the best in this crew. So, don't die, Julie."


She would not die…




New theme


Suddenly, everything went to hell. Without warning, the devouring seemed to pause, before pulsing for a few seconds, before bursting out again, large tendrils of black emerging from around Soma’s arm as she began to scream again, an onslaught of pain emerging from her head and arm. Then, instinctively, she pulled on her arm trapped by the bracelet, still trapped on the container… And without any attempt, it easily broke off, the force sending Soma off the side of the bed, falling to the ground, the God Arc implanting itself into the ground as she kept on screaming.


Observation room


Once everything began to go to hell, Sakaki actually took a step back, before yelling towards the scientist at the controls of the test, “Shut everything down, NOW!” he yelled as Johannes stood where he was, watching the event with simple curiosity, even as Sakaki pulled out his personal phone, contacting Hibari at the main desk, “Miss Takeda, bring a God Eater down here, immediately!” he ordered.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Harry had remained silent and composed for the initial part of the test. The size of the drill was shocking and intimidating, yes, but there was really nothing to do from here on out. Either she'd survive or she wouldn't. In the few seconds of silence before the eruption of the black swarm, Harry held his breath. And when Sakaki's smile disappeared, even as the man was starting to say "Incompatible", Harry was already forming his own words.


"Oh, fuck."


She wasn't dead yet, that was certain. Thirty percent complication rate? Or was it something to do with parahuman abilities? God fucking damn it. That could be sorted out later. Plenty of time to call everyone involved a brain dead moron for not thoroughly investigating the pollentia gemma or whatever if Soma survived. "Sakaki. What the hell is happening?"

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"...." Silence. Pure and simple. He would've felt something though, just beneath the surface. But unlike the last time- whatever emotion it was, it was fainter by at least several orders of magnitude, comparable to a faint murmur among a storm of static, or muffled movement in some backroom with a locked door. A door which guarded the way to something that should not be let free, or even gazed upon for that matter.


It was ancient. It was subtle. It was the tip of the iceberg. And in the brief few moments that the impulse lasted, it became clear that it was not Lucille herself.


"I know." The girl finally answered him "At least, I figured as much, when you mentioned...'altering how someone sees the world' and 'wresting control from them'." It almost seems as though there's the urge to say something more, but again, there is the ancient pulse, as the girl thinks better of it. And just as moments before, it's mere presence is enough to cast a wave of interference like static, before it clears.


It was clearly chatter. And it was clearly aware of him.


Lucille seems to take no notice of it, as she changes the subject "Um, look, that aside... you're right in a way, I'm not exactly trained with this- best I had was what my brother taught me to do, and the rest.... well..." Gunfire. The sound of automatic weaponry that is quickly cut off by the roar of something massive and a single scream before a sickening, wet squelch and the tearing of flesh takes over. It cuts in, lasts mere seconds, and then she continues "...what else is possible with this power?  If I can replicate the other parts of it using my bonds, could you... teach it?"

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"You-  You dare question my-"  If this was a cartoon, steam would be boiling from Mirri's ears, but as it is not she just vibrates silently, clenching and unclenching her fists as she visibly wrestles with her temper.  "You-  You-  Look you self-righteous little bareface," She explodes at Frigus, "Maybe on your world the Dark Side goes away when you wave your wrist-breaker and some rainbows at it, but it is NOT THAT BLOODY EASY EVERYWHERE!  I-  I can feel it whispering to me.  Eating away at me.  Every second of every day.  How much easier it would be to just stop resisting.  Do what would feel good, turn anyone who disagrees into a bloody smear across the bulkheads, claim the power I need, and wreak bloody vengeance from atop a mountain of corpses.  I could do it.  Fairly sure.  It would be too.  Slagging.  Easy.


"So don't talk to me about the Dark Side.  You pretty clearly have no idea what you're talking about.  You might have faced what others did with it, but if you think it's that easy you've never faced darkness within yourself.  I need power.  As fast as possible.  Where I come from, I am so incredibly, horribly outclassed by those that would hunt me down...  The Dark Side feeds on the fear, grows louder until it drowns out everything else.  If I don't gain power elsewhere, I will take what it offers.  Sithspit, I don't want to, now at least, but five years ago I'd have said I'd never touch it, and look where that got me.


"And you!   ...Belt guy!  You want me to prove my honor, name your test and I'll-"  Mirri's attention is finally attracted by Soma's implantation as it goes horribly wrong.  "What the hells is that?  It's eating her alive!  They-  They actually stick that in people?  I- I was going to stick that in myself.  ...Maybe I don't need power quite that much."  Her hand drops to her lightsaber, "Do you think we could help her going in there?  If that stuff eats people, we might just make it stronger if we try."

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"I'm going in." And so Kusuke went in, with a brief and faint distortion around him and his destination providing a split second of warning before he appeared in the testing chamber. He had no idea what was about to happen, if Soma would somehow consciously or unconsciously resist, but he was pretty sure she was still alive, but dying. He tried to rewind Soma as he physically pulled her backward, attempting to set her body back to some point before the test had begun and gone horribly wrong.

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Frigus was trying(and failing) to come up with a decent comeback when Soma's implantation went wrong.  He walked over to the window and planted his fist against the glass to little more than a dull thud.

"I told her it was a bad idea."
He quickly sighed and then with a flash of light he appeared in his armor with his TimeSpiral Keyblade in hand.
"I'm going around to help in-case things get...worse."

With that he left the observation room and went down the hall to the entrance of test chamber.

He stepped into the room ready to help Kusuke in any way he could.

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Arminius shrugs.

"Fine I guess. I think he's testing some of the others for... god arc something or another. I thought it would be a stupid way to die so I came down here for a drink and realized I didn't have any money. So I'm just kind of sitting here now."

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