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[D&D][IC] Valkyria: Scales of War


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She notices someone asking her to heal him: "Sure, what are his injuries?" She then turns to Richard: "Hey Richard, I'm going to see if there's anything I can do to help the clerics. After all, I want to help the wounded. If you need me, come find me, ok? Unless....you're ok coming with me if you want. You don't have to...I just don't want you to be bored..." She then leaves Richard with a kiss on the cheek and goes to one of the clerics: "Hey, you guys need help. I'm a cleric." she said to one of the clerics as she shows her necklace of Ioun.

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Ragash pulled her hood up to hide her face a bit better if. Even if  she was assured that people won't treat her bad because she was a drow it was better not to push her luck to much especially in a situation like this. 


She walked up to someone who looked like they where in charge.


"What needs to be done to finish off this runts?" She asked 

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Off in the far distance you hear another massive explosion, followed by a plume of smoke.
A minute later a chorus of horns blow starting in the distance and moving towards you. You see one of the guards in the market blow a horn in response.

To Yautja

The cleric looks you over and seeing that you are quite badly wounded clutches the symbol in the shape of a sun around his chest and mumbles something under his breath, you only catch the word "Pelor." (Healed 6hp) "I'm afraid that is all I can spare, I'm expecting many more wounded before this night is over."

To Althae

"Depends what resources you have available child, you can heal the wounded, either emotionally or physically, or if not just help anyway you can." An elderly feminine voice responds from under a dirty white hood.

To Ragash
As you are about to leave the little girl yells after you "Rememberrr you promissssed."
You find a guard wearing more ornate armor then the rest, and that seems to be issuing orders.
Seeing you dressed in rags and not wielding a weapon he responds, "Nothing little girl, that last horn signaled that the enemy is retreating."
He turns away and continues barking orders to guards nearby who upon receiving an order quickly scurry off.

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"Oh so you got rid of any other ogres with carts of explosives then? Well that's good." Ragash said with a slightly annoyed tone in her voice. "Have you heard anything about the runts taking people?" She asks as she looked around the square to see if the elf lady is here anywhere

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Richard had parted ways with Althea earlier by returning her kiss, and he left her to look for the leader of the guard to ask "Why did the Goblins invoke the name of the red hand? And do you know where they would take their prisoners?".

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47 minutes ago, lifesapity said:


To Althae

"Depends what resources you have available child, you can heal the wounded, either emotionally or physically, or if not just help anyway you can." An elderly feminine voice responds from under a dirty white hood.

"Well, I got medicines. Sadly, I don't know if I got enough magic to heal, but I can try. I also know how to do surgery a bit. Just take me to the injured, describe to me their injuries, and I'll do what I can." Althea responded

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To Richard
You spot two guards running form different direction and follow them as the approach and elderly man in a more ornate guard uniform.

To Ragash

He looks you up and down again and his old eyes soften a little, "ahh you must be one of the adventures from the bar I heard about. Thanks for that, the owner is an old friend. I've heard a couple of people..."
He stops talking mid sentence as two new guards run up to him. The paladin you met early following them.

To Richard + Ragash
"Sir, the goblins have turned tail and retreated. One more Ogre was slain and its cart destroyed. We have sent a small squad to close the gates so we can trap and kill as many as possible." splurts the younger of the two new guards, looking barely 15, while huffing a puffing.
"Good." replies the commander, "Sit down, here and catch your breath Jake. James tell the squads to push forward and dash the rest of them against the gate."
"Yes sir" replies the second slightly older guard as he rushes of, while the younger one sits to catch his breath.

"... being abducted though I assume we will find out more about that in the morning," the commander finishes.

He looks at the Paladin for the first time. "From the timing of their strike... I would guess to strike fear or perhaps for vengeance. As for the captives, no idea. We will interrogate our prisoners and hopefully find out in the morning."

To Althae

Over there she says pointing to a large tent that has been re-purposed as a makeshift hospital.
As you walk in you see many very badly hurt, or missing limbs. But the life threatening injuries seem to of already been healed with magic.
You also see a number of clerics/acolytes moving around between the patients.


If you want to try help roll a medicine check on Roll20.


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As I come across several of the folks from the Inn, talking to a shiny armored man, I mumble under my breath "Deserter" then plop down on the ground and start to clean my weapons of blood. 




Did I recover all my Javelins?


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To Maris + Yisan

The Elf turns to you both "Thanks for helping us get here safely,  I'm off."

As the elf walks away the barman turns to you. "So what are you going to do now?" He asks while stroking his daughters hair.


To Richard

"Rank?" the commander asks as another messanger rushes up. 


To Yautja 


You recovered all but one that was broken during the fight. 


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16 hours ago, lifesapity said:

To Althae

Over there she says pointing to a large tent that has been re-purposed as a makeshift hospital.
As you walk in you see many very badly hurt, or missing limbs. But the life threatening injuries seem to of already been healed with magic.
You also see a number of clerics/acolytes moving around between the patients.

  Reveal hidden contents

If you want to try help roll a medicine check on Roll20.


Althea was horrified at what she has seen. Nonetheless, she decides to do her job and treat the patients.


I rolled and I got 21


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As yisan looks around and sees many devastated faces he thinks he knows what he must do. play music to raise morale. i say to the dwarf and say " it is time for me to play soothing music for these folk



i got a 24!!!!!! whooo!!!!!


Edited by Jace Stormkirk
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Richard humbly states "I was an ensign back in the army Sir, and I did my best to keep the standard well maintained." He then proudly displays the emblem on his shield and continues with "I have recently started to train as a Paladin as well, although I must add that I have yet to do anything more impressive than not dying when the goblins invaded earlier".

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Ragash looked at the paladina then back to the Guard Capitan with a smirk on her face.

"Not dying and not listening when someone tells you to do something because your to busy ogooling the person telling you to do it."she says with a slightly playful voice.

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Richard playfully nudges the drow woman once in a hopefully not compromising spot with his elbow before saying "Oh don't mind her, she's just not used to people failing to finish off a goblin " He then continues to say "Don't forget to remind me to fulfill my promise to get you some new clothes later, although I don't think that I have your name yet Miss...."


He turned to face the halfling that had been speaking the whole time to say "I promised to help the bartender and his family make it to a safe place, I never break my promises".

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"I'd wouldn't count taking them out into goblin infested streets as taking them to a safe place." She said as she dodged out of the way of the elbow. 


"And see he just can't wait to get me out of my clothes. What would the blondie think of she heard." She said with a side long look a the paladin "Oh you can call me Rei Choir Boy." She said offhandedly.

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Richard shrugged his shoulders before saying "And leaving them in the bar would have been such a great idea, absolutely no one attacked that place after we left right? And the three of you did spend the rest of the battle calmly playing dragonchess to pass the time right?" the smirk that had been on his face before faded when he said "Only with my back turned Rei, and only to get you in a more appropriate outfit".

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To Richard + Ragash + Yautja
After listening to the messenger that ran up to him, and sending him running back off. The commander turns back to Richard.
"An Ensign, hmmm...."
A  shiver runs down your back, Richard, as the Commander weighs you up.
"If you want to help that badly... As a junior officer you should of learnt the basics of fighting fires in cities, I will trust you to organize bucket lines and so forth, to help battle the blaze in the sector you came from. I would hate to of saved this city just for it to burn to the ground." He motions to the very young man on the ground. "Take Jake here to show you where the supplies are kept, you will have to recruit people to help you on your own."

Motioning to Ragash and Yautja he follows up with, "I have also heard of what the rest of you have done for my city and I thank you, I will organize somewhere for you all to sleep tonight."
He waves another messenger over and starts to whisper in his ear.

To Althea
You move quite expertly throughout the makeshift hospital, tending wounds, applying ointments to burns, bracing snapped bones.
One Cleric keeps a close eye on you for the first 10 minutes but after seeing your work, trusts you enough that she goes back to work herself.

To Yisan
You spot the stage off to the side, and approach.
Climbing the stairs you stand in the center and start playing a beautiful melody, to help soothe the broken hearts of the masses.

To Everyone

You start to see everyone brighten up slightly as a beautiful song plays throughout the crowd.
Slowly you see a few others take up instruments and move to join the charming bard you met at the bar on stage. But only after this wondrous song is finished.

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"Thank you?" Ragash said to the Commander.


Turning back to the paladin before he left "What inappropriate about my clothes. They do whats needed to be done now don't they. " she said with a coy smile has she  moved a bit of them to show a little more cleavage.

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1 hour ago, lifesapity said:

To Althea
You move quite expertly throughout the makeshift hospital, tending wounds, applying ointments to burns, bracing snapped bones.
One Cleric keeps a close eye on you for the first 10 minutes but after seeing your work, trusts you enough that she goes back to work herself.

To Everyone

You start to see everyone brighten up slightly as a beautiful song plays throughout the crowd.
Slowly you see a few others take up instruments and move to join the charming bard you met at the bar on stage. But only after this wondrous song is finished.

As Althea continue to treat more injuries, she notices the patients starting to look more cheerful and you couldn't help but have tears dropping from her eyes. She then quickly wipes them from her eyes. Despite everything, people still seem to have hope. It's something Althea may have given up a long time ago. But then, she remembered a little bit about her parents, even though she doesn't know much about her past. War was terrible, but seeing the people has shown her that people are able to get past that. And that, whatever happened at the bar, it wasn't her fault, 'cause she tried her best. Althea then continued to treat injuries and would continue until everyone was treated.

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Richard resisted the urge to salute after hearing the commander's request "Of course sir, I'll do my best to keep this city alive" and he motioned for Jake to show him the way while keeping an eye out for potential recruits for the highly important job they had.


((Do I make a Persuasion check or something?))


But before all of that happened he had done his best to look Ragash in her eyes when he said "I would honestly prefer it if you wore something that is less...ragtag than that Rei".


He had a smile on his face when he motioned for her to cover up "And try not to show off too much, somebody just might take you up on whatever it is you are offering".

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I bow to the commander graciously as I say "a nice quiet place and a hard drink is all I need. Speaking of, is there another tavern?" Then, catching Richard before he runs off too far I whisper "and how many did you lose?" Before returning to the commander with a slight smirk

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