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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut

Hal Henderics

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"It's having sex, the way humans reproduce, for money. Normally they also wear protection so no one actually gets pregnant of course, unless someone pays A LOT of money. People do it because it's fun by the way... anyways, nothing wrong with it if everyone consents. Hell, I was a prostitute for a bit, but forcing people into sex and stuff is very bad."

Arminius waggles his finger as he finishes off.

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The girl was excited. Finally, she had some free time. And with free time came Crossworlds, easily the greatest game ever created. Even the glitch with her avatar's speech synchronization wasn't enough to mute her excitement tonight, because tonight she was finally going to take on Zir'vitar Temple. Her group of friends had been gearing up to challenge the dungeon all week and tonight was when they were finally putting all that gear to use. Giddily, she logged into the game. She felt the familiar sensation of instant matter forming her avatar, each of her senses slowly coming online. Her sight came last, her mind filled with anticipation for the excited looks her friends would share.


But when she opened her eyes, she didn't find herself in CrossWorlds, or at least not any part of it she recognized. A recording played for her, but it didn't make any sense. This had to be some kind of special event or something, right? But where did all this multiverse stuff come from, what did it have to do with CrossWorlds? Towards the end, the reality of it all began to sink in. She wasn't conquering a dungeon with her friends tonight. But why her? There were much better players in CrossWorlds that would be far more suited to the task than she. The only thing special about her was that her avatar couldn't talk right, surely that couldn't be what the multiverse wanted from her? Maybe it mistook her for some other broken avatar that was actually the most important player in the whole game. Whatever the case, she was here now, and it sounded like she was stuck.


Her avatar dematerialized for a moment, reappearing in a dreary place next to a strange tall avatar. There were a bunch of wrecked boats nearby, drawing her attention momentarily. No, one thing at a time. This must have been the first place the multiverse doctor wanted her to help fix. It definitely needed a lot of fixing. It seemed likely the tall avatar was also here to fix things, so she decided to introduce herself. Although this wasn't the game, she was still using her speech-impaired avatar, meaning she had no way to give her proper name. It seemed she would be stuck as Eva for the foreseeable future. Eva approached the tall avatar, announcing her presence by cheerfully calling out the first word Sergey had hard-coded into her avatar, "Hi!"

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At first, when Proditor arrived at the graveyard, he could instantly see why it was a problem that couldn't be dealt with easily. Boats were filling the entire dock, one even single handily blocking the entire mouth. Though, there did seem to be enough space to lift said boats out of the water, one at a time, and dismantle them... But there was just the problem of him not having anything to accurately, and easily, dismantle them...


However, that train of thought was disrupted when a sudden, cheerful voice next to them called out with a simple greeting. Turning only his helmed head, Proditor saw a rather short woman looking up at him, wearing a rather strange outfit. For a second, the Ethereal thought over the sudden appearance (since he swore that he didn't see her when he first arrived), before his body fully turned, "Hello. I take it you've been sent here by Doctor Ebon?" Proditor asked, his voice keeping it's echoey feel as he spoke.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Ren had been quiet...watching the boat's thinking silently ivory horns gently having the sunlight glinting off them. Their large golden wing's twitching as they heard the newcomer and their head turned. Green eye's looking surprised...they had a new person...Ren gently brushed themselves off rising to their full 8ft2 height and looking down or perhaps up if they were particularly gigantic. 


Giving a small smile they managed to speak. Soft and Feminine their holy aura a soft glow moving with their speech and small earthen pieces erratically moving around them.


"Well hello?"


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Eva nodded emphatically. "Hi, Eva." She introduced herself. She hoped that the tall avatar would catch on quickly to her speech troubles. Sergey had only hard-coded a few words into her, yet it took most people she met several minutes--sometimes even hours--to figure out that her speech synchronization was broken. It was a common source of frustration for her. The sooner the tall avatar understood her limitations, the better. And while she was thinking about limitations, her mind considered the fact that there was water about. Instant matter and water didn't mix well. since she wasn't in Crossworlds, she couldn't be certain her avatar would respawn ashore if she accidentally fell in, or respawn at all if it was destroyed. she would need to be extra-careful, especially around water.

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For a few seconds, Proditor remained still, his head almost tilting to the side in response to the girl. Her response was... Strange. Two words, one being a repeated word and the one... Likely being her name. The Ethereal wasn't one to easily get confused, but this managed to get him... At least until he found a (reasonable) conclusion.


After those few seconds, Eva would hear Proditor speak once again... Except this time, right inside of her head, not from the area around her, "Would this be a better way to speak with you?" Proditor asked, his head glancing towards Ren, before looking back down at Eva again.

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Ren seemed a bit off put for a moment by the lack of a response. The response to proditor however only confused Ren....It surprised him..even he had some language mastery at a very young age. This worried Ren and gently they moved forward raising an eyebrow at Proditor silently asking for an opinion or for permission to try to insert himself into the conversation?

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Satomi swayed on her feet once again, but she stayed up -- despite not having slept for twenty-four hours, and very barely having eaten for that same period of time, it didn't look like fainting was going to be a concern for a while. Instead of being concerned with whatever amount of money was being handed over (even though Satomi could quite clearly tell that this was a monetary exchange, she hadn't the slightest idea what a dollar was worth) Satomi was still enraptured by Dragon. She walked up closer to the metallic horse-sized dragon, still quite sketching out messy notes. Eventually, the exhausted samurai asked Dragon directly: "Ummm... is all of your work on that incomprehensible tinkertech...?"

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"I'm just thinking. . . We don't really have any reasons to DIStrust you, but I can't say I fully trust you either. Money's great and all, but trusting anyone who gives you money isn't exactly genius." Kusuke's tone wasn't hostile, more thoughtful, and his expression matched. Well, there was a hint of irritation left in it, but that was mostly because the last twenty-four hours was basically a sustained assault on his sensibilities and his sanity. "I dunno, you have any ideas to fix that?"

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"Well, we can't just go around beating up everyone that looks like one of them."

He pauses before shaking his head.

"Well, we could but that would make us look like bad guys and could lead to accidents involving innocent people. Anyways, we did enough by sending a message to the Merchants with that. At the very least it'll be harder for them to find people to willingly fight us if we have a reputation of setting those sent to do it running as their venue of choice burns."

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Eva jumped backwards half a step, her face contorting in surprise at the voice in her head. Were she capable of it, a startled "Bwah!" would have burst from her lips. As it was her mouth just hung open with no sound following.


Eva quickly recovered from the shock. She shot a glance in the direction the tall avatar had turned its head, spotting another tall avatar that was even more outlandish than the first. She smiled and waved at the outlandish avatar. "Hi." Her tone was cheerful as always.


Eva then returned her attention to the tall avatar. "How?" She asked, her face awash with confusion.

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"Direct telepathy. I can communicate with you from one mind to another. That should help with your introduction to me, at least. I'm guessing your previous response to me was a confirmation of my original question?" Proditor asked, his body not budging an inch as he 'spoke'.

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"Well, I could probably try another larger bribe, but it sounds like that isn't the problem."  By now she's grinning, an expression better fitting on a Cheshire cat from a well known story of some kind.


"Anyway, I've got two options for you, you can contact the local tinker, a guy called L33t, or you can buy something from toybox, a group of tinkers that sell their services and goods to the highest bidder."


"L33t would almost certainly be cheaper, but he can only make an invention once, before any duplicates of it fail horribly."




"This is one of my suits, but not the only one, no.  My specialty is Reverse Engineering, which allows me to make suits like this one en-mass."  Dragon Responds to Satomi's questioning.


She sees the new arrivals as well.


Edited by Hal Henderics
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"I'm thinking we should probably ask Armsmaster first, doubt he'd appreciate us playing too much with the local villains, at least when we've got a choice.  As far as trust goes, Kusuke, how much do you know about Proddy's. . . abilities? Think he would be able to determine how trustworthy she is?" Harry opened his mouth to say something else, then shut it. Being in a fast food restaurant, it occurred to him that he hadn't eaten since he'd arrived in this world, and who knew about the people back at the warehouse. He pulled out the phone that he'd gotten, and sent a text off to Mirri and Satomi. <"Hey, are you hungry? I realized I havn't eaten at all yet, and we have enough money. Be sure to ask anyone nearby.">

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Satomi continued to stare up at Dragon, rubbing an eye before flipping the page on her notebook, which had gone through several pages already in the eighteen hours she'd been there, filled with notes about buildings, Armsmaster's machines, the crossbow she'd built with them, the world, and now Dragon's device... though, for obvious reasons, not on her pen. "Oh, um, I see. Ah, that wasn't quite what I meant. Ehehehehe," One of those too-long sleep-deprived laughs, "Um, I guess this is probably a bit much to ask, but, you see, I have something of a fascination with technology, um... but given how tinker technology tends not to be the sort of thing you can learn too much from, I was just curious how much of this device is more mundane techn--"


The "phone" that Julie had given Satomi buzzed suddenly, and she squeaked and literally jumped. Face red, she then managed a "U-um, excuse me!" Satomi then took the phone and shoved it near her face to more easily be able to read the small text, and very visibly struggled with the phone for a few moments (Dragon would probably be able to see that it was the kind of silly amount of trouble with it that you would associate with a very old person) before she managed to type out a response to Harry (why did these keys work this way?!) over a few frustrating minutes: <Yes pldase wotld love food. The nthers heqe are Lucille, Lhlly, and Misi and Frigus just asived> (And that reminded her, she still had to try to talk to Mirri later...)


Glaring at the phone both out of frustration with it and out of a desire not to get too sad in front of Dragon as she hunted down and pressed the button to send the message to Harry, Satomi spoke up in Dragon's general direction. "Umm... sorry. But, yes, I suppose I wanted to know if there is anything I could learn from you. This is just so fascinating..."

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Kusuke shrugged. "Probably could. How about this; we'll go talk to this L33t guy, and if everything works out alright, you can come with. Sound like a decent plan?" He tried to maintain a cheery tone, while hiding the still-seething ball of irritation and the fact that he was propped up by an unhealthy amount of caffeine.

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Proditor could sense confusion coming from Eva, but no proper attempt to communicate. She nodded in an attempt to convey that telepathy would be better than speaking, and then attempted to clarify her own question. "Eva, how." She asked, stressing her name. Hopefully this time the tall avatar would understand that she was unfamiliar with his method of communication and required a tutorial.

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If there was one thing Proditor seemed to be good with, it was reading Eva's questions. At least, it helped that he COULD practically read her mind with ease, "Simply try and think of a response to me using your head. Using your mouth is not necessary for me to understand you" Proditor replied calmly.

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